.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
.. International License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
.. Copyright © 2017-2020 Aarna Networks, Inc.

.. Links
.. Github web page to download the latest version of velero open source tool
.. _Velero official website: https://velero.io
.. Reference link with more details on Instructions for setting up Velero server
.. _Setup Velero Server: https://velero.io/docs/v1.5/contributions/minio/#set-up-server

Backup and Restore Solution

Problem Statement and Requirement (User Story)

As an ONAP Operator- We require the ability to backup and restore ONAP state data, We want to have Disaster recovery solution for ONAP deployment done over K8.

Basic Use case would be

1) Add/Update/Modify the POD Data or DB Data.
2) Simulate a Disaster
3) Restore using Backup.
4) POD Data/DB entries should be recovered.

Solution Description

Narrowed down upon a tool which can be used for K8 Backup and Restoration for ONAP deployments named as Velero (formerly Heptio-ARK)

Velero is  an Opensource tool to back up and restore your Kubernetes cluster resources and persistent volumes. Velero lets you:

* Take backups of your cluster and restore in case of loss.
* Copy cluster resources across cloud providers. NOTE: Cloud volume migrations are not yet supported.
* Replicate your production environment for development and testing environments.

Velero consists of

* A server that runs on your cluster
* A command-line client that runs locally

Working Flow diagram

.. figure:: Backup-And-Restore.png
   :align: center


- Access to a Kubernetes cluster, version 1.7 or later.
- A DNS server on the cluster
- kubectl installed
- Labels should be defined there.

Install Velero Tool
Velero is an open source tool to safely backup and restore, perform disaster recovery, and migrate Kubernetes cluster resources and persistent volumes.

Go to `Velero official website`_ and Click on DOWNLOAD VELERO BUTTON. It will take you to the github page to download the latest version of velero. Scroll down to the
bottom of the page and choose the binary corresponding to the OS where you want to run the Velero on.

Install and configure Velero Server and Client

To configure the latest version (1.5.2) of velero on Linux machine, please follow the below steps.

Run the below command. It will download the velero to your machine

.. code-block:: bash

   wget https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero/releases/download/v1.5.2/velero-v1.5.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz

Extract it using below command

.. code-block:: bash

   tar -zxvf velero-v1.5.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz

Once extracted, goto the directory "velero-v1.5.2-linux-amd64"

.. code-block:: bash

   cd velero-v1.5.2-linux-amd64

Inside this you will find a directory called examples and then minio, just go inside it

.. code-block:: bash

   cd examples/minio

Inside this you will find a file called 00-minio-deployment.yaml. Open this file using any editor and look for Velero service yaml portion, there you need to change
the type from ClusterIP to NodePort

Once made the changes then run the below command to deploy velero server

.. code-block:: bash

   kubectl apply -f 00-minio-deployment.yaml

This will configure the Velero with Minio. Minio is nothing but local storage with aws s3 capabilities. Velero support many cloud providers as well like Azure,AWS,GCP
etc. You can configure any of those.

Once the Velero deployment is done, then we need to install and configure the velero server component using velero cli.

Create a Velero-specific credentials file (credentials-velero) in your local directory

.. code-block:: bash


Start the server and the local storage service. In the Velero directory, run

.. code-block:: bash

    ./velero install \
    --provider aws \
    --plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-aws:v1.0.0 \
    --bucket velero \
    --secret-file ./credentials-velero \
    --use-volume-snapshots=false \
    --backup-location-config region=minio,s3ForcePathStyle="true",s3Url=http://minio.velero.svc:9000

Refer this for more details: `Setup Velero Server`_

.. note::

   As Labels need to be defined, because that is a unique identity which we need to have for any backup of our k8 containers,

   So in OOM code, Where -ever we don't have labels, We need to define that whether its configmap or secret, for eg below:-


   app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
   chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
   release: {{ .Release.Name }}
   heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}

Running Velero Example (Backup and Restoration with Logs)

1) Install SO component

.. note::

   This is an optional step, if you have already installed SO or all other components of ONAP then you can skip this step.

Below is the example of installing SO component using helm

.. code-block:: bash

  helm install so -n bkup --namespace test3

  NAME:   bkup

  LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Jul 20 06:59:09 2018

  NAMESPACE: test3



  ==> v1/Pod(related)

  NAME                         READY  STATUS    RESTARTS  AGE

  bkup-so-db-744fccd888-w67zk  0/1    Init:0/1  0         0s

  bkup-so-7668c746c-vngk8      0/2    Init:0/1  0         0s

  ==> v1/Secret

  NAME        TYPE    DATA  AGE

  bkup-so-db  Opaque  1     0s

  ==> v1/ConfigMap

  NAME                      DATA  AGE

  confd-configmap           1     0s

  so-configmap              5     0s

  so-docker-file-configmap  1     0s

  so-filebeat-configmap     1     0s

  so-log-configmap          11    0s

  ==> v1/PersistentVolume


  bkup-so-db  2Gi       RWX           Retain          Bound   test3/bkup-so-db  0s

  ==> v1/PersistentVolumeClaim


  bkup-so-db  Bound   bkup-so-db  2Gi       RWX           0s

  ==> v1/Service

  NAME   TYPE      CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP  PORT(S)                                                                     AGE

  so-db  NodePort  <none>       3306:30252/TCP                                                              0s

  so     NodePort  <none>       8080:30223/TCP,3904:30225/TCP,3905:30224/TCP,9990:30222/TCP,8787:30250/TCP  0s

  ==> v1beta1/Deployment


  bkup-so-db  1        1        1           0          0s

  bkup-so     1        1        1           0          0s

.. note::

  Get the application URL by running these commands

  .. code-block:: bash

    export NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get --namespace test3 -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}" services so)

    export NODE_IP=$(kubectl get nodes --namespace test3 -o jsonpath="{.items[0].status.addresses[0].address}")

    echo http://$NODE_IP:$NODE_PORT

2) Checking status of pod

.. code-block:: bash

   kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep -i so

   NAMESPACE       NAME                                    READY     STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE

   test3           bkup-so-7668c746c-vngk8                 2/2       Running            0          8m

   test3           bkup-so-db-744fccd888-w67zk             1/1       Running            0          8m

3) Creating backup of deployment

Here I am using selector label as release name

.. code-block:: bash

   ./velero backup create so-backup --selector release=bkup

   Backup request "so-backup" submitted successfully.

   Run `velero backup describe so-backup` for more details.

4) Checking backup logs

.. code-block:: bash

   ./velero backup describe so-backup

   Name:         so-backup

   Namespace:    velero

   Labels:       <none>

   Annotations:  <none>

   Phase:  Completed


      Included:  *

      Excluded:  <none>


      Included:        *

      Excluded:        <none>

      Cluster-scoped:  auto

   Label selector:  release=bkup

   Snapshot PVs:  auto

   TTL:  720h0m0s

   Hooks:  <none>

   Backup Format Version:  1

   Started:    2018-07-20 07:09:51 +0000 UTC

   Completed:  2018-07-20 07:09:53 +0000 UTC

   Expiration:  2018-08-19 07:09:51 +0000 UTC

   Validation errors:  <none>

   Persistent Volumes: <none included>

5) Simulating a disaster

.. code-block:: bash

   helm delete --purge bkup

   release "bkup" deleted

6)Restoring the kubernetes resources using velero

.. code-block:: bash

   ./velero restore create --from-backup so-backup

    Restore request "so-backup-20180720071236" submitted successfully.

    Run `velero restore describe so-backup-20180720071236` for more details.

7) Checking restoration logs

.. code-block:: bash

  ./velero restore describe so-backup-20180720071236

  Name:         so-backup-20180720071236

  Namespace:    velero

  Labels:       <none>

  Annotations:  <none>

  Backup:  so-backup


    Included:  *

    Excluded:  <none>


    Included:        *

    Excluded:        nodes, events, events.events.k8s.io, backups.ark.heptio.com, restores.ark.heptio.com

    Cluster-scoped:  auto

  Namespace mappings:  <none>

  Label selector:  <none>

  Restore PVs:  auto

  Phase:  Completed

  Validation errors:  <none>

  Warnings:  <none>

  Errors:    <none>

8)Check backup files

As we are using Minio which is local storage with aws s3 capabilities. Thus our all the backup files are being stored in locally in Minio Pod. Let's see where the backup files are being genreted.

.. code-block:: bash

   kubectl get pod -n velero
   NAME                      READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
   minio-d9c56ff5-cg8zp      1/1     Running     0          4d5h
   minio-setup-ph8pk         0/1     Completed   0          4d5h
   velero-74cdf64d76-t8wfs   1/1     Running     0          4d5h

.. code-block:: bash

   kubectl exec -it -n velero minio-d9c56ff5-cg8zp  ls storage/velero/backups/

   kubectl exec -it -n velero minio-d9c56ff5-cg8zp  ls storage/velero/backups/so-backup

9) Restore run

.. code-block:: bash

   ./velero  restore get

    NAME                          BACKUP         STATUS      WARNINGS   ERRORS    CREATED                         SELECTOR

    so-backup-20180720071236      so-backup      Completed   0          0         2018-07-20 07:12:36 +0000 UTC   <none>

10) Check the pod status

.. code-block:: bash

   kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep -i so

   NAMESPACE       NAME                                    READY     STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE

   test3           bkup-so-7668c746c-vngk8                 2/2       Running            0          8m

   test3           bkup-so-db-744fccd888-w67zk             1/1       Running            0          8m

Another Example with DB and PV Backup

APPC component backup and restoration

.. code-block:: bash

   kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep -i appc
   onap bk-appc-0 1/2 Running 0 1m
   onap bk-appc-cdt-7cd6f6d674-5thwj 1/1 Running 0 1m
   onap bk-appc-db-0 2/2 Running 0 1m
   onap bk-appc-dgbuilder-59895d4d69-7rp9q 1/1 Running 0 1m

Creating dummy entry in db

.. code-block:: bash

   kubectl exec -it -n default bk-appc-db-0 bash
   Defaulting container name to appc-db.
   Use 'kubectl describe pod/bk-appc-db-0 -n onap' to see all of the containers in this pod.
   root@bk-appc-db-0:/# mysql -u root -p
   Enter password:
   Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
   Your MySQL connection id is 42
   Server version: 5.7.23-log MySQL Community Server (GPL)

   Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

   Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
   affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

   Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

   mysql> connect mysql
   Reading table information for completion of table and column names
   You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

   Connection id: 44
   Current database: mysql

   mysql> select * from servers;
   Empty set (0.00 sec)

   mysql> desc servers;
   | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
   | Server_name | char(64) | NO | PRI | | |
   | Host | char(64) | NO | | | |
   | Db | char(64) | NO | | | |
   | Username | char(64) | NO | | | |
   | Password | char(64) | NO | | | |
   | Port | int(4) | NO | | 0 | |
   | Socket | char(64) | NO | | | |
   | Wrapper | char(64) | NO | | | |
   | Owner | char(64) | NO | | | |
   9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

   mysql> insert into servers values ("test","ab","sql","user","pwd",1234,"test","wrp","vaib");
   Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)

   mysql> select * from servers;
   | Server_name | Host | Db | Username | Password | Port | Socket | Wrapper | Owner |
   | abc | ab | sql | user | pwd | 1234 | test | wrp | vaib |
   1 row in set (0.00 sec)

   mysql> exit
   root@bk-appc-db-0:/# exit
   command terminated with exit code 127
   kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep -i appc
   onap bk-appc-0 1/2 Running 0 5m
   onap bk-appc-cdt-7cd6f6d674-5thwj 1/1 Running 0 5m
   onap bk-appc-db-0 2/2 Running 0 5m
   onap bk-appc-dgbuilder-59895d4d69-7rp9q 1/1 Running 0 5m

Creating dummy file in APPC PV
.. code-block:: bash

   kubectl exec -it -n onap bk-appc-0 bash
   Defaulting container name to appc.
   Use 'kubectl describe pod/bk-appc-0 -n onap' to see all of the containers in this pod.
   root@bk-appc-0:/# cd /opt/opendaylight/current/daexim/
   root@bk-appc-0:/opt/opendaylight/current/daexim# ls
   root@bk-appc-0:/opt/opendaylight/current/daexim# ls
   root@bk-appc-0:/opt/opendaylight/current/daexim# touch abc.txt
   root@bk-appc-0:/opt/opendaylight/current/daexim# ls
   root@bk-appc-0:/opt/opendaylight/current/daexim# exit
   root@rancher:~/oom/kubernetes# kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep -i appc
   onap bk-appc-0 1/2 Running 0 6m
   onap bk-appc-cdt-7cd6f6d674-5thwj 1/1 Running 0 6m
   onap bk-appc-db-0 2/2 Running 0 6m
   onap bk-appc-dgbuilder-59895d4d69-7rp9q 1/1 Running 0 6m

Creating backup using velero

.. code-block:: bash

   ./velero backup create appc-bkup1 --selector release=bk
    Backup request "appc-bkup1" submitted successfully.
    Run `velero backup describe appc-bkup1` for more details.

    ./velero backup describe appc-bkup1
    Name: appc-bkup1
    Namespace: velero
    Labels: <none>
    Annotations: <none>

    Phase: Completed

    Included: *
    Excluded: <none>

    Included: *
    Excluded: <none>
    Cluster-scoped: auto

    Label selector: release=bk

    Snapshot PVs: auto

    TTL: 720h0m0s

    Hooks: <none>

    Backup Format Version: 1

    Started: 2018-08-27 05:07:45 +0000 UTC
    Completed: 2018-08-27 05:07:47 +0000 UTC

    Expiration: 2018-09-26 05:07:44 +0000 UTC

    Validation errors: <none>

    Persistent Volumes: <none included>

Simulating disaster by deleting APPC

.. code-block:: bash

   helm delete --purge bk
   release "bk" deleted

Restoration using velero

.. code-block:: bash

   ./velero restore create --from-backup appc-bkup1
   Restore request "appc-bkup1-20180827052651" submitted successfully.
   Run `velero restore describe appc-bkup1-20180827052651` for more details.

Restoration details

Check the Restoration details immediately after restoration. Restoration process is in InProgress Phase. Please check the Phase.

.. code-block:: bash

   ./velero restore describe appc-bkup1-20180827052651
   Name: appc-bkup1-20180827052651
   Namespace: velero
   Labels: <none>
   Annotations: <none>

   Backup: appc-bkup1

   Included: *
   Excluded: <none>

   Included: *
   Excluded: nodes, events, events.events.k8s.io, backups.ark.heptio.com, restores.ark.heptio.com
   Cluster-scoped: auto

   Namespace mappings: <none>

   Label selector: <none>

   Restore PVs: auto

   Phase: InProgress

   Validation errors: <none>

   Warnings: <none>
   Errors: <none>
   ./velero restore describe appc-bkup1-20180827052651
   Name: appc-bkup1-20180827052651
   Namespace: velero
   Labels: <none>
   Annotations: <none>

   Backup: appc-bkup1

   Included: *
   Excluded: <none>

   Included: *
   Excluded: nodes, events, events.events.k8s.io, backups.ark.heptio.com, restores.ark.heptio.com
   Cluster-scoped: auto

   Namespace mappings: <none>

   Label selector: <none>

   Restore PVs: auto

   Phase: Completed

   Validation errors: <none>

   Warnings:   <error getting warnings: Get "http://minio.velero.svc:9000/velero/restores/dev-appc-1-20201108164330/restore-dev-appc-1-20201108164330-results.gz?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=minio%2F20201108%2Fminio%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20201108T183923Z&X-Amz-Expires=600&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=847bdbb0a76718220c40767c4837aa999a4da9ff1344e9b42d3c93f7009e6898": dial tcp: lookup minio.velero.svc on no such host>

   Errors:  <error getting errors: Get "http://minio.velero.svc:9000/velero/restores/dev-appc-1-20201108164330/restore-dev-appc-1-20201108164330-results.gz?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=minio%2F20201108%2Fminio%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20201108T183923Z&X-Amz-Expires=600&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=847bdbb0a76718220c40767c4837aa999a4da9ff1344e9b42d3c93f7009e6898": dial tcp: lookup minio.velero.svc on no such host>

This process might take some time to complete. When you check the Restoration details again after some time then the phase will show as Completed as shown below.

.. code-block:: bash

   ./velero restore describe appc-bkup1-20180827052651
    Name: appc-bkup1-20180827052651
    Namespace: velero
    Labels: <none>
    Annotations: <none>

    Backup: appc-bkup1

    Included: *
    Excluded: <none>

    Included: *
    Excluded: nodes, events, events.events.k8s.io, backups.ark.heptio.com, restores.ark.heptio.com
    Cluster-scoped: auto

    Namespace mappings: <none>

    Label selector: <none>

    Restore PVs: auto

    Phase: Completed

    Validation errors: <none>

    Warnings:   <error getting warnings: Get "http://minio.velero.svc:9000/velero/restores/dev-appc-1-20201108164330/restore-dev-appc-1-20201108164330-results.gz?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=minio%2F20201108%2Fminio%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20201108T183923Z&X-Amz-Expires=600&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=847bdbb0a76718220c40767c4837aa999a4da9ff1344e9b42d3c93f7009e6898": dial tcp: lookup minio.velero.svc on no such host>

    Errors:  <error getting errors: Get "http://minio.velero.svc:9000/velero/restores/dev-appc-1-20201108164330/restore-dev-appc-1-20201108164330-results.gz?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=minio%2F20201108%2Fminio%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20201108T183923Z&X-Amz-Expires=600&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=847bdbb0a76718220c40767c4837aa999a4da9ff1344e9b42d3c93f7009e6898": dial tcp: lookup minio.velero.svc on no such host>

List of restores

.. code-block:: bash

    ark restore get
    appc-bkup-20180827045955 appc-bkup Completed 2 0 2018-08-27 04:59:52 +0000 UTC <none>
    appc-bkup1-20180827052651 appc-bkup1 Completed 5 0 2018-08-27 05:26:48 +0000 UTC <none>
    vid-bkp-20180824053001 vid-bkp Completed 149 2 2018-08-24 05:29:59 +0000 UTC <none>

Completed status means the Restoration is done successfully.

Restoration successful

.. code-block:: bash

   kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep -i appc
   onap bk-appc-0 1/2 Running 0 26m
   onap bk-appc-cdt-7cd6f6d674-5thwj 1/1 Running 0 26m
   onap bk-appc-db-0 2/2 Running 0 26m
   onap bk-appc-dgbuilder-59895d4d69-7rp9q 1/1 Running 0 26m
   kubectl exec -it -n onap bk-appc-db-0 bash
   Defaulting container name to appc-db.
   Use 'kubectl describe pod/bk-appc-db-0 -n onap' to see all of the containers in this pod.

Restoration of db successful

.. code-block:: bash

   root@bk-appc-db-0:/# mysql -u root
   ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
   root@bk-appc-db-0:/# mysql -u root -p
   Enter password:
   Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
   Your MySQL connection id is 335
   Server version: 5.7.23-log MySQL Community Server (GPL)

   Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

   Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
   affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

   Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

   mysql> connect mysql
   Reading table information for completion of table and column names
   You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

   Connection id: 337
   Current database: mysql

   mysql> select * from servers;
   | Server_name | Host | Db | Username | Password | Port | Socket | Wrapper | Owner |
   | abc | ab | sql | user | pwd | 1234 | test | wrp | vaib |
   1 row in set (0.00 sec)

   mysql> quit
   root@bk-appc-db-0:/# exit

Restoration of PV successful

.. code-block:: bash

   kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep -i appc
   onap bk-appc-0 1/2 Running 0 27m
   onap bk-appc-cdt-7cd6f6d674-5thwj 1/1 Running 0 27m
   onap bk-appc-db-0 2/2 Running 0 27m
   onap bk-appc-dgbuilder-59895d4d69-7rp9q 1/1 Running 0 27m
   kubectl exec -it -n onap bk-appc-0 bash
   Defaulting container name to appc.
   Use 'kubectl describe pod/bk-appc-0 -n onap' to see all of the containers in this pod.
   root@bk-appc-0:/# cd /opt/opendaylight/current/daexim/
   root@bk-appc-0:/opt/opendaylight/current/daexim# ls
   root@bk-appc-0:/opt/opendaylight/current/daexim# exit

Use Cases

Disaster recovery

Using Schedules and Restore-Only Mode

If you periodically back up your cluster’s resources, you are able to return to a previous state in case of some unexpected mishap, such as a service outage.

Cluster migration

Using Backups and Restores

Velero can help you port your resources from one cluster to another, as long as you point each Velero Config to the same cloud object storage.
