#!/bin/bash ############################################################################# # # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ############################################################################# ################################## start of vm_init ##################################### set -ex URL_ROOT='nexus.onap.org/service/local/repositories/raw/content' REPO_BLUEPRINTS='org.onap.dcaegen2.platform.blueprints' REPO_DEPLOYMENTS='org.onap.dcaegen2.deployments' if [ -e /opt/config/dcae_deployment_profile.txt ]; then DEPLOYMENT_PROFILE=$(cat /opt/config/dcae_deployment_profile.txt) fi DEPLOYMENT_PROFILE=${DEPLOYMENT_PROFILE:-R3} NEXUS_USER=$(cat /opt/config/nexus_username.txt) NEXUS_PASSWORD=$(cat /opt/config/nexus_password.txt) NEXUS_DOCKER_REPO=$(cat /opt/config/nexus_docker_repo.txt) DOCKER_VERSION=$(cat /opt/config/docker_version.txt) MYFLOATIP=$(cat /opt/config/dcae_float_ip.txt) MYLOCALIP=$(cat /opt/config/dcae_ip_addr.txt) HTTP_PROXY=$(cat /opt/config/http_proxy.txt) HTTPS_PROXY=$(cat /opt/config/https_proxy.txt) if [ $HTTP_PROXY != "no_proxy" ] then export http_proxy=$HTTP_PROXY export https_proxy=$HTTPS_PROXY fi # clean up old network configuration in docker engine set +e if [ -n "$(docker ps -q -a)" ]; then docker stop $(docker ps -q -a) docker update --restart=no $(docker ps -a -q) systemctl restart docker docker rm $(docker ps -q -a) if [ -n "$(docker network ls | grep 'config_default')" ]; then docker network rm config_default fi fi set -e docker login -u "$NEXUS_USER" -p "$NEXUS_PASSWORD" "$NEXUS_DOCKER_REPO" if [[ $DEPLOYMENT_PROFILE == R1* || $DEPLOYMENT_PROFILE == R2* ]]; then echo "R1 and R2 deployment profiles are not supported in Casablanca Heat deployment" elif [[ $DEPLOYMENT_PROFILE == R3* ]]; then RELEASE_TAG='R3' set +e rm -rf /opt/app/inputs-templates mkdir -p /opt/app/inputs-templates wget -P /opt/app/inputs-templates https://${URL_ROOT}/${REPO_DEPLOYMENTS}/${RELEASE_TAG}/heat/docker-compose-1.yaml wget -P /opt/app/inputs-templates https://${URL_ROOT}/${REPO_DEPLOYMENTS}/${RELEASE_TAG}/heat/docker-compose-2.yaml wget -P /opt/app/inputs-templates https://${URL_ROOT}/${REPO_DEPLOYMENTS}/${RELEASE_TAG}/heat/docker-compose-3.yaml wget -P /opt/app/inputs-templates https://${URL_ROOT}/${REPO_DEPLOYMENTS}/${RELEASE_TAG}/heat/docker-compose-4.yaml wget -P /opt/app/inputs-templates https://${URL_ROOT}/${REPO_DEPLOYMENTS}/${RELEASE_TAG}/heat/register.sh wget -P /opt/app/inputs-templates https://${URL_ROOT}/${REPO_DEPLOYMENTS}/${RELEASE_TAG}/heat/setup.sh wget -P /opt/app/inputs-templates https://${URL_ROOT}/${REPO_DEPLOYMENTS}/${RELEASE_TAG}/heat/teardown.sh pip install --upgrade jinja2 wget https://${URL_ROOT}/${REPO_DEPLOYMENTS}/${RELEASE_TAG}/scripts/detemplate-bpinputs.py \ && \ (python detemplate-bpinputs.py /opt/config /opt/app/inputs-templates /opt/app/config; \ rm detemplate-bpinputs.py) if [ -e /opt/app/config/register.sh ]; then chmod +x /opt/app/config/register.sh fi if [ -e /opt/app/config/setup.sh ]; then chmod +x /opt/app/config/setup.sh fi if [ -e /opt/app/config/build-plugins.sh ]; then chmod +x /opt/app/config/build-plugins.sh fi set -e cd /opt/app/config # deploy essentials /opt/docker/docker-compose -f docker-compose-1.yaml up -d # wait for essentials to become ready echo "Waiting for Consul to come up ready" while ! nc -z localhost 8500; do sleep 1; done echo "Waiting for Postgres DB to come up ready" while ! nc -z localhost 5432; do sleep 1; done echo "Waiting for CBS to come up ready" while ! nc -z localhost 10000; do sleep 1; done echo "All dependencies are up, proceed to the next phase" sleep 30 echo "Setup CloudifyManager and Registrator" ./setup.sh sleep 10 export http_proxy="" export https_proxy="" ./register.sh echo "Bring up DCAE MIN service components for R2 use cases" /opt/docker/docker-compose -f docker-compose-2.yaml up -d if [[ "$DEPLOYMENT_PROFILE" == "R3" || "$DEPLOYMENT_PROFILE" == "R3PLUS" ]]; then echo "Bring up DCAE platform components" /opt/docker/docker-compose -f docker-compose-3.yaml up -d if [[ "$DEPLOYMENT_PROFILE" == "R3PLUS" ]]; then echo "Bring up additional (plus) DCAE service components" /opt/docker/docker-compose -f docker-compose-4.yaml up -d fi fi # start proxy for consul's health check CONSULIP=$(cat /opt/config/dcae_ip_addr.txt) echo "Consul is available at $CONSULIP" fi cat >./nginx.conf <<EOL server { listen 80; server_name dcae.simpledemo.onap.org; root /www/healthcheck; location /healthcheck { try_files /services.yaml =404; } location /R3MIN{ try_files /r3mvp_healthy.yaml =404; } location /R3 { try_files /r3_healthy.yaml =404; } location /R3PLUS { try_files /r3plus_healthy.yaml =404; } } EOL HEALTHPORT=8000 docker run -d \ --name dcae-health \ -p ${HEALTHPORT}:80 \ -v "$(pwd)/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf" \ -v "/tmp/healthcheck:/www/healthcheck" \ --label "SERVICE_80_NAME=dcae-health" \ --label "SERVICE_80_CHECK_HTTP=/healthcheck" \ --label "SERVICE_80_CHECK_INTERVAL=15s" \ --label "SERVICE_80_CHECK_INITIAL_STATUS=passing" \ nginx echo "Healthcheck API available at http://${MYFLOATIP}:${HEALTHPORT}/healthcheck" echo " http://${MYFLOATIP}:${HEALTHPORT}/R3" echo " http://${MYFLOATIP}:${HEALTHPORT}/R3MIN" echo " http://${MYFLOATIP}:${HEALTHPORT}/R3PLUS" # run forever for updating health status based on consul set +e while : do rm -rf /tmp/healthcheck/* # all registered services SERVICES=$(curl -s http://consul:8500/v1/agent/services |jq '. | to_entries[] | .value.Service') # passing services SERVICES=$(curl -s http://consul:8500/v1/health/state/passing | jq '.[] | .ServiceName') # remove empty lines/entries SERVICES=$(echo "$SERVICES" | sed '/^\s*\"\"\s*$/d' |sed '/^\s*$/d') SERVICES_JSON=$(echo "$SERVICES" | sed 's/\"$/\",/g' | sed '$ s/.$//') echo "$(date): running healthy services:" echo ">>> $SERVICES" PLT_CONSUL=$(echo "$SERVICES" |grep "consul") PLT_CBS=$(echo "$SERVICES" |grep "config_binding_service") MVP_PG_HOLMES=$(echo "$SERVICES" |grep "pgHolmes") MVP_VES=$(echo "$SERVICES" |grep "mvp.*ves") MVP_TCA=$(echo "$SERVICES" |grep "mvp.*tca") MVP_HR=$(echo "$SERVICES" |grep "mvp.*holmes-rule") MVP_HE=$(echo "$SERVICES" |grep "mvp.*holmes-engine") PLT_CM=$(echo "$SERVICES" |grep "cloudify.*manager") PLT_DH=$(echo "$SERVICES" |grep "deployment.*handler") PLT_PH=$(echo "$SERVICES" |grep "policy.*handler") PLT_SCH=$(echo "$SERVICES" |grep "service.*change.*handler") PLT_INV=$(echo "$SERVICES" |grep "inventory") PLT_PG_INVENTORY=$(echo "$SERVICES" |grep "pgInventory") PLUS_MHB=$(echo "$SERVICES" |grep "heartbeat") PLUS_PRH=$(echo "$SERVICES" |grep "prh") PLUS_MPR=$(echo "$SERVICES" |grep "mapper") PLUS_TRAP=$(echo "$SERVICES" |grep "snmptrap") DATA="{\"healthy\" : \"$(date)\", \"healthy_services\": [${SERVICES_JSON}]}" if [[ -n "$PLT_CONSUL" && -n "$PLT_CBS" && -n "$MVP_PG_HOLMES" && -n "$MVP_VES" && \ -n "$MVP_TCA" ]]; then echo "${DATA}" > /tmp/healthcheck/r3mvp_healthy.yaml echo "${DATA}" > /tmp/healthcheck/services.yaml echo ">>>>>> enough services satisfying R3MIN service deployment" else echo ">>>>>> not enough services satisfying R3MIN service deployment" fi if [[ -n "$PLT_CONSUL" && -n "$PLT_CBS" && -n "$PLT_CM" && -n "$PLT_DH" && \ -n "$PLT_PH" && -n "$PLT_SCH" && -n "$PLT_INV" && -n "$PLT_PG_INVENTORY" ]]; then echo ">>>>>> enough services satisfying R3 platform deployment" echo "${DATA}" > /tmp/healthcheck/r3_healthy.yaml if [[ -n "$PLUS_MHB" && -n "$PLUS_PRH" && -n "$PLUS_MPR" && -n "$PLUS_TRAP" && -n "$MVP_HR" && -n "$MVP_HE" ]]; then echo ">>>>>> enough services satisfying R3PLUS deployment" echo "${DATA}" > /tmp/healthcheck/r3plus_healthy.yaml else echo ">>>>>> not enough services satisfying R3PLUS service deployment" fi else echo ">>>>>> not enough services satisfying R3 platform or R3PLUS service deployment" fi sleep 60 done