# ============LICENSE_START======================================================= # org.onap.dcae # ================================================================================ # Copyright (c) 2017-2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # ================================================================================ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============LICENSE_END========================================================= # import copy import pytest from cloudify.exceptions import NonRecoverableError, RecoverableError def test_generate_component_name(mockconfig): from k8splugin import tasks kwargs = { "service_component_type": "doodle", "service_component_name_override": None } assert "doodle" in tasks._generate_component_name(**kwargs)["name"] kwargs["service_component_name_override"] = "yankee" assert "yankee" == tasks._generate_component_name(**kwargs)["name"] def test_parse_streams(monkeypatch, mockconfig): import k8splugin from k8splugin import tasks # Good case for streams_publishes test_input = { "streams_publishes": [{"name": "topic00", "type": "message_router"}, {"name": "feed00", "type": "data_router"}], "streams_subscribes": {} } expected = {'feed00': {'type': 'data_router', 'name': 'feed00'}, 'streams_publishes': [{'type': 'message_router', 'name': 'topic00'}, {'type': 'data_router', 'name': 'feed00'}], 'streams_subscribes': {}, 'topic00': {'type': 'message_router', 'name': 'topic00'} } assert expected == tasks._parse_streams(**test_input) # Good case for streams_subscribes (password provided) test_input = { "ports": ["1919:0", "1920:0"],"name": "testcomponent", "streams_publishes": {}, "streams_subscribes": [{"name": "topic01", "type": "message_router"}, {"name": "feed01", "type": "data_router", "username": "hero", "password": "123456", "route":"test/v0"}] } expected = {'ports': ['1919:0', '1920:0'], 'name': 'testcomponent', 'feed01': {'type': 'data_router', 'name': 'feed01', 'username': 'hero', 'password': '123456', 'route': 'test/v0', 'delivery_url':'http://testcomponent:1919/test/v0'}, 'streams_publishes': {}, 'streams_subscribes': [{'type': 'message_router', 'name': 'topic01'}, {'type': 'data_router', 'name': 'feed01', 'username': 'hero', 'password': '123456', 'route':'test/v0'}], 'topic01': {'type': 'message_router', 'name': 'topic01'}} assert expected == tasks._parse_streams(**test_input) # Good case for streams_subscribes (password generated) test_input = { "ports": ["1919:0", "1920:0"],"name": "testcomponent", "streams_publishes": {}, "streams_subscribes": [{"name": "topic01", "type": "message_router"}, {"name": "feed01", "type": "data_router", "username": None, "password": None, "route": "test/v0"}] } def not_so_random(n): return "nosurprise" monkeypatch.setattr(k8splugin.utils, "random_string", not_so_random) expected = { 'ports': ['1919:0', '1920:0'], 'name': 'testcomponent', 'feed01': {'type': 'data_router', 'name': 'feed01', 'username': 'nosurprise', 'password': 'nosurprise', 'route':'test/v0', 'delivery_url':'http://testcomponent:1919/test/v0'}, 'streams_publishes': {}, 'streams_subscribes': [{'type': 'message_router', 'name': 'topic01'}, {'type': 'data_router', 'name': 'feed01', 'username': None, 'password': None, 'route': 'test/v0'}], 'topic01': {'type': 'message_router', 'name': 'topic01'}} assert expected == tasks._parse_streams(**test_input) def test_setup_for_discovery(monkeypatch, mockconfig): import k8splugin from k8splugin import tasks test_input = { "name": "some-name", "application_config": { "one": "a", "two": "b" } } def fake_push_config(conn, name, application_config): return monkeypatch.setattr(k8splugin.discovery, "push_service_component_config", fake_push_config) assert test_input == tasks._setup_for_discovery(**test_input) def fake_push_config_connection_error(conn, name, application_config): raise k8splugin.discovery.DiscoveryConnectionError("Boom") monkeypatch.setattr(k8splugin.discovery, "push_service_component_config", fake_push_config_connection_error) with pytest.raises(RecoverableError): tasks._setup_for_discovery(**test_input) def test_verify_container(monkeypatch, mockconfig): import k8sclient from k8splugin import tasks from k8splugin.exceptions import DockerPluginDeploymentError def fake_is_available_success(loc, ch, scn): return True monkeypatch.setattr(k8sclient, "is_available", fake_is_available_success) assert tasks._verify_k8s_deployment("some-location","some-name", 3) def fake_is_available_never_good(loc, ch, scn): return False monkeypatch.setattr(k8sclient, "is_available", fake_is_available_never_good) assert not tasks._verify_k8s_deployment("some-location", "some-name", 2) def test_enhance_docker_params(mockconfig): from k8splugin import tasks # Good - Test empty docker config test_kwargs = { "docker_config": {}, "service_id": None } actual = tasks._enhance_docker_params(**test_kwargs) assert actual == {'envs': {}, 'docker_config': {}, 'ports': [], 'volumes': [], "service_id": None } # Good - Test just docker config ports and volumes test_kwargs = { "docker_config": { "ports": [{u'concat': [u'8080', u':', 0], u'ipv6': True}, "1:1"], "volumes": [{"container": "somewhere", "host": "somewhere else"}] }, "service_id": None } actual = tasks._enhance_docker_params(**test_kwargs) assert actual == {'envs': {}, 'docker_config': {'ports': [{u'concat': [u'8080', u':', 0], u'ipv6': True}, "1:1"], 'volumes': [{'host': 'somewhere else', 'container': 'somewhere'}]}, 'ports': [{u'concat': [u'8080', u':', 0], u'ipv6': True}, "1:1"], 'volumes': [{'host': 'somewhere else', 'container': 'somewhere'}], "service_id": None} # Good - Test just docker config ports and volumes with overrrides test_kwargs = { "docker_config": { "ports": ["1:1", "2:2"], "volumes": [{"container": "somewhere", "host": "somewhere else"}] }, "ports": ["3:3", "4:4"], "volumes": [{"container": "nowhere", "host": "nowhere else"}], "service_id": None } actual = tasks._enhance_docker_params(**test_kwargs) assert actual == {'envs': {}, 'docker_config': {'ports': ['1:1', '2:2'], 'volumes': [{'host': 'somewhere else', 'container': 'somewhere'}]}, 'ports': ['1:1', '2:2', '3:3', '4:4'], 'volumes': [{'host': 'somewhere else', 'container': 'somewhere'}, {'host': 'nowhere else', 'container': 'nowhere'}], "service_id": None} # Good test_kwargs = { "docker_config": {}, "service_id": "zed", "deployment_id": "abc" } actual = tasks._enhance_docker_params(**test_kwargs) assert actual["envs"] == {} def test_notify_container(mockconfig): from k8splugin import tasks test_input = { "docker_config": { "policy": { "trigger_type": "unknown" } } } assert [] == tasks._notify_container(**test_input)