#!/bin/bash #set -x # uncomment for bash script debugging # ============================================================================ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============LICENSE_END===================================================== ### ### warnstats ### ### AUTHOR(S): ### Thomas Kulik, Deutsche Telekom AG, 2020 ### ### DESCRIPTION: ### warnstat helps to find the onap modules (projects) and rst-files which are ### responsible for the most warnings during the documentation build process ### it requires a tox build logfile, parses it line by line and prints out some ### statistics ### ### ### CHANGELOG (LATEST ON TOP) ### ### 1.3.1 (2020-03-10) fixed minor typo in usage message ### 1.3.0 (2020-03-09) initial release ### script_version="1.3.1 (2020-03-10)" echo " "; echo "warnstats - Version ${script_version}"; echo " "; declare -A module_array declare -A message_short_array declare -A message_long_array declare -A rstfile_array ### ### simple script argument handling ### logfile=$1; # check if there is an argument at all if [[ "$logfile" == "" ]] ; then echo 'Usage: warnstats [tox-logfile]' exit 1 fi # check if argument is a file if [ ! -f $logfile ] ; then echo "Error: can't find tox-logfile \"$logfile\"" exit 1 fi # read in the tox build logfile - use only lines which contain a warning readarray -t logfile_array < <(grep ": WARNING:" $logfile); # process filtered logfile line by line for line in "${logfile_array[@]}" do # count warning lines (( counter++ )); echo -n -e "lines processed: $counter\r"; # extract module name from line module=$(echo "$line" | sed -r 's:^/.+/doc/docs/(submodules|guides)/::' | cut -f1 -d\/); # in case the extraction has no valid name fill the missing field if [[ "$module" == "" ]] ; then module="<missing_module_name>"; fi # extract rst file name from line and do some formatting to use it later as an array name #echo "DBUG line: $line"; rstfile=$(echo "$line" | grep -oP "[\w -]*\.rst"); rstfile=$(echo -e ${rstfile} | tr '[:blank:]' '_'); #echo "DBUG rst-file: $rstfile"; # count the number of warnings for the module/rstfile combination (( rstfile_array[$module | $rstfile]++ )); # count the number of warnings for the single module #echo "DBUG $module | $rstfile | $message"; (( module_array[$module]++ )); # extract the warning message and do some formatting #message=$(echo "$line" | sed -r 's:^/.+WARNING\:\ ::'); message=$(echo "$line" | sed -r 's:^.+WARNING\:\ ::'); message=$(echo -e ${message} | tr '[:blank:]' '_'); message=$(echo -e ${message} | tr '/' '_'); message=$(echo -e ${message} | tr '.' '_'); # remove all characters from message which may cause problems in the shell message="$(echo -e "${message}" | sed -e 's/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]//g')"; #echo "DBUG message=\"$message\"" # count the number of warnings for the single message (long version) message_long="$(echo -e "${message}")"; (( message_long_array[$message_long]++ )) # reduce length of message to group them more easily and then ... # count the number of warnings for the single message (short version) message_short="$(echo -e "${message}" | cut -c -20)"; (( message_short_array[$message_short]++ )) done #format counter to have always x digits counter=$(printf "%05d" $counter); echo " "; echo " $counter LINES WITH WARNING IN FILE '$logfile'"; echo " "; echo "################################################################################"; echo "~~~ MESSAGES LONG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"; echo "################################################################################"; echo " "; #print array content and append to temporary outfile for i in "${!message_long_array[@]}" do m=$i; n=${message_long_array[$i]}; ((nc += n)) #format counter to have always x digits n=$(printf "%05d" $n); echo " $n | $m" >>tempoutfile; done #format counter to have always x digits nc=$(printf "%05d" $nc); echo " $nc WARNINGS IN TOTAL WITH ${#message_long_array[@]} UNIQUE MESSAGES" >>tempoutfile; #print a sorted version of the temporary outfile sort -br tempoutfile # clean up rm tempoutfile nc=0 echo " "; echo "################################################################################"; echo "~~~ MESSAGES SHORTENED (FOR BETTER GROUPING) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"; echo "################################################################################"; echo " "; #print array content and append to temporary outfile for i in "${!message_short_array[@]}" do m=$i; n=${message_short_array[$i]}; ((nc += n)) #format counter to have always x digits n=$(printf "%05d" $n); echo " $n | $m" >>tempoutfile; done #format counter to have always x digits nc=$(printf "%05d" $nc); echo " $nc WARNINGS IN TOTAL WITH ${#message_short_array[@]} UNIQUE MESSAGES" >>tempoutfile; #print a sorted version of the temporary outfile sort -br tempoutfile # clean up rm tempoutfile nc=0 echo " "; echo "################################################################################"; echo "~~~ MODULES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"; echo "################################################################################"; echo " "; #create temporary outfile for i in "${!module_array[@]}" do m=$i; n=${module_array[$i]}; ((nc += n)) n=$(printf "%05d" $n); echo " $n | $m" >>tempoutfile; done #format counter to have always x digits nc=$(printf "%05d" $nc); echo " $nc WARNINGS IN TOTAL IN ${#module_array[@]} MODULES" >>tempoutfile; #print a sorted version of the temporary outfile sort -br tempoutfile rm tempoutfile nc=0 echo " "; echo "################################################################################"; echo "~~~ MODULES WITH RSTFILES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"; echo "################################################################################"; echo " "; #print array content and append to temporary outfile for i in "${!rstfile_array[@]}" do m=$i; n=${rstfile_array[$i]}; ((nc += n)) #format counter to have always x digits n=$(printf "%05d" $n); echo " $m | $n" >>tempoutfile; done #format counter to have always x digits nc=$(printf "%05d" $nc); #in case the name (e.g) index.rst is used multiple times in the same module warnings are combined echo " $nc WARNINGS IN TOTAL IN APPROX. ${#rstfile_array[@]} RST FILES" >>tempoutfile; #print a sorted version of the temporary outfile sort -b tempoutfile # clean up rm tempoutfile nc=0 echo " "; echo "################################################################################"; echo "~~~ RSTFILES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"; echo "################################################################################"; echo " "; #print array content and append to temporary outfile for i in "${!rstfile_array[@]}" do m=$i; n=${rstfile_array[$i]}; ((nc += n)) #format counter to have always x digits n=$(printf "%05d" $n); echo " $n | $m" >>tempoutfile; done #format counter to have always x digits nc=$(printf "%05d" $nc); #in case the name (e.g) index.rst is used multiple times in the same module warnings are combined echo " $nc WARNINGS IN TOTAL IN APPROX. ${#rstfile_array[@]} RST FILES" >>tempoutfile; #print a sorted version of the temporary outfile sort -br tempoutfile # clean up rm tempoutfile nc=0 echo " "; exit ### ### backup code for future extensions ### # # Block_quote_ends_without_a_blank_line_unexpected_unindent # Bullet_list_ends_without_a_blank_line_unexpected_unindent # Citation_[\w-]_is_not_referenced # Citation_unit_test_is_not_referenced # Content_block_expected_for_the_code_directive_none_found # Content_block_expected_for_the_container_directive_none_found # Could_not_lex_literal_block_as_bash__Highlighting_skipped # Could_not_lex_literal_block_as_console__Highlighting_skipped # Could_not_lex_literal_block_as_guess__Highlighting_skipped # Could_not_lex_literal_block_as_json__Highlighting_skipped # Could_not_lex_literal_block_as_yaml__Highlighting_skipped # Definition_list_ends_without_a_blank_line_unexpected_unindent # document_isnt_included_in_any_toctree # download_file_not_readable # Duplicate_explicit_target_name # duplicate_label # Enumerated_list_ends_without_a_blank_line_unexpected_unindent # Error_in_code_directive # Error_in_code-block_directive # Error_in_image_directive # Explicit_markup_ends_without_a_blank_line_unexpected_unindent # Field_list_ends_without_a_blank_line_unexpected_unindent # Footnote_[0-9.*]_is_not_referenced # image_file_not_readable # Include_file # Inconsistent_literal_block_quoting # Inline_emphasis_start-string_without_end-string # Inline_interpreted_text_or_phrase_reference_start-string_without_end-string # Inline_strong_start-string_without_end-string # Inline_substitution_reference_start-string_without_end-string # Literal_block_ends_without_a_blank_line_unexpected_unindent # Literal_block_expected_none_found # Malformed_table # Pygments_lexer_name_asn_is_not_known # Title_level_inconsistent # Title_overline__underline_mismatch # Title_overline_too_short # Title_underline_too_short # toctree_contains_reference_to_nonexisting_document # Too_many_autonumbered_footnote_references_only_0_corresponding_footnotes_available # undecodable_source_characters_replacing_with # undefined_label # Unexpected_indentation # Unknown_directive_type_clode-block # unknown_document # Unknown_target_name