# Python CBS Docker Client Used for DCAE Dockerized microservices written in Python. Pulls your configuration from the config_binding_service. Expects that CONSUL_HOST and HOSTNAME are set as env variables, which is true in DCAE. # Client Usage ## Development outside of Docker To test your raw code without Docker, you will need to set the env variables CONSUL_HOST and HOSTNAME (name of your key to pull from) that are set in DCAEs Docker enviornment. 1. `CONSUL_HOST` is the hostname only of the Consul instance you are talking to 2. HOSTNAME is the name of your component in Consul ## Usage in your code ``` >>> from onap_dcae_cbs_docker_client import client >>> client.get_config() ``` # Installation ## Via pip ``` pip install --extra-index-url https://YOUR_NEXUS_PYPI_SERVER/simple cbs-docker-client ``` ## Via requirements.txt Add the following to your requirements.txt file ``` --extra-index-url https://YOUR_NEXUS_PYPI_SERVER/simple onap-dcae-cbs-docker-client==[version] ```