seq_fn_user seq_fn_audit_log seq_fn_role seq_fn_menu seq_fn_menu seq_fn_broadcast_message select distinct from MenuData as md where md.label = :paramLabel and md.label is not null select distinct from MenuData as md where md.label = :paramLabel select distinct, md.label, from MenuData as md where md.label is not null select distinct functionCd from MenuData select distinct code from RoleFunction from MenuData where menuSetCode = :menu_set_cd and parentMenu is null FROM UrlsAccessible A where upper(A.urlsAccessibleKey.url) = upper(:current_url) select firstName, lastName from User where id = :user_id select email from User where id = :user_id select id, firstName, lastName from User where active = true order by lastName, firstName select name from Role where id = :role_id select id, name from Role order by name select repId, orderNo, roleId, userId, readOnlyYn from ReportUserRole where repId = :report_id and userId is not null select repId, orderNo, roleId, userId, readOnlyYn from ReportUserRole where repId = :report_id and roleId is not null delete from ReportUserRole where repId = :report_id and userId =:user_id delete from ReportUserRole where repId = :report_id and roleId =:role_id select orgUserId from User where id = :user_id