## What does this API do ? This api as of now provides a function which takes in a lits of 'LABELS' of prometheus and returns the corresponding result_sets in a list. For eg: If the labels is ``` LABELS = ['irate(collectd_cpufreq{exported_instance="otconap7",cpufreq="1"}[2m])'] ``` The return is: ``` [{'metric': {'cpufreq': '1', 'endpoint': 'collectd-prometheus', 'exported_instance': 'otconap7', 'instance': '', 'job': 'collectd', 'namespace': 'edge1', 'pod': 'plundering-liger-collectd-wz7xg', 'service': 'collectd'}, 'value': [1559177169.415, '119727200']}] ``` ## How to use this API ? ``` 1. Copy the directory 'promql_api' to your working directory. ``` ``` 2. Import the API function: query_m3db from promql_api.prom_ql_api import query_m3db ``` ``` 3. have a global or local variable as 'LABELS' LABELS = ['irate(collectd_cpufreq{exported_instance="otconap7",cpufreq="1"}[2m])'] ``` ``` 4. Store the result set in a list: list_of_result_sets = query_m3db(LABELS) ``` ## How to troubleshoot ? * Check the sample file - sample_promql_query.py in the repo. * Make sure the file __init__.py is present in promql_api directory after you copy the directory.