From 5b1cd4ca88dd979c4b538c41db53031706e8d31b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Srivahni Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2019 16:10:45 -0700 Subject: Visualization Helm charts package Helm charts for Grafana Added Prometheus and M3DB as datasouces Change-Id: I60bebd0c8ef26f1dc3d91659c55c43f603dd0928 Issue-ID: ONAPARC-393 Signed-off-by: Srivahni --- vnfs/DAaaS/visualization/templates/NOTES.txt | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 37 insertions(+) create mode 100644 vnfs/DAaaS/visualization/templates/NOTES.txt (limited to 'vnfs/DAaaS/visualization/templates') diff --git a/vnfs/DAaaS/visualization/templates/NOTES.txt b/vnfs/DAaaS/visualization/templates/NOTES.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..edd06657 --- /dev/null +++ b/vnfs/DAaaS/visualization/templates/NOTES.txt @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ + +*************************GRAFANA********************************* + +1. Get your '{{ .Values.adminUser }}' user password by running: + + kubectl get secret --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} {{ .Release.Name }}-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo + +2. {{ if .Values.ingress.enabled }} + From outside the cluster, the server URL(s) are: +{{- range .Values.ingress.hosts }} + http://{{ . }} +{{- end }} +{{ else }} + Get the Grafana URL to visit by running these commands in the same shell: +{{ if contains "NodePort" .Values.service.type -}} + export NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}" services {{ template "grafana.fullname" . }}) + export NODE_IP=$(kubectl get nodes --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} -o jsonpath="{.items[0].status.addresses[0].address}") + echo http://$NODE_IP:$NODE_PORT +{{ else if contains "LoadBalancer" .Values.service.type -}} + NOTE: It may take a few minutes for the LoadBalancer IP to be available. + You can watch the status of by running 'kubectl get svc --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} -w {{ template "grafana.fullname" . }}' + export SERVICE_IP=$(kubectl get svc --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} {{ template "grafana.fullname" . }} -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}') + http://$SERVICE_IP:{{ .Values.service.port -}} +{{ else if contains "ClusterIP" .Values.service.type }} + export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} -l "app=grafana,release={{ .Release.Name }}" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") + kubectl --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} port-forward $POD_NAME 3000 +{{- end }} +{{- end }} + +3. Login with the password from step 1 and the username: {{ .Values.adminUser }} + +{{- if not .Values.persistence.enabled }} +################################################################################# +###### WARNING: Persistence is disabled!!! You will lose your data when ##### +###### the Grafana pod is terminated. ##### +################################################################################# +{{- end }} -- cgit 1.2.3-korg