.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
   International License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
.. (c) ONAP Project and its contributors

<project> Release Notes

.. note::
   * The release note needs to be updated for each ONAP release
   * Except the section "Release data" all other sections are optional and should be
     applied where applicable
   * Only the current release is to be documented in this document
   * This note needs to be removed before publishing the final result


This document provides the release notes for the ``<releasename>`` release.


<Give a high level description of your project with regards to this
specific release>

Release Data

| **Project**                          | <project name>                       |
|                                      |                                      |
| **Docker images**                    |  make sure you include all docker    |
|                                      |  images including the                |
|                                      |  release version                     |
|                                      |                                      |
| **Release designation**              | <release name followed by version>   |
|                                      |                                      |
| **Release date**                     | <DD/MM/YYYY>                         |
|                                      |                                      |

New features

<Describe new features or other new additions>

**Bug fixes**

- `CIMAN-65 <https://jira.onap.org/browse/CIMAN-65>`_ and a sentence explaining
  what this defect is addressing.

**Known Issues**

- `CIMAN-65 <https://jira.onap.org/browse/CIMAN-65>`_ and two to three sentences
  explaining what this issue is.


Software Deliverables

Documentation Deliverables

Known Limitations, Issues and Workarounds

System Limitations

Any known system limitations.

Known Vulnerabilities

Results of know vulnerabilities analysis in used modules.


Any known workarounds.

Security Notes

**Fixed Security Issues**

List of security issues fixed in this release including CVEs and OJSI

**Known Security Issues**

List of new security issues that are left unfixed in this release including
CVEs and OJSI tickets.

Test Results
List or refer to any project specific results


For more information on the ONAP ``<release name>`` release, please see:

#. `ONAP Home Page`_
#. `ONAP Documentation`_
#. `ONAP Release Downloads`_
#. `ONAP Wiki Page`_

.. _`ONAP Home Page`: https://www.onap.org
.. _`ONAP Wiki Page`: https://wiki.onap.org
.. _`ONAP Documentation`: https://docs.onap.org
.. _`ONAP Release Downloads`: https://git.onap.org