# PRH (PNF Registration Handler) Physical Network Function Registration Handler is responsible for registration of PNF (Physical Network Function) to ONAP (Open Network Automation Platform) in plug and play manner. ## Introduction PRH is delivered as one **Docker container** which hosts application server and can be started by `docker-compose`. ## Functionality ![](docs/prhAlgo.png) ## Compiling PRH Whole project (top level of PRH directory) and each module (sub module directory) can be compiled using `mvn clean install` command. ## Main API Endpoints Running with dev-mode of PRH - **Heartbeat**: http://:8100/**heartbeat** or https://:8443/**heartbeat** - **Start PRH**: http://:8100/**start** or https://:8433/**start** - **Stop PRH**: http://:8100/**stopPrh** or https://:8433/**stopPrh** ## Maven GroupId: org.onap.dcaegen2.services ### Maven Parent ArtifactId: dcae-services ### Maven Children Artifacts: 1. prh-app-server: Pnf Registration Handler (PRH) server 2. prh-commons: Common code for whole prh modules ## License Copyright (C) 2018-2020 NOKIA Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. [License](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)