.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 .. International License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. Copyright 2019 ONAP Contributors. All rights reserved. Pre-Onboarding ============== * `Create a Tenant`_ * `Validate VFs (Virtual Functions)`_ * `Generate Manifest and Package Artifacts`_ Create a Tenant --------------- Each service requires a tenant_ (a group of users who share a common access) in which resources are stored in the cloud. This process is performed using facilities of the network cloud, outside of ONAP. Confirm that the tenant is created and note the tenant ID. ONAP admin users can configure a cloud-owner to add new cloud resources. These are the computing and networking resources, that will support running VNFs. A cloud-owner holds a keystone URL, login, region and password, in the case of an Openstack cluster. A cloud-owner also belongs to a region. The region name should be the same as the Openstack region. Prior to creation of a cloud-owner, its region must be created first. Multiple tenants can share the same cloud-owner. Note that these tenants are ONAP tenants, not Openstack tenants. Tenant register services that customers are allowed to deploy. Finally, the customer is like an instance of the tenant. Note: there is no GUI (yet) to configure these objects. REST requests are sent to AAI to achieve the configuration. For a detailed list of required REST commands see: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/running+vFW+Demo+on+ONAP+Amsterdam+Release The overall process is as follows: #. Create a region and a cloud-owner. This steps registers Openstack credentials. This is the only step requiring entering Openstack specific parameters. #. Create a complex. The complex describes the coverage of the region with a street address etc. #. Create a service. The service name should match the name of the service onboarded in SDC. #. Create a tenant. Tenant in ONAP stores a design for a generic customer. #. Associate tenants with their allowed services. #. Create an instance of the tenant or customer. The customer is visible in VID. A VID user can deploy allowed services on this new customer. |image1| Validate VFs (Virtual Functions) -------------------------------- Prior to resource onboarding, the Certification Group does the following: - onboards the Heat template(s) and metadata to the SDC catalog - creates a test VF - runs the Heat scanning tools - shares the results with any group that approves Virtual Functions In parallel, the Certification Group onboards the VF Image and OS to a standalone ONAP instance (the "sandbox") and performs the following: - security scan - compatibility test for the OS and vendor binary - malware scan The Certification group then instantiates the VF image using the vendor Heat (if provided) in order to validate that the VM can run on the Network Cloud. No VF functionality testing is performed at this stage. Generate Manifest and Package Artifacts --------------------------------------- Before onboarding resources, run generate-manifest.py to generate a MANIFEST file. These steps are performed outside SDC. OBSOLETE: **Prerequisites:** Obtain Heat/ENV files and other files required for onboarding. See the reference document `VNF Heat Template Requirements for OpenECOMP <https://wiki.onap.org/download/attachments/1015849/VNF%20Heat%20Template%20Requirements%20for%20OpenECOMP.pdf?version=2&modificationDate=1487262292000&api=v2>`__ for details. UPDATE: see VNF Modeling Requirements / HEAT: https://onap.readthedocs.io/en/casablanca/submodules/vnfrqts/requirements.git/docs/Chapter5/Heat/index.html #. Put the Heat, ENV, nested Heat, and other files used by get-file in templates in a directory. Naming guidelines: - The base Heat should include "base" in the name. - The ENV file name should match the name of the Heat file with which it is associated. - All get-file file names need to be unique. #. Put the python script in a directory one level above the directory that contains the Heat/ENV and other files. For example, [dir x]/[dir y] - [dir y] contains the Heat/ENV files and other files - [dir x] contains the python script #. Run the script on the Windows command line: .. code-block:: python generate-manifest.py -f "dir y" #. Examine the manifest file and confirm that is correct. #. Package all Heat/ENV files, all other files, and the MANIFEST.json into one .zip file. .. |image1| image:: media/tenant.png .. _tenant: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Glossary#Glossary-tenant