# LICENSE_START======================================================= # ml-prediction-ms # ================================================================================ # Copyright (C) 2023 Wipro Limited # ================================================================================ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============LICENSE_END========================================================= This Project aims at training an ML model to predict the 'maxNumberOfConns' for each cell. The model is trained against the 'Performance Measurement' data to predict the output. This model will be later used to predict the real time configurations of cells and slices in ml-prediction-ms. We are using a stacked LSTM model to perform predictions of the slices and cell configurations. Assumption ---------- Training module is a offline code, this is not part of the ml-prediction-ms Also refer a pretrained model files is shared along with the source code at /ml-prediction-ms/model/best_model.h5 this is generic trained model file that can be used for live predition. However if you choose to retrain the model Please refer Wiki step 1: ML Offline Training reference to train the machine learning model https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Smart+Intent+Guarantee+based+on+Closed-loop+-+ML+MS+Enhancements Offline training code is presented at location /ml-prediction-ms/train/ParseTrain.py. This ML training code consume or prepares the training data from following Prerequisites Topics of ranim and ConfigDb. Here by we share a sample example training file that need to prepared using the below RANSim topics and ConfigDB application /services/components/ml-prediction-ms/train/ExampleSample_train_data_s1 Prerequisites Topics to run both prediction module and Training code: ------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Training module requires following RANSim Topics. To setup RANsim, refer https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=93002871 -'http://<>:8081/ransim/api/GenerateIntelligentSlicingPmData'- Start data generation. -'http://<>:8081/ransim/api/stopIntelligentSlicingPmData'- Stop data generation. -'http://message-router:3904/events/unauthenticated.PERFORMANCE_MEASUREMENTS/mlms-cg/mlms-cid'- To receive the PM data (3 feature vectors). If there's any error, check and restart the code. ConfigDb application reference https://wiki.onap.org/plugins/servlet/mobile?contentId=1015829#content/view/93002873 -'http://<>:8086/api/sdnc-config-db/v4/nrcellcu-configdata/'+cell_id+'/snssai/01-B989BD' - To get the saved config details (For 4th and 5th Feature) Please refer this wiki link for the configuration and relevant component deployment. https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Smart+Intent+Guarantee+based+on+Closed-loop Please note : - As configdb is onap service, above <> should be switched to corresponding servicename or IP address in ml-prediction-ms.config file - As ransim is onap service, above <> should be switched to corresponding servicename or IP address in ml-prediction-ms.config file - In standalone mode we need to set the IP address and port number for message-router service HOW TO TRAIN: ------------- In order to complete the training process, we at least need 0.1 million samples of PM data. These are gathered from one slice. These samples shall be gathered from the simulation environment. Here in Simulation enviroment each time instance data are generated for all cells at interval for every 3 second versus at the acutual enviroment, each time instance data are generated for every 15 mintues. So here, We used the RAN PM Data simulation enviroment to generated data that is needed for training. The required predicted data for each time instance for the cell are synthetically generated and used in Supervised learning. To run the training module by using the RAN PM data simulation move to folder location 'ml-prediction-ms' then Run python3 train/ParseTrain.py The above module acquires the training data from the RAN PM data simulation. Once the data are acquired via the topics, the module performs training. However, if the data are acquired from the Real Time RAN enviroement where each sample are generated after 15 minutes, we need to adjust the sleep time from line 146 in ParseTrain.py to generate 0.1 million samples(counts across all cells and slices). #Wait for 2 hrs for data generation time.sleep(3600*2) In order to train the ML model to acquire large amount of slice and cell data in small duration we have made changes in the config to generate time series data for all slices and cells for every 300ms instead of 10 sec duration, This is done to speed up the training time period. More Reference https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Smart+Intent+Guarantee+based+on+Closed-loop+-+ML+MS+Enhancements contains the design details and requirements for training. HOW TO LAUNCH Prediction: ------------------------- To Run Prediction move to folder location 'ml-prediction-ms' then Run python3 src/run.py HOW TO LAUNCH Training: move to folder location 'ml-prediction-ms' then Run python3 train/ParseTrain.py in the command line Training Approach that is followed to build the Machine Learning model 1. The data are acquired in offine mode. 2. The data acquisition for training will take around around 4-5 hours to have enough samples for training. 3. The time series data generated by RAN Simulator using PERFORMANCE_MEASUREMET topic was having an interval of one second between two instance data 4. After this data acquisition process the model will take around 15 minutes to run for 250 epochs with 512 batch size. 5. The training model is designed to auto select the best hyperparameters for the machine learning model generation. The functionality in Training module 1. Get Slices/Cell Data: The module performs start and stop on Topics to acquire the data. The Topics should be configured to generate Single Slice data only. In future we will support multiple slices.However, there is no limitation on the number of cells 2. Process Slices/Cells Data: The data acquired from Dmaap topic. The data are preprocess and parsed. Here, we are synthetically generating the 5th feature I.e. ‘Predicted_maxNumberOfConns’ based on the percent increase in the ‘Failure/Total session requested’ ratios. 3. we train the model on a single slice. So we append all the cells one after the other as a part of training statergy. - Now we have the data in the form of single cell. - We have increased the number of training samples. In Train functions following activities are performed. 1. The data is divided into 2 categories: a)Training set (Used for the training). b)Test Data (Used for test/validation). After this step, the data is ready to train a model. 2. Train: This will take the training set created in the last step, normalize it using MinMaxScaler and then 'series_to_supervised' method converts the timeseries into Forecast series to be fed to the LSTM. 3. After some more pre-processing, the data is fed to the Keras sequential model which contains 20 stacked LSTMs and 1 dense layer at the end. 4. The best model is chosen after each checkpoints based on the 'validation loss' and archived to be used for predictions.