package pipeline import ( "fmt" "" "" guuid "" "os" "sync" utils "hdfs-writer/pkg/utils" ) var slogger = utils.GetLoggerInstance() // ChannelMap is the global map to store writerNames as key and channels as values. //var ChannelMap =make(map[string]chan struct{}) var ChannelMap = make(map[string]chan bool) // Wg is of type WaitGroup ensures all the writers have enough time to cleanup a var Wg sync.WaitGroup var writerStr = "writer" // CreatePipeline initiates the building of a pipeline func CreatePipeline(kc utils.KafkaConfig, hc utils.HdfsConfig) string { //pipelineChan := make(chan struct{}) pipelineChan := make(chan bool) uuid := guuid.New().String() slogger.Infof(":: Storing writerName and channel in ChannelMap :: ") writerName := writerStr + "-" + uuid[len(uuid)-4:] slogger.Infof("::writerName:: %s ", writerName) ChannelMap[writerName] = pipelineChan //Every create request shall add 1 to the WaitGroup Wg.Add(1) // envoke the go routine to build pipeline go buildWriterPipeline(kc, hc, writerName, ChannelMap[writerName]) return writerName } // buildWriterPipeline builds a pipeline func buildWriterPipeline(k utils.KafkaConfig, h utils.HdfsConfig, writerName string, sigchan chan bool) { topics := make([]string, 1) topics[0] = k.Topic c, err := kafka.NewConsumer(&kafka.ConfigMap{ "bootstrap.servers": k.Broker, "": "v4", "": k.Group, "": 6000, "auto.offset.reset": "earliest"}) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to create consumer: %s\n", err) slogger.Info("Failed to create consumer: %s", err.Error()) delete(ChannelMap, writerName) Wg.Done() return } fmt.Printf("Created Consumer %v\n", c) err = c.SubscribeTopics(topics, nil) setUpPipeline := false var hdfsFileWriter *hdfs.FileWriter var hdfsFileWriterError error // HDFS CLIENT CREATION //client := utils.GetHdfsClientInstance(h.GetHdfsURL()) client := utils.CreateHdfsClient(h.HdfsURL) for { select { case sig := <-sigchan: defer Wg.Done() client.Close() if hdfsFileWriter != nil { cleanup(hdfsFileWriter) } slogger.Infof("\nCaught signal %v: terminating the go-routine of writer :: %s\n", sig, writerName) close(sigchan) return default: //slogger.Info("Running default option ....") ev := c.Poll(100) if ev == nil { continue } //:: BEGIN : Switch between different types of messages that come out of kafka switch e := ev.(type) { case *kafka.Message: slogger.Infof("::: Message on %s\n%s\n", e.TopicPartition, e.Value) dataStr := string(e.Value) slogger.Infof("byte array ::: %s", []byte(dataStr)) fileInfo, fileInfoError := client.Stat("/" + k.Topic) // create file if it doesnt exists already if fileInfoError != nil { slogger.Infof("Error::: %s", fileInfoError) slogger.Infof("Creating file::: %s", "/"+k.Topic) hdfsFileWriterError = client.CreateEmptyFile("/" + k.Topic) if hdfsFileWriterError != nil { slogger.Infof("Creation of empty file ::: %s failed\n Error:: %s", "/"+k.Topic, hdfsFileWriterError.Error()) continue } _ = client.Chmod("/"+k.Topic, 0777) } newDataStr := dataStr + "\n" // file exists case, so just append hdfsFileWriter, hdfsFileWriterError = client.Append("/" + fileInfo.Name()) if hdfsFileWriterError != nil { if hdfsFileWriter == nil { slogger.Infof("hdfsFileWriter is NULL !!") } slogger.Infof(":::Appending to file : %s failed:::\nError occured:::%s\n", "/"+k.Topic, hdfsFileWriterError) continue } else { bytesWritten, error := hdfsFileWriter.Write([]byte(newDataStr)) if bytesWritten > 0 && error == nil { slogger.Infof("::: Wrote %s to HDFS:::", newDataStr) slogger.Infof("::: Wrote %d bytes to HDFS:::", bytesWritten) if setUpPipeline == false { slogger.Infof(" The pipeline with topic: %s and hdfs url %s is setup,"+ "watching for more messages.. ", k.Topic, h.HdfsURL) setUpPipeline = true } hdfsFileWriter.Close() } else { slogger.Info("::: Unable to write to HDFS\n :::Error:: %s", error) } } case kafka.Error: // Errors should generally be considered // informational, the client will try to // automatically recover. // But in this example we choose to terminate // the application if all brokers are down. fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%% Error: %v: %v\n", e.Code(), e) if e.Code() == kafka.ErrAllBrokersDown { return } default: fmt.Printf("Ignored %v\n", e) } //:: END : Switch between different types of messages that come out of kafka } // END: select channel } // END : infinite loop } func cleanup(h *hdfs.FileWriter) { if h != nil { err := h.Close() if err != nil { fmt.Printf(":::Error occured while closing hdfs writer::: \n%s", err.Error()) } } fmt.Printf("\n:::Clean up executed ::: \n") } // DeletePipeline deletes a writer pipeline func DeletePipeline(writerName string) { slogger.Infof("::Writer to be closed:: %s", writerName) toBeClosedChannel := ChannelMap[writerName] toBeClosedChannel <- true // deleting the channel from ChannelMap after closure to // avoid closing the closed channel delete(ChannelMap, writerName) }