#!/usr/bin/env python3 # ============LICENSE_START======================================================= # Copyright (c) 2023 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # ================================================================================ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============LICENSE_END========================================================= import db_monitoring import htbtworker import logging import requests import tempfile import os import json import unittest import time import threading from unittest.mock import * from _pytest.outcomes import skip from pickle import NONE _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Test_db_monitoring(unittest.TestCase): class PseudoCursorCase1: # Test setup for RECONFIGURATION state fetchall_1 = "" @classmethod def execute(ctype, command, arg=None): global fetchall_1 if command.startswith("SELECT validity_flag, source_name_count, heartbeat_interval,"): fetchall_1 = [[1, 1, 300, 1, "TEMP-CL", "1.0", "TEMPPOLICY", "TEMP", "VM", "TEMP", "1.0"]] elif command.startswith("SELECT last_epo_time, source_name, cl_flag FROM "): millisec = time.time() * 1000 fetchall_1 = [[millisec - 300, "testnodeA", 0]] elif command.startswith("SELECT event_name FROM vnf_table_1"): fetchall_1 = [["Heartbeat_vDNS", "Heartbeat_vFw"]] elif command.startswith("SELECT current_state"): fetchall_1 = [["RECONFIGURATION"]] elif command.startswith("DELETE "): fetchall_1 = None elif command.startswith("UPDATE"): fetchall_1 = None else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown db execution") @classmethod def fetchall(ctype): global fetchall_1 return fetchall_1 @classmethod def close(ctype): pass class PseudoCursorCase2: # Test setup for RUNNING state and CL Onset condition fetchall_2 = "" @classmethod def execute(ctype, command, arg=None): global fetchall_2 if command.startswith("SELECT validity_flag, source_name_count, heartbeat_interval,"): fetchall_2 = [[1, 1, 300, 1, "TEMP-CL", "1.0", "TEMPPOLICY", "TEMP", "VM", "TEMP", "1.0"]] elif command.startswith("SELECT last_epo_time, source_name, cl_flag FROM "): millisec = time.time() * 1000 fetchall_2 = [[millisec - 500, "testnodeA", 0]] elif command.startswith("SELECT event_name FROM vnf_table_1"): fetchall_2 = [["Heartbeat_vDNS", "Heartbeat_vFw"]] elif command.startswith("SELECT current_state"): fetchall_2 = [["RUNNING"]] elif command.startswith("DELETE "): fetchall_2 = None elif command.startswith("UPDATE"): fetchall_2 = None else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown db execution") @classmethod def fetchall(ctype): global fetchall_2 return fetchall_2 @classmethod def close(ctype): pass class PseudoCursorCase3: # Test setup for RUNNING state and CL Abatement condition fetchall_3 = "" @classmethod def execute(ctype, command, arg=None): global fetchall_3 if command.startswith("SELECT validity_flag, source_name_count, heartbeat_interval,"): fetchall_3 = [[1, 1, 300, 1, "TEMP-CL", "1.0", "TEMPPOLICY", "TEMP", "VM", "TEMP", "1.0"]] elif command.startswith("SELECT last_epo_time, source_name, cl_flag FROM "): millisec = time.time() * 1000 fetchall_3 = [[millisec - 20, "testnodeA", 1]] elif command.startswith("SELECT event_name FROM vnf_table_1"): fetchall_3 = [["Heartbeat_vDNS", "Heartbeat_vFw"]] elif command.startswith("SELECT current_state"): fetchall_3 = [["RUNNING"]] elif command.startswith("DELETE "): fetchall_3 = None elif command.startswith("UPDATE"): fetchall_3 = None else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown db execution") @classmethod def fetchall(ctype): global fetchall_3 return fetchall_3 @classmethod def close(ctype): pass class PseudoCursorCase4: # Test setup for SourceNode not actively tracked for CL (validity_flag=0) fetchall_4 = "" @classmethod def execute(ctype, command, arg=None): global fetchall_4 if command.startswith("SELECT validity_flag, source_name_count, heartbeat_interval,"): fetchall_4 = [[0, 1, 300, 1, "TEMP-CL", "1.0", "TEMPPOLICY", "TEMP", "VM", "TEMP", "1.0"]] elif command.startswith("SELECT last_epo_time, source_name, cl_flag FROM "): millisec = time.time() * 1000 fetchall_4 = [[millisec - 500, "testnodeA", 0]] elif command.startswith("SELECT event_name FROM vnf_table_1"): fetchall_4 = [["Heartbeat_vDNS", "Heartbeat_vFw"]] elif command.startswith("SELECT current_state"): fetchall_4 = [["RUNNING"]] elif command.startswith("DELETE "): fetchall_4 = None elif command.startswith("UPDATE"): fetchall_4 = None else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown db execution") @classmethod def fetchall(ctype): global fetchall_4 return fetchall_4 @classmethod def close(ctype): pass def setUp(self): htbtworker.configjsonfile = (os.path.dirname(__file__)) + "/test-config.json" @patch("requests.post") def test_sendControlLoopEvent(self, mock1): status = True mock_resp = Mock() mock_resp.configure_mock(**{"status_code": 200}) mock1.return_value = mock_resp db_monitoring.sendControlLoopEvent( "ONSET", "ABC", "1.0", "vFW", "vFW", "VNF", "NODE", "1234567890", "VFW", "1.0", "DCAE" ) self.assertEqual(status, True) db_monitoring.sendControlLoopEvent( "ONSET", "ABC", "1.0", "vFW", "vFW", "VM", "NODE", "1234567890", "VFW", "1.0", "DCAE" ) self.assertEqual(status, True) db_monitoring.sendControlLoopEvent( "ABATED", "ABC", "1.0", "vFW", "vFW", "VNF", "NODE", "1234567890", "VFW", "1.0", "DCAE" ) self.assertEqual(status, True) db_monitoring.sendControlLoopEvent( "ABATED", "ABC", "1.0", "vFW", "vFW", "VM", "NODE", "1234567890", "VFW", "1.0", "DCAE" ) self.assertEqual(status, True) @patch("misshtbtd.read_hb_common", return_value=("1234", "RUNNING", "XYZ-", 1234)) @patch("htbtworker.postgres_db_open") @patch("socket.gethostname", return_value="XYZ") # @patch("db_monitoring.sendControlLoopEvent", return_value = True) def test_db_monitoring(self, mock1, mock2, mock3): status = True mock_cursor = Mock() ## Test setup for RECONFIGURATION state mock_cursor.configure_mock(**{"cursor.return_value": Test_db_monitoring.PseudoCursorCase1}) mock2.return_value = mock_cursor # Test for outer else when PID doesn't match db_monitoring.db_monitoring( "111", htbtworker.configjsonfile, "testuser", "testpwd", "", "1234", "db_name", 1 ) self.assertEqual(status, True) # Test for RECONFIGURATION state mock1.cursor.return_value = ("1234", "RECONFIGURATION", "XYZ-", 1234) db_monitoring.db_monitoring( "1234", htbtworker.configjsonfile, "testuser", "testpwd", "", "1234", "db_name", 1 ) self.assertEqual(status, True) ## Test for RUNNING state and CL ONSET mock_cursor.configure_mock(**{"cursor.return_value": Test_db_monitoring.PseudoCursorCase2}) mock2.return_value = mock_cursor db_monitoring.db_monitoring( "1234", htbtworker.configjsonfile, "testuser", "testpwd", "", "1234", "db_name", 1 ) self.assertEqual(status, True) ## Test for RUNNING state and CL Abatement condition mock_cursor.configure_mock(**{"cursor.return_value": Test_db_monitoring.PseudoCursorCase3}) mock2.return_value = mock_cursor db_monitoring.db_monitoring( "1234", htbtworker.configjsonfile, "testuser", "testpwd", "", "1234", "db_name", 1 ) self.assertEqual(status, True) ## # Test setup for SourceNode not actively tracked for CL (validity_flag=0) mock_cursor.configure_mock(**{"cursor.return_value": Test_db_monitoring.PseudoCursorCase4}) mock2.return_value = mock_cursor db_monitoring.db_monitoring( "1234", htbtworker.configjsonfile, "testuser", "testpwd", "", "1234", "db_name", 1 ) self.assertEqual(status, True) ### Test for exception with missing json file path htbtworker.configjsonfile = (os.path.dirname(__file__)) + "/test-config.json" os.rename(htbtworker.configjsonfile, htbtworker.configjsonfile + "_1") t1 = threading.Thread(target=Test_db_monitoring.switch_filepath, args=(htbtworker.configjsonfile,)) t1.start() db_monitoring.db_monitoring( "1234", htbtworker.configjsonfile, "testuser", "testpwd", "", "1234", "db_name", 3 ) t1.join() self.assertEqual(status, True) @classmethod def switch_filepath(ctype, jsonfile): # print (f"ctype: {ctype} type : {type(ctype)}") time.sleep(5) os.rename(htbtworker.configjsonfile + "_1", htbtworker.configjsonfile) def test_db_monitoring_wrapper(self): status = True db_monitoring.db_monitoring_wrapper("111", htbtworker.configjsonfile, number_of_iterations=0) self.assertEqual(status, True) if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover unittest.main()