.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Setting Up ========== Some initial set up is required to connect a project with the master document structure and enable automated publishing of changes as summarized in the following diagram and description below below. .. seqdiag:: :height: 700 :width: 1000 seqdiag { RD [label = "Read The Docs", color =lightgreen ]; DA [label = "Doc Project\nAuthor/Committer", color=lightblue]; DR [label = "Doc Gerrit Repo" , color=pink]; PR [label = "Other Project\nGerrit Repo", color=pink ]; PA [label = "Other Project\nAuthor/Committer", color=lightblue]; === One time setup doc project only === RD -> DA [label = "Acquire Account" ]; DA -> DR [label = "Create initial\n doc repository content"]; DA <<-- DR [label = "Merge" ]; RD <-- DA [label = "Connect gerrit.onap.org" ]; === For each new project repository containing document source === DA -> DR [label = "Add new project repo as\ngit submodule" ]; DA <-- DR [label = "Merge" ]; PA -> PR [label = "Create in new project repo\ntop level directory and index.rst" ]; PR -> DA [label = "Add as Reviewer" ]; PR <-- DA [label = "Approve and Integrate" ]; PA <-- PR [label = "Merge" ]; } Setup doc project ----------------- These steps are performed only once for the doc project and include: (1) creating in the doc repository an initial: - sphinx master document index - a directory structure aligned with the document structure - tests performed in jenkins verify jobs - sphinx configuration (2) establishing an account at readthedocs connected with the doc doc project repo in gerrit.onap.org. Setup new project repositories(s) --------------------------------- These steps are performed for each new project repo (referred to in the next two code blocks as $reponame): (1) clone, modify, and commit to the doc project: a directory under doc/docs/submodules with the same path/name as the new project initialized as a git submodule. .. code-block:: bash reponame= git clone ssh://@gerrit.onap.org:29418/doc cd doc mkdir -p `dirname docs/submodules/$reponame` git submodule add https://gerrit.onap.org/r/$reponame docs/submodules/$reponame git submodule init docs/submodules/$reponame git submodule update docs/submodules/$reponame echo " $reponame <../submodules/$reponame/docs/index>" >> docs/release/repolist.rst git add . git commit -m "Add $reponame as a submodule" -s git commit --amend # modify the commit message to comply with ONAP best practices git review (2) clone, modify, and commit to the new project an initial: docs top level directory; index.rst; any other intial content. .. code-block:: bash git clone ssh://@gerrit.onap.org:29418/$reponame cd $reponame mkdir docs echo ".. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. TODO Add files to toctree and delete this header ------------------------------------------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 " > docs/index.rst git add . git commit -m "Add RST docs directory and index" -s git commit --amend # modify the commit message to comply with ONAP best practices git review The diagram below illustrates what is accomplished in the setup steps above from the perspective of a file structure created for a local test, a jenkins verify job, and/or published release documentation including: - all ONAP gerrit project repositories, - the doc project repository master document index.rst, templates, configuration - the submodules directory where other project repositories and directories/files may be referenced .. graphviz:: digraph docstructure { size="8,12"; node [fontname = "helvetica"]; // Align gerrit repos and docs directories {rank=same doc aaf aai reponame repoelipse vnfsdk vvp} {rank=same confpy release templates masterindex submodules otherdocdocumentelipse} {rank=same releasedocumentindex releaserepolist} //Illustrate Gerrit Repos and provide URL/Link for complete repo list gerrit [label="gerrit.onap.org/r", href="https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/admin/projects/" ]; doc [href="https://gerrit.onap.org/r/gitweb?p=doc.git;a=tree"]; gerrit -> doc; gerrit -> aaf; gerrit -> aai; gerrit -> reponame; gerrit -> repoelipse; repoelipse [label=". . . ."]; gerrit -> vnfsdk; gerrit -> vvp; //Show example of local reponame instance of component info reponame -> reponamedocsdir; reponamesm -> reponamedocsdir; reponamedocsdir [label="docs"]; reponamedocsdir -> newrepodocsdirindex; newrepodocsdirindex [label="index.rst", shape=box]; //Show detail structure of a portion of doc/docs doc -> docs; docs -> confpy; confpy [label="conf.py",shape=box]; docs -> masterindex; masterindex [label="Master\nindex.rst", shape=box]; docs -> release; docs -> templates; docs -> otherdocdocumentelipse; otherdocdocumentelipse [label="...other\ndocuments"]; docs -> submodules masterindex -> releasedocumentindex [style=dashed, label="sphinx\ntoctree\nreference"]; //Show submodule linkage to docs directory submodules -> reponamesm [style=dotted,label="git\nsubmodule\nreference"]; reponamesm [label="reponame"]; //Example Release document index that references component info provided in other project repo release -> releasedocumentindex; releasedocumentindex [label="index.rst", shape=box]; releasedocumentindex -> releaserepolist [style=dashed, label="sphinx\ntoctree\nreference"]; releaserepolist [label="repolist.rst", shape=box]; release -> releaserepolist; releaserepolist -> newrepodocsdirindex [style=dashed, label="sphinx\ntoctree\nreference"]; } Creating Restructured Text ========================== TODO Add simple example and references here Links and References ==================== It's pretty common to want to reference another location in the ONAP documentation and it's pretty easy to do with reStructuredText. This is a quick primer, more information is in the `Sphinx section on Cross-referencing arbitrary locations `_. Within a single document, you can reference another section simply by:: This is a reference to `The title of a section`_ Assuming that somewhere else in the same file there a is a section title something like:: The title of a section ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It's typically better to use ``:ref:`` syntax and labels to provide links as they work across files and are resilient to sections being renamed. First, you need to create a label something like:: .. _a-label: The title of a section ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. note:: The underscore (_) before the label is required. Then you can reference the section anywhere by simply doing:: This is a reference to :ref:`a-label` or:: This is a reference to :ref:`a section I really liked ` .. note:: When using ``:ref:``-style links, you don't need a trailing underscore (_). Because the labels have to be unique, it usually makes sense to prefix the labels with the project name to help share the label space, e.g., ``sfc-user-guide`` instead of just ``user-guide``. Testing ======= One RST File ------------ It is recommended that all rst content is validated by `doc8 `_ standards. To validate your rst files using doc8, install doc8. .. code-block:: bash sudo pip install doc8 doc8 can now be used to check the rst files. Execute as, .. code-block:: bash doc8 --ignore D000,D001 One Project ----------- To test how the documentation renders in HTML, follow these steps: Install virtual environment. .. code-block:: bash sudo pip install virtualenv cd /local/repo/path/to/project Download the doc repository. .. code-block:: bash git clone http://gerrit.onap.org/r/doc Change directory to doc & install requirements. .. code-block:: bash cd doc sudo pip install -r etc/requirements.txt Move the conf.py file to your project folder where RST files have been kept: .. code-block:: bash mv doc/docs/conf.py / Move the static files to your project folder: .. code-block:: bash mv docs/_static/ / Build the documentation from within your project folder: .. code-block:: bash sphinx-build -b html Your documentation shall be built as HTML inside the specified output folder directory. .. note:: Be sure to remove the `conf.py`, the static/ files and the output folder from the `/docs/`. This is for testing only. Only commit the rst files and related content. All Documentation ----------------- To build the whole documentation under doc/, follow these steps: Install virtual environment. .. code-block:: bash sudo pip install virtualenv cd /local/repo/path/to/project Download the DOC repository. .. code-block:: bash git clone http://gerrit.onap.org/r/doc Change directory to docs & install requirements. .. code-block:: bash cd doc sudo pip install -r etc/requirements.txt Update submodules, build documentation using tox & then open using any browser. .. code-block:: bash cd doc git submodule update --init tox -edocs firefox docs/_build/html/index.html .. note:: Make sure to run `tox -edocs` and not just `tox`.