# DSL version, should appear in the main blueprint.yaml # and may appear in other imports. In such case, the versions must match tosca_definitions_version: cloudify_dsl_1_3 imports: # importing cloudify related types, plugins, workflow, etc... # to speed things up, it is possible downloading this file, # including it in the blueprint directory and importing it # instead. - http://www.getcloudify.org/spec/cloudify/4.1.1/types.yaml # relative import of plugin.yaml that resides in the blueprint directory - plugin/test_plugin.yaml inputs: # example input that could be injected by test test_input: description: an input for the test default: default_test_input tiller-server-ip: default: tiller-server-port: default: 8888 namespace: default: onap chart-repo-url: default: local chart-version : default: 2.0.0 jsonConfig: default: '' config-url: default: '' config-set: default: '' config-format: default: 'json' tls-enable: type: boolean default: false config-dir: type: string default: './' repo-user: type: string default: '' repo-user-password: type: string default: '' stable-repo-url: type: string default: '' node_templates: # defining a single node template that will serve as our test node test_node: # using base cloudify type type: onap.nodes.component properties: tiller_ip: { get_input: tiller-server-ip } tiller_port: { get_input: tiller-server-port } component_name: test_node chart_repo_url: { get_input: chart-repo-url } chart_version: { get_input: chart-version } namespace: { get_input: namespace } config: { get_input: jsonConfig} config_set: { get_input: config-set} config_url: { get_input: config-url} repo_user: { get_input: repo-user} repo_user_password: { get_input: repo-user-password} config_format: { get_input: config-format} tls_enable: { get_input: tls-enable} ca: "result of get_secret ca_value" cert: "result of get_secret cert_value" key: "result of get_secret key_value" config_dir: { get_input: config-dir} stable_repo_url: { get_input: stable-repo-url} outputs: # example output the could be used to simplify assertions by test test_output: description: an output for the test value: helm-value: { get_attribute: [test_node, current-helm-value] } helm-history: { get_attribute: [test_node, helm-history] }