`policy.sh` script allows to create and push naming policy for CNF usecase. Execution of script can be checked by calling `./policy.sh -h`. As pdp doesn't expose it's service externally, this folder needs to be copied to some ONAP pod with bash and curl available (for example, mariadb-galera) and executed within. Scope of changes and reasoning behind is described in related ticket: https://jira.onap.org/browse/SDNC-1109. Example execution flow: ``` cd .. kubectl cp policy onap-mariadb-galera-mariadb-galera-0:/tmp/policy kubectl exec -it onap-mariadb-galera-mariadb-galera-0 bash cd /tmp/policy ./policy.sh get #See that CNF naming policy is not uploaded yet ./policy.sh create #Create and push CNF naming policy ./policy.sh get #Verify that now it's visible ```