.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 .. International License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. Copyright 2019 ONAP Contributors. All rights reserved. .. _doc_guide_user_des_ser-des: Service Design ============== **Goal:** Add models and other artifacts required to create, configure, instantiate, and manage services. Validate and certify the services. **Tool:** SDC **SDC user roles:** Designer |image1| **Figure: Workflow for Service design** **Steps** #. `Create Service`_ #. `Create a Management Workflow [optional]`_ #. `Create a Network Callflow [optional]`_ #. `Add Service Inputs [optional]`_ #. `Update Service [optional]`_ #. `Certify Service`_ .. _doc_guide_user_des_ser-cre_serv: Create Service -------------- **Prerequisites:** Create VF/PNFs required for this service (see :ref:`doc_guide_user_des_vf-cre`). #. From the SDC HOME page, hover over Add and select *ADD SERVICE*. |image0| #. In the General section, complete all fields. |image5| #. Click Create. A message displays when Service creation is complete. #. Click Composition. |image6| For a description of the Composition section (see SDC User Guide ). #. Drag one or more elements from the Elements palette to the canvas. #. To connect elements: #. Hover over an element and then hover over \ |image2|. Other elements that can connect to this element are highlighted. #. Drag to a highlighted element on the canvas. #. Select options for Requirements and Capabilities. #. Click Connect. #. To add artifacts at the service level: #. Click an empty area in the canvas and click *Deployment Artifacts* (right pane). #. Click \ |image3|. #. Select the type. #. Click Browse, locate a file to upload, and click Open. #. Complete all other fields. #. Click Done. Use this function to add YANG artifacts for distribution to SDNC. #. [Optional] At any time before checking in the Service, click these options to update Service information: .. note:: These tasks can be done only before certifying the Service. - **General->Icon** change the icon associated with the Service - **TOSCA Artifacts** view and edit artifacts, such as the .csar file and TOSCA template - **Composition** view or edit the graphical representation of the service-level TOSCA model - **Activity Log** view activity related to the Service (displays the action, date, user, status, and any comments related to each action) - **Management Workflow** model service lifecycle workflows for execution in SO (see `Create a Management Workflow [optional]`_) - **Network Call Flow** model interactions among VFs (see `Create a Network Callflow [optional]`_) - **Deployment** view HEAT modules in VSPs - **Properties Assignment** define or update properties, policies and input parameters used during Service instantiation (see `Add Service Inputs [optional]`_). - **Monitoring** ... #. Click *Check In* to save changes. A box displays for confirming the changes. #. Enter a comment and click OK. A message displays when the Service is checked in and the Home page is displayed. #. After creating a service and configuring optional fields, certify it (see `Certify Service`_). Note: Create Service can also be invoked via External SDC API. Refer SDC REST API reference for details of the API. Currently, only a 'Partner Domain Service' category is supported which cannot be created manually from SDC portal. .. _doc_guide_user_des_ser-cre_wf: Create a Management Workflow [optional] --------------------------------------- Create a workflow to model the SO recipes of the service life cycle such as instantiation, upgrade, termination, or suspension of a service or VNF. In the workflow each of the Activity, represent API calls to various ONAP components (such as OOF, SDN-C, App-C, etc) that perform a business function needed. Note: The information collected in this section is represented in BPMN format and included in distributed service model. **Prerequisites:** All the required ActivitySpec as supported by SO are registered in SDC. #. From the SDC HOME page, click CATALOG and search for a service. #. Click the service and click *Check Out*. #. Select the panel *Management Workflow*. #. Click *Add Workflow*. #. The *Create New Workflow* box displays. #. Complete all fields. #. Click Create. |image7| #. Specify Inputs & Outputs of Workflow #. Define the Composition of Workflow. #. All the Tasks in the composition are expected to be ServiceTask for using Activities defined in SO. #. Select the Implementation in the Task "general" tab to Activity. #. Select the required ActivitySpec. #. Mark the workflow as executable by selecting the Executable flag in the workflow "general" tab. #. Click Save. #. Certify the Workflow. .. _doc_guide_user_des_ser-cre_nfw: Create a Network Callflow [optional] ------------------------------------ Create a network callflow to model the interactions among VFs within a service, such how VFs interact to deliver a service while the service is being consumed. In the model, lifelines represent VFs. Note: The information collected in this section is not distributed with the service model. **Prerequisites:** `Create service`_ #. From the SDC HOME page, click CATALOG and search for the service. #. Click the service and click *Check Out*. #. Click Network Call Flow. #. Click Add Workflow. The Create New Workflow box displays. #. Complete all fields. #. Click Save. #. In the new workflow pane, click the Lifelines icon. The LIFELINES/STEPS view displays. #. To add a lifeline (component), do the following: #. Click LIFELINES to expand the pane. #. Click Add Lifeline. #. In the [Unnamed Lifeline field], enter a name for the lifeline. #. To add other lifelines to the workflow, repeat the actions above. #. After creating all required lifelines, do the following to add a step (showing an action between two lifelines): #. Under STEPS (left pane), click Add Message. An unnamed step is added under STEPS. #. In the [Unnamed Message] field, enter a name or message for the step. #. From the component and arrow dropdown lists, select the two components that communicate in this step, and the arrow to show in which direction the communication flows. #. To add another step, repeat the actions above. #. [Optional] Change the order of steps by clicking a step and dragging it to the preferred position. #. Click *Save*. #. Click *Check In* to save changes. .. _doc_guide_user_des_ser-para_in: Add Service Inputs [optional] ----------------------------- Select parameters as input fields during Service instantiation. **Prerequisites:** `Create service`_ #. From the SDC HOME page, click CATALOG and search for a service. #. Click the service and click *Check Out*. #. Click *Properties Assignment*. |image8| #. From the *Composition* pane, select the *SELF* object representing the service. #. In the *Properties* the existing Service properites are shown #. With *+Add Property* you can add a new property #. To set a property as *Input* parameter, select the parameter by clicking the check box in each row as required. Note: Do not select inputs that are already in the ENV file (this overwrites values specified in the ENV). |image9| #. Click *Declare Input* to add the selected parameter to the Service *Input* pane. #. Click *Check In* to save changes. .. _doc_guide_user_des_ser-upd_serv: Update Service [optional] ------------------------- Update service information and artifacts. Update the version of a VF referenced in the service whenever the VF is updated (see step 4). **Prerequisites:** - Create a service. - If a VF included in the service was updated: see :ref:`doc_guide_user_des_vf-cre_vf-upd` #. From the SDC HOME page, click CATALOG and search for the service. #. Click the service and click *Check Out*. #. Click Composition. #. To update the version of a VF referenced in the service: #. Click Composition. #. Click the VF in the canvas. #. On the *General Info* tab (right pane), select the VF version. #. To update artifacts at the service level: #. Click an empty area in the canvas and click *Deployment Artifacts* (right pane). #. View, add, delete, or download artifacts as required. #. [Optional] Add, edit, or remove VFs that comprise the service reference architecture (see steps 4 to 6 in \ `Create Service`_). #. [Optional] Click *Operations* to edit Service Operations. #. Create/Edit Operations #. Assign Workflow #. Click Save #. [Optional] Click *Management Workflow* to edit, upload, or delete associated deployment artifacts (see `Create a Management Workflow [optional]`_). #. [Optional] Click *Network Callflow* to edit the interactions among VFs that comprise the service (see `Create a Network Callflow [optional]`_). #. [Optional] Click *Properties Assignement* to select parameters as input fields during Service instantiation (see `Add Service Inputs [optional]`_). #. Click *Check In* to save changes. #. After updating a service and configuring optional fields, certify it (see `Certify Service`_). .. _doc_guide_user_des_ser-cfy_serv: Certify Service --------------- Note: A service cannot be submitted for testing if the reference architecture contains uncertified resources. **Prerequisites:** `Create Service`_ **Steps** #. When a Service is ready for certification, click *CATALOG* and search for the checked-in Service. #. Click the Service and click *Certify*. #. Enter a comment and click *OK*. #. A Message appears, that the Service is certified. .. |image0| image:: media/sdc-home.png .. |image1| image:: media/sdc-service-workflow.png .. |image2| image:: media/design_asdccanvas_connect_elements.png .. |image3| image:: media/design_service_adddeploymentartifact.png .. |image4| image:: media/design_service_inputs_move.png .. |image5| image:: media/sdc-service-general.png .. |image6| image:: media/sdc-service-composition.png .. |image7| image:: media/sdc-service-workflow.png .. |image8| image:: media/sdc-service-properties.png .. |image9| image:: media/sdc-service-properties-input.png