/**************************************************************************//** * @file * Wrap the OpenStack metadata service. * * License * ------- * * Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *****************************************************************************/ #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <curl/curl.h> #include "evel.h" #include "evel_internal.h" #include "jsmn.h" #include "metadata.h" /**************************************************************************//** * URL on the link-local IP address where we can get the metadata in * machine-friendly format. *****************************************************************************/ static const char * OPENSTACK_METADATA_URL = ""; /**************************************************************************//** * How long we're prepared to wait for the metadata service to respond in * seconds. *****************************************************************************/ static const int OPENSTACK_METADATA_TIMEOUT = 2; /**************************************************************************//** * Size of fields extracted from metadata service. *****************************************************************************/ #define MAX_METADATA_STRING 64 /**************************************************************************//** * UUID of the VM extracted from the OpenStack metadata service. *****************************************************************************/ static char vm_uuid[MAX_METADATA_STRING+1] = {0}; /**************************************************************************//** * Name of the VM extracted from the OpenStack metadata service. *****************************************************************************/ static char vm_name[MAX_METADATA_STRING+1] = {0}; /**************************************************************************//** * How many metadata elements we allow for in the retrieved JSON. *****************************************************************************/ static const int MAX_METADATA_TOKENS = 128; /*****************************************************************************/ /* Local prototypes. */ /*****************************************************************************/ static EVEL_ERR_CODES json_get_top_level_string(const char * json_string, const jsmntok_t *tokens, int json_token_count, const char * key, char * value); static EVEL_ERR_CODES json_get_string(const char * json_string, const jsmntok_t *tokens, int json_token_count, const char * key, char * value); static int jsoneq(const char *json, const jsmntok_t *tok, const char *s); /**************************************************************************//** * Download metadata from the OpenStack metadata service. * * @param verbosity Controls whether to generate debug to stdout. Zero: * none. Non-zero: generate debug. * @returns Status code * @retval EVEL_SUCCESS On success * @retval ::EVEL_ERR_CODES On failure. *****************************************************************************/ EVEL_ERR_CODES openstack_metadata(int verbosity) { int rc = EVEL_SUCCESS; CURLcode curl_rc = CURLE_OK; CURL * curl_handle = NULL; MEMORY_CHUNK rx_chunk; char curl_err_string[CURL_ERROR_SIZE] = "<NULL>"; jsmn_parser json_parser; jsmntok_t tokens[MAX_METADATA_TOKENS]; int json_token_count = 0; EVEL_ENTER(); /***************************************************************************/ /* Initialize dummy values for the metadata - needed for test */ /* environments. */ /***************************************************************************/ openstack_metadata_initialize(); /***************************************************************************/ /* Get a curl handle which we'll use for accessing the metadata service. */ /***************************************************************************/ curl_handle = curl_easy_init(); if (curl_handle == NULL) { rc = EVEL_CURL_LIBRARY_FAIL; EVEL_ERROR("Failed to get libcurl handle"); goto exit_label; } /***************************************************************************/ /* Prime the library to give friendly error codes. */ /***************************************************************************/ curl_rc = curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, curl_err_string); if (curl_rc != CURLE_OK) { rc = EVEL_CURL_LIBRARY_FAIL; EVEL_ERROR("Failed to initialize libcurl to provide friendly errors. " "Error code=%d", curl_rc); goto exit_label; } /***************************************************************************/ /* Set the URL for the metadata API. */ /***************************************************************************/ curl_rc = curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL, OPENSTACK_METADATA_URL); if (curl_rc != CURLE_OK) { rc = EVEL_CURL_LIBRARY_FAIL; EVEL_ERROR("Failed to initialize libcurl with the API URL. " "Error code=%d (%s)", curl_rc, curl_err_string); goto exit_label; } /***************************************************************************/ /* send all data to this function. */ /***************************************************************************/ curl_rc = curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, evel_write_callback); if (curl_rc != CURLE_OK) { rc = EVEL_CURL_LIBRARY_FAIL; EVEL_ERROR("Failed to initialize libcurl with the write callback. " "Error code=%d (%s)", curl_rc, curl_err_string); goto exit_label; } /***************************************************************************/ /* some servers don't like requests that are made without a user-agent */ /* field, so we provide one. */ /***************************************************************************/ curl_rc = curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "libcurl-agent/1.0"); if (curl_rc != CURLE_OK) { rc = EVEL_CURL_LIBRARY_FAIL; EVEL_ERROR("Failed to initialize libcurl to upload. Error code=%d (%s)", curl_rc, curl_err_string); goto exit_label; } /***************************************************************************/ /* Set the timeout for the operation. */ /***************************************************************************/ curl_rc = curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, OPENSTACK_METADATA_TIMEOUT); if (curl_rc != CURLE_OK) { rc = EVEL_NO_METADATA; EVEL_ERROR("Failed to initialize libcurl to set timeout. " "Error code=%d (%s)", curl_rc, curl_err_string); goto exit_label; } /***************************************************************************/ /* Create the memory chunk to be used for the response to the post. The */ /* will be realloced. */ /***************************************************************************/ rx_chunk.memory = malloc(1); assert(rx_chunk.memory != NULL); rx_chunk.size = 0; /***************************************************************************/ /* Point to the data to be received. */ /***************************************************************************/ curl_rc = curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, (void *)&rx_chunk); if (curl_rc != CURLE_OK) { rc = EVEL_CURL_LIBRARY_FAIL; EVEL_ERROR("Failed to initialize libcurl to receive metadata. " "Error code=%d (%s)", curl_rc, curl_err_string); goto exit_label; } EVEL_DEBUG("Initialized data to receive"); /***************************************************************************/ /* If running in verbose mode generate more output. */ /***************************************************************************/ if (verbosity > 0) { curl_rc = curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L); if (curl_rc != CURLE_OK) { rc = EVEL_CURL_LIBRARY_FAIL; log_error_state("Failed to initialize libcurl to be verbose. " "Error code=%d", curl_rc); goto exit_label; } } /***************************************************************************/ /* Now run off and do what you've been told! */ /***************************************************************************/ curl_rc = curl_easy_perform(curl_handle); if (curl_rc != CURLE_OK) { rc = EVEL_CURL_LIBRARY_FAIL; EVEL_ERROR("Failed to transfer the data from metadata service. " "Error code=%d (%s)", curl_rc, curl_err_string); } else { /*************************************************************************/ /* We have some metadata available, so break it out into tokens. */ /*************************************************************************/ EVEL_DEBUG("Received metadata size = %d", rx_chunk.size); EVEL_INFO("Received metadata = %s", rx_chunk.memory); jsmn_init(&json_parser); json_token_count = jsmn_parse(&json_parser, rx_chunk.memory, rx_chunk.size, tokens, MAX_METADATA_TOKENS); /*************************************************************************/ /* Check that we parsed some data and that the top level is as expected. */ /*************************************************************************/ if (json_token_count < 0 || tokens[0].type != JSMN_OBJECT) { rc = EVEL_BAD_METADATA; EVEL_ERROR("Failed to parse received JSON OpenStack metadata. " "Error code=%d", json_token_count); goto exit_label; } else { EVEL_DEBUG("Extracted %d tokens from the JSON OpenStack metadata. ", json_token_count); } /*************************************************************************/ /* Find the keys we want from the metadata. */ /*************************************************************************/ if (json_get_string(rx_chunk.memory, tokens, json_token_count, "uuid", vm_uuid) != EVEL_SUCCESS) { rc = EVEL_BAD_METADATA; EVEL_ERROR("Failed to extract UUID from OpenStack metadata"); } else { EVEL_DEBUG("UUID: %s", vm_uuid); } if (json_get_top_level_string(rx_chunk.memory, tokens, json_token_count, "name", vm_name) != EVEL_SUCCESS) { rc = EVEL_BAD_METADATA; EVEL_ERROR("Failed to extract VM Name from OpenStack metadata"); } else { EVEL_DEBUG("VM Name: %s", vm_name); } } exit_label: /***************************************************************************/ /* Shut down the cURL library in a tidy manner. */ /***************************************************************************/ if (curl_handle != NULL) { curl_easy_cleanup(curl_handle); curl_handle = NULL; } free(rx_chunk.memory); EVEL_EXIT(); return rc; } /**************************************************************************//** * Initialize default values for vm_name and vm_uuid - for testing purposes. *****************************************************************************/ void openstack_metadata_initialize() { strncpy(vm_uuid, "Dummy VM UUID - No Metadata available", MAX_METADATA_STRING); strncpy(vm_name, "Dummy VM name - No Metadata available", MAX_METADATA_STRING); } /**************************************************************************//** * Get a string value from supplied JSON by matching the key. * * As the structure of the metadata we're looking at is pretty straightforward * we don't do anything complex (a la XPath) to extract nested keys with the * same leaf name, for example. Simply walk the structure until we find a * string with the correct value. * * @param[in] json_string The string which contains the JSON and has already * been parsed. * @param[in] tokens The tokens which the JSON parser found in the JSON. * @param[in] json_token_count How many tokens were found. * @param[in] key The key we're looking for. * @param[out] value The string we found at @p key. * * @returns Status code * @retval EVEL_SUCCESS On success - contents of @p value updated. * @retval EVEL_JSON_KEY_NOT_FOUND Key not found - @p value not updated. * @retval EVEL_BAD_JSON Parser hit unexpected data - @p value not * updated. *****************************************************************************/ static EVEL_ERR_CODES json_get_string(const char * json_string, const jsmntok_t * tokens, int json_token_count, const char * key, char * value) { EVEL_ERR_CODES rc = EVEL_JSON_KEY_NOT_FOUND; int token_num = 0; int token_len = 0; EVEL_ENTER(); /***************************************************************************/ /* Check assumptions. */ /***************************************************************************/ assert(json_string != NULL); assert(tokens != NULL); assert(json_token_count >= 0); assert(key != NULL); assert(value != NULL); for (token_num = 0; token_num < json_token_count; token_num++) { switch(tokens[token_num].type) { case JSMN_OBJECT: EVEL_DEBUG("Skipping object"); break; case JSMN_ARRAY: EVEL_DEBUG("Skipping array"); break; case JSMN_STRING: /***********************************************************************/ /* This is a string, so may be what we want. Compare keys. */ /***********************************************************************/ if (jsoneq(json_string, &tokens[token_num], key) == 0) { token_len = tokens[token_num + 1].end - tokens[token_num + 1].start; EVEL_DEBUG("Token %d len %d matches at %d to %d", token_num, tokens[token_num + 1].start, tokens[token_num + 1].end); strncpy(value, json_string + tokens[token_num + 1].start, token_len); value[token_len] = '\0'; EVEL_DEBUG("Extracted key: \"%s\" Value: \"%s\"", key, value); rc = EVEL_SUCCESS; goto exit_label; } else { EVEL_DEBUG("String key did not match"); } /***********************************************************************/ /* Step over the value, whether we used it or not. */ /***********************************************************************/ token_num++; break; case JSMN_PRIMITIVE: EVEL_INFO("Skipping primitive"); break; case JSMN_UNDEFINED: default: rc = EVEL_BAD_JSON_FORMAT; EVEL_ERROR("Unexpected JSON format at token %d (%d)", token_num, tokens[token_num].type); goto exit_label; } } exit_label: EVEL_EXIT(); return rc; } /**************************************************************************//** * Get a top-level string value from supplied JSON by matching the key. * * Unlike json_get_string, this only returns a value that is in the top-level * JSON object. * * @param[in] json_string The string which contains the JSON and has already * been parsed. * @param[in] tokens The tokens which the JSON parser found in the JSON. * @param[in] json_token_count How many tokens were found. * @param[in] key The key we're looking for. * @param[out] value The string we found at @p key. * * @returns Status code * @retval EVEL_SUCCESS On success - contents of @p value updated. * @retval EVEL_JSON_KEY_NOT_FOUND Key not found - @p value not updated. * @retval EVEL_BAD_JSON Parser hit unexpected data - @p value not * updated. *****************************************************************************/ static EVEL_ERR_CODES json_get_top_level_string(const char * json_string, const jsmntok_t * tokens, int json_token_count, const char * key, char * value) { EVEL_ERR_CODES rc = EVEL_JSON_KEY_NOT_FOUND; int token_num = 0; int token_len = 0; int bracket_count = 0; int string_index = 0; int increment = 0; EVEL_ENTER(); /***************************************************************************/ /* Check assumptions. */ /***************************************************************************/ assert(json_string != NULL); assert(tokens != NULL); assert(json_token_count >= 0); assert(key != NULL); assert(value != NULL); for (token_num = 0; token_num < json_token_count; token_num++) { switch(tokens[token_num].type) { case JSMN_OBJECT: EVEL_DEBUG("Skipping object"); break; case JSMN_ARRAY: EVEL_DEBUG("Skipping array"); break; case JSMN_STRING: /***********************************************************************/ /* This is a string, so may be what we want. Compare keys. */ /***********************************************************************/ if (jsoneq(json_string, &tokens[token_num], key) == 0) { /*********************************************************************/ /* Count the difference in the number of opening and closing */ /* brackets up to this token. This needs to be 1 for a top-level */ /* string. Let's just hope we don't have any strings containing */ /* brackets. */ /*********************************************************************/ increment = ((string_index < tokens[token_num].start) ? 1 : -1); while (string_index != tokens[token_num].start) { if (json_string[string_index] == '{') { bracket_count += increment; } else if (json_string[string_index] == '}') { bracket_count -= increment; } string_index += increment; } if (bracket_count == 1) { token_len = tokens[token_num + 1].end - tokens[token_num + 1].start; EVEL_DEBUG("Token %d len %d matches at top level at %d to %d", token_num, tokens[token_num + 1].start, tokens[token_num + 1].end); strncpy(value, json_string + tokens[token_num + 1].start, token_len); value[token_len] = '\0'; EVEL_DEBUG("Extracted key: \"%s\" Value: \"%s\"", key, value); rc = EVEL_SUCCESS; goto exit_label; } else { EVEL_DEBUG("String key did match, but not at top level"); } } else { EVEL_DEBUG("String key did not match"); } /***********************************************************************/ /* Step over the value, whether we used it or not. */ /***********************************************************************/ token_num++; break; case JSMN_PRIMITIVE: EVEL_INFO("Skipping primitive"); break; case JSMN_UNDEFINED: default: rc = EVEL_BAD_JSON_FORMAT; EVEL_ERROR("Unexpected JSON format at token %d (%d)", token_num, tokens[token_num].type); goto exit_label; } } exit_label: EVEL_EXIT(); return rc; } /**************************************************************************//** * Compare a JSON string token with a value. * * @param[in] json The string which contains the JSON and has already been * parsed. * @param[in] tok The token which the JSON parser found in the JSON. * @param[in] s The string we're looking for. * * @returns Whether the token matches the string or not. * @retval 0 Value matches * @retval -1 Value does not match. *****************************************************************************/ static int jsoneq(const char *json, const jsmntok_t *tok, const char *s) { if (tok->type == JSMN_STRING && (int) strlen(s) == tok->end - tok->start && strncmp(json + tok->start, s, tok->end - tok->start) == 0) { return 0; } return -1; } /**************************************************************************//** * Get the VM name provided by the metadata service. * * @returns VM name *****************************************************************************/ const char *openstack_vm_name() { return vm_name; } /**************************************************************************//** * Get the VM UUID provided by the metadata service. * * @returns VM UUID *****************************************************************************/ const char *openstack_vm_uuid() { return vm_uuid; }