# policy_handler ## web-service for policies to be used by DCAE-Controller - GET **/policy\_latest/***\* -- get the latest policy from policy-engine - receives the **push notifications** from policy-engine through the web-socket, filters and gets the full policy-configs, and delivers that to deploy-handler ## manual http API - GET **/catch_up** -- catch up with the latest state of the policy-engine - GET **/policies_latest** -- get all the latest policies in policy-engine through web-service API - GET **/shutdown** -- shutdown the server ---------- ## installation `virtualenv policy_venv` `cd policy_venv` `source bin/activate` `cd ../policy_handler` `pip install -r requirements.txt` ---------- ## preparation to run `cd policy_venv` `source bin/activate` `cd ../policy_handler` ---------- ## configure in folder `policy_handler`: - `config.json` contains - `"scope_prefixes" : ["DCAE_alex.Config_"]` - the list of policy-scope-class values - `"policy_engine"` - the http connect info to ECOMP **policy-engine** - headers.ClientAuth : base64(:) - headers.Authorization : base64() - `"deploy_handler"` - the http connect info to _policy part_ of the **deploy-handler** - `policy_engine.properties` contains config info for the client lib of ECOMP **policy-engine** that receives push notifications from the ECOMP **policy-engine** server - CLIENT_ID is the mech-id with the namespace - need to register with policy-engine team thru email - CLIENT_KEY is the base64 of the mech-id password - separate passwords for TEST versus PROD ---------- ## run in folder `policy_handler`: `./run_policy.sh` ----------