# vCPE_tosca

5 VNFs are here for the ONAP vCPE use case. These VNFD are transformed manually from vCPE heat template. 

Please run ./generate_csar.sh to create the csar package files for these 5 VNFS. CSAR package file is just a zip formatted file.
If you want to use sriov-nic, please run ./generate_csar.sh sriov to create the csar package files for sriov.

## pending issues to DM
Please search for "TODO" in the corresponding VNFD to find the pending things.
- HPA detailed format
- Need to remove all the VirtualLink definition. Those VirtualLink(network) should be created in SDC during service design time and have them connected to the VduCp(port).
- Update to the latest heat template.

## References:
- [vCPE use case](https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=3246168)
- [vCPE usage tutorial for A release](https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/vCPE+Use+Case+Tutorial%3A+Design+and+Deploy+based+on+ONAP+Amsterdam+Release) Based on heat.