HOST=`hostname -s` DOMAIN=`hostname -d` LOG_LEVEL=INFO DATA_DIR="/var/lib/zookeeper/data" DATA_LOG_DIR="/var/lib/zookeeper/log" LOG_DIR="/var/log/zookeeper" CONF_DIR="/opt/zookeeper/conf" CLIENT_PORT=2181 SERVER_PORT=2888 ELECTION_PORT=3888 TICK_TIME=2000 INIT_LIMIT=10 SYNC_LIMIT=5 HEAP=2G MAX_CLIENT_CNXNS=60 SNAP_RETAIN_COUNT=3 PURGE_INTERVAL=0 SERVERS=1 function print_usage() { echo "\ Usage: start-zookeeper [OPTIONS] Starts a ZooKeeper server based on the supplied options. --servers The number of servers in the ensemble. The default value is 1. --data_dir The directory where the ZooKeeper process will store its snapshots. The default is /var/lib/zookeeper/data. --data_log_dir The directory where the ZooKeeper process will store its write ahead log. The default is /var/lib/zookeeper/data/log. --conf_dir The directoyr where the ZooKeeper process will store its configuration. The default is /opt/zookeeper/conf. --client_port The port on which the ZooKeeper process will listen for client requests. The default is 2181. --election_port The port on which the ZooKeeper process will perform leader election. The default is 3888. --server_port The port on which the ZooKeeper process will listen for requests from other servers in the ensemble. The default is 2888. --tick_time The length of a ZooKeeper tick in ms. The default is 2000. --init_limit The number of Ticks that an ensemble member is allowed to perform leader election. The default is 10. --sync_limit The maximum session timeout that the ensemble will allows a client to request. The default is 5. --heap The maximum amount of heap to use. The format is the same as that used for the Xmx and Xms parameters to the JVM. e.g. --heap=2G. The default is 2G. --max_client_cnxns The maximum number of client connections that the ZooKeeper process will accept simultaneously. The default is 60. --snap_retain_count The maximum number of snapshots the ZooKeeper process will retain if purge_interval is greater than 0. The default is 3. --purge_interval The number of hours the ZooKeeper process will wait between purging its old snapshots. If set to 0 old snapshots will never be purged. The default is 0. --max_session_timeout The maximum time in milliseconds for a client session timeout. The default value is 2 * tick time. --min_session_timeout The minimum time in milliseconds for a client session timeout. The default value is 20 * tick time. --log_level The log level for the zookeeeper server. Either FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. The default is INFO. --pre_alloc_size Allocates space in the transaction log file in blocks of preAllocSize kilobytes. The default block size is 64M. " } function create_data_dirs() { if [ ! -d $DATA_DIR ]; then mkdir -p $DATA_DIR fi if [ ! -d $DATA_LOG_DIR ]; then mkdir -p $DATA_LOG_DIR fi if [ ! -d $LOG_DIR ]; then mkdir -p $LOG_DIR fi if [ ! -f $ID_FILE ] && [ $SERVERS -gt 1 ]; then echo $MY_ID >> $ID_FILE fi } function print_servers() { for (( i=1; i<=$SERVERS; i++ )) do echo "server.$i=$NAME-$((i-1)).$DOMAIN:$SERVER_PORT:$ELECTION_PORT" done } function create_config() { rm -f $CONFIG_FILE echo "#This file was autogenerated DO NOT EDIT" >> $CONFIG_FILE echo "clientPort=$CLIENT_PORT" >> $CONFIG_FILE echo "dataDir=$DATA_DIR" >> $CONFIG_FILE echo "dataLogDir=$DATA_LOG_DIR" >> $CONFIG_FILE echo "tickTime=$TICK_TIME" >> $CONFIG_FILE echo "initLimit=$INIT_LIMIT" >> $CONFIG_FILE echo "syncLimit=$SYNC_LIMIT" >> $CONFIG_FILE echo "maxClientCnxns=$MAX_CLIENT_CNXNS" >> $CONFIG_FILE echo "minSessionTimeout=$MIN_SESSION_TIMEOUT" >> $CONFIG_FILE echo "maxSessionTimeout=$MAX_SESSION_TIMEOUT" >> $CONFIG_FILE echo "autopurge.snapRetainCount=$SNAP_RETAIN_COUNT" >> $CONFIG_FILE echo "autopurge.purgeInteval=$PURGE_INTERVAL" >> $CONFIG_FILE echo "preAllocSize=$PRE_ALLOC_SIZE" >> $CONFIG_FILE if [ $SERVERS -gt 1 ]; then print_servers >> $CONFIG_FILE fi cat $CONFIG_FILE >&2 } function create_jvm_props() { rm -f $JAVA_ENV_FILE echo "ZOO_LOG_DIR=$LOG_DIR" >> $JAVA_ENV_FILE echo "JVMFLAGS=\"-Xmx$HEAP -Xms$HEAP\"" >> $JAVA_ENV_FILE } function create_log_props() { rm -f $LOGGER_PROPS_FILE echo "Creating ZooKeeper log4j configuration" echo "zookeeper.root.logger=CONSOLE" >> $LOGGER_PROPS_FILE echo "zookeeper.console.threshold="$LOG_LEVEL >> $LOGGER_PROPS_FILE echo "log4j.rootLogger=\${zookeeper.root.logger}" >> $LOGGER_PROPS_FILE echo "log4j.appender.CONSOLE=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender" >> $LOGGER_PROPS_FILE echo "log4j.appender.CONSOLE.Threshold=\${zookeeper.console.threshold}" >> $LOGGER_PROPS_FILE echo "log4j.appender.CONSOLE.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout" >> $LOGGER_PROPS_FILE echo "log4j.appender.CONSOLE.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} [myid:%X{myid}] - %-5p [%t:%C{1}@%L] - %m%n" >> $LOGGER_PROPS_FILE } optspec=":hv-:" while getopts "$optspec" optchar; do case "${optchar}" in -) case "${OPTARG}" in servers=*) SERVERS=${OPTARG##*=} ;; data_dir=*) DATA_DIR=${OPTARG##*=} ;; data_log_dir=*) DATA_LOG_DIR=${OPTARG##*=} ;; log_dir=*) LOG_DIR=${OPTARG##*=} ;; conf_dir=*) CONF_DIR=${OPTARG##*=} ;; client_port=*) CLIENT_PORT=${OPTARG##*=} ;; election_port=*) ELECTION_PORT=${OPTARG##*=} ;; server_port=*) SERVER_PORT=${OPTARG##*=} ;; tick_time=*) TICK_TIME=${OPTARG##*=} ;; init_limit=*) INIT_LIMIT=${OPTARG##*=} ;; sync_limit=*) SYNC_LIMIT=${OPTARG##*=} ;; heap=*) HEAP=${OPTARG##*=} ;; max_client_cnxns=*) MAX_CLIENT_CNXNS=${OPTARG##*=} ;; snap_retain_count=*) SNAP_RETAIN_COUNT=${OPTARG##*=} ;; purge_interval=*) PURGE_INTERVAL=${OPTARG##*=} ;; max_session_timeout=*) MAX_SESSION_TIMEOUT=${OPTARG##*=} ;; min_session_timeout=*) MIN_SESSION_TIMEOUT=${OPTARG##*=} ;; log_level=*) LOG_LEVEL=${OPTARG##*=} ;; pre_alloc_size=*) PRE_ALLOC_SIZE=${OPTARG##*=} ;; *) echo "Unknown option --${OPTARG}" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac;; h) print_usage exit ;; v) echo "Parsing option: '-${optchar}'" >&2 ;; *) if [ "$OPTERR" != 1 ] || [ "${optspec:0:1}" = ":" ]; then echo "Non-option argument: '-${OPTARG}'" >&2 fi ;; esac done MIN_SESSION_TIMEOUT=${MIN_SESSION_TIMEOUT:- $((TICK_TIME*2))} MAX_SESSION_TIMEOUT=${MAX_SESSION_TIMEOUT:- $((TICK_TIME*20))} ID_FILE="$DATA_DIR/myid" CONFIG_FILE="$CONF_DIR/zoo.cfg" LOGGER_PROPS_FILE="$CONF_DIR/" JAVA_ENV_FILE="$CONF_DIR/java.env" if [[ $HOST =~ (.*)-([0-9]+)$ ]]; then NAME=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} ORD=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} else echo "Fialed to parse name and ordinal of Pod" exit 1 fi MY_ID=$((ORD+1)) create_config && create_jvm_props && create_log_props && create_data_dirs && exec start-foreground