#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Author Prakash Hosangady (ph553f) # Read the hb_common table # Update the state to RECONFIGURATION and save the hb_common table import os import sched, datetime, time import string import sys import socket import yaml import psycopg2 from pathlib import Path import os.path as path hb_properties_file = path.abspath(path.join(__file__, "../config/hbproperties.yaml")) def postgres_db_open(username,password,host,port,database_name): envPytest = os.getenv('pytest', "") if (envPytest == 'test'): return True connection = psycopg2.connect(database=database_name, user = username, password = password, host = host, port =port) return connection def db_table_creation_check(connection_db,table_name): envPytest = os.getenv('pytest', "") if (envPytest == 'test'): return True try: cur = connection_db.cursor() query_db = "select * from information_schema.tables where table_name='%s'" %(table_name) cur.execute(query_db) database_names = cur.fetchone() if(database_names is not None): if(table_name in database_names): print("HB_Notif::Postgres has already has table -", table_name) return True else: print("HB_Notif::Postgres does not have table - ", table_name) return False except (psycopg2.DatabaseError, e): print('COMMON:Error %s' % e) finally: cur.close() def commit_and_close_db(connection_db): envPytest = os.getenv('pytest', "") if (envPytest == 'test'): return True try: connection_db.commit() # <--- makes sure the change is shown in the database connection_db.close() return True except(psycopg2.DatabaseError, e): return False def read_hb_properties(): #Read the hbproperties.yaml for postgress and CBS related data s=open(hb_properties_file, 'r') a=yaml.load(s) if((os.getenv('pg_ipAddress') is None) or (os.getenv('pg_portNum') is None) or (os.getenv('pg_userName') is None) or (os.getenv('pg_passwd') is None)): ip_address = a['pg_ipAddress'] port_num = a['pg_portNum'] user_name = a['pg_userName'] password = a['pg_passwd'] else: ip_address = os.getenv('pg_ipAddress') port_num = os.getenv('pg_portNum') user_name = os.getenv('pg_userName') password = os.getenv('pg_passwd') dbName = a['pg_dbName'] db_name = dbName.lower() cbs_polling_required = a['CBS_polling_allowed'] cbs_polling_interval = a['CBS_polling_interval'] s.close() return ip_address, port_num, user_name, password, db_name, cbs_polling_required, cbs_polling_interval def read_hb_common(user_name,password,ip_address,port_num,db_name): envPytest = os.getenv('pytest', "") if (envPytest == 'test'): hbc_pid = 10 hbc_srcName = "srvc_name" hbc_time = 1541234567 hbc_state = "RUNNING" return hbc_pid, hbc_state, hbc_srcName, hbc_time connection_db = postgres_db_open(user_name,password,ip_address,port_num,db_name) cur = connection_db.cursor() query_value = "SELECT process_id,source_name,last_accessed_time,current_state FROM hb_common;" cur.execute(query_value) rows = cur.fetchall() print("HB_Notif::hb_common contents - ", rows) hbc_pid = rows[0][0] hbc_srcName = rows[0][1] hbc_time = rows[0][2] hbc_state = rows[0][3] commit_and_close_db(connection_db) cur.close() return hbc_pid, hbc_state, hbc_srcName, hbc_time def update_hb_common(update_flg, process_id, state, user_name,password,ip_address,port_num,db_name): current_time = int(round(time.time())) source_name = socket.gethostname() source_name = source_name + "-" + str(os.getenv('SERVICE_NAME')) envPytest = os.getenv('pytest', "") if (envPytest == 'test'): return True connection_db = postgres_db_open(user_name,password,ip_address,port_num,db_name) cur = connection_db.cursor() query_value = "UPDATE hb_common SET PROCESS_ID='%d',SOURCE_NAME='%s', LAST_ACCESSED_TIME='%d',CURRENT_STATE='%s'" %(process_id, source_name, current_time, state) cur.execute(query_value) commit_and_close_db(connection_db) cur.close() return True #if __name__ == "__main__": def config_notif_run(): ip_address, port_num, user_name, password, db_name, cbs_polling_required, cbs_polling_interval = read_hb_properties() envPytest = os.getenv('pytest', "") if (envPytest == 'test'): return True connection_db = postgres_db_open(user_name,password,ip_address,port_num,db_name) cur = connection_db.cursor() if(db_table_creation_check(connection_db,"hb_common") == False): print("HB_Notif::ERROR::hb_common table not exists - No config download") connection_db.close() else: hbc_pid, hbc_state, hbc_srcName, hbc_time = read_hb_common(user_name,password,ip_address,port_num,db_name) state = "RECONFIGURATION" update_flg = 1 ret = update_hb_common(update_flg, hbc_pid, state, user_name,password,ip_address,port_num,db_name) if (ret == True): print("HB_Notif::hb_common table updated with RECONFIGURATION state") commit_and_close_db(connection_db) return True else: print("HB_Notif::Failure updating hb_common table") commit_and_close_db(connection_db) return False cur.close()