# Python CBS Docker Client Used for DCAE Dockerized microservices written in Python. Pulls your configuration from the Config Binding Service # Client Usage The environment that this client runs in, whether it be in Docker or "natively", needs to have the following env variables: 1. `HOSTNAME` is the name of your component in Consul 2. `CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE` a resolvable hostname to the CBS 3. If the CBS is running as HTTPS: `DCAE_CA_CERTPATH`: a path to a cacert file to verify the running CBS ## Usage in your code See the `example` folder for a simple test client. If the CBS is reachable, but your configuration key is not there, you will get a CantGetConfig exception: onap_dcae_cbs_docker_client.exceptions.CantGetConfig You can access the original HTTP status code and text via the `code` and `text` attributes. If the CBS is unreachable, you will get an exception: onap_dcae_cbs_docker_client.exceptions.CBSUnreachable # Installation ## Via pip ``` pip install onap-dcae-cbs-docker-client ``` # Testing ``` tox ``` # Version Changes When changes are made, the versions to be bumped are in: 1. setup.py 2. Changelog.md 3. pom.xml