# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## [1.4.11] change v['container']['mode'] to v['container'].get('mode') to allow for the 'mode' value to be absent from v['container'] add comment: The name segment is required and must be 63 characters or less (https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/) ## [1.4.10] Support for deploying to multiple Kubernetes clusters. ## [1.4.9] * Support for liveness probes (https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-probes/) * fix the readiness probe to run script such as "/opt/app/snmptrap/bin/snmptrapd.sh status" * change "ports" and the "mode" of volume to be optional instead of mandatory ## [1.4.8] * If an installation step times out because a component does not become ready within the maximum wait time, delete the Kubernetes artifacts associated with the component. Previously, an installation step might time out due to a very slow image pull. Cloudify would report a failure, but the component would come up, much later, after Kubernetes finished pulling the image. This should no longer happen. ## [1.4.7] * Increase unit test coverage ## [1.4.6] * Support for specifying CPU and memory resources in a blueprint for a containerized component * Changes the default time that the plugin will wait for a container to become ready from 300 seconds to 1800 seconds ## [1.4.5] * DCAEGEN2-1086 update onap-dcae-dcaepolicy-lib version to avoid Consul stores under old service_component_name ## [1.3.0] * Enhancement: Add support for changing the image running in the application container. ("Rolling upgrade") ## [1.2.0] * Enhancement: Use the "healthcheck" parameters from node_properties to set up a Kubernetes readiness probe for the container. ## [1.1.0] * Enhancement: When Cloudify Manager is running in a Docker container in a Kubernetes environment, the plugin can use the Kubernetes API credentials set up by Kubernetes. ## [1.0.1] * Fixes a bug in passing environment variables. ## [1.0.0] * Initial release of the Kubernetes plugin. It is built on the [Docker plugin](../docker) and preserves the Docker plugin's integration with the policy plugin and the DMaaP plugin.