# DCAE service change handler Application that is responsible for polling for ASDC distribution notification events and handling those events. Handling means: * Parsing the event for DCAE artifacts * Identifying whether its complementary DCAE service type resource in DCAE inventory has changed * Taking action - Insert a new DCAE service type - Update an existing DCAE service type - Deactivate an existing DCAE service type * Send appropriate acknowledgements back ## Dependencies Uses the SDC distribution client to interface with the SDC API. ## To run Two modes of operation: development and production. ### Development The application in development mode does not actually pull from ASDC but rather takes in a file that contains a single ASDC notification event as a third argument and processes it. Usage of development mode: ``` java -jar dcae-service-change-handler-0.1.0.jar dev ``` ### Production The application in production mode continuously pulls events from ASDC and processes them. Usage of production mode when config is a file on the filesystem: ``` java -jar dcae-service-change-handler-0.1.0.jar prod ``` Usage of production mode when config is remote stored in Consul: ``` java -jar dcae-service-change-handler-0.1.0.jar prod http://consul:8500/v1/kv/service-change-handler?raw=true ``` #### Use script [`sch.sh`](resources/sch.sh) is a script to run service change handler that connects with inventory using HTTPS. The script attempts to add a custom CA cert to the OS's key store `/etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts` and then launches service change handler. The custom CA cert is used to validate the server-side cert provided by inventory at runtime. The script uses the following environment variables: Name | Description | Default ---- | ----------- | ------- `PATH_TO_CACERT` | Local file path to the CA cert that needs to be added to the keystore | `/opt/cert/cacert.pem` `SCH_ARGS` | Args to be passed into the SCH run command | `prod http://consul:8500/v1/kv/service-change-handler?raw=true`