#!/usr/bin/python # -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi: set expandtab: """ECOMP Common Logging library in Python. CommonLogger.py Original Written by: Terry Schmalzried Date written: October 1, 2015 Last updated: December 1, 2016 version 0.8 """ # org.onap.dcae # ================================================================================ # Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # ================================================================================ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============LICENSE_END========================================================= # # ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property. from __future__ import print_function import os, sys, getopt, logging, logging.handlers, time, re, uuid, socket, threading, collections class CommonLogger: """ECOMP Common Logging object. Public methods: __init__ setFields debug info warn error fatal """ UnknownFile = -1 ErrorFile = 0 DebugFile = 1 AuditFile = 2 MetricsFile = 3 DateFmt = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' verbose = False def __init__(self, configFile, logKey, **kwargs): """Construct a Common Logger for one Log File. Arguments: configFile -- configuration filename. logKey -- the keyword in configFile that identifies the log filename. Keyword arguments: Annotations are d:debug, a=audit, m=metrics, e=error style -- the log file format (style) to use when writing log messages, one of CommonLogger.ErrorFile, CommonLogger.DebugFile, CommonLogger.AuditFile and CommonLogger.MetricsFile, or one of the strings "error", "debug", "audit" or "metrics". May also be set in the config file using a field named Style (where is the value of the logKey parameter). The keyword value overrides the value in the config file. requestID (dame) -- optional default value for this log record field. serviceInstanceID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. threadID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. serverName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. serviceName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. instanceUUID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. severity (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. serverIPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. server (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. IPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. className (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. timer (am) -- (ElapsedTime) optional default value for this log record field. partnerName (ame) -- optional default value for this log record field. targetEntity (me) -- optional default value for this log record field. targetServiceName (me) -- optional default value for this log record field. statusCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. responseCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. responseDescription (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. processKey (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. targetVirtualEntity (m) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField1 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField2 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField3 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField4 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. errorCategory (e) -- optional default value for this log record field. errorCode (e) -- optional default value for this log record field. errorDescription (e) -- optional default value for this log record field. Note: the pipe '|' character is not allowed in any log record field. """ self._monitorFlag = False # Get configuration parameters self._logKey = str(logKey) self._configFile = str(configFile) self._rotateMethod = 'time' self._timeRotateIntervalType = 'midnight' self._timeRotateInterval = 1 self._sizeMaxBytes = 0 self._sizeRotateMode = 'a' self._socketHost = None self._socketPort = 0 self._typeLogger = 'filelogger' self._backupCount = 6 self._logLevelThreshold = self._intLogLevel('') self._logFile = None self._begTime = None self._begMsec = 0 self._fields = {} self._fields["style"] = CommonLogger.UnknownFile try: self._configFileModified = os.path.getmtime(self._configFile) for line in open(self._configFile): line = line.split('#',1)[0] # remove comments if '=' in line: key, value = [x.strip() for x in line.split('=',1)] if key == 'rotateMethod' and value.lower() in ['time', 'size', 'none']: self._rotateMethod = value.lower() elif key == 'timeRotateIntervalType' and value in ['S', 'M', 'H', 'D', 'W0', 'W1', 'W2', 'W3', 'W4', 'W5', 'W6', 'midnight']: self._timeRotateIntervalType = value elif key == 'timeRotateInterval' and int( value ) > 0: self._timeRotateInterval = int( value ) elif key == 'sizeMaxBytes' and int( value ) >= 0: self._sizeMaxBytes = int( value ) elif key == 'sizeRotateMode' and value in ['a']: self._sizeRotateMode = value elif key == 'backupCount' and int( value ) >= 0: self._backupCount = int( value ) elif key == self._logKey + 'SocketHost': self._socketHost = value elif key == self._logKey + 'SocketPort' and int( value ) == 0: self._socketPort = int( value ) elif key == self._logKey + 'LogType' and value.lower() in ['filelogger', 'stdoutlogger', 'stderrlogger', 'socketlogger', 'nulllogger']: self._typeLogger = value.lower() elif key == self._logKey + 'LogLevel': self._logLevelThreshold = self._intLogLevel(value.upper()) elif key == self._logKey + 'Style': self._fields["style"] = value elif key == self._logKey: self._logFile = value except Exception as x: print("exception reading '%s' configuration file: %s" %(self._configFile, str(x)), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(2) except: print("exception reading '%s' configuration file" %(self._configFile), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(2) if self._logFile is None: print('configuration file %s is missing definition %s for log file' %(self._configFile, self._logKey), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(2) # initialize default log fields # timestamp will automatically be generated for key in ['style', 'requestID', 'serviceInstanceID', 'threadID', 'serverName', 'serviceName', 'instanceUUID', \ 'severity', 'serverIPAddress', 'server', 'IPAddress', 'className', 'timer', \ 'partnerName', 'targetEntity', 'targetServiceName', 'statusCode', 'responseCode', \ 'responseDescription', 'processKey', 'targetVirtualEntity', 'customField1', \ 'customField2', 'customField3', 'customField4', 'errorCategory', 'errorCode', \ 'errorDescription' ]: if key in kwargs and kwargs[key] != None: self._fields[key] = kwargs[key] self._resetStyleField() # Set up logger self._logLock = threading.Lock() with self._logLock: self._logger = logging.getLogger(self._logKey) self._logger.propagate = False self._createLogger() self._defaultServerInfo() # spawn a thread to monitor configFile for logLevel and logFile changes self._monitorFlag = True self._monitorThread = threading.Thread(target=self._monitorConfigFile, args=()) self._monitorThread.daemon = True self._monitorThread.start() def _createLogger(self): if self._typeLogger == 'filelogger': self._mkdir_p(self._logFile) if self._rotateMethod == 'time': self._logHandler = logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler(self._logFile, \ when=self._timeRotateIntervalType, interval=self._timeRotateInterval, \ backupCount=self._backupCount, encoding=None, delay=False, utc=True) elif self._rotateMethod == 'size': self._logHandler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(self._logFile, \ mode=self._sizeRotateMode, maxBytes=self._sizeMaxBytes, \ backupCount=self._backupCount, encoding=None, delay=False) else: self._logHandler = logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler(self._logFile, \ mode=self._sizeRotateMode, \ encoding=None, delay=False) elif self._typeLogger == 'stderrlogger': self._logHandler = logging.handlers.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) elif self._typeLogger == 'stdoutlogger': self._logHandler = logging.handlers.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) elif self._typeLogger == 'socketlogger': self._logHandler = logging.handlers.SocketHandler(self._socketHost, self._socketPort) elif self._typeLogger == 'nulllogger': self._logHandler = logging.handlers.NullHandler() if self._fields["style"] == CommonLogger.AuditFile or self._fields["style"] == CommonLogger.MetricsFile: self._logFormatter = logging.Formatter(fmt='%(begtime)s,%(begmsecs)03d+00:00|%(endtime)s,%(endmsecs)03d+00:00|%(message)s', datefmt=CommonLogger.DateFmt) else: self._logFormatter = logging.Formatter(fmt='%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d+00:00|%(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') self._logFormatter.converter = time.gmtime self._logHandler.setFormatter(self._logFormatter) self._logger.addHandler(self._logHandler) def _resetStyleField(self): styleFields = ["error", "debug", "audit", "metrics"] if self._fields['style'] in styleFields: self._fields['style'] = styleFields.index(self._fields['style']) def __del__(self): if self._monitorFlag == False: return self._monitorFlag = False if self._monitorThread is not None and self._monitorThread.is_alive(): self._monitorThread.join() self._monitorThread = None def _defaultServerInfo(self): # If not set or purposely set = None, then set default if self._fields.get('server') is None: try: self._fields['server'] = socket.getfqdn() except Exception as err: try: self._fields['server'] = socket.gethostname() except Exception as err: self._fields['server'] = "" # If not set or purposely set = None, then set default if self._fields.get('serverIPAddress') is None: try: self._fields['serverIPAddress'] = socket.gethostbyname(self._fields['server']) except Exception as err: self._fields['serverIPAddress'] = "" def _monitorConfigFile(self): while self._monitorFlag: try: fileTime = os.path.getmtime(self._configFile) if fileTime > self._configFileModified: self._configFileModified = fileTime ReopenLogFile = False logFile = self._logFile with open(self._configFile) as fp: for line in fp: line = line.split('#',1)[0] # remove comments if '=' in line: key, value = [x.strip() for x in line.split('=',1)] if key == 'rotateMethod' and value.lower() in ['time', 'size', 'none'] and self._rotateMethod != value: self._rotateMethod = value.lower() ReopenLogFile = True elif key == 'timeRotateIntervalType' and value in ['S', 'M', 'H', 'D', 'W0', 'W1', 'W2', 'W3', 'W4', 'W5', 'W6', 'midnight']: self._timeRotateIntervalType = value ReopenLogFile = True elif key == 'timeRotateInterval' and int( value ) > 0: self._timeRotateInterval = int( value ) ReopenLogFile = True elif key == 'sizeMaxBytes' and int( value ) >= 0: self._sizeMaxBytes = int( value ) ReopenLogFile = True elif key == 'sizeRotateMode' and value in ['a']: self._sizeRotateMode = value ReopenLogFile = True elif key == 'backupCount' and int( value ) >= 0: self._backupCount = int( value ) ReopenLogFile = True elif key == self._logKey + 'SocketHost' and self._socketHost != value: self._socketHost = value ReopenLogFile = True elif key == self._logKey + 'SocketPort' and self._socketPort > 0 and self._socketPort != int( value ): self._socketPort = int( value ) ReopenLogFile = True elif key == self._logKey + 'LogLevel' and self._logLevelThreshold != self._intLogLevel( value.upper() ): self._logLevelThreshold = self._intLogLevel(value.upper()) elif key == self._logKey + 'LogType' and self._typeLogger != value and value.lower() in ['filelogger', 'stdoutlogger', 'stderrlogger', 'socketlogger', 'nulllogger']: self._typeLogger = value.lower() ReopenLogFile = True elif key == self._logKey + 'Style': self._fields["style"] = value self._resetStyleField() elif key == self._logKey and self._logFile != value: logFile = value ReopenLogFile = True if ReopenLogFile: with self._logLock: self._logger.removeHandler(self._logHandler) self._logFile = logFile self._createLogger() except Exception as err: pass time.sleep(5) def setFields(self, **kwargs): """Set default values for log fields. Keyword arguments: Annotations are d:debug, a=audit, m=metrics, e=error style -- the log file format (style) to use when writing log messages requestID (dame) -- optional default value for this log record field. serviceInstanceID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. threadID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. serverName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. serviceName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. instanceUUID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. severity (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. serverIPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. server (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. IPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. className (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. timer (am) -- (ElapsedTime) optional default value for this log record field. partnerName (ame) -- optional default value for this log record field. targetEntity (me) -- optional default value for this log record field. targetServiceName (me) -- optional default value for this log record field. statusCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. responseCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. responseDescription (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. processKey (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. targetVirtualEntity (m) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField1 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField2 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField3 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField4 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. errorCategory (e) -- optional default value for this log record field. errorCode (e) -- optional default value for this log record field. errorDescription (e) -- optional default value for this log record field. Note: the pipe '|' character is not allowed in any log record field. """ for key in ['style', 'requestID', 'serviceInstanceID', 'threadID', 'serverName', 'serviceName', 'instanceUUID', \ 'severity', 'serverIPAddress', 'server', 'IPAddress', 'className', 'timer', \ 'partnerName', 'targetEntity', 'targetServiceName', 'statusCode', 'responseCode', \ 'responseDescription', 'processKey', 'targetVirtualEntity', 'customField1', \ 'customField2', 'customField3', 'customField4', 'errorCategory', 'errorCode', \ 'errorDescription' ]: if key in kwargs: if kwargs[key] != None: self._fields[key] = kwargs[key] elif key in self._fields: del self._fields[key] self._defaultServerInfo() def debug(self, message, **kwargs): """Write a DEBUG level message to the log file. Arguments: message -- value for the last log record field. Keyword arguments: Annotations are d:debug, a=audit, m=metrics, e=error style -- the log file format (style) to use when writing log messages requestID (dame) -- optional default value for this log record field. serviceInstanceID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. threadID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. serverName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. serviceName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. instanceUUID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. severity (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. serverIPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. server (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. IPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. className (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. timer (am) -- (ElapsedTime) optional default value for this log record field. partnerName (ame) -- optional default value for this log record field. targetEntity (me) -- optional default value for this log record field. targetServiceName (me) -- optional default value for this log record field. statusCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. responseCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. responseDescription (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. processKey (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. targetVirtualEntity (m) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField1 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField2 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField3 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField4 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. errorCategory (e) -- optional default value for this log record field. errorCode (e) -- optional default value for this log record field. errorDescription (e) -- optional default value for this log record field. begTime (am) -- optional starting time for this audit/metrics log record. Note: the pipe '|' character is not allowed in any log record field. """ self._log('DEBUG', message, errorCategory = 'DEBUG', **kwargs) def info(self, message, **kwargs): """Write an INFO level message to the log file. Arguments: message -- value for the last log record field. Keyword arguments: Annotations are d:debug, a=audit, m=metrics, e=error style -- the log file format (style) to use when writing log messages requestID (dame) -- optional default value for this log record field. serviceInstanceID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. threadID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. serverName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. serviceName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. instanceUUID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. severity (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. serverIPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. server (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. IPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. className (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. timer (am) -- (ElapsedTime) optional default value for this log record field. partnerName (ame) -- optional default value for this log record field. targetEntity (me) -- optional default value for this log record field. targetServiceName (me) -- optional default value for this log record field. statusCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. responseCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. responseDescription (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. processKey (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. targetVirtualEntity (m) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField1 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField2 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField3 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField4 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. errorCategory (e) -- optional default value for this log record field. errorCode (e) -- optional default value for this log record field. errorDescription (e) -- optional default value for this log record field. begTime (am) -- optional starting time for this audit/metrics log record. Note: the pipe '|' character is not allowed in any log record field. """ self._log('INFO', message, errorCategory = 'INFO', **kwargs) def warn(self, message, **kwargs): """Write a WARN level message to the log file. Arguments: message -- value for the last log record field. Keyword arguments: Annotations are d:debug, a=audit, m=metrics, e=error style -- the log file format (style) to use when writing log messages requestID (dame) -- optional default value for this log record field. serviceInstanceID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. threadID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. serverName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. serviceName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. instanceUUID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. severity (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. serverIPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. server (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. IPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. className (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. timer (am) -- (ElapsedTime) optional default value for this log record field. partnerName (ame) -- optional default value for this log record field. targetEntity (me) -- optional default value for this log record field. targetServiceName (me) -- optional default value for this log record field. statusCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. responseCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. responseDescription (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. processKey (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. targetVirtualEntity (m) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField1 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField2 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField3 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField4 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. errorCategory (e) -- optional default value for this log record field. errorCode (e) -- optional default value for this log record field. errorDescription (e) -- optional default value for this log record field. begTime (am) -- optional starting time for this audit/metrics log record. Note: the pipe '|' character is not allowed in any log record field. """ self._log('WARN', message, errorCategory = 'WARN', **kwargs) def error(self, message, **kwargs): """Write an ERROR level message to the log file. Arguments: message -- value for the last log record field. Keyword arguments: Annotations are d:debug, a=audit, m=metrics, e=error style -- the log file format (style) to use when writing log messages requestID (dame) -- optional default value for this log record field. serviceInstanceID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. threadID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. serverName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. serviceName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. instanceUUID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. severity (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. serverIPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. server (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. IPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. className (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. timer (am) -- (ElapsedTime) optional default value for this log record field. partnerName (ame) -- optional default value for this log record field. targetEntity (me) -- optional default value for this log record field. targetServiceName (me) -- optional default value for this log record field. statusCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. responseCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. responseDescription (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. processKey (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. targetVirtualEntity (m) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField1 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField2 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField3 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField4 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. errorCategory (e) -- optional default value for this log record field. errorCode (e) -- optional default value for this log record field. errorDescription (e) -- optional default value for this log record field. begTime (am) -- optional starting time for this audit/metrics log record. Note: the pipe '|' character is not allowed in any log record field. """ self._log('ERROR', message, errorCategory = 'ERROR', **kwargs) def fatal(self, message, **kwargs): """Write a FATAL level message to the log file. Arguments: message -- value for the last log record field. Keyword arguments: Annotations are d:debug, a=audit, m=metrics, e=error style -- the log file format (style) to use when writing log messages requestID (dame) -- optional default value for this log record field. serviceInstanceID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. threadID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. serverName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. serviceName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. instanceUUID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. severity (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. serverIPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. server (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. IPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. className (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. timer (am) -- (ElapsedTime) optional default value for this log record field. partnerName (ame) -- optional default value for this log record field. targetEntity (me) -- optional default value for this log record field. targetServiceName (me) -- optional default value for this log record field. statusCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. responseCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. responseDescription (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. processKey (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. targetVirtualEntity (m) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField1 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField2 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField3 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField4 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. errorCategory (e) -- optional default value for this log record field. errorCode (e) -- optional default value for this log record field. errorDescription (e) -- optional default value for this log record field. begTime (am) -- optional starting time for this audit/metrics log record. Note: the pipe '|' character is not allowed in any log record field. """ self._log('FATAL', message, errorCategory = 'FATAL', **kwargs) def _log(self, logLevel, message, **kwargs): """Write a message to the log file. Arguments: logLevel -- value ('DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'FATAL', ...) for the log record. message -- value for the last log record field. Keyword arguments: Annotations are d:debug, a=audit, m=metrics, e=error style -- the log file format (style) to use when writing log messages requestID (dame) -- optional default value for this log record field. serviceInstanceID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. threadID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. serverName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. serviceName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. instanceUUID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. severity (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. serverIPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. server (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. IPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. className (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. timer (am) -- (ElapsedTime) optional default value for this log record field. partnerName (ame) -- optional default value for this log record field. targetEntity (me) -- optional default value for this log record field. targetServiceName (me) -- optional default value for this log record field. statusCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. responseCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. responseDescription (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. processKey (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. targetVirtualEntity (m) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField1 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField2 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField3 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. customField4 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field. errorCategory (e) -- optional default value for this log record field. errorCode (e) -- optional default value for this log record field. errorDescription (e) -- optional default value for this log record field. begTime (am) -- optional starting time for this audit/metrics log record. Note: the pipe '|' character is not allowed in any log record field. """ # timestamp will automatically be inserted style = int(self._getVal('style', '', **kwargs)) requestID = self._getVal('requestID', '', **kwargs) serviceInstanceID = self._getVal('serviceInstanceID', '', **kwargs) threadID = self._getVal('threadID', threading.currentThread().getName(), **kwargs) serverName = self._getVal('serverName', '', **kwargs) serviceName = self._getVal('serviceName', '', **kwargs) instanceUUID = self._getVal('instanceUUID', '', **kwargs) upperLogLevel = self._noSep(logLevel.upper()) severity = self._getVal('severity', '', **kwargs) serverIPAddress = self._getVal('serverIPAddress', '', **kwargs) server = self._getVal('server', '', **kwargs) IPAddress = self._getVal('IPAddress', '', **kwargs) className = self._getVal('className', '', **kwargs) timer = self._getVal('timer', '', **kwargs) partnerName = self._getVal('partnerName', '', **kwargs) targetEntity = self._getVal('targetEntity', '', **kwargs) targetServiceName = self._getVal('targetServiceName', '', **kwargs) statusCode = self._getVal('statusCode', '', **kwargs) responseCode = self._getVal('responseCode', '', **kwargs) responseDescription = self._noSep(self._getVal('responseDescription', '', **kwargs)) processKey = self._getVal('processKey', '', **kwargs) targetVirtualEntity = self._getVal('targetVirtualEntity', '', **kwargs) customField1 = self._getVal('customField1', '', **kwargs) customField2 = self._getVal('customField2', '', **kwargs) customField3 = self._getVal('customField3', '', **kwargs) customField4 = self._getVal('customField4', '', **kwargs) errorCategory = self._getVal('errorCategory', '', **kwargs) errorCode = self._getVal('errorCode', '', **kwargs) errorDescription = self._noSep(self._getVal('errorDescription', '', **kwargs)) nbegTime = self._getArg('begTime', {}, **kwargs) detailMessage = self._noSep(message) if bool(re.match(r" *$", detailMessage)): return # don't log empty messages useLevel = self._intLogLevel(upperLogLevel) if CommonLogger.verbose: print("logger STYLE=%s" % style) if useLevel < self._logLevelThreshold: if CommonLogger.verbose: print("skipping because of level") pass else: with self._logLock: if style == CommonLogger.ErrorFile: if CommonLogger.verbose: print("using CommonLogger.ErrorFile") self._logger.log(50, '%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s' \ %(requestID, threadID, serviceName, partnerName, targetEntity, targetServiceName, errorCategory, errorCode, errorDescription, detailMessage)) elif style == CommonLogger.DebugFile: if CommonLogger.verbose: print("using CommonLogger.DebugFile") self._logger.log(50, '%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s' \ %(requestID, threadID, serverName, serviceName, instanceUUID, upperLogLevel, severity, serverIPAddress, server, IPAddress, className, timer, detailMessage)) elif style == CommonLogger.AuditFile: if CommonLogger.verbose: print("using CommonLogger.AuditFile") endAuditTime, endAuditMsec = self._getTime() if type(nbegTime) is dict and 'begTime' in nbegTime and 'begMsec' in nbegTime: d = { 'begtime': self._noSep(nbegTime['begTime']), 'begmsecs': float(self._noSep(nbegTime['begMsec'])), 'endtime': endAuditTime, 'endmsecs': endAuditMsec } elif self._begTime is not None: d = { 'begtime': self._begTime, 'begmsecs': self._begMsec, 'endtime': endAuditTime, 'endmsecs': endAuditMsec } else: d = { 'begtime': endAuditTime, 'begmsecs': endAuditMsec, 'endtime': endAuditTime, 'endmsecs': endAuditMsec } self._begTime = None unused = "" self._logger.log(50, '%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s' \ %(requestID, serviceInstanceID, threadID, serverName, serviceName, partnerName, statusCode, responseCode, responseDescription, instanceUUID, upperLogLevel, severity, serverIPAddress, timer, server, IPAddress, className, unused, processKey, customField1, customField2, customField3, customField4, detailMessage), extra=d) elif style == CommonLogger.MetricsFile: if CommonLogger.verbose: print("using CommonLogger.MetricsFile") endMetricsTime, endMetricsMsec = self._getTime() if type(nbegTime) is dict and 'begTime' in nbegTime and 'begMsec' in nbegTime: d = { 'begtime': self._noSep(nbegTime['begTime']), 'begmsecs': float(self._noSep(nbegTime['begMsec'])), 'endtime': endMetricsTime, 'endmsecs': endMetricsMsec } elif self._begTime is not None: d = { 'begtime': self._begTime, 'begmsecs': self._begMsec, 'endtime': endMetricsTime, 'endmsecs': endMetricsMsec } else: d = { 'begtime': endMetricsTime, 'begmsecs': endMetricsMsec, 'endtime': endMetricsTime, 'endmsecs': endMetricsMsec } self._begTime = None unused = "" self._logger.log(50, '%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s' \ %(requestID, serviceInstanceID, threadID, serverName, serviceName, partnerName, targetEntity, targetServiceName, statusCode, responseCode, responseDescription, instanceUUID, upperLogLevel, severity, serverIPAddress, timer, server, IPAddress, className, unused, processKey, targetVirtualEntity, customField1, customField2, customField3, customField4, detailMessage), extra=d) else: print("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! style not set: %s" % self._fields["style"]) def _getTime(self): ct = time.time() lt = time.localtime(ct) return (time.strftime(CommonLogger.DateFmt, lt), (ct - int(ct)) * 1000) def setStartRecordEvent(self): """ Set the start time to be saved for both audit and metrics records """ self._begTime, self._begMsec = self._getTime() def getStartRecordEvent(self): """ Retrieve the start time to be used for either audit and metrics records """ begTime, begMsec = self._getTime() return {'begTime':begTime, 'begMsec':begMsec} def _getVal(self, key, default, **kwargs): val = self._fields.get(key) if key in kwargs: val = kwargs[key] if val is None: val = default return self._noSep(val) def _getArg(self, key, default, **kwargs): val = None if key in kwargs: val = kwargs[key] if val is None: val = default return val def _noSep(self, message): if message is None: return '' return re.sub(r'[\|\n]', ' ', str(message)) def _intLogLevel(self, logLevel): if logLevel == 'FATAL': useLevel = 50 elif logLevel == 'ERROR': useLevel = 40 elif logLevel == 'WARN': useLevel = 30 elif logLevel == 'INFO': useLevel = 20 elif logLevel == 'DEBUG': useLevel = 10 else: useLevel = 0 return useLevel def _mkdir_p(self, filename): """Create missing directories from a full filename path like mkdir -p""" if filename is None: return folder=os.path.dirname(filename) if folder == "": return if not os.path.exists(folder): try: os.makedirs(folder) except OSError as err: print("error number %d creating %s directory to hold %s logfile: %s" %(err.errno, err.filename, filename, err.strerror), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(2) except Exception as err: print("error creating %s directory to hold %s logfile: %s" %(folder, filename, str(err)), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(2) if __name__ == "__main__": def __checkOneTime(line): format = r'[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2},[0-9]{3}[+]00:00[|]' m = re.match(format, line) if not m: print("ERROR: time string did not match proper time format, %s" %line) print("\t: format=%s" % format) return 1 return 0 def __checkTwoTimes(line, different): format = r'[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:([0-9]{2}),([0-9]{3})[+]00:00[|][0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:([0-9]{2}),([0-9]{3})[+]00:00[|]' m = re.match(format, line) if not m: print("ERROR: time strings did not match proper time format, %s" %line) print("\t: format=%s" % format) return 1 second1 = int(m.group(1)) msec1 = int(m.group(2)) second2 = int(m.group(3)) msec2 = int(m.group(4)) if second1 > second2: second2 += 60 t1 = second1 * 1000 + msec1 t2 = second2 * 1000 + msec2 diff = t2 - t1 # print("t1=%d (%d,%d) t2=%d (%d,%d), diff = %d" % (t1, second1, msec1, t2, second2, msec2, diff)) if different: if diff < 500: print("ERROR: times did not differ enough: %s" % line) return 1 else: if diff > 10: print("ERROR: times were too far apart: %s" % line) return 1 return 0 def __checkBegTime(line): format = "begTime should be ([-0-9T:]+)" # print("checkBegTime(%s)" % line) strt = 'begTime should be ' i = line.index(strt) rest = line[i+len(strt):].rstrip() if not line.startswith(rest + ","): print("ERROR: line %s should start with %s" % (line,rest)) return 1 return 0 def __checkLog(logfile, numLines, numFields): lineCount = 0 errorCount = 0 with open(logfile, "r") as fp: for line in fp: # print("saw line %s" % line) lineCount += 1 c = line.count('|') if c != numFields: print("ERROR: wrong number of fields. Expected %d, got %d: %s" % (numFields, c, line)) errorCount += 1 if re.search("should not appear", line): print("ERROR: a line appeared that should not have appeared, %s" % line) errorCount += 1 elif re.search("single time", line): errorCount += __checkOneTime(line) elif re.search("time should be the same", line): errorCount += __checkTwoTimes(line, different=False) elif re.search("time should be ", line): errorCount += __checkTwoTimes(line, different=True) elif re.search("begTime should be ", line): errorCount += __checkBegTime(line) else: print("ERROR: an unknown message appeared, %s" % line) errorCount += 1 if lineCount != numLines: print("ERROR: expected %d lines, but got %d lines" % (numLines, lineCount)) errorCount += 1 return errorCount import os, argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="test the CommonLogger functions") parser.add_argument("-k", "--keeplogs", help="Keep the log files after finishing the tests", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="Print debugging messages", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() spid = str(os.getpid()) if args.keeplogs: spid = "" logcfg = "/tmp/cl.log" + spid + ".cfg" errorLog = "/tmp/cl.error" + spid + ".log" metricsLog = "/tmp/cl.metrics" + spid + ".log" auditLog = "/tmp/cl.audit" + spid + ".log" debugLog = "/tmp/cl.debug" + spid + ".log" if args.verbose: CommonLogger.verbose = True import atexit def cleanupTmps(): for f in [ logcfg, errorLog, metricsLog, auditLog, debugLog ]: try: os.remove(f) except: pass if not args.keeplogs: atexit.register(cleanupTmps) with open(logcfg, "w") as o: o.write("error = " + errorLog + "\n" + "errorLogLevel = WARN\n" + "metrics = " + metricsLog + "\n" + "metricsLogLevel = INFO\n" + "audit = " + auditLog + "\n" + "auditLogLevel = INFO\n" + "debug = " + debugLog + "\n" + "debugLogLevel = DEBUG\n") import uuid instanceUUID = uuid.uuid1() serviceName = "testharness" errorLogger = CommonLogger(logcfg, "error", style=CommonLogger.ErrorFile, instanceUUID=instanceUUID, serviceName=serviceName) debugLogger = CommonLogger(logcfg, "debug", style=CommonLogger.DebugFile, instanceUUID=instanceUUID, serviceName=serviceName) auditLogger = CommonLogger(logcfg, "audit", style=CommonLogger.AuditFile, instanceUUID=instanceUUID, serviceName=serviceName) metricsLogger = CommonLogger(logcfg, "metrics", style=CommonLogger.MetricsFile, instanceUUID=instanceUUID, serviceName=serviceName) testsRun = 0 errorCount = 0 errorLogger.debug("error calling debug (should not appear)") errorLogger.info("error calling info (should not appear)") errorLogger.warn("error calling warn (single time)") errorLogger.error("error calling error (single time)") errorLogger.setStartRecordEvent() time.sleep(1) errorLogger.fatal("error calling fatal, after setStartRecordEvent and sleep (start should be ignored, single time)") testsRun += 6 errorCount += __checkLog(errorLog, 3, 10) auditLogger.debug("audit calling debug (should not appear)") auditLogger.info("audit calling info (time should be the same)") auditLogger.warn("audit calling warn (time should be the same)") auditLogger.error("audit calling error (time should be the same)") bt = auditLogger.getStartRecordEvent() # print("bt=%s" % bt) time.sleep(1) auditLogger.setStartRecordEvent() time.sleep(1) auditLogger.fatal("audit calling fatal, after setStartRecordEvent and sleep, time should be different)") time.sleep(1) auditLogger.fatal("audit calling fatal, begTime should be %s" % bt['begTime'], begTime=bt) testsRun += 7 errorCount += __checkLog(auditLog, 5, 25) debugLogger.debug("debug calling debug (single time)") debugLogger.info("debug calling info (single time)") debugLogger.warn("debug calling warn (single time)") debugLogger.setStartRecordEvent() time.sleep(1) debugLogger.error("debug calling error, after SetStartRecordEvent and sleep (start should be ignored, single time)") debugLogger.fatal("debug calling fatal (single time)") errorCount += __checkLog(debugLog, 5, 13) testsRun += 6 metricsLogger.debug("metrics calling debug (should not appear)") metricsLogger.info("metrics calling info (time should be the same)") metricsLogger.warn("metrics calling warn (time should be the same)") bt = metricsLogger.getStartRecordEvent() time.sleep(1) metricsLogger.setStartRecordEvent() time.sleep(1) metricsLogger.error("metrics calling error, after SetStartRecordEvent and sleep, time should be different") metricsLogger.fatal("metrics calling fatal (time should be the same)") time.sleep(1) metricsLogger.fatal("metrics calling fatal, begTime should be %s" % bt['begTime'], begTime=bt) testsRun += 6 errorCount += __checkLog(metricsLog, 5, 28) print("%d tests run, %d errors found" % (testsRun, errorCount))