# ECOMP Vendor Event Listener Library

This project contains a C library that supports interfacing to AT&T's ECOMP
Vendor Event Listener. For an overview of ECOMP, see the 
[ECOMP White Paper](http://att.com/ECOMP).

Developed in 2016 for AT&T by:
 * Alok Gupta (https://github.com/ag1367)
 * Paul Potochniak (https://github.com/pp8491)
 * Gayathri Patrachari(https://github.com/gp2421)

Current Maintainers: 
 * Alok Gupta (https://github.com/ag1367)
 * Paul Potochniak (https://github.com/pp8491)
 * Gayathri Patrachari(https://github.com/gp2421)

# Installation

For installation instructions, clone this repo and load the 
[installation guide](./docs/source/evel/html/quickstart.html) in your web browser.

Full source-code documentation is included with the code and can be built from 
the included Makefile. See the [readme file](./code/evel_library/readme.md).

# Use

Clone this repo and load the [user guide](./docs/source/evel/html/index.html)
in your web browser.