""" PolicyEngine API for Python @author: Tarun, Mike @version: 0.9 @change: added Enum 'Other' Type and supported it in PolicyConfig class - 1/13 supporting Remote URL capability to the PolicyEngine as the parameter - 1/13 Request format has been updated accordingly. No need to send the PDP URLs anymore - 1/26 Feature where the PolicyEngine chooses available PyPDP among different URLs. 1/26 Major feature addition required for Notifications 2/17 , Fixed Session issues. 2/25 Major change in API structure for combining results 3/4. Added Security support for Notifications and clearNotification Method 3/18 newMethod for retrieving configuration using policyFileName 3/20 logging 3/24 Notification Bug Fixes 7/21 basic Auth 7/22 Notification Changes 9/3 ECOMP Error codes included 10/1 -2016 Major Changes to the Policy Engine API 3/29 DeletePolicy API and Changes to pushPolicy and getConfig 5/27 ConfigRequestParmeters and Error code Change 7/11 New Environment Variable and Client Authorizations Change 7/21 Changes to the Policy Parameters 8/21 Allow Clients to use their own Password Protection. Dictionary Types and its Fixes. """ # org.onap.dcae # ================================================================================ # Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # ================================================================================ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============LICENSE_END========================================================= # # ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property. import json,sys, os, collections, websocket , logging, time, base64, uuid from websocket import create_connection from enum import Enum from xml.etree.ElementTree import XML try: # For Python 3.0 and Later from pip._vendor import requests except ImportError: # For backend Support to Python 2's urllib2 import requests try: # For Python 3.0 and Later from urllib.request import urlopen except ImportError: # Fall back for Python 2.* from urllib2 import urlopen try: import thread except ImportError: #Fall Back for Python 2.x import _thread as thread PolicyConfigStatus = Enum('PolicyConfigStatus', 'CONFIG_NOT_FOUND CONFIG_RETRIEVED') PolicyType = Enum('PolicyType', 'JSON XML PROPERTIES OTHER') PolicyResponseStatus = Enum('PolicyResponseStatus', 'ACTION_ADVISED ACTION_TAKEN NO_ACTION_REQUIRED') NotificationType = Enum('NotificationType', 'BOTH UPDATE REMOVE') UpdateType = Enum('UpdateType', 'UPDATE NEW') NotificationScheme = Enum('NotificationScheme', 'AUTO_ALL_NOTIFICATIONS AUTO_NOTIFICATIONS MANUAL_ALL_NOTIFICATIONS MANUAL_NOTIFICATIONS') AttributeType = Enum('AttributeType', 'MATCHING MICROSERVICE RULE SETTINGS') PolicyClass = Enum('PolicyClass', 'Action Config Decision') PolicyConfigType = Enum('PolicyConfigType', 'Base BRMS_PARAM BRMS_RAW ClosedLoop_Fault ClosedLoop_PM Firewall MicroService Extended') DeletePolicyCondition = Enum('DeletePolicyCondition', 'ONE ALL') RuleProvider = Enum('RuleProvider', 'Custom AAF GUARD_YAML') DictionaryType = Enum('DictionaryType', 'Common Action ClosedLoop Firewall Decision BRMS GOC MicroService DescriptiveScope PolicyScope Enforcer SafePolicy' ) ImportType = Enum('ImportType', 'MICROSERVICE') class PolicyEngine: """ PolicyEngine is the Class which needs to be instantiated to call the PDP server. It needs the *.properties* file path as the parameter to the constructor. """ def __init__(self, filename, scheme = None, handler = None, clientKey = None): """ @param filename: String format of the path location of .properties file Could also be A remote URL eg: http://localhost:8080/config.properties @param scheme: NotificationScheme to select the scheme required for notification updates. @param handler: NotificationHandler object which will be called when an event is occurred. @param clientKey: Decoded Client Key to be used by PolicyEngine. @attention:The .properties file must contain the PYPDP_URL parameter in it. The parameter can have multiple URLs the PolicyEngine chooses the available PyPDP among them. """ self.filename = filename self.urldict = {} self.matchStore = [] self.autoURL = None self.scheme = None self.handler = None self.thread = thread self.autows = None self.mclose = False self.restart = False self.logger = logging.getLogger() self.resturl= [] self.encoded= [] self.clientInfo = None self.environment = None self.policyheader = {} if(filename.startswith("http")): try: policy_data = urlopen(filename) for line in policy_data : line = line.decode('utf-8') line = line.rstrip() # removes trailing whitespace and '\n' chars line = line.replace(" ","") # removing spaces if "=" not in line: continue #skips blanks and comments w/o = if line.startswith("#"): continue #skips comments which contain = key, value = line.split("=",1) key = key.rstrip().lstrip() value = value.lstrip() #print("key= "+key+" Value =" +value ) self.urldict[key] = value except: self.logger.error("PE300 - Data Issue: Error with the Config URL: %s" , filename ) print("PE300 - Data Issue: Config Properties URL Error") sys.exit(0) else : fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filename) if(fileExtension[1]!=".properties"): self.logger.error("PE300 - Data Issue: File is not in properties format: %s", filename) print("PE300 - Data Issue: Not a .properties file!") sys.exit(0) try : with open(self.filename, 'r') as f: for line in f: line = line.rstrip() # removes trailing whitespace and '\n' chars line = line.replace(" ","") # removing spaces if "=" not in line: continue #skips blanks and comments w/o = if line.startswith("#"): continue #skips comments which contain = key, value = line.split("=",1) key = key.rstrip().lstrip() value = value.lstrip() # self.logger.info("key=%s Value=%s", key, value) self.urldict[key] = value except FileNotFoundError: self.logger.error("PE300 - Data Issue: File Not found: %s", filename) print("PE300 - Data Issue: File Doesn't exist in the given Location") sys.exit(0) #TODO logic for best available PyPDP servers try: self.urldict = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(self.urldict.items())) clientID = self.urldict.get("CLIENT_ID") # self.logger.info("clientID decoded %s", base64.b64decode(clientID).decode("utf-8")) # client_parts = base64.b64decode(clientID).split(":") # client_parts = clientID.split(":") # self.logger.info("ClientAuth:Basic %s", base64.b64encode(clientID)) # self.logger.info("CLIENT_ID[0] = %s", client_parts[0]) # self.logger.info("CLIENT_ID[0] base64 = %s", base64.b64encode(client_parts[0])) # self.logger.info("CLIENT_KEY base64 = %s", base64.b64encode(client_parts[1])) if(clientKey is None): try: client = base64.b64decode(self.urldict.get("CLIENT_KEY")).decode("utf-8") except Exception: self.logger.warn("PE300 - Data Issue: CLIENT_KEY parameter is not in the required encoded Format taking Value as clear Text") client = self.urldict.get("CLIENT_KEY") else: client = clientKey if(clientID is None or client is None): self.logger.error("PE300 - Data Issue: No CLIENT_ID and/or CLIENT_KEY parameter found in the properties file: %s ", filename) print("PE300 - Data Issue: No CLIENT_ID and/or CLIENT_KEY parameter found in the properties file") sys.exit(0) else: uid = clientID.encode('ascii') password = client.encode('ascii') self.clientInfo = base64.b64encode(uid+ b':'+password).decode('utf-8') self.environment = self.urldict.get("ENVIRONMENT") if(self.environment is None): self.logger.info("Missing Environment Variable setting to Default Value.") self.environment = "DEVL" self.policyheader = {"Content-type" : "application/json", "Accept" : "application/json", "ClientAuth" : "Basic "+self.clientInfo, "Environment" : self.environment} for key in self.urldict.keys(): if(key.startswith("PYPDP_URL")): pypdpVal = self.urldict.get(key) if pypdpVal is None: self.logger.error("PE300 - Data Issue: No PYPDP_URL Parameter found in the properties file: %s ", filename) print("PE300 - Data Issue: No PYPDP_URL parameter found in the properties file") sys.exit(0) if ";" in pypdpVal: pdpDefault = pypdpVal.split(";") if pdpDefault is None: self.logger.error("PE300 - Data Issue: No PYPDP_URL Parameter found in the properties file: %s ", filename) print("PE300 - Data Issue: No PYPDP_URL parameter found in the properties file") sys.exit(0) else: for count in range(0, len(pdpDefault)): self.__pdpParam(pdpDefault[count]) else: self.__pdpParam(pypdpVal) self.logger.info("PolicyEngine url: %s policyheader: %s urldict: %s", \ self.resturl, json.dumps(self.policyheader), json.dumps(self.urldict)) if len(self.resturl)==0: self.logger.error("PE300 - Data Issue: No PYPDP_URL Parameter found in the properties file: %s ", filename) print("PE300 - Data Issue: No PYPDP_URL parameter found in the properties file") sys.exit(0) except: self.logger.error("PE300 - Data Issue: missing parameter(s) in the properties file: %s ", filename) print("PE300 - Data Issue: missing parameter(s) in the properties file") sys.exit(0) # Scheme and Handler code to be handled from here. if handler is not None: #if type(handler) is NotificationHandler: self.handler = handler #else: # print("handler should be a object of NotificationHandler class") # sys.exit(0) if scheme is not None: if ((scheme == NotificationScheme.AUTO_ALL_NOTIFICATIONS.name)or(scheme == NotificationScheme.AUTO_NOTIFICATIONS.name)): # setup the Auto settings. self.scheme = scheme elif ((scheme == NotificationScheme.MANUAL_ALL_NOTIFICATIONS.name)or(scheme == NotificationScheme.MANUAL_NOTIFICATIONS.name)): # setup the Manual Settings self.scheme = scheme else: self.logger.error("PE300 - Data Issue: Scheme not a type of NotificationScheme: %s", scheme.name) print("PE300 - Data Issue: scheme must be a Type of NotificationScheme Enumeration ") sys.exit(0) def __pdpParam(self,pdpValue): """ Internal Usage for reading PyPDP Parameters """ if pdpValue is None: self.logger.error("PE100 - Permissions Error: No Enough Credentials to send Request") print("PE100 - Permissions Error: No Enough Credentials to send Request") sys.exit(0) elif "," in pdpValue: pdpValues = pdpValue.split(",") if (len(pdpValues)==3): # 0 is pypdp URL self.resturl.append(pdpValues[0]) # 1 and 2 are user name password if pdpValues[1] and pdpValues[2]: uid = pdpValues[1].encode('ascii') password = pdpValues[2].encode('ascii') encoded = base64.b64encode(uid+ b':'+password).decode('utf-8') self.encoded.append(encoded) else: self.logger.error("PE100 - Permissions Error: No Enough Credentials to send Request") print("PE100 - Permissions Error: No Enough Credentials to send Request") sys.exit(0) else: self.logger.error("PE100 - Permissions Error: No Enough Credentials to send Request") print("PE100 - Permissions Error: No Enough Credentials to send Request") sys.exit(0) else: self.logger.error("PE100 - Permissions Error: No Enough Credentials to send Request") print("PE100 - Permissions Error: No Enough Credentials to send Request") sys.exit(0) def getConfigByPolicyName(self, policyName, requestID=None): """ @param policyName: String format of the PolicyFile Name whose configuration is required. @return: Returns a List of PolicyConfig Object(s). @deprecated: use getConfig instead. """ __policyNameURL = "/getConfigByPolicyName" __headers = self.policyheader if requestID is not None: __headers["X-ECOMP-RequestID"] = str(requestID) else: __headers["X-ECOMP-RequestID"] = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.__policyNamejson = {} self.__policyNamejson['policyName'] = policyName self.__cpnResponse = self.__callPDP(__policyNameURL, json.dumps(self.__policyNamejson), __headers, "POST") self.__cpnJSON = self.__cpnResponse.json() policyConfigs= self.__configResponse(self.__cpnJSON) return policyConfigs def listConfig(self, eCOMPComponentName=None, configName=None, configAttributes=None, policyName=None, unique= False, requestID=None): """ listConfig function calls the PDP for the configuration required using the parameters and returns the PDP response. @param eCOMPComponentName: String of the eCOMPComponentName whose configuration is required. @param configName: String of the configName whose configuration is required. Not Mandatory field. @param configAttributes: Dictionary of the config attributes in Key and Value String format. Not mandatory field. @param policyName: String of the policyName whose configuration is required. @param unique: Boolean value which can be set to True if Unique results are required. @param requestID: unique UUID for the request. Not mandatory field. If not provided, a value will be automatically generated. @return: Returns a List of PolicyNames. """ __configURL = "/listConfig" __headers = self.policyheader if requestID is not None: __headers["X-ECOMP-RequestID"] = str(requestID) else: __headers["X-ECOMP-RequestID"] = str(uuid.uuid4()) __configjson = self.__configRequestParametersJSON(eCOMPComponentName, configName, configAttributes, policyName, unique) #self.__configjson['pdp_URL'] = self.pdp_url __cResponse = self.__callPDP(__configURL, json.dumps(__configjson), __headers, "POST") return __cResponse.json() def getConfig(self, eCOMPComponentName=None, configName=None, configAttributes=None, policyName=None, unique= False, requestID=None): """ getConfig function calls the PDP for the configuration required using the parameters and returns the PDP response. @param eCOMPComponentName: String of the eCOMPComponentName whose configuration is required. @param configName: String of the configName whose configuration is required. Not Mandatory field. @param configAttributes: Dictionary of the config attributes in Key and Value String format. Not mandatory field. @param policyName: String of the policyName whose configuration is required. @param unique: Boolean value which can be set to True if Unique results are required. @param requestID: unique UUID for the request. Not mandatory field. If not provided, a value will be automatically generated. @return: Returns a List of PolicyConfig Object(s). """ __configURL = "/getConfig" __headers = self.policyheader if requestID is not None: __headers["X-ECOMP-RequestID"] = str(requestID) else: __headers["X-ECOMP-RequestID"] = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.__configjson = self.__configRequestParametersJSON(eCOMPComponentName, configName, configAttributes, policyName, unique) #self.__configjson['pdp_URL'] = self.pdp_url self.__cResponse = self.__callPDP(__configURL, json.dumps(self.__configjson), __headers, "POST") #self.__configURL = self.resturl+__configURL #self.__cResponse = requests.post(self.__configURL, data=json.dumps(self.__configjson), headers = __headers) self.__cJSON = self.__cResponse.json() policyConfigs= self.__configResponse(self.__cJSON) # if we have successfully retrieved a policy we will store the match values. matchFound = False for policyConfig in policyConfigs: if policyConfig._policyConfigStatus == PolicyConfigStatus.CONFIG_RETRIEVED.name: # self.logger.info("Policy has been Retrieved !!") matchFound = True if matchFound: __match = {} __match["ECOMPName"] = eCOMPComponentName if configName is not None: __match["ConfigName"] = configName if configAttributes is not None: __match.update(configAttributes) if not self.matchStore: self.matchStore.append(__match) else: __booMatch = False for eachDict in self.matchStore: if eachDict==__match: __booMatch = True break if __booMatch==False: self.matchStore.append(__match) return policyConfigs def __configRequestParametersJSON(self, eCOMPComponentName=None, configName=None, configAttributes=None, policyName=None, unique= False): """ Internal Function to set JSON from configRequestParameters """ json= {} if eCOMPComponentName is not None: json['ecompName'] = eCOMPComponentName if configName is not None: json['configName'] = configName if configAttributes is not None: json['configAttributes'] = configAttributes if policyName is not None: json['policyName'] = policyName json['unique'] = unique return json def __configResponse(self, cJSON): """ Internal function to take the convert JSON to Response Object. """ policyConfigs=[] for configJSON in cJSON: policyConfig = PolicyConfig() policyConfig._policyConfigMessage = configJSON['policyConfigMessage'] policyConfig._policyConfigStatus = configJSON['policyConfigStatus'] policyConfig._policyType = configJSON['type'] policyConfig._policyName = configJSON['policyName'] policyConfig._policyVersion = configJSON['policyVersion'] policyConfig._matchingConditions = configJSON['matchingConditions'] policyConfig._responseAttributes = configJSON['responseAttributes'] if PolicyType.JSON.name == policyConfig._policyType: policyConfig._json = configJSON['config'] elif PolicyType.XML.name == policyConfig._policyType: policyConfig._xml = XML(configJSON['config']) elif PolicyType.PROPERTIES.name == policyConfig._policyType: policyConfig._properties = configJSON['property'] elif PolicyType.OTHER.name == policyConfig._policyType: policyConfig._other = configJSON['config'] policyConfigs.append(policyConfig) return policyConfigs def getDecision(self, decisionAttributes, ecompcomponentName, requestID = None): """ getDecision function sends the Decision Attributes to the PDP server and gets the response to the client from PDP. @param decisionAttributes: Dictionary of Decision Attributes in Key and Value String formats. @param ecompcomponentName: @param requestID: unique UUID for the request. Not mandatory field. If not provided, a value will be automatically generated. @return: Returns a DecisionResponse Object. """ __decisionurl = "/getDecision" __headers = self.policyheader if requestID is not None: __headers["X-ECOMP-RequestID"] = str(requestID) else: __headers["X-ECOMP-RequestID"] = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.__decisionjson={} self.__decisionjson['decisionAttributes'] = decisionAttributes self.__decisionjson['ecompcomponentName'] = ecompcomponentName self.__dResponse = self.__callPDP(__decisionurl, json.dumps(self.__decisionjson), __headers, "POST") self.__dJSON = self.__dResponse.json() decisionResponse = DecisionResponse() decisionResponse._decision = self.__dJSON['decision'] decisionResponse._details = self.__dJSON['details'] return decisionResponse def sendEvent(self, eventAttributes, requestID=None): """ sendEvent function sends the Event to the PDP server and gets the response to the client from the PDP. @param eventAttributes:Dictonary of the EventAttributes in Key and Value String formats. @param requestID: unique UUID for the request. Not mandatory field. If not provided, a value will be automatically generated. @return: Returns a List of PolicyResponse Object(s). """ __eventurl = "/sendEvent" __headers = self.policyheader if requestID is not None: __headers["X-ECOMP-RequestID"] = str(requestID) else: __headers["X-ECOMP-RequestID"] = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.__eventjson = {} self.__eventjson['eventAttributes'] = eventAttributes #self.__eventjson['pdp_URL'] = self.pdp_url self.__eResponse = self.__callPDP(__eventurl, json.dumps(self.__eventjson), __headers, "POST") #self.__eventurl = self.resturl+__eventurl #self.__eResponse = requests.post(self.__eventurl, data=json.dumps(self.__eventjson), headers = __headers) self.__eJSON = self.__eResponse.json() policyResponses=[] for eventJSON in self.__eJSON: policyResponse = PolicyResponse() policyResponse._policyResponseMessage = eventJSON['policyResponseMessage'] policyResponse._policyResponseStatus = eventJSON['policyResponseStatus'] policyResponse._actionAdvised = eventJSON['actionAdvised'] policyResponse._actionTaken = eventJSON['actionTaken'] policyResponse._requestAttributes = eventJSON['requestAttributes'] policyResponses.append(policyResponse) return policyResponses def createPolicy(self, policyParameters): """ 'createPolicy creates Policy using the policyParameters sent' @param policyParameters: This is an object of PolicyParameters which is required as a parameter to this method. @return: Returns a PolicyChangeResponse Object """ __createurl = "/createPolicy" __headers = self.policyheader try: if policyParameters._requestID is None: policyParameters._requestID = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.__createJson = {} self.__createJson = self.__policyParametersJSON(policyParameters) self.__createResponse = self.__callPDP(__createurl, json.dumps(self.__createJson), __headers, "PUT") policyChangeResponse = PolicyChangeResponse() policyChangeResponse._responseCode = self.__createResponse.status_code policyChangeResponse._responseMessage = self.__createResponse.text return policyChangeResponse except: self.logger.error("PE300 - Data Issue: Error with the policyParameters Object. It needs to be object of PolicyParameters ") print("PE300 - Data Issue: policyParamters object Error") def updatePolicy(self, policyParameters): """ 'updatePolicy updates Policy using the policyParameters sent.' @param policyParameters: This is an object of PolicyParameters which is required as a parameter to this method. @return: Returns a PolicyChangeResponse Object """ __updateurl = "/updatePolicy" __headers = self.policyheader try: if policyParameters._requestID is None: policyParameters._requestID = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.__updateJson = {} self.__updateJson = self.__policyParametersJSON(policyParameters) self.__updateResponse = self.__callPDP(__updateurl, json.dumps(self.__updateJson), __headers, "PUT") policyChangeResponse = PolicyChangeResponse() policyChangeResponse._responseCode = self.__updateResponse.status_code policyChangeResponse._responseMessage = self.__updateResponse.text return policyChangeResponse except: self.logger.error("PE300 - Data Issue: Error with the policyParameters Object. It needs to be object of PolicyParameters ") print("PE300 - Data Issue: policyParamters object Error") def __policyParametersJSON(self, policyParameters): """ Internal Function to set JSON from policyParameters Object """ json= {} if policyParameters._actionAttribute is not None: json['actionAttribute'] = policyParameters._actionAttribute if policyParameters._actionPerformer is not None: json['actionPerformer'] = policyParameters._actionPerformer if policyParameters._attributes is not None: json['attributes'] = policyParameters._attributes if policyParameters._configBody is not None: json['configBody'] = policyParameters._configBody if policyParameters._configBodyType is not None: json['configBodyType'] = policyParameters._configBodyType if policyParameters._configName is not None: json['configName'] = policyParameters._configName if policyParameters._controllerName is not None: json['controllerName'] = policyParameters._controllerName if policyParameters._dependencyNames is not None: json['dependencyNames'] = policyParameters._dependencyNames if policyParameters._dynamicRuleAlgorithmLabels is not None: json['dynamicRuleAlgorithmLabels'] = policyParameters._dynamicRuleAlgorithmLabels if policyParameters._dynamicRuleAlgorithmField1 is not None: json['dynamicRuleAlgorithmField1'] = policyParameters._dynamicRuleAlgorithmField1 if policyParameters._dynamicRuleAlgorithmField2 is not None: json['dynamicRuleAlgorithmField2'] = policyParameters._dynamicRuleAlgorithmField2 if policyParameters._dynamicRuleAlgorithmFunctions is not None: json['dynamicRuleAlgorithmFunctions'] = policyParameters._dynamicRuleAlgorithmFunctions if policyParameters._ecompName is not None: json['ecompName'] = policyParameters._ecompName if policyParameters._extendedOption is not None: json['extendedOption'] = policyParameters._extendedOption if policyParameters._guard is not None: json['guard'] = policyParameters._guard if policyParameters._policyClass is not None: json['policyClass'] = policyParameters._policyClass if policyParameters._policyConfigType is not None: json['policyConfigType'] = policyParameters._policyConfigType if policyParameters._policyName is not None: json['policyName'] = policyParameters._policyName if policyParameters._policyDescription is not None: json['policyDescription'] = policyParameters._policyDescription if policyParameters._priority is not None: json['priority'] = policyParameters._priority if policyParameters._requestID is not None: json['requestID'] = policyParameters._requestID if policyParameters._riskLevel is not None: json['riskLevel'] = policyParameters._riskLevel if policyParameters._riskType is not None: json['riskType'] = policyParameters._riskType if policyParameters._ruleProvider is not None: json['ruleProvider'] = policyParameters._ruleProvider if policyParameters._ttlDate is not None: json['ttlDate'] = policyParameters._ttlDate return json def pushPolicy(self, pushPolicyParameters, requestID = None): """ 'pushPolicy pushes a policy based on the given Push Policy Parameters. ' @param pushPolicyParameters: This is an object of PushPolicyParameters which is required as a parameter to this method. @param requestID: unique UUID for the request. Not mandatory field. If not provided, a value will be automatically generated. @return: Returns a PolicyChangeResponse Object """ __pushurl = "/pushPolicy" __headers = self.policyheader if requestID is not None: __headers["X-ECOMP-RequestID"] = str(requestID) else: __headers["X-ECOMP-RequestID"] = str(uuid.uuid4()) try: self.__pushJson = {} self.__pushJson['pdpGroup'] = pushPolicyParameters._pdpGroup self.__pushJson['policyName'] = pushPolicyParameters._policyName self.__pushJson['policyType'] = pushPolicyParameters._policyType self.__pushResponse = self.__callPDP(__pushurl, json.dumps(self.__pushJson), __headers, "PUT") policyChangeResponse = PolicyChangeResponse() policyChangeResponse._responseCode = self.__pushResponse.status_code policyChangeResponse._responseMessage = self.__pushResponse.text return policyChangeResponse except: self.logger.error("PE300 - Data Issue: Error with the pushPolicyParameters Object. It needs to be object of PushPolicyParameters ") print("PE300 - Data Issue: pushPolicyParamters object Error") def deletePolicy(self, deletePolicyParameters): """ 'deletePolicy Deletes a policy or all its version according to the given deletePolicyParameters' @param deletePolicyParameters: This is an Object of DeletePolicyParameters which is required as a parameter to this method. @return: Returns a PolicyChangeResponse Object """ __deleteurl = "/deletePolicy" __createdictionaryurl = "/createDictionaryItem" __headers = self.policyheader try: if deletePolicyParameters._requestID is None: deletePolicyParameters._requestID = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.__deleteJson = {} self.__deleteJson['deleteCondition'] = deletePolicyParameters._deleteCondition self.__deleteJson['pdpGroup'] = deletePolicyParameters._pdpGroup self.__deleteJson['policyComponent'] = deletePolicyParameters._policyComponent self.__deleteJson['policyName'] = deletePolicyParameters._policyName self.__deleteJson['policyType'] = deletePolicyParameters._policyType self.__deleteJson['requestID'] = deletePolicyParameters._requestID self.__deleteResponse = self.__callPDP(__deleteurl, json.dumps(self.__deleteJson), self.policyheader, "DELETE") policyChangeResponse = PolicyChangeResponse() policyChangeResponse._responseCode = self.__deleteResponse.status_code policyChangeResponse._responseMessage = self.__deleteResponse.text return policyChangeResponse except: self.logger.error("PE300 - Data Issue: Error with the deletePolicyParameters Object. It needs to be object of DeletePolicyParameters ") print("PE300 - Data Issue: deletePolicyParameters object Error") def createDictionaryItems(self, dictionaryParameters): """ 'createDictionaryItems adds dictionary items to the database for a specific dictionary' @param dictionaryParameters: This is an Object of DictionaryParameters which is required as a parameter to this method @return: Returns a DictionaryResponse object """ __createdictionaryurl = '/createDictionaryItem' __headers = self.policyheader try: if dictionaryParameters._requestID is None: dictionaryParameters._requestID = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.__json={} self.__json['dictionaryType'] = dictionaryParameters._dictionaryType self.__json['dictionary'] = dictionaryParameters._dictionary self.__json['dictionaryJson'] = dictionaryParameters._dictionaryJson self.__json['requestID'] = dictionaryParameters._requestID self.__createResponse = self.__callPDP(__createdictionaryurl, json.dumps(self.__json), __headers, "PUT") dictionaryResponse = DictionaryResponse() dictionaryResponse._responseCode = self.__createResponse.status_code dictionaryResponse._responseMessage = self.__createResponse.text return dictionaryResponse except: self.logger.error("PE300 - Data Issue: Error with the dictionaryParameters object. It needs to be object of DictionaryParameters ") print("PE300 - Data Issue: dictionaryParameters object Error") def updateDictionaryItems(self, dictionaryParameters): """ 'updateDictionaryItems edits dictionary items in the database for a specific dictionary' @param dictionaryParameters: This is an Object of DictionaryParameters which is required as a parameter to this method @return: Returns a DictionaryResponse object """ __updatedictionaryurl = '/updateDictionaryItem' __headers = self.policyheader try: if dictionaryParameters._requestID is None: dictionaryParameters._requestID = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.__json={} self.__json['dictionaryType'] = dictionaryParameters._dictionaryType self.__json['dictionary'] = dictionaryParameters._dictionary self.__json['dictionaryJson'] = dictionaryParameters._dictionaryJson self.__json['requestID'] = dictionaryParameters._requestID self.__updateResponse = self.__callPDP(__updatedictionaryurl, json.dumps(self.__json), __headers, "PUT") dictionaryResponse = DictionaryResponse() dictionaryResponse._responseCode = self.__updateResponse.status_code dictionaryResponse._responseMessage = self.__updateResponse.text return dictionaryResponse except: self.logger.error("PE300 - Data Issue: Error with the dictionaryParameters object. It needs to be object of DictionaryParameters ") print("PE300 - Data Issue: dictionaryParameters object Error") def getDictionaryItems(self, dictionaryParameters): """ 'getDictionaryItems gets all the dictionary items stored in the database for a specified dictionary' @param dictionaryParameters: This is an Object of DictionaryParameters which is required as a parameter to this method. @return: Returns a DictionaryResponse object """ __retrievedictionaryurl = "/getDictionaryItems" __headers = self.policyheader try: if dictionaryParameters._requestID is None: dictionaryParameters._requestID = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.__json = {} self.__json['dictionaryType'] = dictionaryParameters._dictionaryType self.__json['dictionary'] = dictionaryParameters._dictionary self.__json['requestID'] = dictionaryParameters._requestID self.__getResponse = self.__callPDP(__retrievedictionaryurl, json.dumps(self.__json), __headers, "POST") dictionaryResponse = DictionaryResponse() dictionaryResponse._responseCode = self.__getResponse.status_code dictionaryResponse._responseMessage = self.__getResponse.text return dictionaryResponse except: self.logger.error("PE300 - Data Issue: Error with the dictionaryParameters object. It needs to be object of DictionaryParameters ") print("PE300 - Data Issue: dictionaryParameters object Error") def getNotification(self): """ gets the PDPNotification if the appropriate NotificationScheme is selected. @return: Returns a PDPNotification Object. """ if ((self.scheme == NotificationScheme.MANUAL_ALL_NOTIFICATIONS.name)or(self.scheme == NotificationScheme.MANUAL_NOTIFICATIONS.name)): # Manual Client for websocket Code in here. if(self.resturl[0].startswith("https")): __man_url = self.resturl[0].replace("https","wss")+"notifications" else: __man_url = self.resturl[0].replace("http","ws")+"notifications" __result = self.__manualRequest(__man_url) self.logger.debug("Manual Notification with server: %s \n result is: %s" , __man_url , __result) # TODO convert the result to PDP Notifications. if (self.scheme == NotificationScheme.MANUAL_ALL_NOTIFICATIONS.name): # need to add all the values to the PDPNotification.. pDPNotification = PDPNotification() boo_Remove = False boo_Update = False if __result is None: return None if __result['removedPolicies']: removedPolicies = [] for removed in __result['removedPolicies']: removedPolicy = RemovedPolicy() removedPolicy._policyName = removed['policyName'] removedPolicy._policyVersion = removed['versionNo'] removedPolicies.append(removedPolicy) pDPNotification._removedPolicies= removedPolicies boo_Remove = True if __result['loadedPolicies']: updatedPolicies = [] for updated in __result['loadedPolicies']: updatedPolicy = LoadedPolicy() updatedPolicy._policyName = updated['policyName'] updatedPolicy._policyVersion = updated['versionNo'] updatedPolicy._matchingConditions = updated['matches'] updatedPolicy._updateType = updated['updateType'] updatedPolicies.append(updatedPolicy) pDPNotification._loadedPolicies= updatedPolicies boo_Update = True if (boo_Update and boo_Remove): pDPNotification._notificationType = NotificationType.BOTH.name elif boo_Update: pDPNotification._notificationType = NotificationType.UPDATE.name elif boo_Remove: pDPNotification._notificationType = NotificationType.REMOVE.name return pDPNotification elif (self.scheme == NotificationScheme.MANUAL_NOTIFICATIONS.name): return self.__checkNotification(__result) else: return None def setNotification(self, scheme, handler = None): """ setNotification allows changes to the NotificationScheme and the NotificationHandler. @param scheme: NotificationScheme to select the scheme required for notification updates. @param handler: NotificationHandler object which will be called when an event is occurred. """ if handler is not None: #if type(handler) is NotificationHandler: self.handler = handler #else: # print("Error: handler should be a object of NotificationHandler class") if scheme is not None: if ((scheme == NotificationScheme.AUTO_ALL_NOTIFICATIONS.name)or(scheme == NotificationScheme.AUTO_NOTIFICATIONS.name)): # setup the Auto settings. self.scheme = scheme self.__startAuto() elif ((scheme == NotificationScheme.MANUAL_ALL_NOTIFICATIONS.name)or(scheme == NotificationScheme.MANUAL_NOTIFICATIONS.name)): # setup the Manual Settings self.scheme = scheme else: print("PE300 - Data Issue: scheme must be a Type of NotificationScheme Enumeration ") def clearNotification(self): """ clearNotification ShutsDown the AutoNotification service if running. """ if self.scheme is not None: if((self.scheme == NotificationScheme.AUTO_ALL_NOTIFICATIONS.name)or(self.scheme == NotificationScheme.AUTO_NOTIFICATIONS.name)): if self.autows.sock is not None: if(self.autows.sock.connected): self.mclose = True self.autows.close() self.logger.info("Notification Service Stopped.") print("Notification Service is Stopped!!") def __callPDP(self,urlFunction, jsonData, headerData,method, files= None, params = None): """ This function call is for internal usage purpose only. Calls the available PyPDP """ connected = False response = None errormessage = '' for count in range(0, len(self.resturl)): try: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) request_url = self.resturl[0]+ urlFunction self.logger.debug("--- Sending Request to : %s",request_url) try: self.logger.debug("Request ID %s :",headerData["X-ECOMP-RequestID"]) except: if jsonData is not None: self.logger.debug("Request ID %s :",json.loads(jsonData)['requestID']) self.logger.debug("Request Data is: %s" ,jsonData) headerData["Authorization"]= "Basic " + self.encoded[0] if(method=="PUT"): response = requests.put(request_url, data = jsonData, headers = headerData) elif(method=="DELETE"): response = requests.delete(request_url, data = jsonData, headers = headerData) elif(method=="POST"): if params is not None: # files = files, params = params, response = requests.post(request_url, params = params, headers = headerData) else: response = requests.post(request_url, data = jsonData, headers = headerData) # when using self-signed server certificate, comment previous line and uncomment following: #response = requests.post(request_url, data = jsonData, headers = headerData, verify=False) self.logger.debug("--- Response is : ---") self.logger.debug(response.status_code) self.logger.debug(response.headers) self.logger.debug(response.text) if(response.status_code == 200) : connected = True self.logger.info("connected to the PyPDP: %s", request_url) break elif(response.status_code == 202) : connected = True break elif(response.status_code == 400): self.logger.debug("PE400 - Schema Issue: Incorrect Params passed: %s %s", self.resturl[0], response.status_code) errormessage+="\n PE400 - Schema Issue: Incorrect Params passed: "+ self.resturl[0] self.__rotatePDP() elif(response.status_code == 401): self.logger.debug("PE100 - Permissions Error: PyPDP Error: %s %s", self.resturl[0], response.status_code) errormessage+="\n PE100 - Permissions Error: PyPDP Error: "+ self.resturl[0] self.__rotatePDP() elif(response.status_code == 403): self.logger.debug("PE100 - Permissions Error: PyPDP Error: %s %s", self.resturl[0], response.status_code) errormessage+="\n PE100 - Permissions Error: PyPDP Error: "+ self.resturl[0] self.__rotatePDP() else: self.logger.debug("PE200 - System Error: PyPDP Error: %s %s", self.resturl[0], response.status_code) errormessage+="\n PE200 - System Error: PyPDP Error: "+ self.resturl[0] self.__rotatePDP() except Exception as e: print(str(e)); self.logger.debug("PE200 - System Error: PyPDP Error: %s", self.resturl[0]) errormessage+="\n PE200 - System Error: PyPDP Error: "+ self.resturl[0] self.__rotatePDP() if(connected): if(self.autoURL==None): self.__startAuto() elif(self.autoURL!= self.resturl[0]): self.__startAuto() return response else: self.logger.error("PE200 - System Error: cannot connect to given PYPDPServer(s) %s", self.resturl) print(errormessage) sys.exit(0) def __rotatePDP(self): self.resturl = collections.deque(self.resturl) self.resturl.rotate(-1) self.encoded = collections.deque(self.encoded) self.encoded.rotate(-1) def __checkNotification(self, resultJson): """ This function call is for Internal usage purpose only. Checks the Notification JSON compares it with the MatchStore and returns the PDPNotification object. """ if not resultJson: return None if not self.matchStore: return None pDPNotification = PDPNotification() boo_Remove = False boo_Update = False if resultJson['removedPolicies']: removedPolicies = [] for removed in resultJson['removedPolicies']: removedPolicy = RemovedPolicy() removedPolicy._policyName = removed['policyName'] removedPolicy._policyVersion = removed['versionNo'] removedPolicies.append(removedPolicy) pDPNotification._removedPolicies= removedPolicies boo_Remove = True if resultJson['updatedPolicies']: updatedPolicies = [] for updated in resultJson['updatedPolicies']: updatedPolicy = LoadedPolicy() # check if it has matches then it is a Config Policy and compare it with Match Store. if updated['matches']: # compare the matches with our Stored Matches for eachDict in self.matchStore: if eachDict==updated['matches']: updatedPolicy._policyName = updated['policyName'] updatedPolicy._policyVersion = updated['versionNo'] updatedPolicy._matchingConditions = updated['matches'] updatedPolicy._updateType = updated['updateType'] updatedPolicies.append(updatedPolicy) boo_Update = True else: updatedPolicy._policyName = updated['policyName'] updatedPolicy._policyVersion = updated['versionNo'] updatedPolicies.append(updatedPolicy) boo_Update = True pDPNotification._loadedPolicies= updatedPolicies if (boo_Update and boo_Remove): pDPNotification._notificationType = NotificationType.BOTH.name elif boo_Update: pDPNotification._notificationType = NotificationType.UPDATE.name elif boo_Remove: pDPNotification._notificationType = NotificationType.REMOVE.name return pDPNotification def __startAuto(self): """ Starts the Auto Notification Feature.. """ if self.scheme is not None: if ((self.scheme == NotificationScheme.AUTO_ALL_NOTIFICATIONS.name)or(self.scheme == NotificationScheme.AUTO_NOTIFICATIONS.name)): if self.handler is None: if self.autows.sock is not None: if(self.autows.sock.connected): self.mclose= True self.autows.close() else: if self.autoURL is None: self.autoURL = self.resturl[0] elif self.autoURL != self.resturl[0]: self.autoURL = self.resturl[0] if self.autows.sock is not None: if(self.autows.sock.connected): self.mclose= True self.autows.close() else: self.autows = None if self.autows is None: if(self.autoURL.startswith("https")): __auto_url = self.autoURL.replace("https","wss")+"notifications" else: __auto_url = self.autoURL.replace("http","ws")+"notifications" def run(*args): self.__autoRequest(__auto_url) self.logger.info("Starting AutoNotification Service with : %s" , __auto_url) self.thread.start_new_thread(run , ()) elif self.autows.sock is not None: if not (self.autows.sock.connected): self.mclose = True self.autows.close() self.restart = True self.__rotatePDP() if(self.autoURL.startswith("https")): __auto_url = self.autoURL.replace("https","wss")+"notifications" else: __auto_url = self.autoURL.replace("http","ws")+"notifications" def run(*args): self.__autoRequest(__auto_url) self.logger.info("Starting AutoNotification Service with : %s" , __auto_url) self.thread.start_new_thread(run , ()) else: #stop the Auto Notification Service if it is running. if self.autows.sock is not None: if(self.autows.sock.connected): self.mclose= True self.autows.close() def __onEvent(self, message): """ Handles the event Notification received. """ message = json.loads(message) if self.handler is not None: if (self.scheme == NotificationScheme.AUTO_ALL_NOTIFICATIONS.name): pDPNotification = PDPNotification() boo_Remove = False boo_Update = False if message['removedPolicies']: removedPolicies = [] for removed in message['removedPolicies']: removedPolicy = RemovedPolicy() removedPolicy._policyName = removed['policyName'] removedPolicy._policyVersion = removed['versionNo'] removedPolicies.append(removedPolicy) pDPNotification._removedPolicies= removedPolicies boo_Remove = True if message['loadedPolicies']: updatedPolicies = [] for updated in message['loadedPolicies']: updatedPolicy = LoadedPolicy() updatedPolicy._policyName = updated['policyName'] updatedPolicy._policyVersion = updated['versionNo'] updatedPolicy._matchingConditions = updated['matches'] updatedPolicy._updateType = updated['updateType'] updatedPolicies.append(updatedPolicy) pDPNotification._loadedPolicies= updatedPolicies boo_Update = True if (boo_Update and boo_Remove): pDPNotification._notificationType = NotificationType.BOTH.name elif boo_Update: pDPNotification._notificationType = NotificationType.UPDATE.name elif boo_Remove: pDPNotification._notificationType = NotificationType.REMOVE.name # call the Handler. self.handler.notificationReceived(pDPNotification) elif (self.scheme == NotificationScheme.AUTO_NOTIFICATIONS.name): # call the handler self.handler(self.__checkNotification(message)) def __manualRequest(self,request_url): """ Takes the request_URL given and returns the JSON response back to the Caller. """ ws = create_connection(request_url) # when using self-signed server certificate, comment previous line and uncomment following: #ws = create_connection(request_url, sslopt={"cert_reqs": ssl.CERT_NONE}) ws.send("Manual") try: return json.loads(ws.recv()) except: return None ws.close() ws.shutdown() def __onMessage(self, ws,message): """Occurs on Event """ self.logger.info("Received AutoNotification message: %s" , message) self.__onEvent(message) def __onError(self, ws, error): """Self Restart the Notification Service on Error """ self.logger.error("PE500 - Process Flow Issue: Auto Notification service Error!! : %s" , error) def __onclose(self, ws): """Occurs on Close ? Try to start again in case User didn't do it. """ self.logger.debug("Connection has been Closed. ") if not self.mclose: self.__startAuto() self.mclose = False def __autoRequest(self, request_url): """ Takes the request_URL and invokes the PolicyEngine method on any receiving a Message """ websocket.enableTrace(True) self.autows = websocket.WebSocketApp(request_url, on_message= self.__onMessage, on_close= self.__onclose, on_error= self.__onError) # wait for to 5 seconds to restart if self.restart: time.sleep(5) self.autows.run_forever() class NotificationHandler: """ 'Defines the methods which need to run when an Event or a Notification is received.' """ def notificationReceived(self, notification): """ Will be triggered automatically whenever a Notification is received by the PEP @param notification: PDPNotification object which has the information of the Policies. @attention: This method must be implemented by the user for AUTO type NotificationScheme """ raise Exception("Unimplemented abstract method: %s" % __functionId(self, 1)) def __functionId(obj, nFramesUp): """ Internal Usage only.. Create a string naming the function n frames up on the stack. """ fr = sys._getframe(nFramesUp+1) co = fr.f_code return "%s.%s" % (obj.__class__, co.co_name) class PolicyConfig: """ 'PolicyConfig is the return object resulted by getConfig Call.' """ def __init__(self): self._policyConfigMessage = None self._policyConfigStatus = None self._policyName = None self._policyVersion = None self._matchingConditions = None self._responseAttributes = None self._policyType = None self._json = None self._xml = None self._prop = None self._other = None class PolicyResponse: """ 'PolicyResponse is the return object resulted by sendEvent Call.' """ def __init__(self): self._policyResponseStatus = None self._policyResponseMessage = None self._requestAttributes = None self._actionTaken = None self._actionAdvised= None class PDPNotification: """ 'Defines the Notification Event sent from the PDP to PEP Client.' """ def __init__(self): self._removedPolicies = None self._loadedPolicies = None self._notificationType = None class RemovedPolicy: """ 'Defines the structure of the Removed Policy' """ def __init__(self): self._policyName = None self._policyVersion = None class LoadedPolicy: """ 'Defines the Structure of the Loaded Policy' """ def __init__(self): self._policyName = None self._policyVersion = None self._matchingConditions = None self._updateType = None class PolicyParameters: """ 'Defines the Structure of the Policy to Create or Update' """ def __init__(self): self._actionPerformer = None self._actionAttribute = None self._attributes = None self._configBody = None self._configBodyType = None self._configName = None self._controllerName = None self._dependencyNames = None self._dynamicRuleAlgorithmLabels = None self._dynamicRuleAlgorithmFunctions = None self._dynamicRuleAlgorithmField1 = None self._dynamicRuleAlgorithmField2 = None self._ecompName = None self._extendedOption = None self._guard = None self._policyClass = None self._policyConfigType = None self._policyName = None self._policyDescription = None self._priority = None self._requestID = None self._riskLevel = None self._riskType = None self._ruleProvider = None self._ttlDate = None class PushPolicyParameters: """ 'Defines the Structure of the Push Policy Parameters' """ def __init__(self): self._pdpGroup = None self._policyName = None self._policyType = None class PolicyChangeResponse: """ 'Defines the Structure of the policy Changes made from PDP' """ def __init__(self): self._responseMessage = None self._responseCode = None class DeletePolicyParameters: """ 'Defines the Structure of the Delete Policy Parameters' """ def __init__(self): self._deleteCondition = None self._pdpGroup = None self._policyComponent = None self._policyName = None self._policyType = None self._requestID = None class DictionaryParameters: """ 'Defines the Structure of the Dictionary Parameters' """ def __init__(self): self._dictionaryType = None self._dictionary = None self._dictionaryJson = None self._requestID = None class DictionaryResponse: """ 'Defines the Structure of the dictionary response' """ def __init__(self): self._responseMessage = None self._responseCode = None self._dictionaryJson = None self._dictionaryData = None class DecisionResponse: """ 'Defines the Structure of Decision Response' """ def __init__(self): self._decision = None self._details = None class ImportParameters: """ 'Defines the Structure of Policy Model Import' """ def __init__(self): self._serviceName = None self._description = None self._requestID = None self._filePath = None self._importBody = None self._version = None self._importType = None