# ============LICENSE_START======================================================= # org.onap.dcae # ================================================================================ # Copyright (c) 2019-2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2020 Pantheon.tech. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2020 Nokia. All rights reserved. # ================================================================================ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============LICENSE_END========================================================= # Common functions for unit testing def _set_k8s_configuration(): ''' Set up the basic k8s configuration ''' return { "image_pull_secrets" : ["secret0", "secret1"], "filebeat" : { "log_path": "/var/log/onap", "data_path": "/usr/share/filebeat/data", "config_path": "/usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yml", "config_subpath": "filebeat.yml", "image" : "filebeat-repo/filebeat:latest", "config_map" : "dcae-filebeat-configmap" }, "tls" : { "cert_path": "/opt/certs", "image": "tlsrepo/tls-init-container:1.2.3", "component_cert_dir": "/opt/dcae/cacert" }, "external_cert": { "image_tag": "repo/aaf-certservice-client:1.2.3", "request_url" : "https://request:1010/url", "timeout" : "30000", "country" : "US", "organization" : "Linux-Foundation", "state" : "California", "organizational_unit" : "ONAP", "location" : "San-Francisco", "keystore_password" : "secret1", "truststore_password" : "secret2" }, "cbs": { "base_url": "https://config-binding-service:10443/service_component_all/test-component" } } def _set_resources(): ''' Set resources ''' return { "limits": { "cpu" : 0.5, "memory" : "2Gi" }, "requests": { "cpu" : 0.5, "memory" : "2Gi" } } def _set_common_kwargs(): ''' Set kwargs common to all test cases ''' return { "volumes": [ {"host":{"path": "/path/on/host"}, "container":{"bind":"/path/on/container","mode":"rw"}} ], "ports": ["80:0", "443:0"], "env": {"NAME0": "value0", "NAME1": "value1"}, "log_info": {"log_directory": "/path/to/container/log/directory"}, "readiness": {"type": "http", "endpoint" : "/ready"} } def _get_item_by_name(list, name): ''' Search a list of k8s API objects with the specified name ''' for item in list: if item.name == name: return item return None def check_env_var(env_list, name, value): e = _get_item_by_name(env_list, name) assert e and e.value == value def verify_common(dep, deployment_description): ''' Check results common to all test cases ''' assert deployment_description["deployment"] == "dep-testcomponent" assert deployment_description["namespace"] == "k8stest" assert deployment_description["services"][0] == "testcomponent" # For unit test purposes, we want to make sure that the deployment object # we're passing to the k8s API is correct app_container = dep.spec.template.spec.containers[0] assert app_container.image == "example.com/testcomponent:1.4.3" assert app_container.image_pull_policy == "IfNotPresent" assert len(app_container.ports) == 2 assert app_container.ports[0].container_port == 80 assert app_container.ports[1].container_port == 443 assert app_container.readiness_probe.http_get.path == "/ready" assert app_container.readiness_probe.http_get.scheme == "HTTP" assert len(app_container.volume_mounts) == 3 assert app_container.volume_mounts[0].mount_path == "/path/on/container" assert app_container.volume_mounts[1].mount_path == "/path/to/container/log/directory" # Check environment variables env = app_container.env check_env_var(env, "NAME0", "value0") check_env_var(env, "NAME1", "value1") # Should have a log container with volume mounts log_container = dep.spec.template.spec.containers[1] assert log_container.image == "filebeat-repo/filebeat:latest" assert log_container.volume_mounts[0].mount_path == "/var/log/onap/testcomponent" assert log_container.volume_mounts[0].name == "component-log" assert log_container.volume_mounts[1].mount_path == "/usr/share/filebeat/data" assert log_container.volume_mounts[1].name == "filebeat-data" assert log_container.volume_mounts[2].mount_path == "/usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yml" assert log_container.volume_mounts[2].name == "filebeat-conf" # Needs to be correctly labeled so that the Service can find it assert dep.spec.template.metadata.labels["app"] == "testcomponent" def verify_external_cert(dep): cert_container = dep.spec.template.spec.init_containers[1] print(cert_container) assert cert_container.image == "repo/aaf-certservice-client:1.2.3" assert cert_container.name == "cert-service-client" assert len(cert_container.volume_mounts) == 2 assert cert_container.volume_mounts[0].name == "tls-info" assert cert_container.volume_mounts[0].mount_path == "/path/to/container/cert/directory/" assert cert_container.volume_mounts[1].name == "tls-volume" assert cert_container.volume_mounts[1].mount_path == "/etc/onap/aaf/certservice/certs/" expected_envs = { "REQUEST_URL": "https://request:1010/url", "REQUEST_TIMEOUT": "30000", "OUTPUT_PATH": "/path/to/container/cert/directory/external", "OUTPUT_TYPE": "P12", "CA_NAME": "myname", "COMMON_NAME": "mycommonname", "ORGANIZATION": "Linux-Foundation", "ORGANIZATION_UNIT": "ONAP", "LOCATION": "San-Francisco", "STATE": "California", "COUNTRY": "US", "SANS": "mysans", "KEYSTORE_PATH": "/etc/onap/aaf/certservice/certs/certServiceClient-keystore.jks", "KEYSTORE_PASSWORD": "secret1", "TRUSTSTORE_PATH": "/etc/onap/aaf/certservice/certs/truststore.jks", "TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD": "secret2"} envs = {k.name: k.value for k in cert_container.env} for k in expected_envs: assert (k in envs and expected_envs[k] == envs[k]) def do_deploy(tls_info=None): ''' Common deployment operations ''' import k8sclient.k8sclient k8s_test_config = _set_k8s_configuration() kwargs = _set_common_kwargs() kwargs['resources'] = _set_resources() if tls_info: kwargs["tls_info"] = tls_info dep, deployment_description = k8sclient.k8sclient.deploy("k8stest", "testcomponent", "example.com/testcomponent:1.4.3", 1, False, k8s_test_config, **kwargs) # Make sure all of the basic k8s parameters are correct verify_common(dep, deployment_description) return dep, deployment_description def do_deploy_ext(ext_tls_info): ''' Common deployment operations ''' import k8sclient.k8sclient k8s_test_config = _set_k8s_configuration() kwargs = _set_common_kwargs() kwargs['resources'] = _set_resources() kwargs["external_cert"] = ext_tls_info dep, deployment_description = k8sclient.k8sclient.deploy("k8stest", "testcomponent", "example.com/testcomponent:1.4.3", 1, False, k8s_test_config, **kwargs) # Make sure all of the basic k8s parameters are correct verify_common(dep, deployment_description) return dep, deployment_description