"""generic class to keep track of request handling from receiving it through reponse and log all the activities call Audit.init("component-name", "path/to/config_file") to init the loggers before any requests start each outside request with creation of the Audit object audit = Audit(request_id=None, headers=None, msg=None) """ # org.onap.dcae # ================================================================================ # Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # ================================================================================ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============LICENSE_END========================================================= # # ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property. import os import json import uuid import time import copy from threading import Lock from enum import Enum from .CommonLogger import CommonLogger REQUEST_X_ECOMP_REQUESTID = "X-ECOMP-RequestID" REQUEST_REMOTE_ADDR = "Remote-Addr" REQUEST_HOST = "Host" HOSTNAME = "HOSTNAME" AUDIT_REQUESTID = 'requestID' AUDIT_IPADDRESS = 'IPAddress' AUDIT_SERVER = 'server' HEADER_CLIENTAUTH = "clientauth" HEADER_AUTHORIZATION = "authorization" class AuditHttpCode(Enum): """audit http codes""" HTTP_OK = 200 DATA_NOT_FOUND_ERROR = 400 PERMISSION_UNAUTHORIZED_ERROR = 401 PERMISSION_FORBIDDEN_ERROR = 403 SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR = 500 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR = 503 DATA_ERROR = 1030 SCHEMA_ERROR = 1040 class AuditResponseCode(Enum): """audit response codes""" SUCCESS = 0 PERMISSION_ERROR = 100 AVAILABILITY_ERROR = 200 DATA_ERROR = 300 SCHEMA_ERROR = 400 BUSINESS_PROCESS_ERROR = 500 UNKNOWN_ERROR = 900 @staticmethod def get_response_code(http_status_code): """calculates the response_code from max_http_status_code""" if http_status_code <= AuditHttpCode.HTTP_OK.value: return AuditResponseCode.SUCCESS if http_status_code in [AuditHttpCode.PERMISSION_UNAUTHORIZED_ERROR.value, \ AuditHttpCode.PERMISSION_FORBIDDEN_ERROR.value]: return AuditResponseCode.PERMISSION_ERROR if http_status_code == AuditHttpCode.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR.value: return AuditResponseCode.AVAILABILITY_ERROR if http_status_code == AuditHttpCode.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR.value: return AuditResponseCode.BUSINESS_PROCESS_ERROR if http_status_code in [AuditHttpCode.DATA_ERROR.value, \ AuditHttpCode.DATA_NOT_FOUND_ERROR.value]: return AuditResponseCode.DATA_ERROR if http_status_code == AuditHttpCode.SCHEMA_ERROR.value: return AuditResponseCode.SCHEMA_ERROR return AuditResponseCode.UNKNOWN_ERROR @staticmethod def get_human_text(response_code): """convert enum name into human readable text""" if not response_code: return "unknown" return response_code.name.lower().replace("_", " ") class Audit(object): """put the audit object on stack per each initiating request in the system :request_id: is the X-ECOMP-RequestID for tracing :req_message: is the request message string for logging :aud_parent: is the parent request - used for sub-query metrics to other systems :kwargs: - put any request related params into kwargs """ _service_name = "" _service_instance_UUID = str(uuid.uuid4()) _logger_debug = None _logger_error = None _logger_metrics = None _logger_audit = None @staticmethod def init(service_name, config_file_path): """init static invariants and loggers""" Audit._service_name = service_name Audit._logger_debug = CommonLogger(config_file_path, "debug", \ instanceUUID=Audit._service_instance_UUID, serviceName=Audit._service_name) Audit._logger_error = CommonLogger(config_file_path, "error", \ instanceUUID=Audit._service_instance_UUID, serviceName=Audit._service_name) Audit._logger_metrics = CommonLogger(config_file_path, "metrics", \ instanceUUID=Audit._service_instance_UUID, serviceName=Audit._service_name) Audit._logger_audit = CommonLogger(config_file_path, "audit", \ instanceUUID=Audit._service_instance_UUID, serviceName=Audit._service_name) def __init__(self, request_id=None, req_message=None, aud_parent=None, **kwargs): """create audit object per each request in the system :request_id: is the X-ECOMP-RequestID for tracing :req_message: is the request message string for logging :aud_parent: is the parent Audit - used for sub-query metrics to other systems :kwargs: - put any request related params into kwargs """ self.request_id = request_id self.req_message = req_message or "" self.aud_parent = aud_parent self.kwargs = kwargs or {} self.retry_get_config = False self.max_http_status_code = 0 self._lock = Lock() if self.aud_parent: if not self.request_id: self.request_id = self.aud_parent.request_id if not self.req_message: self.req_message = self.aud_parent.req_message self.kwargs = self.aud_parent.merge_all_kwargs(**self.kwargs) else: headers = self.kwargs.get("headers", {}) if headers: if not self.request_id: self.request_id = headers.get(REQUEST_X_ECOMP_REQUESTID) if AUDIT_IPADDRESS not in self.kwargs: self.kwargs[AUDIT_IPADDRESS] = headers.get(REQUEST_REMOTE_ADDR) if AUDIT_SERVER not in self.kwargs: self.kwargs[AUDIT_SERVER] = headers.get(REQUEST_HOST) if AUDIT_SERVER not in self.kwargs: self.kwargs[AUDIT_SERVER] = os.environ.get(HOSTNAME) created_req = "" if not self.request_id: created_req = " with new" self.request_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.kwargs[AUDIT_REQUESTID] = self.request_id self._started = time.time() self._start_event = Audit._logger_audit.getStartRecordEvent() self.metrics_start() if not self.aud_parent: self.info("new audit{0} request_id {1}, msg({2}), kwargs({3})"\ .format(created_req, self.request_id, self.req_message, json.dumps(self.kwargs))) def merge_all_kwargs(self, **kwargs): """returns the merge of copy of self.kwargs with the param kwargs""" all_kwargs = self.kwargs.copy() if kwargs: all_kwargs.update(kwargs) return all_kwargs def set_http_status_code(self, http_status_code): """accumulate the highest(worst) http status code""" self._lock.acquire() if self.max_http_status_code < AuditHttpCode.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR.value: self.max_http_status_code = max(http_status_code, self.max_http_status_code) self._lock.release() @staticmethod def get_status_code(success): """COMPLETE versus ERROR""" if success: return 'COMPLETE' return 'ERROR' @staticmethod def hide_secrets(obj): """hides the known secret field values of the dictionary""" if not isinstance(obj, dict): return obj for key in obj: if key.lower() in [HEADER_CLIENTAUTH, HEADER_AUTHORIZATION]: obj[key] = "*" elif isinstance(obj[key], dict): obj[key] = Audit.hide_secrets(obj[key]) return obj @staticmethod def log_json_dumps(obj, **kwargs): """hide the known secret field values of the dictionary and return json.dumps""" if not isinstance(obj, dict): return json.dumps(obj, **kwargs) return json.dumps(Audit.hide_secrets(copy.deepcopy(obj)), **kwargs) def get_response_code(self): """calculates the response_code from max_http_status_code""" self._lock.acquire() max_http_status_code = self.max_http_status_code self._lock.release() return AuditResponseCode.get_response_code(max_http_status_code) def debug(self, log_line, **kwargs): """debug - the debug=lowest level of logging""" Audit._logger_debug.debug(log_line, **self.merge_all_kwargs(**kwargs)) def info(self, log_line, **kwargs): """debug - the info level of logging""" Audit._logger_debug.info(log_line, **self.merge_all_kwargs(**kwargs)) def info_requested(self, result=None, **kwargs): """info "requested ..." - the info level of logging""" self.info("requested {0} {1}".format(self.req_message, result or ""), \ **self.merge_all_kwargs(**kwargs)) def warn(self, log_line, **kwargs): """debug+error - the warn level of logging""" all_kwargs = self.merge_all_kwargs(**kwargs) Audit._logger_debug.warn(log_line, **all_kwargs) Audit._logger_error.warn(log_line, **all_kwargs) def error(self, log_line, **kwargs): """debug+error - the error level of logging""" all_kwargs = self.merge_all_kwargs(**kwargs) Audit._logger_debug.error(log_line, **all_kwargs) Audit._logger_error.error(log_line, **all_kwargs) def fatal(self, log_line, **kwargs): """debug+error - the fatal level of logging""" all_kwargs = self.merge_all_kwargs(**kwargs) Audit._logger_debug.fatal(log_line, **all_kwargs) Audit._logger_error.fatal(log_line, **all_kwargs) @staticmethod def get_elapsed_time(started): """returns the elapsed time since started in milliseconds""" return int(round(1000 * (time.time() - started))) def metrics_start(self, log_line=None, **kwargs): """reset metrics timing""" self._metrics_started = time.time() self._metrics_start_event = Audit._logger_metrics.getStartRecordEvent() if log_line: self.info(log_line, **self.merge_all_kwargs(**kwargs)) def metrics(self, log_line, **kwargs): """debug+metrics - the metrics=sub-audit level of logging""" all_kwargs = self.merge_all_kwargs(**kwargs) response_code = self.get_response_code() success = (response_code.value == AuditResponseCode.SUCCESS.value) metrics_func = None if success: log_line = "done: {0}".format(log_line) self.info(log_line, **all_kwargs) metrics_func = Audit._logger_metrics.info else: log_line = "failed: {0}".format(log_line) self.error(log_line, errorCode=response_code.value, \ errorDescription=AuditResponseCode.get_human_text(response_code), **all_kwargs) metrics_func = Audit._logger_metrics.error metrics_func(log_line, begTime=self._metrics_start_event, \ timer=Audit.get_elapsed_time(self._metrics_started), \ statusCode=Audit.get_status_code(success), responseCode=response_code.value, \ responseDescription=AuditResponseCode.get_human_text(response_code), \ **all_kwargs) self.metrics_start() def audit_done(self, result=None, **kwargs): """debug+audit - the audit=top level of logging""" all_kwargs = self.merge_all_kwargs(**kwargs) response_code = self.get_response_code() success = (response_code.value == AuditResponseCode.SUCCESS.value) log_line = "{0} {1}".format(self.req_message, result or "").strip() audit_func = None if success: log_line = "done: {0}".format(log_line) self.info(log_line, **all_kwargs) audit_func = Audit._logger_audit.info else: log_line = "failed: {0}".format(log_line) self.error(log_line, errorCode=response_code.value, \ errorDescription=AuditResponseCode.get_human_text(response_code), **all_kwargs) audit_func = Audit._logger_audit.error audit_func(log_line, begTime=self._start_event, \ timer=Audit.get_elapsed_time(self._started), \ statusCode=Audit.get_status_code(success), responseCode=response_code.value, \ responseDescription=AuditResponseCode.get_human_text(response_code), \ **all_kwargs)