#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property, Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2019 Pantheon.tech. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Author Prakash Hosangady (ph553f) # Read the hb_common table # Update the state to RECONFIGURATION and save the hb_common table import os import sched, datetime, time import string import sys import socket import yaml import json import psycopg2 from pathlib import Path import os.path as path from .mod import trapd_settings as tds from .mod.trapd_get_cbs_config import get_cbs_config hb_properties_file = path.abspath(path.join(__file__, "../config/hbproperties.yaml")) def postgres_db_open(username,password,host,port,database_name): envPytest = os.getenv('pytest', "") if (envPytest == 'test'): return True try: #pragma: no cover connection = psycopg2.connect(database=database_name, user = username, password = password, host = host, port =port) except Exception as e: print("HB_Notif::postgress connect error: %s" % e) connection = True return connection def db_table_creation_check(connection_db,table_name): envPytest = os.getenv('pytest', "") if (envPytest == 'test'): return True try: #pragma: no cover cur = connection_db.cursor() query_db = "select * from information_schema.tables where table_name='%s'" %(table_name) cur.execute(query_db) database_names = cur.fetchone() if(database_names is not None): if(table_name in database_names): print("HB_Notif::Postgres already has table - %s" % table_name) return True else: print("HB_Notif::Postgres does not have table - %s" % table_name) return False except psycopg2.DatabaseError as e: print('COMMON:Error %s' % e) finally: cur.close() def commit_and_close_db(connection_db): envPytest = os.getenv('pytest', "") if (envPytest == 'test'): return True try: #pragma: no cover connection_db.commit() # <--- makes sure the change is shown in the database connection_db.close() return True except psycopg2.DatabaseError as e: return False def read_hb_properties_default(): #Read the hbproperties.yaml for postgress and CBS related data s=open(hb_properties_file, 'r') a=yaml.load(s) if((os.getenv('pg_ipAddress') is None) or (os.getenv('pg_portNum') is None) or (os.getenv('pg_userName') is None) or (os.getenv('pg_passwd') is None)): ip_address = a['pg_ipAddress'] port_num = a['pg_portNum'] user_name = a['pg_userName'] password = a['pg_passwd'] else: ip_address = os.getenv('pg_ipAddress') port_num = os.getenv('pg_portNum') user_name = os.getenv('pg_userName') password = os.getenv('pg_passwd') dbName = a['pg_dbName'] db_name = dbName.lower() cbs_polling_required = a['CBS_polling_allowed'] cbs_polling_interval = a['CBS_polling_interval'] s.close() return ip_address, port_num, user_name, password, db_name, cbs_polling_required, cbs_polling_interval def read_hb_properties(jsfile): try: with open(jsfile, 'r') as outfile: cfg = json.load(outfile) except(Exception) as err: print("Json file read error - %s" % err) return read_hb_properties_default() try: ip_address = str(cfg['pg_ipAddress']) port_num = str(cfg['pg_portNum']) user_name = str(cfg['pg_userName']) password = str(cfg['pg_passwd']) dbName = str(cfg['pg_dbName']) db_name = dbName.lower() cbs_polling_required = str(cfg['CBS_polling_allowed']) cbs_polling_interval = str(cfg['CBS_polling_interval']) if "SERVICE_NAME" in cfg: os.environ['SERVICE_NAME'] = str(cfg['SERVICE_NAME']) except(Exception) as err: print("Json file read parameter error - %s" % err) return read_hb_properties_default() return ip_address, port_num, user_name, password, db_name, cbs_polling_required, cbs_polling_interval def read_hb_common(user_name,password,ip_address,port_num,db_name): envPytest = os.getenv('pytest', "") if (envPytest == 'test'): hbc_pid = 10 hbc_srcName = "srvc_name" hbc_time = 1541234567 hbc_state = "RUNNING" return hbc_pid, hbc_state, hbc_srcName, hbc_time connection_db = postgres_db_open(user_name,password,ip_address,port_num,db_name) cur = connection_db.cursor() query_value = "SELECT process_id,source_name,last_accessed_time,current_state FROM hb_common;" cur.execute(query_value) rows = cur.fetchall() print("HB_Notif::hb_common contents - %s" % rows) hbc_pid = rows[0][0] hbc_srcName = rows[0][1] hbc_time = rows[0][2] hbc_state = rows[0][3] commit_and_close_db(connection_db) cur.close() return hbc_pid, hbc_state, hbc_srcName, hbc_time def update_hb_common(update_flg, process_id, state, user_name,password,ip_address,port_num,db_name): current_time = int(round(time.time())) source_name = socket.gethostname() source_name = source_name + "-" + str(os.getenv('SERVICE_NAME', "")) envPytest = os.getenv('pytest', "") if (envPytest == 'test'): return True connection_db = postgres_db_open(user_name,password,ip_address,port_num,db_name) cur = connection_db.cursor() query_value = "UPDATE hb_common SET PROCESS_ID='%d',SOURCE_NAME='%s', LAST_ACCESSED_TIME='%d',CURRENT_STATE='%s'" %(process_id, source_name, current_time, state) cur.execute(query_value) commit_and_close_db(connection_db) cur.close() return True def fetch_json_file(): if get_cbs_config(): current_runtime_config_file_name = "../etc/download1.json" envPytest = os.getenv('pytest', "") if (envPytest == 'test'): jsfile = "../etc/config.json" return jsfile print("Config_N:current config logged to : %s" % current_runtime_config_file_name) with open(current_runtime_config_file_name, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(tds.c_config, outfile) jsfile = current_runtime_config_file_name else: print("MSHBD:CBS Config not available, using local config") jsfile = "../etc/config.json" print("Config_N: The json file is - %s" % jsfile) return jsfile #if __name__ == "__main__": def config_notif_run(): jsfile = fetch_json_file() ip_address, port_num, user_name, password, db_name, cbs_polling_required, cbs_polling_interval = read_hb_properties(jsfile) envPytest = os.getenv('pytest', "") if (envPytest == 'test'): return True connection_db = postgres_db_open(user_name,password,ip_address,port_num,db_name) cur = connection_db.cursor() if(db_table_creation_check(connection_db,"hb_common") == False): print("HB_Notif::ERROR::hb_common table not exists - No config download") connection_db.close() else: #pragma: no cover hbc_pid, hbc_state, hbc_srcName, hbc_time = read_hb_common(user_name,password,ip_address,port_num,db_name) state = "RECONFIGURATION" update_flg = 1 ret = update_hb_common(update_flg, hbc_pid, state, user_name,password,ip_address,port_num,db_name) if (ret == True): print("HB_Notif::hb_common table updated with RECONFIGURATION state") commit_and_close_db(connection_db) return True else: print("HB_Notif::Failure updating hb_common table") commit_and_close_db(connection_db) return False cur.close()