#!/bin/bash ############################################################################# # # Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ############################################################################# # prepare a curl command # parameters: URL METHOD CURLOPTIONS EXTRA_HEADERS_AS_A_STRING AUTH_AS_USER:PASS DATA assemble_curl_command() { local URL="$1" local METHOD="$2" local CURLOPTIONS="$3" local EXTRA_HEADERS="$4" local AUTH="$5" local DATA="$6" local CMD='' if [ ! -z "$METHOD" ]; then CMD="curl $CURLOPTIONS $METHOD" else CMD="curl $CURLOPTIONS -X GET" fi if [ ! -z "$EXTRA_HEADERS" ]; then CMD="$CMD $EXTRA_HEADERS" fi if [ ! -z "$AUTH" ]; then CMD="$CMD $AUTH" fi if [ ! -z "$DATA" ]; then CMD="$CMD $DATA" fi CMD="$CMD $URL" echo "$CMD" } # Make a rest API call # parameters: URL METHOD expected_response_code EXTRA_HEADERS_AS_A_STRING AUTH_AS_USER:PASS DATA call_api_for_response_code() { local CURLOPTIONS='-kIso /dev/null -w "%{http_code}"' read -r CMDF <<-END $(assemble_curl_command "$1" "$2" "$CURLOPTIONS" "$4" "$5" "$6") END eval "$CMDF"; } call_api_for_response_body() { local CURLOPTIONS='-ksb' read -r CMDF <<-END $(assemble_curl_command "$1" "$2" "$CURLOPTIONS" "$4" "$5" "$6") END eval "$CMDF" } call_api_for_response_header() { local CURLOPTIONS='-ks -o /dev/null -D -' read -r CMDF <<-END $(assemble_curl_command "$1" "$2" "$CURLOPTIONS" "$4" "$5" "$6") END eval "$CMDF" } call_api_for_verbose() { local CURLOPTIONS='-kIv' read -r CMDF <<-END $(assemble_curl_command "$1" "$2" "$CURLOPTIONS" "$4" "$5" "$6") END eval "$CMDF" #local TFILE=$(mktemp /tmp/curlcmd.XXXXXXXXX) #echo $CMD > $TFILE #eval $(cat $TFILE) #rm -f $TFILE } # Wait till a web service API return specified response code # parameters: URL METHOD EXPECTED_RESP_CODE EXTRA_HEADERS_AS_A_STRING AUTH_AS_USER:PASS DATA wait_for_api() { local RESP="$3" local ACTUALRESP ACTUALRESP=$(call_api_for_response_code "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6") while [ "$ACTUALRESP" != "$RESP" ]; do echo "RESP CODE $ACTUALRESP, not as expected RESP CODE $RESP @ $(date)." sleep 30 ACTUALRESP=$(call_api_for_response_code "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6") done echo "RESP CODE $ACTUALRESP, matches with expected RESP CODE $RESP." } # Wait till a TCP port is open # parameters: HOST PORT wait_for_tcp_port() { local DEST="$1" local PORT="$2" while ! nc -z -w 1 "$DEST" "$PORT"; do sleep 4 echo '.' done } wait_for_aai_ready() { # wait till A&AI up and ready local AAIHOST AAIHOST=$(cat /opt/config/aai1_ip_addr.txt) local AAIURL="https://$AAIHOST:8443/aai/v11/examples/cloud-regions" local AAIMETHOD='-X GET' local AAIRESP='200' local AAIHEADERS='-H "X-FromAppId: AAI-Temp-Tool" -H "X-TransactionId: AAI-Temp-Tool" -H "Real-Time: true" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json"' local AAIAUTH='-u AAI:AAI' local AAIDATA='' echo "===> Waiting for A&AI to get ready for getting $AAIRESP from $AAIURL @ $(date)" wait_for_api "$AAIURL" "$AAIMETHOD" "$AAIRESP" "$AAIHEADERS" "$AAIAUTH" "$AAIDATA" echo "===> A&AI ready @ $(date)" } wait_for_multicloud_ready() { # wait till MultiCloud up and ready local MCHOST MCHOST=$(cat /opt/config/openo_ip_addr.txt) local MCURL="http://$MCHOST:9005/api/multicloud-titanium_cloud/v0/swagger.json" local MCMETHOD='-X GET' local MCRESP='200' local MCHEADERS='-H "Real-Time: true" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json"' local MCAUTH='' local MCDATA='' echo "===> Waiting for MultiCloud to get ready for getting $MCRESP from $MCURL @ $(date)" wait_for_api "$MCURL" "$MCMETHOD" "$MCRESP" "$MCHEADERS" "$MCAUTH" "$MCDATA" echo "===> MultiCloud ready @ $(date)" } register_multicloud_pod25dns_with_aai() { # Register MultiCloud with A&AI local CLOUD_OWNER='pod25dns' local CLOUD_VERSION='titanium_cloud' local CLOUD_REGION local CLOUD_ENV local CLOUD_IDENTITY_URL local DNSAAS_SERVICE_URL local DNSAAS_USERNAME='demo' local DNSAAS_PASSWORD='onapdemo' local DNSAAS_TENANT_ID CLOUD_REGION="$(cat /opt/config/dnsaas_region.txt)" CLOUD_ENV="$(cat /opt/config/cloud_env.txt)" MCIP="$(cat /opt/config/openo_ip_addr.txt)" CLOUD_IDENTITY_URL="http://${MCIP}/api/multicloud-titanium_cloud/v0/${CLOUD_OWNER}_${CLOUD_REGION}/identity/v2.0" local RESPCODE DNSAAS_SERVICE_URL="$(cat /opt/config/dnsaas_keystone_url.txt)" # a tenant of the same name must be set up on the Deisgnate providing OpenStack DNSAAS_TENANT_NAME="$(cat /opt/config/dnsaas_tenant_name.txt)" cat >"/tmp/${CLOUD_OWNER}_${CLOUD_REGION}.json" <"/tmp/${CLOUD_OWNER}_${CLOUD_REGION}.json" < Register DNS zone $ZONENAME under $DNSAAS_TENANT_NAME" ### Get Token local TOKEN MCURL="${MULTICLOUD_PLUGIN_ENDPOINT}/identity/v3/auth/tokens" echo "=====> Getting token from $MCURL" #TOKEN=$(call_api_for_response_header "$MCURL" "$MCMETHOD" "$MCRESP" "$MCHEADERS" "$MCAUTH" "$MCDATA" | grep 'X-Subject-Token' | sed "s/^.*: //") TOKEN=$(curl -v -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"auth\":{\"tenantName\": \"${DNSAAS_TENANT_NAME}\"}}" "${MCURL}" 2>&1 | grep X-Subject-Token | sed "s/^.*: //") echo "Received Keystone token $TOKEN from $MCURL" if [ -z "$TOKEN" ]; then echo "Faile to acquire token for creating DNS zone. Exit" exit 1 fi ### list zones echo "=====> Get current zone listing" curl -sv -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X GET "${MULTICLOUD_PLUGIN_ENDPOINT}/dns-delegate/v2/zones" ### create a zone echo "=====> Creating zone $ZONENAME" curl -sv -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X POST -d "{ \"name\": \"$ZONENAME\", \"email\": \"lji@research.att.com\"}" "${MULTICLOUD_PLUGIN_ENDPOINT}/dns-delegate/v2/zones" ### query the zone with zone name echo "=====> Querying zone $ZONENAME" curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X GET "${MULTICLOUD_PLUGIN_ENDPOINT}/dns-delegate/v2/zones?name=${ZONENAME}" ### export ZONE id local ZONEID ZONEID=$(curl -v -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X GET "${MULTICLOUD_PLUGIN_ENDPOINT}/dns-delegate/v2/zones?name=${ZONENAME}" |sed 's/^.*"id":"\([a-zA-Z0-9-]*\)",.*$/\1/') echo "=====> After creation, zone $ZONENAME ID is $ZONEID" ### query the zone with zone id echo "=====> Querying zone $ZONENAME by ID $ZONEID" curl -sv -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X GET "${MULTICLOUD_PLUGIN_ENDPOINT}/dns-delegate/v2/zones/${ZONEID}" } delete_dns_zone() { local CLOUD_OWNER='pod25' local CLOUD_REGION local CLOUD_VERSION='titanium_cloud' local CLOUD_ENV local DCAE_ZONE local DNSAAS_TENANT_NAME local MCHOST local MCURL local MCMETHOD='-X GET' local MCRESP='200' local MCHEADERS='-H "Real-Time: true" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json"' local MCAUTH='' local MCDATA='' local MULTICLOUD_PLUGIN_ENDPOINT CLOUD_REGION="$(cat /opt/config/openstack_region.txt)" CLOUD_ENV="$(cat /opt/config/cloud_env.txt)" DCAE_ZONE="$(cat /opt/config/dcae_zone.txt)" DNSAAS_TENANT_NAME="$(cat /opt/config/dnsaas_tenant_name.txt)" MCHOST=$(cat /opt/config/openo_ip_addr.txt) MCURL="http://$MCHOST:9005/api/multicloud-titanium_cloud/v0/swagger.json" MCDATA='"{\"auth\":{\"tenantName\": \"${DNSAAS_TENANT_NAME}\"}}"' MULTICLOUD_PLUGIN_ENDPOINT=http://${MCHOST}/api/multicloud-titanium_cloud/v0/${CLOUD_OWNER}_${CLOUD_REGION} ### Get Token local TOKEN TOKEN=$(curl -v -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"auth\":{\"tenantName\": \"${DNSAAS_TENANT_NAME}\"}}" "${MULTICLOUD_PLUGIN_ENDPOINT}/identity/v3/auth/tokens" 2>&1 | grep X-Subject-Token | sed "s/^.*: //") local ZONENAME ZONENAME="$1.dcaeg2.simpledemo.onap.org." local ZONEID ZONEID=$(curl -v -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X GET "${MULTICLOUD_PLUGIN_ENDPOINT}/dns-delegate/v2/zones?name=${ZONENAME}" |sed 's/^.*"id":"\([a-zA-Z0-9-]*\)",.*$/\1/') curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X DELETE "${MULTICLOUD_PLUGIN_ENDPOINT}/dns-delegate/v2/zones/${ZONEID}" } list_dns_zone() { local CLOUD_OWNER='pod25' local CLOUD_REGION local CLOUD_VERSION='titanium_cloud' local CLOUD_ENV local DCAE_ZONE local DNSAAS_TENANT_NAME local MCHOST local MCURL local MCMETHOD='-X GET' local MCRESP='200' local MCHEADERS='-H "Real-Time: true" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json"' local MCAUTH='' local MCDATA='' local MULTICLOUD_PLUGIN_ENDPOINT CLOUD_REGION="$(cat /opt/config/openstack_region.txt)" CLOUD_ENV="$(cat /opt/config/cloud_env.txt)" DCAE_ZONE="$(cat /opt/config/dcae_zone.txt)" DNSAAS_TENANT_NAME="$(cat /opt/config/dnsaas_tenant_name.txt)" MCHOST=$(cat /opt/config/openo_ip_addr.txt) MCURL="http://$MCHOST:9005/api/multicloud-titanium_cloud/v0/swagger.json" MCDATA='"{\"auth\":{\"tenantName\": \"${DNSAAS_TENANT_NAME}\"}}"' MULTICLOUD_PLUGIN_ENDPOINT=http://${MCHOST}/api/multicloud-titanium_cloud/v0/${CLOUD_OWNER}_${CLOUD_REGION} ### Get Token local TOKEN TOKEN=$(curl -v -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"auth\":{\"tenantName\": \"${DNSAAS_TENANT_NAME}\"}}" "${MULTICLOUD_PLUGIN_ENDPOINT}/identity/v3/auth/tokens" 2>&1 | grep X-Subject-Token | sed "s/^.*: //") local ZONENAME ZONENAME="$1.dcaeg2.simpledemo.onap.org." local ZONEID ZONEID=$(curl -v -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X GET "${MULTICLOUD_PLUGIN_ENDPOINT}/dns-delegate/v2/zones?name=${ZONENAME}" |sed 's/^.*"id":"\([a-zA-Z0-9-]*\)",.*$/\1/') curl -v -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X GET "${MULTICLOUD_PLUGIN_ENDPOINT}/dns-delegate/v2/zones/${ZONEID}/recordsets" } NEXUS_USER=$(cat /opt/config/nexus_username.txt) NEXUS_PASSWORD=$(cat /opt/config/nexus_password.txt) NEXUS_DOCKER_REPO=$(cat /opt/config/nexus_docker_repo.txt) DOCKER_VERSION=$(cat /opt/config/docker_version.txt) # use rand_str as zone ZONE=$(cat /opt/config/rand_str.txt) MYFLOATIP=$(cat /opt/config/dcae_float_ip.txt) MYLOCALIP=$(cat /opt/config/dcae_ip_addr.txt) docker login -u "$NEXUS_USER" -p "$NEXUS_PASSWORD" "$NEXUS_DOCKER_REPO" docker pull "$NEXUS_DOCKER_REPO/onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.deployments.bootstrap:$DOCKER_VERSION" && docker pull nginx & ######################################### # Wait for then register with A&AI ######################################## DNSAAS_PROXYED=$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' < /opt/config/dnsaas_config_enabled.txt) if [ "$DNSAAS_PROXYED" == 'true' ]; then echo "Using proxyed DNSaaS service, performing additional registration and configuration" wait_for_aai_ready register_multicloud_pod25_with_aai register_multicloud_pod25dns_with_aai verify_multicloud_registration wait_for_multicloud_ready register_dns_zone "$ZONE" echo "Registration and configuration for proxying DNSaaS completed." else echo "Using proxyed DNSaaS service, performing additional registration and configuration" fi ######################################### # Start DCAE Bootstrap container ######################################### chmod 777 /opt/app/config rm -f /opt/config/runtime.ip.consul rm -f /opt/config/runtime.ip.cm docker login -u "$NEXUS_USER" -p "$NEXUS_PASSWORD" "$NEXUS_DOCKER_REPO" docker pull "$NEXUS_DOCKER_REPO/onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.deployments.bootstrap:$DOCKER_VERSION" docker run -d --name boot -v /opt/app/config:/opt/app/installer/config -e "LOCATION=$ZONE" "$NEXUS_DOCKER_REPO/onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.deployments.bootstrap:$DOCKER_VERSION" # waiting for bootstrap to complete then starting nginx for proxying healthcheck calls echo "Waiting for Consul to become accessible" while [ ! -f /opt/app/config/runtime.ip.consul ]; do echo "."; sleep 30; done # start proxy for consul's health check CONSULIP=$(head -1 /opt/app/config/runtime.ip.consul | sed 's/[[:space:]]//g') echo "Consul is available at $CONSULIP" cat >./nginx.conf <