########################################################################## # #==================LICENSE_START========================================== # # # Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # #==================LICENSE_END============================================ # # ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property. # ########################################################################## heat_template_version: 2013-05-23 description: Heat template to deploy ONAP components parameters: # Generic parameters used across all ONAP components public_net_id: type: string description: Public network that enables remote connection to the compute instance key_name: type: string description: Public/Private key pair name vm_base_name: type: string description: Base name of ONAP VMs pub_key: type: string description: Public key or SSL certificate to be installed on the compute instance nexus_repo: type: string description: Complete URL for the Nexus repository. nexus_docker_repo: type: string description: Complete URL for the Nexus repository for docker images. nexus_username: type: string description: Nexus Repository username nexus_password: type: string description: Nexus Repository Password openstack_tenant_id: type: string description: Rackspace tenant ID openstack_username: type: string description: Rackspace username openstack_api_key: type: string description: Rackspace API Key openstack_password: type: string description: Rackspace Password openstack_auth_method: type: string description: Openstack authentication method (password VS. api-key) dmaap_topic: type: string description: DMaaP topic name artifacts_version: type: string description: Artifacts version of ONAP components cloud_env: type: string description: Cloud Provider Name # Parameters for DCAE instantiation dcae_base_environment: type: string description: DCAE Base Environment configuration (for this template, only RACKSPACE is supported) dcae_zone: type: string description: DCAE Zone to use in VM names created by DCAE controller dcae_state: type: string description: DCAE State to use in VM names created by DCAE controller nexus_repo_root: type: string description: Root URL of nexus repository nexus_url_snapshot: type: string description: Snapshot of Maven repository openstack_region: type: string description: Rackspace region where the DCAE controller will spin the VMs gitlab_branch: type: string description: Branch of the Gitlab repository dcae_code_version: type: string description: DCAE Code Version Number dcae_ip_addr: type: string description: DCAE IP Address dcae_coll_ip_addr: type: string description: DCAE Collector IP Address dcae_db_ip_addr: type: string description: DCAE Database IP Address dcae_hdp1_ip_addr: type: string description: Hadoop VM1 IP Address dcae_hdp2_ip_addr: type: string description: Hadoop VM2 IP Address dcae_hdp3_ip_addr: type: string description: Hadoop VM3 IP Address # ONAP repositories, docker versions, and Gerrit branches aai_repo: type: string appc_repo: type: string dcae_repo: type: string mr_repo: type: string so_repo: type: string policy_repo: type: string portal_repo: type: string robot_repo: type: string sdc_repo: type: string sdnc_repo: type: string vid_repo: type: string clamp_repo: type: string aai_docker: type: string appc_docker: type: string so_docker: type: string mr_docker: type: string dcae_docker: type: string policy_docker: type: string portal_docker: type: string robot_docker: type: string sdc_docker: type: string sdnc_docker: type: string vid_docker: type: string clamp_docker: type: string dgbuilder_docker: type: string aai_branch: type: string appc_branch: type: string so_branch: type: string mr_branch: type: string dcae_branch: type: string policy_branch: type: string portal_branch: type: string robot_branch: type: string sdc_branch: type: string sdnc_branch: type: string vid_branch: type: string clamp_branch: type: string resources: random-str: type: OS::Heat::RandomString properties: length: 4 # Public key used to access ONAP components vm_key: type: OS::Nova::KeyPair properties: name: str_replace: template: base_rand params: base: { get_param: key_name } rand: { get_resource: random-str } public_key: { get_param: pub_key } save_private_key: false # ONAP management private network oam_onap: type: OS::Neutron::Net properties: name: str_replace: template: oam_onap_rand params: rand: { get_resource: random-str } oam_onap_subnet: type: OS::Neutron::Subnet properties: name: str_replace: template: oam_onap_rand params: rand: { get_resource: random-str } network_id: { get_resource: oam_onap } cidr: # DNS Server instantiation dns_private_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_resource: oam_onap } fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_resource: oam_onap_subnet }, "ip_address":}] dns_vm: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: image: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM) flavor: 4 GB General Purpose v1 name: str_replace: template: base-dns-server params: base: { get_param: vm_base_name } key_name: { get_resource: vm_key } networks: - network: { get_param: public_net_id } - port: { get_resource: dns_private_port } user_data_format: RAW user_data: str_replace: params: __nexus_repo__: { get_param: nexus_repo } __artifacts_version__: { get_param: artifacts_version } __cloud_env__: { get_param: cloud_env } template: | #!/bin/bash # Create configuration files mkdir -p /opt/config echo "__nexus_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_repo.txt echo "__cloud_env__" > /opt/config/cloud_env.txt echo "__artifacts_version__" > /opt/config/artifacts_version.txt # Download and run install script curl -k __nexus_repo__/org.onap.demo/boot/__artifacts_version__/dns_install.sh -o /opt/dns_install.sh cd /opt chmod +x dns_install.sh ./dns_install.sh # A&AI instantiation (2 VMs) aai1_private_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_resource: oam_onap } fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_resource: oam_onap_subnet }, "ip_address":}] aai1_volume: type: OS::Cinder::Volume properties: name: vol1-aai size: 50 volume_type: SSD image: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM) aai1_vm: type: OS::Nova::Server depends_on: aai2_vm properties: flavor: 15 GB Compute v1 name: str_replace: template: base-aai-inst1 params: base: { get_param: vm_base_name } key_name: { get_resource: vm_key } block_device_mapping: - volume_id: { get_resource: aai1_volume } device_name: vda networks: - network: { get_param: public_net_id } - port: { get_resource: aai1_private_port } user_data_format: RAW user_data: str_replace: params: __nexus_repo__: { get_param: nexus_repo } __nexus_docker_repo__: { get_param: nexus_docker_repo } __nexus_username__: { get_param: nexus_username } __nexus_password__: { get_param: nexus_password } __dmaap_topic__: { get_param: dmaap_topic } __artifacts_version__: { get_param: artifacts_version } __docker_version__: { get_param: aai_docker } __gerrit_branch__: { get_param: aai_branch } __cloud_env__: { get_param: cloud_env } __aai_repo__: { get_param: aai_repo } template: | #!/bin/bash # Create configuration files mkdir -p /opt/config echo "__nexus_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_repo.txt echo "__nexus_docker_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_docker_repo.txt echo "__nexus_username__" > /opt/config/nexus_username.txt echo "__nexus_password__" > /opt/config/nexus_password.txt echo "__artifacts_version__" > /opt/config/artifacts_version.txt echo "" > /opt/config/dns_ip_addr.txt echo "__dmaap_topic__" > /opt/config/dmaap_topic.txt echo "__docker_version__" > /opt/config/docker_version.txt echo "__gerrit_branch__" > /opt/config/gerrit_branch.txt echo "aai_instance_1" > /opt/config/aai_instance.txt echo "__cloud_env__" > /opt/config/cloud_env.txt echo "__aai_repo__" > /opt/config/remote_repo.txt # Download and run install script curl -k __nexus_repo__/org.onap.demo/boot/__artifacts_version__/aai_install.sh -o /opt/aai_install.sh cd /opt chmod +x aai_install.sh ./aai_install.sh aai2_private_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_resource: oam_onap } fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_resource: oam_onap_subnet }, "ip_address":}] aai2_volume: type: OS::Cinder::Volume properties: name: vol2-aai size: 50 volume_type: SSD image: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM) aai2_vm: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: flavor: 15 GB Compute v1 name: str_replace: template: base-aai-inst2 params: base: { get_param: vm_base_name } key_name: { get_resource: vm_key } block_device_mapping: - volume_id: { get_resource: aai2_volume } device_name: vda networks: - network: { get_param: public_net_id } - port: { get_resource: aai2_private_port } user_data_format: RAW user_data: str_replace: params: __nexus_repo__: { get_param: nexus_repo } __nexus_docker_repo__: { get_param: nexus_docker_repo } __nexus_username__: { get_param: nexus_username } __nexus_password__: { get_param: nexus_password } __dmaap_topic__: { get_param: dmaap_topic } __artifacts_version__: { get_param: artifacts_version } __docker_version__: { get_param: aai_docker } __gerrit_branch__: { get_param: aai_branch } __cloud_env__: { get_param: cloud_env } __aai_repo__: { get_param: aai_repo } template: | #!/bin/bash # Create configuration files mkdir -p /opt/config echo "__nexus_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_repo.txt echo "__nexus_docker_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_docker_repo.txt echo "__nexus_username__" > /opt/config/nexus_username.txt echo "__nexus_password__" > /opt/config/nexus_password.txt echo "__artifacts_version__" > /opt/config/artifacts_version.txt echo "" > /opt/config/dns_ip_addr.txt echo "__dmaap_topic__" > /opt/config/dmaap_topic.txt echo "__docker_version__" > /opt/config/docker_version.txt echo "__gerrit_branch__" > /opt/config/gerrit_branch.txt echo "aai_instance_2" > /opt/config/aai_instance.txt echo "__cloud_env__" > /opt/config/cloud_env.txt echo "__aai_repo__" > /opt/config/remote_repo.txt # Download and run install script curl -k __nexus_repo__/org.onap.demo/boot/__artifacts_version__/aai_install.sh -o /opt/aai_install.sh cd /opt chmod +x aai_install.sh ./aai_install.sh # SO instantiation so_private_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_resource: oam_onap } fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_resource: oam_onap_subnet }, "ip_address":}] so_vm: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: image: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) (PVHVM) flavor: 4 GB General Purpose v1 name: str_replace: template: base-so params: base: { get_param: vm_base_name } key_name: { get_resource: vm_key } networks: - network: { get_param: public_net_id } - port: { get_resource: so_private_port } user_data_format: RAW user_data: str_replace: params: __nexus_repo__: { get_param: nexus_repo } __nexus_docker_repo__: { get_param: nexus_docker_repo } __nexus_username__: { get_param: nexus_username } __nexus_password__: { get_param: nexus_password } __openstack_username__: { get_param: openstack_username } __openstack_tenant_id__: { get_param: openstack_tenant_id } __openstack_api_key__: { get_param: openstack_api_key } __dmaap_topic__: { get_param: dmaap_topic } __artifacts_version__: { get_param: artifacts_version } __docker_version__: { get_param: so_docker } __gerrit_branch__: { get_param: so_branch } __cloud_env__: { get_param: cloud_env } __so_repo__: { get_param: so_repo } template: | #!/bin/bash # Create configuration files mkdir -p /opt/config echo "__nexus_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_repo.txt echo "__nexus_docker_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_docker_repo.txt echo "__nexus_username__" > /opt/config/nexus_username.txt echo "__nexus_password__" > /opt/config/nexus_password.txt echo "__artifacts_version__" > /opt/config/artifacts_version.txt echo "" > /opt/config/dns_ip_addr.txt echo "__dmaap_topic__" > /opt/config/dmaap_topic.txt echo "__openstack_username__" > /opt/config/openstack_username.txt echo "__openstack_tenant_id__" > /opt/config/tenant_id.txt echo "__openstack_api_key__" > /opt/config/openstack_api_key.txt echo "__docker_version__" > /opt/config/docker_version.txt echo "__gerrit_branch__" > /opt/config/gerrit_branch.txt echo "__cloud_env__" > /opt/config/cloud_env.txt echo "__so_repo__" > /opt/config/remote_repo.txt # Download and run install script curl -k __nexus_repo__/org.onap.demo/boot/__artifacts_version__/so_install.sh -o /opt/so_install.sh cd /opt chmod +x so_install.sh ./so_install.sh # Message Router instantiation mrouter_private_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_resource: oam_onap } fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_resource: oam_onap_subnet }, "ip_address":}] mrouter_vm: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: image: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM) flavor: 15 GB I/O v1 name: str_replace: template: base-message-router params: base: { get_param: vm_base_name } key_name: { get_resource: vm_key } networks: - network: { get_param: public_net_id } - port: { get_resource: mrouter_private_port } user_data_format: RAW user_data: str_replace: params: __nexus_repo__: { get_param: nexus_repo } __nexus_docker_repo__: { get_param: nexus_docker_repo } __nexus_username__: { get_param: nexus_username } __nexus_password__: { get_param: nexus_password } __artifacts_version__: { get_param: artifacts_version } __gerrit_branch__: { get_param: mr_branch } __cloud_env__: { get_param: cloud_env } __mr_repo__: { get_param: mr_repo } template: | #!/bin/bash # Create configuration files mkdir -p /opt/config echo "__nexus_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_repo.txt echo "__nexus_docker_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_docker_repo.txt echo "__nexus_username__" > /opt/config/nexus_username.txt echo "__nexus_password__" > /opt/config/nexus_password.txt echo "__artifacts_version__" > /opt/config/artifacts_version.txt echo "" > /opt/config/dns_ip_addr.txt echo "__gerrit_branch__" > /opt/config/gerrit_branch.txt echo "__cloud_env__" > /opt/config/cloud_env.txt echo "__mr_repo__" > /opt/config/remote_repo.txt # Download and run install script curl -k __nexus_repo__/org.onap.demo/boot/__artifacts_version__/mr_install.sh -o /opt/mr_install.sh cd /opt chmod +x mr_install.sh ./mr_install.sh # RobotE2E instantiation robot_private_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_resource: oam_onap } fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_resource: oam_onap_subnet }, "ip_address":}] robot_vm: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: image: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) (PVHVM) flavor: 2 GB General Purpose v1 name: str_replace: template: base-robot params: base: { get_param: vm_base_name } key_name: { get_resource: vm_key } networks: - network: { get_param: public_net_id } - port: { get_resource: robot_private_port } user_data_format: RAW user_data: str_replace: params: __nexus_repo__: { get_param: nexus_repo } __nexus_docker_repo__: { get_param: nexus_docker_repo } __nexus_username__: { get_param: nexus_username } __nexus_password__: { get_param: nexus_password } __network_name__: { get_attr: [oam_onap, name] } __openstack_username__: { get_param: openstack_username } __openstack_api_key__: { get_param : openstack_api_key } __openstack_password__: { get_param: openstack_password } __openstack_tenant_id__: { get_param: openstack_tenant_id } __artifacts_version__: { get_param: artifacts_version } __openstack_region__: { get_param: openstack_region } __docker_version__: { get_param: robot_docker } __gerrit_branch__: { get_param: robot_branch } __cloud_env__: { get_param: cloud_env } __robot_repo__: { get_param: robot_repo } template: | #!/bin/bash # Create configuration files mkdir -p /opt/config echo "__nexus_docker_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_docker_repo.txt echo "__nexus_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_repo.txt echo "__nexus_username__" > /opt/config/nexus_username.txt echo "__nexus_password__" > /opt/config/nexus_password.txt echo "__network_name__" > /opt/config/network.txt echo "__openstack_username__" > /opt/config/openstack_username.txt echo "__openstack_password__" > /opt/config/openstack_password.txt echo "__openstack_api_key__" > /opt/config/openstack_api_key.txt echo "__openstack_tenant_id__" > /opt/config/openstack_tenant_id.txt echo "__openstack_region__" > /opt/config/region.txt echo "__artifacts_version__" > /opt/config/artifacts_version.txt echo "__docker_version__" > /opt/config/docker_version.txt echo "" > /opt/config/dns_ip_addr.txt echo "__gerrit_branch__" > /opt/config/gerrit_branch.txt echo "https://identity.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2.0" > /opt/config/keystone.txt echo "" > /opt/config/aai1_ip_addr.txt echo "" > /opt/config/aai2_ip_addr.txt echo "" > /opt/config/appc_ip_addr.txt echo "" > /opt/config/dcae_ip_addr.txt echo "" > /opt/config/so_ip_addr.txt echo "" > /opt/config/mr_ip_addr.txt echo "" > /opt/config/policy_ip_addr.txt echo "" > /opt/config/portal_ip_addr.txt echo "" > /opt/config/sdc_ip_addr.txt echo "" > /opt/config/sdnc_ip_addr.txt echo "" > /opt/config/vid_ip_addr.txt echo "" > /opt/config/clamp_ip_addr.txt echo "Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM)" > /opt/config/vm_image_name.txt echo "4 GB General Purpose v1" > /opt/config/vm_flavor.txt echo "__cloud_env__" > /opt/config/cloud_env.txt echo "__robot_repo__" > /opt/config/remote_repo.txt # Download and run install script curl -k __nexus_repo__/org.onap.demo/boot/__artifacts_version__/robot_install.sh -o /opt/robot_install.sh cd /opt chmod +x robot_install.sh ./robot_install.sh # VID instantiation vid_private_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_resource: oam_onap } fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_resource: oam_onap_subnet }, "ip_address":}] vid_vm: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: image: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM) flavor: 2 GB General Purpose v1 name: str_replace: template: base-vid params: base: { get_param: vm_base_name } key_name: { get_resource: vm_key } networks: - network: { get_param: public_net_id } - port: { get_resource: vid_private_port } user_data_format: RAW user_data: str_replace: params: __nexus_repo__: { get_param: nexus_repo } __nexus_docker_repo__: { get_param: nexus_docker_repo } __nexus_username__: { get_param: nexus_username } __nexus_password__: { get_param: nexus_password } __artifacts_version__: { get_param: artifacts_version } __docker_version__: { get_param: vid_docker } __gerrit_branch__: { get_param: vid_branch } __cloud_env__: { get_param: cloud_env } __vid_repo__: { get_param: vid_repo } template: | #!/bin/bash # Create configuration files mkdir -p /opt/config echo "__nexus_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_repo.txt echo "__nexus_docker_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_docker_repo.txt echo "__nexus_username__" > /opt/config/nexus_username.txt echo "__nexus_password__" > /opt/config/nexus_password.txt echo "__artifacts_version__" > /opt/config/artifacts_version.txt echo "" > /opt/config/dns_ip_addr.txt echo "__docker_version__" > /opt/config/docker_version.txt echo "__gerrit_branch__" > /opt/config/gerrit_branch.txt echo "__cloud_env__" > /opt/config/cloud_env.txt echo "__vid_repo__" > /opt/config/remote_repo.txt # Download and run install script curl -k __nexus_repo__/org.onap.demo/boot/__artifacts_version__/vid_install.sh -o /opt/vid_install.sh cd /opt chmod +x vid_install.sh ./vid_install.sh # SDN-C instantiation sdnc_private_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_resource: oam_onap } fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_resource: oam_onap_subnet }, "ip_address":}] sdnc_vm: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: image: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM) flavor: 4 GB General Purpose v1 name: str_replace: template: base-sdnc params: base: { get_param: vm_base_name } key_name: { get_resource: vm_key } networks: - network: { get_param: public_net_id } - port: { get_resource: sdnc_private_port } user_data_format: RAW user_data: str_replace: params: __nexus_repo__: { get_param: nexus_repo } __nexus_docker_repo__: { get_param: nexus_docker_repo } __nexus_username__: { get_param: nexus_username } __nexus_password__: { get_param: nexus_password } __artifacts_version__: { get_param: artifacts_version } __docker_version__: { get_param: sdnc_docker } __gerrit_branch__: { get_param: sdnc_branch } __dgbuilder_docker__: { get_param: dgbuilder_docker } __cloud_env__: { get_param: cloud_env } __sdnc_repo__: { get_param: sdnc_repo } template: | #!/bin/bash # Create configuration files mkdir -p /opt/config echo "__nexus_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_repo.txt echo "__nexus_docker_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_docker_repo.txt echo "__nexus_username__" > /opt/config/nexus_username.txt echo "__nexus_password__" > /opt/config/nexus_password.txt echo "__artifacts_version__" > /opt/config/artifacts_version.txt echo "" > /opt/config/dns_ip_addr.txt echo "__docker_version__" > /opt/config/docker_version.txt echo "__gerrit_branch__" > /opt/config/gerrit_branch.txt echo "__dgbuilder_docker__" > /opt/config/dgbuilder_version.txt echo "__cloud_env__" > /opt/config/cloud_env.txt echo "__sdnc_repo__" > /opt/config/remote_repo.txt # Download and run install script curl -k __nexus_repo__/org.onap.demo/boot/__artifacts_version__/sdnc_install.sh -o /opt/sdnc_install.sh cd /opt chmod +x sdnc_install.sh ./sdnc_install.sh # SDC instantiation sdc_private_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_resource: oam_onap } fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_resource: oam_onap_subnet }, "ip_address":}] sdc_volume_local: type: OS::Cinder::Volume properties: name: vol1-sdc-local size: 50 volume_type: SSD image: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) (PVHVM) sdc_volume_data: type: OS::Cinder::Volume properties: name: vol1-sdc-data size: 100 volume_type: SSD sdc_volume_attachment: type: OS::Cinder::VolumeAttachment properties: volume_id: { get_resource: sdc_volume_data } instance_uuid: { get_resource: sdc_vm } mountpoint: /dev/xvdb sdc_vm: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: flavor: 15 GB Compute v1 name: str_replace: template: base-sdc params: base: { get_param: vm_base_name } key_name: { get_resource: vm_key } block_device_mapping: - volume_id: { get_resource: sdc_volume_local } device_name: vda networks: - network: { get_param: public_net_id } - port: { get_resource: sdc_private_port } user_data_format: RAW user_data: str_replace: params: __nexus_repo__: { get_param: nexus_repo } __nexus_docker_repo__: { get_param: nexus_docker_repo } __nexus_username__: { get_param: nexus_username } __nexus_password__: { get_param: nexus_password } __env_name__: { get_param: dmaap_topic } __artifacts_version__: { get_param: artifacts_version } __docker_version__: { get_param: sdc_docker } __gerrit_branch__: { get_param: sdc_branch } __cloud_env__: { get_param: cloud_env } __sdc_repo__: { get_param: sdc_repo } template: | #!/bin/bash # Create configuration files mkdir -p /opt/config echo "__nexus_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_repo.txt echo "__nexus_docker_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_docker_repo.txt echo "__nexus_username__" > /opt/config/nexus_username.txt echo "__nexus_password__" > /opt/config/nexus_password.txt echo "__env_name__" > /opt/config/env_name.txt echo "" > /opt/config/mr_ip_addr.txt echo "__artifacts_version__" > /opt/config/artifacts_version.txt echo "" > /opt/config/dns_ip_addr.txt echo "__docker_version__" > /opt/config/docker_version.txt echo "__gerrit_branch__" > /opt/config/gerrit_branch.txt echo "__cloud_env__" > /opt/config/cloud_env.txt echo "__sdc_repo__" > /opt/config/remote_repo.txt # Download and run install script curl -k __nexus_repo__/org.onap.demo/boot/__artifacts_version__/sdc_install.sh -o /opt/sdc_install.sh cd /opt chmod +x sdc_install.sh ./sdc_install.sh # PORTAL instantiation portal_private_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_resource: oam_onap } fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_resource: oam_onap_subnet }, "ip_address":}] portal_volume: type: OS::Cinder::Volume properties: name: vol1-portal size: 50 volume_type: SSD image: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM) portal_vm: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: flavor: 15 GB Memory v1 name: str_replace: template: base-portal params: base: { get_param: vm_base_name } key_name: { get_resource: vm_key } block_device_mapping: - volume_id: { get_resource: portal_volume } device_name: vda networks: - network: { get_param: public_net_id } - port: { get_resource: portal_private_port } user_data_format: RAW user_data: str_replace: params: __nexus_repo__: { get_param: nexus_repo } __nexus_docker_repo__: { get_param: nexus_docker_repo } __nexus_username__: { get_param: nexus_username } __nexus_password__: { get_param: nexus_password } __artifacts_version__: { get_param: artifacts_version } __docker_version__: { get_param: portal_docker } __gerrit_branch__: { get_param: portal_branch } __cloud_env__: { get_param: cloud_env } __portal_repo__: { get_param: portal_repo } template: | #!/bin/bash # Create configuration files mkdir -p /opt/config echo "__nexus_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_repo.txt echo "__nexus_docker_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_docker_repo.txt echo "__nexus_username__" > /opt/config/nexus_username.txt echo "__nexus_password__" > /opt/config/nexus_password.txt echo "__artifacts_version__" > /opt/config/artifacts_version.txt echo "" > /opt/config/dns_ip_addr.txt echo "__docker_version__" > /opt/config/docker_version.txt echo "__gerrit_branch__" > /opt/config/gerrit_branch.txt echo "__cloud_env__" > /opt/config/cloud_env.txt echo "__portal_repo__" > /opt/config/remote_repo.txt # Download and run install script curl -k __nexus_repo__/org.onap.demo/boot/__artifacts_version__/portal_install.sh -o /opt/portal_install.sh cd /opt chmod +x portal_install.sh ./portal_install.sh # DCAE Controller instantiation dcae_c_private_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_resource: oam_onap } fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_resource: oam_onap_subnet }, "ip_address":}] dcae_c_vm: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: image: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM) flavor: 8 GB General Purpose v1 name: str_replace: template: base-dcae-controller params: base: { get_param: vm_base_name } key_name: { get_resource: vm_key } networks: - network: { get_param: public_net_id } - port: { get_resource: dcae_c_private_port } user_data_format: RAW user_data: str_replace: params: __nexus_repo__: { get_param: nexus_repo } __nexus_docker_repo__: { get_param: nexus_docker_repo } __nexus_username__: { get_param: nexus_username } __nexus_password__: { get_param: nexus_password } __nexus_url_snapshots__: { get_param: nexus_url_snapshot } __gitlab_branch__: { get_param: gitlab_branch } __dcae_zone__: { get_param: dcae_zone } __dcae_state__: { get_param: dcae_state } __artifacts_version__: { get_param: artifacts_version } __tenant_id__: { get_param: openstack_tenant_id } __openstack_private_network_name__: { get_attr: [oam_onap, name] } __openstack_user__: { get_param: openstack_username } __openstack_password__: { get_param: openstack_api_key } __openstack_auth_method__: { get_param: openstack_auth_method } __key_name__: { get_param: key_name } __rand_str__: { get_resource: random-str } __pub_key__: { get_param: pub_key } __nexus_repo_root__: { get_param: nexus_repo_root } __openstack_region__: { get_param: openstack_region } __docker_version__: { get_param: dcae_docker } __gerrit_branch__: { get_param: dcae_branch } __cloud_env__: { get_param: cloud_env } __dcae_code_version__: { get_param: dcae_code_version } __public_net_id__: { get_param: public_net_id } __dcae_base_environment__: { get_param: dcae_base_environment } __dcae_ip_addr__: { get_param: dcae_ip_addr } __dcae_coll_ip_addr__: { get_param: dcae_coll_ip_addr } __dcae_db_ip_addr__: { get_param: dcae_db_ip_addr } __dcae_hdp1_ip_addr__: { get_param: dcae_hdp1_ip_addr } __dcae_hdp2_ip_addr__: { get_param: dcae_hdp2_ip_addr } __dcae_hdp3_ip_addr__: { get_param: dcae_hdp3_ip_addr } __dcae_repo__: { get_param: dcae_repo } __mr_repo__: { get_param: mr_repo } template: | #!/bin/bash # Create configuration files mkdir -p /opt/config echo "__nexus_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_repo.txt echo "__nexus_docker_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_docker_repo.txt echo "__nexus_username__" > /opt/config/nexus_username.txt echo "__nexus_password__" > /opt/config/nexus_password.txt echo "__nexus_url_snapshots__" > /opt/config/nexus_url_snapshots.txt echo "__gitlab_branch__" > /opt/config/gitlab_branch.txt echo "__docker_version__" > /opt/config/docker_version.txt echo "__artifacts_version__" > /opt/config/artifacts_version.txt echo "" > /opt/config/dns_ip_addr.txt echo "__gerrit_branch__" > /opt/config/gerrit_branch.txt echo "__dcae_zone__" > /opt/config/dcae_zone.txt echo "__dcae_state__" > /opt/config/dcae_state.txt echo "__tenant_id__" > /opt/config/tenant_id.txt echo "__openstack_private_network_name__" > /opt/config/openstack_private_network_name.txt echo "__openstack_user__" > /opt/config/openstack_user.txt echo "__openstack_password__" > /opt/config/openstack_password.txt echo "__openstack_auth_method__" > /opt/config/openstack_auth_method.txt echo "__key_name__" > /opt/config/key_name.txt echo "__rand_str__" > /opt/config/rand_str.txt echo "__pub_key__" > /opt/config/pub_key.txt echo "__nexus_repo_root__" > /opt/config/nexus_repo_root.txt echo "__openstack_region__" > /opt/config/openstack_region.txt echo "https://mycloud.rackspace.com/cloud" > /opt/config/horizon_url.txt echo "https://identity.api.rackspacecloud.com" > /opt/config/keystone_url.txt echo "__cloud_env__" > /opt/config/cloud_env.txt echo "__dcae_code_version__" > /opt/config/dcae_code_version.txt echo "__public_net_id__" > /opt/config/public_net_id.txt echo "__dcae_base_environment__" > /opt/config/dcae_base_environment.txt echo "__dcae_ip_addr__" > /opt/config/dcae_ip_addr.txt echo "__dcae_coll_ip_addr__" > /opt/config/dcae_coll_ip_addr.txt echo "__dcae_db_ip_addr__" > /opt/config/dcae_db_ip_addr.txt echo "__dcae_hdp1_ip_addr__" > /opt/config/dcae_hdp1_ip_addr.txt echo "__dcae_hdp2_ip_addr__" > /opt/config/dcae_hdp2_ip_addr.txt echo "__dcae_hdp3_ip_addr__" > /opt/config/dcae_hdp3_ip_addr.txt echo "__dcae_repo__" > /opt/config/remote_repo.txt echo "__mr_repo__" > /opt/config/mr_repo.txt # Download and run install script curl -k __nexus_repo__/org.onap.demo/boot/__artifacts_version__/dcae_install.sh -o /opt/dcae_install.sh cd /opt chmod +x dcae_install.sh ./dcae_install.sh # Policy engine instantiation policy_private_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_resource: oam_onap } fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_resource: oam_onap_subnet }, "ip_address":}] policy_volume: type: OS::Cinder::Volume properties: name: vol1-policy size: 50 volume_type: SSD image: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM) policy_vm: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: flavor: 15 GB Compute v1 name: str_replace: template: base-policy params: base: { get_param: vm_base_name } key_name: { get_resource: vm_key } block_device_mapping: - volume_id: { get_resource: policy_volume } device_name: vda networks: - network: { get_param: public_net_id } - port: { get_resource: policy_private_port } user_data_format: RAW user_data: str_replace: params: __nexus_repo__: { get_param: nexus_repo } __nexus_docker_repo__: { get_param: nexus_docker_repo } __nexus_username__: { get_param: nexus_username } __nexus_password__: { get_param: nexus_password } __artifacts_version__: { get_param: artifacts_version } __docker_version__: { get_param: policy_docker } __gerrit_branch__: { get_param: policy_branch } __cloud_env__: { get_param: cloud_env } __policy_repo__: { get_param: policy_repo } template: | #!/bin/bash # Create configuration files mkdir -p /opt/config echo "__nexus_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_repo.txt echo "__nexus_docker_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_docker_repo.txt echo "__nexus_username__" > /opt/config/nexus_username.txt echo "__nexus_password__" > /opt/config/nexus_password.txt echo "__artifacts_version__" > /opt/config/artifacts_version.txt echo "" > /opt/config/dns_ip_addr.txt echo "__docker_version__" > /opt/config/docker_version.txt echo "__gerrit_branch__" > /opt/config/gerrit_branch.txt echo "__cloud_env__" > /opt/config/cloud_env.txt echo "__policy_repo__" > /opt/config/remote_repo.txt # Download and run install script curl -k __nexus_repo__/org.onap.demo/boot/__artifacts_version__/policy_install.sh -o /opt/policy_install.sh cd /opt chmod +x policy_install.sh ./policy_install.sh # APP-C instantiation appc_private_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_resource: oam_onap } fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_resource: oam_onap_subnet }, "ip_address":}] appc_vm: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: image: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM) flavor: 4 GB General Purpose v1 name: str_replace: template: base-appc params: base: { get_param: vm_base_name } key_name: { get_resource: vm_key } networks: - network: { get_param: public_net_id } - port: { get_resource: appc_private_port } user_data_format: RAW user_data: str_replace: params: __nexus_repo__: { get_param: nexus_repo } __nexus_docker_repo__: { get_param: nexus_docker_repo } __nexus_username__: { get_param: nexus_username } __nexus_password__: { get_param: nexus_password } __dmaap_topic__: { get_param: dmaap_topic } __artifacts_version__: { get_param: artifacts_version } __docker_version__: { get_param: appc_docker } __gerrit_branch__: { get_param: appc_branch } __dgbuilder_docker__: { get_param: dgbuilder_docker } __cloud_env__: { get_param: cloud_env } __appc_repo__: { get_param: appc_repo } template: | #!/bin/bash # Create configuration files mkdir -p /opt/config echo "__nexus_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_repo.txt echo "__nexus_docker_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_docker_repo.txt echo "__nexus_username__" > /opt/config/nexus_username.txt echo "__nexus_password__" > /opt/config/nexus_password.txt echo "__artifacts_version__" > /opt/config/artifacts_version.txt echo "" > /opt/config/dns_ip_addr.txt echo "__dmaap_topic__" > /opt/config/dmaap_topic.txt echo "__docker_version__" > /opt/config/docker_version.txt echo "__gerrit_branch__" > /opt/config/gerrit_branch.txt echo "__dgbuilder_docker__" > /opt/config/dgbuilder_version.txt echo "__cloud_env__" > /opt/config/cloud_env.txt echo "__appc_repo__" > /opt/config/remote_repo.txt # Download and run install script curl -k __nexus_repo__/org.onap.demo/boot/__artifacts_version__/appc_install.sh -o /opt/appc_install.sh cd /opt chmod +x appc_install.sh ./appc_install.sh # CLAMP instantiation clamp_private_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_resource: oam_onap } fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_resource: oam_onap_subnet }, "ip_address":}] clamp_vm: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: image: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) (PVHVM) flavor: 4 GB General Purpose v1 name: str_replace: template: base-clamp params: base: { get_param: vm_base_name } key_name: { get_resource: vm_key } networks: - network: { get_param: public_net_id } - port: { get_resource: clamp_private_port } user_data_format: RAW user_data: str_replace: params: __nexus_repo__: { get_param: nexus_repo } __nexus_docker_repo__: { get_param: nexus_docker_repo } __nexus_username__: { get_param: nexus_username } __nexus_password__: { get_param: nexus_password } __openstack_username__: { get_param: openstack_username } __openstack_tenant_id__: { get_param: openstack_tenant_id } __openstack_api_key__: { get_param: openstack_api_key } __dmaap_topic__: { get_param: dmaap_topic } __artifacts_version__: { get_param: artifacts_version } __docker_version__: { get_param: clamp_docker } __gerrit_branch__: { get_param: clamp_branch } __cloud_env__: { get_param: cloud_env } __clamp_repo__: { get_param: clamp_repo } template: | #!/bin/bash # Create configuration files mkdir -p /opt/config echo "__nexus_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_repo.txt echo "__nexus_docker_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_docker_repo.txt echo "__nexus_username__" > /opt/config/nexus_username.txt echo "__nexus_password__" > /opt/config/nexus_password.txt echo "__artifacts_version__" > /opt/config/artifacts_version.txt echo "" > /opt/config/dns_ip_addr.txt echo "__dmaap_topic__" > /opt/config/dmaap_topic.txt echo "__openstack_username__" > /opt/config/openstack_username.txt echo "__openstack_tenant_id__" > /opt/config/tenant_id.txt echo "__openstack_api_key__" > /opt/config/openstack_api_key.txt echo "__docker_version__" > /opt/config/docker_version.txt echo "__gerrit_branch__" > /opt/config/gerrit_branch.txt echo "__cloud_env__" > /opt/config/cloud_env.txt echo "__clamp_repo__" > /opt/config/remote_repo.txt # Download and run install script curl -k __nexus_repo__/org.onap.demo/boot/__artifacts_version__/clamp_install.sh -o /opt/clamp_install.sh cd /opt chmod +x clamp_install.sh ./clamp_install.sh