/*************************************************************************//** * * Copyright © 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ****************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include "evel.h" #define BUFSIZE 128 #define READ_INTERVAL 10 typedef struct dummy_vpp_metrics_struct { int bytes_in; int bytes_out; int packets_in; int packets_out; } vpp_metrics_struct; void read_vpp_metrics(vpp_metrics_struct *, char *); int main(int argc, char** argv) { EVEL_ERR_CODES evel_rc = EVEL_SUCCESS; EVENT_MEASUREMENT* vpp_m = NULL; EVENT_HEADER* vpp_m_header = NULL; EVENT_HEADER* batch_header = NULL; MEASUREMENT_VNIC_PERFORMANCE * vnic_performance = NULL; int bytes_in_this_round; int bytes_out_this_round; int packets_in_this_round; int packets_out_this_round; vpp_metrics_struct* last_vpp_metrics = malloc(sizeof(vpp_metrics_struct)); vpp_metrics_struct* curr_vpp_metrics = malloc(sizeof(vpp_metrics_struct)); struct timeval time_val; time_t start_epoch; time_t last_epoch; char hostname[BUFSIZE]; char eventName[BUFSIZE]; char eventId[BUFSIZE]; char* fqdn2 = NULL; int port2 = 0; char * vnic = NULL; memset(eventName, 0, BUFSIZE); memset(eventId, 0, BUFSIZE); memset(hostname, 0, BUFSIZE); strcpy(eventName, "vFirewallBroadcastPackets"); strcpy(eventId, "mvfs00000001"); char* fqdn = argv[1]; int port = atoi(argv[2]); char* caFile = "/opt/config/onap-ca.crt"; char* userName = "sample1"; char* passWord = "sample1"; if(argc == 6) { fqdn2 = argv[3]; port2 = atoi(argv[4]); vnic = argv[5]; } else vnic = argv[3]; printf("\nVector Packet Processing (VPP) measurement collection\n"); fflush(stdout); if (!((argc == 4) || (argc == 6))) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <FQDN>|<IP address> <port> <FQDN>|<IP address> <port> <interface> \n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "OR\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <FQDN>|<IP address> <port> <interface>\n", argv[0]); exit(-1); } /**************************************************************************/ /* Initialize */ /**************************************************************************/ if(evel_initialize(fqdn, /* FQDN */ port, /* Port */ fqdn2, /* Backup FQDN */ port2, /* Backup port */ NULL, /* optional path */ NULL, /* optional topic */ 100, /* Ring Buffer size */ 1, /* HTTPS? */ NULL, /* cert file */ NULL, /* key file */ caFile, /* ca file */ NULL, /* ca directory */ 0, /* verify peer */ 0, /* verify host */ userName, /* Username */ passWord, /* Password */ "sample1", /* Username2 */ "sample1", /* Password2 */ NULL, /* Source ip */ NULL, /* Source ip2 */ EVEL_SOURCE_VIRTUAL_MACHINE, /* Source type */ "vFirewall", /* Role */ 1)) /* Verbosity */ { fprintf(stderr, "\nFailed to initialize the EVEL library!!!\n"); exit(-1); } else { printf("\nInitialization completed\n"); } gethostname(hostname, BUFSIZE); memset(last_vpp_metrics, 0, sizeof(vpp_metrics_struct)); read_vpp_metrics(last_vpp_metrics, vnic); gettimeofday(&time_val, NULL); start_epoch = time_val.tv_sec * 1000000 + time_val.tv_usec; sleep(READ_INTERVAL); /***************************************************************************/ /* Collect metrics from the VNIC */ /***************************************************************************/ while(1) { memset(curr_vpp_metrics, 0, sizeof(vpp_metrics_struct)); read_vpp_metrics(curr_vpp_metrics, vnic); if(curr_vpp_metrics->bytes_in - last_vpp_metrics->bytes_in > 0) { bytes_in_this_round = curr_vpp_metrics->bytes_in - last_vpp_metrics->bytes_in; } else { bytes_in_this_round = 0; } if(curr_vpp_metrics->bytes_out - last_vpp_metrics->bytes_out > 0) { bytes_out_this_round = curr_vpp_metrics->bytes_out - last_vpp_metrics->bytes_out; } else { bytes_out_this_round = 0; } if(curr_vpp_metrics->packets_in - last_vpp_metrics->packets_in > 0) { packets_in_this_round = curr_vpp_metrics->packets_in - last_vpp_metrics->packets_in; } else { packets_in_this_round = 0; } if(curr_vpp_metrics->packets_out - last_vpp_metrics->packets_out > 0) { packets_out_this_round = curr_vpp_metrics->packets_out - last_vpp_metrics->packets_out; } else { packets_out_this_round = 0; } vpp_m = evel_new_measurement(READ_INTERVAL, eventName, eventId); if(vpp_m != NULL) { printf("New measurement report created...\n"); vnic_performance = (MEASUREMENT_VNIC_PERFORMANCE *)evel_measurement_new_vnic_performance(vnic, "true"); evel_meas_vnic_performance_add(vpp_m, vnic_performance); evel_vnic_performance_rx_total_pkt_delta_set(vnic_performance, packets_in_this_round); evel_vnic_performance_tx_total_pkt_delta_set(vnic_performance, packets_out_this_round); evel_vnic_performance_rx_octets_delta_set(vnic_performance, bytes_in_this_round); evel_vnic_performance_tx_octets_delta_set(vnic_performance, bytes_out_this_round); /***************************************************************************/ /* Set parameters in the MEASUREMENT header packet */ /***************************************************************************/ last_epoch = start_epoch + READ_INTERVAL * 1000000; vpp_m_header = (EVENT_HEADER *)vpp_m; vpp_m_header->start_epoch_microsec = start_epoch; vpp_m_header->last_epoch_microsec = last_epoch; evel_reporting_entity_id_set(vpp_m_header, "No UUID available"); printf("1111\n"); evel_reporting_entity_name_set(vpp_m_header, hostname); printf("1111\n"); // evel_rc = evel_post_event(vpp_m_header); batch_header = evel_new_batch("batch_event_name", "bevent_id"); evel_batch_add_event(batch_header, vpp_m_header); evel_rc = evel_post_event(batch_header); if(evel_rc == EVEL_SUCCESS) { printf("Measurement report correctly sent to the collector!\n"); } else { printf("Post failed %d (%s)\n", evel_rc, evel_error_string()); } } else { printf("New measurement report failed (%s)\n", evel_error_string()); } last_vpp_metrics->bytes_in = curr_vpp_metrics->bytes_in; last_vpp_metrics->bytes_out = curr_vpp_metrics->bytes_out; last_vpp_metrics->packets_in = curr_vpp_metrics->packets_in; last_vpp_metrics->packets_out = curr_vpp_metrics->packets_out; gettimeofday(&time_val, NULL); start_epoch = time_val.tv_sec * 1000000 + time_val.tv_usec; sleep(READ_INTERVAL); } /***************************************************************************/ /* Terminate */ /***************************************************************************/ sleep(1); free(last_vpp_metrics); free(curr_vpp_metrics); evel_terminate(); printf("Terminated\n"); return 0; } void read_vpp_metrics(vpp_metrics_struct *vpp_metrics, char *vnic) { // Define an array of char that contains the parameters of the unix 'cut' command char* params[] = {"-f3", "-f11", "-f4", "-f12"}; // Define the unix command to execute in order to read metrics from the vNIC char* cmd_prefix = "sudo cat /proc/net/dev | grep \""; char* cmd_mid = "\" | tr -s \' \' | cut -d\' \' "; char cmd[BUFSIZE]; // Define other variables char buf[BUFSIZE]; /* buffer used to store VPP metrics */ int temp[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; /* temp array that contains VPP values */ FILE *fp; /* file descriptor to pipe cmd to shell */ int i; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // Clear buffers memset(buf, 0, BUFSIZE); memset(cmd, 0, BUFSIZE); // Build shell command to read metrics from the vNIC strcat(cmd, cmd_prefix); strcat(cmd, vnic); strcat(cmd, cmd_mid); strcat(cmd, params[i]); // Open a pipe and read VPP values if ((fp = popen(cmd, "r")) == NULL) { printf("Error opening pipe!\n"); return; } while (fgets(buf, BUFSIZE, fp) != NULL); temp[i] = atoi(buf); if(pclose(fp)) { printf("Command not found or exited with error status\n"); return; } } // Store metrics read from the vNIC in the struct passed from the main function vpp_metrics->bytes_in = temp[0]; vpp_metrics->bytes_out = temp[1]; vpp_metrics->packets_in = temp[2]; vpp_metrics->packets_out = temp[3]; }