#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Author Prakash Hosangady(ph553f) # DB Monitoring # Tracks Heartbeat messages on each of the VNFs stored in postgres DB # and generates Missing Heartbeat signal for Policy Engine import requests import math import sched, datetime, time import json import string import sys import os import socket import requests import htbtworker as pm import misshtbtd as db import logging import get_logger _logger = get_logger.get_logger(__name__) def sendControlLoopEvent(CLType, pol_url, policy_version, policy_name, policy_scope, target_type, srcName, epoc_time, closed_control_loop_name, version, target): msg="DBM:Time to raise Control Loop Event for Control loop typ /target type - ",CLType, target_type _logger.info(msg) if(CLType == "ONSET"): _logger.info("DBM:Heartbeat not received, raising alarm event") if(target_type == "VNF"): json_object = json.dumps({ "closedLoopEventClient": "DCAE_Heartbeat_MS", "policyVersion": policy_version, "policyName": policy_name, "policyScope": policy_scope, "target_type": target_type, "AAI": { "generic-vnf.vnf-name": srcName} , "closedLoopAlarmStart": epoc_time, "closedLoopEventStatus": "ONSET", "closedLoopControlName": closed_control_loop_name, "version": version, "target": target, "requestID": "8c1b8bd8-06f7-493f-8ed7-daaa4cc481bc", "from": "DCAE" }); elif(target_type == "VM"): json_object = json.dumps({ "closedLoopEventClient": "DCAE_Heartbeat_MS", "policyVersion": policy_version, "policyName": policy_name, "policyScope": policy_scope, "target_type": target_type, "AAI": { "vserver.vserver-name": srcName} , "closedLoopAlarmStart": epoc_time, "closedLoopEventStatus": "ONSET", "closedLoopControlName": closed_control_loop_name, "version": version, "target": target, "requestID": "8c1b8bd8-06f7-493f-8ed7-daaa4cc481bc", "from": "DCAE" }); else: return True elif(CLType == "ABATED"): _logger.info("DBM:Heartbeat received, clearing alarm event") #last_date_time = datetime.datetime.now() if(target_type == "VNF"): json_object = json.dumps({ "closedLoopEventClient": "DCAE_Heartbeat_MS", "policyVersion": policy_version, "policyName": policy_name, "policyScope": policy_scope, "target_type": target_type, "AAI": { "generic-vnf.vnf-name": srcName} , "closedLoopAlarmStart": epoc_time, "closedLoopEventStatus": "ABATED", "closedLoopControlName": closed_control_loop_name, "version": version, "target": target, "requestID": "8c1b8bd8-06f7-493f-8ed7-daaa4cc481bc", "from": "DCAE" }); elif(target_type == "VM"): json_object = json.dumps({ "closedLoopEventClient": "DCAE_Heartbeat_MS", "policyVersion": policy_version, "policyName": policy_name, "policyScope": policy_scope, "target_type": target_type, "AAI": { "vserver.vserver-name": srcName} , "closedLoopAlarmStart": epoc_time, "closedLoopEventStatus": "ABATED", "closedLoopControlName": closed_control_loop_name, "version": version, "target": target, "requestID": "8c1b8bd8-06f7-493f-8ed7-daaa4cc481bc", "from": "DCAE" }); else: return True else: return True payload = json_object msg="DBM: CL Json object is", json_object _logger.info(msg) #psend_url = pol_url+'DefaultGroup/1?timeout=15000' psend_url = pol_url msg="DBM:",psend_url _logger.info(msg) #Send response for policy on output topic r = requests.post(psend_url, data=payload) msg="DBM:",r.status_code, r.reason _logger.info(msg) ret = r.status_code msg="DBM:Status code for sending the control loop event is",ret _logger.info(msg) return True def db_monitoring(current_pid,json_file,user_name,password,ip_address,port_num,db_name): while(True): time.sleep(20) with open(json_file, 'r') as outfile: cfg = json.load(outfile) pol_url = str(cfg['streams_publishes']['ves_heartbeat']['dmaap_info']['topic_url']) hbc_pid, hbc_state, hbc_srcName, hbc_time = db.read_hb_common(user_name,password,ip_address,port_num,db_name) source_name = socket.gethostname() source_name = source_name + "-" + str(os.getenv('SERVICE_NAME')) envPytest = os.getenv('pytest', "") if (envPytest == 'test'): break connection_db = pm.postgres_db_open(user_name,password,ip_address,port_num,db_name) cur = connection_db.cursor() if(int(current_pid)==int(hbc_pid) and source_name==hbc_srcName and hbc_state == "RUNNING"): _logger.info("DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance") db_query = "Select event_name from vnf_table_1" cur.execute(db_query) vnf_list = [item[0] for item in cur.fetchall()] for event_name in vnf_list: query_value = "SELECT current_state FROM hb_common;" cur.execute(query_value) rows = cur.fetchall() hbc_state = rows[0][0] if( hbc_state == "RECONFIGURATION"): _logger.info("DBM:Waiting for hb_common state to become RUNNING") break db_query = "Select validity_flag,source_name_count,heartbeat_interval,heartbeat_missed_count,closed_control_loop_name,policy_version, policy_name,policy_scope, target_type,target,version from vnf_table_1 where event_name= '%s'" %(event_name) cur.execute(db_query) rows = cur.fetchall() validity_flag = rows[0][0] source_name_count = rows[0][1] heartbeat_interval = rows[0][2] heartbeat_missed_count = rows[0][3] closed_control_loop_name = rows[0][4] policy_version = rows[0][5] policy_name = rows[0][6] policy_scope = rows[0][7] target_type = rows[0][8] target = rows[0][9] version = rows[0][10] comparision_time = (heartbeat_interval*heartbeat_missed_count)*1000 if (validity_flag ==1): for source_name_key in range(source_name_count): epoc_time = int(round(time.time()*1000)) epoc_query = "Select last_epo_time,source_name,cl_flag from vnf_table_2 where event_name= '%s' and source_name_key=%d" %(event_name,(source_name_key+1)) cur.execute(epoc_query) row = cur.fetchall() if (len(row)==0): continue epoc_time_sec = row[0][0] srcName = row[0][1] cl_flag = row[0][2] if((epoc_time-epoc_time_sec)>comparision_time and cl_flag ==0): sendControlLoopEvent("ONSET", pol_url, policy_version, policy_name, policy_scope, target_type, srcName, epoc_time, closed_control_loop_name, version, target) cl_flag = 1 update_query = "UPDATE vnf_table_2 SET CL_FLAG=%d where EVENT_NAME ='%s' and source_name_key=%d" %(cl_flag,event_name,(source_name_key+1)) cur.execute(update_query) connection_db.commit() elif((epoc_time - epoc_time_sec) < comparision_time and cl_flag ==1): sendControlLoopEvent("ABATED", pol_url, policy_version, policy_name, policy_scope, target_type, srcName, epoc_time, closed_control_loop_name, version, target) cl_flag = 0 update_query = "UPDATE vnf_table_2 SET CL_FLAG=%d where EVENT_NAME ='%s' and source_name_key=%d" %(cl_flag,event_name,(source_name_key+1)) cur.execute(update_query) connection_db.commit() else: msg="DBM:DB Monitoring is ignored for %s since validity flag is 0" %(event_name) _logger.info(msg) delete_query_table2 = "DELETE FROM vnf_table_2 WHERE EVENT_NAME = '%s';" %(event_name) cur.execute(delete_query_table2) delete_query = "DELETE FROM vnf_table_1 WHERE EVENT_NAME = '%s';" %(event_name) cur.execute(delete_query) connection_db.commit() """ Delete the VNF entry in table1 and delete all the source ids related to vnfs in table2 """ else: msg="DBM:Inactive instance or hb_common state is not RUNNING" _logger.info(msg) pm.commit_and_close_db(connection_db) cur.close() break; if __name__ == "__main__": _logger.info("DBM: DBM Process started") ip_address, port_num, user_name, password, db_name, cbs_polling_required, cbs_polling_interval = db.read_hb_properties() current_pid = sys.argv[1] jsfile = sys.argv[2] msg="DBM:Parent process ID and json file name",current_pid, jsfile _logger.info(msg) while (True): db_monitoring(current_pid,jsfile,user_name,password,ip_address,port_num,db_name)