#!/usr/bin/env python3 # ============LICENSE_START======================================================= # Copyright (c) 2017-2021 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2019 Pantheon.tech. All rights reserved. # Copyright 2020 Deutsche Telekom. All rights reserved. # Copyright 2021 Samsung Electronics. All rights reserved. # Copyright 2021 Fujitsu Ltd. # ================================================================================ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============LICENSE_END========================================================= # # This is a main process that does the following # - Creates the CBS polling process that indicates the periodic download of # configuration file from CBS # - Creates heartbeat worker process that receives the Heartbeat messages from VNF # - Creates DB Monitoring process that generates Control loop event # - Download the CBS configuration and populate the DB # # Author Prakash Hosangady(ph553f@att.com) import shutil import traceback import os import sys import json import time import multiprocessing import subprocess import yaml import socket import os.path as path import tempfile from pathlib import Path import check_health import htbtworker as heartbeat import get_logger import cbs_polling from mod import trapd_settings as tds from mod.trapd_get_cbs_config import get_cbs_config hb_properties_file = path.abspath(path.join(__file__, "../config/hbproperties.yaml")) ABSOLUTE_PATH1 = path.abspath(path.join(__file__, "../htbtworker.py")) ABSOLUTE_PATH2 = path.abspath(path.join(__file__, "../db_monitoring.py")) CONFIG_PATH = "../etc/config.json" def create_database(update_db, jsfile, ip_address, port_num, user_name, password, db_name): from psycopg2 import connect try: con = connect(user=user_name, host=ip_address, password=password) database_name = db_name con.autocommit = True cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) = 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_database WHERE datname = %s", (database_name,)) not_exists_row = cur.fetchone() msg = "MSHBT:Create_database:DB not exists? ", not_exists_row _logger.info(msg) not_exists = not_exists_row[0] if not_exists is True: _logger.info("MSHBT:Creating database ...") cur.execute("CREATE DATABASE %s", (database_name,)) else: _logger.info("MSHBD:Database already exists") cur.close() con.close() except Exception as err: msg = "MSHBD:DB Creation -", err _logger.error(msg) def read_hb_common(user_name, password, ip_address, port_num, db_name): envPytest = os.getenv('pytest', "") if envPytest == 'test': hbc_pid = 10 hbc_srcName = "srvc_name" hbc_time = 1584595881 hbc_state = "RUNNING" return hbc_pid, hbc_state, hbc_srcName, hbc_time connection_db = heartbeat.postgres_db_open(user_name, password, ip_address, port_num, db_name) cur = connection_db.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT process_id, source_name, last_accessed_time, current_state FROM hb_common") rows = cur.fetchall() hbc_pid = rows[0][0] hbc_srcName = rows[0][1] hbc_time = rows[0][2] hbc_state = rows[0][3] heartbeat.commit_and_close_db(connection_db) cur.close() return hbc_pid, hbc_state, hbc_srcName, hbc_time def create_update_hb_common(update_flg, process_id, state, user_name, password, ip_address, port_num, db_name): current_time = int(round(time.time())) source_name = socket.gethostname() source_name = source_name + "-" + os.getenv('SERVICE_NAME', "") envPytest = os.getenv('pytest', "") if envPytest != 'test': connection_db = heartbeat.postgres_db_open(user_name, password, ip_address, port_num, db_name) cur = connection_db.cursor() if heartbeat.db_table_creation_check(connection_db, "hb_common") is False: cur.execute(""" CREATE TABLE hb_common ( PROCESS_ID integer primary key, SOURCE_NAME varchar, LAST_ACCESSED_TIME integer, CURRENT_STATE varchar )""") cur.execute("INSERT INTO hb_common VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)", (process_id, source_name, current_time, state)) _logger.info("MSHBT:Created hb_common DB and updated new values") elif update_flg == 1: cur.execute("UPDATE hb_common SET LAST_ACCESSED_TIME = %s, CURRENT_STATE = %s " "WHERE PROCESS_ID = %s AND SOURCE_NAME = %s", (current_time, state, process_id, source_name)) _logger.info("MSHBT:Updated hb_common DB with new values") heartbeat.commit_and_close_db(connection_db) cur.close() def create_update_vnf_table_1(jsfile, update_db, connection_db): with open(jsfile, 'r') as outfile: cfg = json.load(outfile) hbcfg = cfg['heartbeat_config'] jhbcfg = json.loads(hbcfg) envPytest = os.getenv('pytest', "") if envPytest == 'test': vnf_list = ["Heartbeat_vDNS", "Heartbeat_vFW", "Heartbeat_xx"] else: cur = connection_db.cursor() if heartbeat.db_table_creation_check(connection_db, "vnf_table_1") is False: cur.execute(""" CREATE TABLE vnf_table_1 ( EVENT_NAME varchar primary key, HEARTBEAT_MISSED_COUNT integer, HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL integer, CLOSED_CONTROL_LOOP_NAME varchar, POLICY_VERSION varchar, POLICY_NAME varchar, POLICY_SCOPE varchar, TARGET_TYPE varchar, TARGET varchar, VERSION varchar, SOURCE_NAME_COUNT integer, VALIDITY_FLAG integer )""") _logger.info("MSHBT:Created vnf_table_1 table") if update_db == 1: cur.execute("UPDATE vnf_table_1 SET VALIDITY_FLAG=0 WHERE VALIDITY_FLAG=1") _logger.info("MSHBT:Set Validity flag to zero in vnf_table_1 table") # Put some initial values into the queue cur.execute("SELECT event_name FROM vnf_table_1") vnf_list = [item[0] for item in cur.fetchall()] for vnf in (jhbcfg['vnfs']): nfc = vnf['eventName'] validity_flag = 1 source_name_count = 0 missed = vnf['heartbeatcountmissed'] intvl = vnf['heartbeatinterval'] clloop = vnf['closedLoopControlName'] policyVersion = vnf['policyVersion'] policyName = vnf['policyName'] policyScope = vnf['policyScope'] target_type = vnf['target_type'] target = vnf['target'] version = vnf['version'] if envPytest == 'test': # skip executing SQL in test continue if nfc not in vnf_list: cur.execute("INSERT INTO vnf_table_1 VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", (nfc, missed, intvl, clloop, policyVersion, policyName, policyScope, target_type, target, version, source_name_count, validity_flag)) _logger.debug("Inserted new event_name = %s into vnf_table_1", nfc) else: cur.execute("""UPDATE vnf_table_1 SET HEARTBEAT_MISSED_COUNT = %s, HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL = %s, CLOSED_CONTROL_LOOP_NAME = %s, POLICY_VERSION = %s, POLICY_NAME = %s, POLICY_SCOPE = %s, TARGET_TYPE = %s, TARGET = %s, VERSION = %s, VALIDITY_FLAG = %s where EVENT_NAME = %s""", (missed, intvl, clloop, policyVersion, policyName, policyScope, target_type, target, version, validity_flag, nfc)) if envPytest != 'test': cur.close() _logger.info("MSHBT:Updated vnf_table_1 as per the json configuration file") def hb_worker_process(config_file_path): subprocess.call([ABSOLUTE_PATH1, config_file_path]) sys.stdout.flush() _logger.info("MSHBT:Creaated Heartbeat worker process") return def db_monitoring_process(current_pid, jsfile): subprocess.call([ABSOLUTE_PATH2, str(current_pid), jsfile]) sys.stdout.flush() _logger.info("MSHBT:Creaated DB Monitoring process") return def read_hb_properties_default(): # Read the hbproperties.yaml for postgress and CBS related data s = open(hb_properties_file, 'r') a = yaml.full_load(s) if (os.getenv('pg_ipAddress') is None) or (os.getenv('pg_portNum') is None) or (os.getenv('pg_userName') is None) or (os.getenv('pg_passwd') is None): ip_address = a['pg_ipAddress'] port_num = a['pg_portNum'] user_name = a['pg_userName'] password = a['pg_passwd'] else: ip_address = os.getenv('pg_ipAddress') port_num = os.getenv('pg_portNum') user_name = os.getenv('pg_userName') password = os.getenv('pg_passwd') dbName = a['pg_dbName'] db_name = dbName.lower() cbs_polling_required = a['CBS_polling_allowed'] cbs_polling_interval = a['CBS_polling_interval'] s.close() return ip_address, port_num, user_name, password, db_name, cbs_polling_required, cbs_polling_interval def read_hb_properties(jsfile): try: with open(jsfile, 'r') as outfile: cfg = json.load(outfile) except Exception as err: msg = "CBS Json file load error - " + str(err) _logger.error(msg) return read_hb_properties_default() try: ip_address = str(cfg['pg_ipAddress']) port_num = str(cfg['pg_portNum']) user_name = str(cfg['pg_userName']) password = str(cfg['pg_passwd']) dbName = str(cfg['pg_dbName']) db_name = dbName.lower() cbs_polling_required = str(cfg['CBS_polling_allowed']) cbs_polling_interval = str(cfg['CBS_polling_interval']) consumer_id = str(cfg['consumerID']) group_id = str(cfg['groupID']) os.environ['consumerID'] = consumer_id os.environ['groupID'] = group_id if "SERVICE_NAME" in cfg: os.environ['SERVICE_NAME'] = str(cfg['SERVICE_NAME']) except Exception as err: msg = "CBS Json file read parameter error - " + str(err) _logger.error(msg) return read_hb_properties_default() return ip_address, port_num, user_name, password, db_name, cbs_polling_required, cbs_polling_interval def fetch_json_file() -> str: """Get configuration from CBS and save it to json file. :return: path to saved json file """ # note: this func is called from multiple subprocesses. need to be thread-safe. jsfile = CONFIG_PATH # Try to get config from CBS. If succeeded, config json is stored to tds.c_config . if get_cbs_config(): # Save config to temporary file with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', delete=False) as temp: _logger.info("MSHBD: New config saved to temp file %s", temp.name) json.dump(tds.c_config, temp) # Swap current config with downloaded config os.makedirs(Path(jsfile).parent, exist_ok=True) shutil.move(temp.name, jsfile) else: _logger.warning("MSHBD: CBS Config not available, using local config") local_config = "./etc/config.json" if Path(local_config).is_file(): jsfile = local_config _logger.info("MSHBD: The json file is %s", jsfile) return jsfile def create_update_db(update_db, jsfile, ip_address, port_num, user_name, password, db_name): envPytest = os.getenv('pytest', "") if envPytest != 'test': # pragma: no cover if update_db == 0: create_database(update_db, jsfile, ip_address, port_num, user_name, password, db_name) msg = "MSHBT: DB parameters -", ip_address, port_num, user_name, password, db_name _logger.info(msg) connection_db = heartbeat.postgres_db_open(user_name, password, ip_address, port_num, db_name) cur = connection_db.cursor() if update_db == 0: if heartbeat.db_table_creation_check(connection_db, "vnf_table_1") is False: create_update_vnf_table_1(jsfile, update_db, connection_db) else: create_update_vnf_table_1(jsfile, update_db, connection_db) heartbeat.commit_and_close_db(connection_db) cur.close() def create_process(job_list, jsfile, pid_current): if len(job_list) == 0: p1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=hb_worker_process, args=(jsfile,)) time.sleep(1) p2 = multiprocessing.Process(target=db_monitoring_process, args=(pid_current, jsfile,)) p1.start() time.sleep(1) p2.start() job_list.append(p1) job_list.append(p2) msg = "MSHBD:jobs list is", job_list _logger.info(msg) return job_list _logger = get_logger.get_logger(__name__) def main(): pid_current = os.getpid() hc_proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=check_health.start_health_check_server) cbs_polling_proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=cbs_polling.cbs_polling_loop, args=(pid_current,)) try: _logger.info("MSHBD:Execution Started") # Start health check server hc_proc.start() _logger.info("MSHBD: Started health check server. PID=%d", hc_proc.pid) job_list = [] jsfile = fetch_json_file() ip_address, port_num, user_name, password, db_name, cbs_polling_required, cbs_polling_interval = read_hb_properties(jsfile) msg = "MSHBT:HB Properties -", ip_address, port_num, user_name, password, db_name, cbs_polling_required, cbs_polling_interval _logger.info(msg) update_db = 0 create_update_db(update_db, jsfile, ip_address, port_num, user_name, password, db_name) state = "RECONFIGURATION" update_flg = 0 create_update_hb_common(update_flg, pid_current, state, user_name, password, ip_address, port_num, db_name) if cbs_polling_required == 'True': # note: cbs_polling process must be started after `hb_common` table created cbs_polling_proc.start() _logger.info("MSHBD: Started CBS polling process. PID=%d", cbs_polling_proc.pid) _logger.info("MSHBD:Current process id is %d", pid_current) _logger.info("MSHBD:Now be in a continuous loop") i = 0 while True: hbc_pid, hbc_state, hbc_srcName, hbc_time = read_hb_common(user_name, password, ip_address, port_num, db_name) msg = "MSHBT: hb_common values ", hbc_pid, hbc_state, hbc_srcName, hbc_time _logger.info(msg) current_time = int(round(time.time())) time_difference = current_time - hbc_time msg = "MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is", hbc_pid, hbc_srcName, hbc_state, hbc_time, current_time, time_difference _logger.info(msg) source_name = socket.gethostname() source_name = source_name + "-" + str(os.getenv('SERVICE_NAME', "")) envPytest = os.getenv('pytest', "") if envPytest == 'test': if i == 2: hbc_pid = pid_current source_name = hbc_srcName hbc_state = "RECONFIGURATION" elif i > 3: hbc_pid = pid_current source_name = hbc_srcName hbc_state = "RUNNING" if time_difference < 60: if (int(hbc_pid) == int(pid_current)) and (source_name == hbc_srcName): msg = "MSHBD:config status is", hbc_state _logger.info(msg) if hbc_state == "RUNNING": state = "RUNNING" update_flg = 1 create_update_hb_common(update_flg, pid_current, state, user_name, password, ip_address, port_num, db_name) elif hbc_state == "RECONFIGURATION": _logger.info("MSHBD:Reconfiguration is in progress,Starting new processes by killing the present processes") jsfile = fetch_json_file() update_db = 1 create_update_db(update_db, jsfile, ip_address, port_num, user_name, password, db_name) msg = "MSHBD: parameters passed to DBM and HB are %d and %s", pid_current _logger.info(msg) job_list = create_process(job_list, jsfile, pid_current) state = "RUNNING" update_flg = 1 create_update_hb_common(update_flg, pid_current, state, user_name, password, ip_address, port_num, db_name) else: _logger.info("MSHBD:Inactive Instance: Process IDs are different, Keep Looping") if len(job_list) >= 2: _logger.info("MSHBD:Inactive Instance: Main and DBM thread are waiting to become ACTIVE") else: jsfile = fetch_json_file() msg = "MSHBD:Inactive Instance:Creating HB and DBM threads if not created already. The param pssed %d and %s", jsfile, pid_current _logger.info(msg) job_list = create_process(job_list, jsfile, pid_current) else: _logger.info("MSHBD:Active instance is inactive for long time: Time to switchover") if (int(hbc_pid) != int(pid_current)) or (source_name != hbc_srcName): _logger.info("MSHBD:Initiating to become Active Instance") if len(job_list) >= 2: _logger.info("MSHBD:HB and DBM thread are waiting to become ACTIVE") else: jsfile = fetch_json_file() msg = "MSHBD: Creating HB and DBM threads. The param pssed %d and %s", jsfile, pid_current _logger.info(msg) job_list = create_process(job_list, jsfile, pid_current) hbc_pid, hbc_state, hbc_srcName, hbc_time = read_hb_common(user_name, password, ip_address, port_num, db_name) update_flg = 1 create_update_hb_common(update_flg, pid_current, hbc_state, user_name, password, ip_address, port_num, db_name) else: _logger.error("MSHBD:ERROR - Active instance is not updating hb_common in 60 sec - ERROR") time.sleep(25) if os.getenv('pytest', "") == 'test': i = i + 1 if i > 5: _logger.info("Terminating main process for pytest") cbs_polling_proc.terminate() time.sleep(1) cbs_polling_proc.join() if len(job_list) > 0: job_list[0].terminate() time.sleep(1) job_list[0].join() job_list.remove(job_list[0]) if len(job_list) > 0: job_list[0].terminate() time.sleep(1) job_list[0].join() job_list.remove(job_list[0]) break except Exception as e: msg = "MSHBD:Exception as %s" % (str(traceback.format_exc())) _logger.error(msg) msg = "Fatal error. Could not start missing heartbeat service due to: {0}".format(e) _logger.error(msg) finally: # Stop health check server if hc_proc.pid is not None: hc_proc.terminate() hc_proc.join() # Stop CBS polling process if cbs_polling_proc.pid is not None: cbs_polling_proc.terminate() cbs_polling_proc.join() if __name__ == '__main__': main()