# docker-cloudify This repository contains Cloudify artifacts used to orchestrate the deployment of Docker containers. See the example blueprints in the [`examples` directory](examples). More details about what is expected from Docker components can be found in the DCAE ONAP documentation. ## Pre-requisites ### Docker logins The Docker plugin requires a key-value entry in Consul that holds all the Docker login credentials needed to access remote registries. The expected key is `docker_plugin/docker_logins` and the corresponding value is a json array with json objects: ``` [ { "username": "bob", "password": "123456", "registry": "this-docker-registry.com" }, { "username": "jane", "password": "7890ab", "registry": "that-docker-registry.com" } ] ``` If there are no required Docker logins then set the value to empty list `[]`. ### "consul" DNS query The Docker plugin assumes that the DNS query for "consul" will resolve. Make sure the Cloudify installation includes any steps (e.g. adding a line to `/etc/hosts`) to ensure this. ## Input parameters ### start These input parameters are for the `start` `cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle` and are inputs into the variant task operations `create_and_start_container*`. #### `envs` A map of environment variables that is intended to be forwarded to the Docker container as environment variables. Example: ```yaml envs: EXTERNAL_IP: '' ``` These environment variables will be forwarded in addition to the *platform-related* environment variables like `CONSUL_HOST`. #### `volumes` List of maps used for setting up Docker volume mounts. Example: ```yaml volumes: - host: path: '/var/run/docker.sock' container: bind: '/tmp/docker.sock' mode: 'ro' ``` This information is used to pass forward into [`docker-py` create container call](http://docker-py.readthedocs.io/en/1.10.6/volumes.html). key | description --- | ----------- path | Full path to the file or directory on the host machine to be mounted bind | Full path to the file or directory in the container where the volume should be mounted to mode | Readable, writeable: `ro`, `rw` #### `ports` List of strings - Used to bind container ports to host ports. Each item is of the format: `:`. Note that `DockerContainerForPlatforms` has the property pair `host_port` and `container_port`. This pair will be merged with the input parameters ports. ```yaml ports: - '8000:8000' ``` Default is `None`. #### `max_wait` Integer - seconds to wait for Docker to come up healthy before throwing a `NonRecoverableError`. ```yaml max_wait: 60 ``` Default is 300 seconds. ### stop These input parameters are for the `stop` `cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle` and are inputs into the task operation `stop_and_remove_container`. #### `cleanup_image` Boolean that controls whether to attempt to remove the associated Docker image (true) or not (false). ```yaml cleanup_image True ``` Default is false. ## Using DMaaP The node type `dcae.nodes.DockerContainerForComponentsUsingDmaap` is intended to be used by components that use DMaaP and expects to be connected with the DMaaP node types found in the DMaaP plugin. ### Node properties The properties `streams_publishes` and `streams_subscribes` both are lists of objects that are intended to be passed into the DMaaP plugin and used to create additional parameters that will be passed into the DMaaP plugin. #### Message router For message router publishers and subscribers, the objects look like: ```yaml name: topic00 location: mtc5 client_role: XXXX type: message_router ``` Where `name` is the node name of `dcae.nodes.Topic` or `dcae.nodes.ExistingTopic` that the Docker node is connecting with via the relationships `dcae.relationships.publish_events` for publishing and `dcae.relationships.subscribe_to_events` for subscribing. #### Data router For data router publishers, the object looks like: ```yaml name: feed00 location: mtc5 type: data_router ``` Where `name` is the node name of `dcae.nodes.Feed` or `dcae.nodes.ExistingFeed` that the Docker node is connecting with via the relationships `dcae.relationships.publish_files`. For data router subscribers, the object looks like: ```yaml name: feed00 location: mtc5 type: data_router username: king password: "123456" route: some-path scheme: https ``` Where the relationship to use is `dcae.relationships.subscribe_to_files`. If `username` and `password` are not provided, then the plugin will generate username and password pair. `route` and `scheme` are parameter used in the dynamic construction of the delivery url which will be passed to the DMaaP plugin to be used in the setting up of the subscriber to the feed. `route` is the http path endpoint of the subscriber that will handle files from the associated feed. `scheme` is either `http` or `https`. If not specified, then the plugin will default to `http`. ### Component configuration The DMaaP plugin is responsible to provision the feed/topic and store into Consul the resulting DMaaP connection details. Here is an example: ```json { "topic00": { "client_role": "XXXX", "client_id": "XXXX", "location": "XXXX", "topic_url": "https://some-topic-url.com/events/abc" } } ``` This is to be merged with the templetized application configuration: ```json { "some-param": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", "streams_subscribes": { "topic-alpha": { "type": "message_router", "aaf_username": "user-foo", "aaf_password": "password-bar", "dmaap_info": "<< topic00 >>" }, }, "streams_publishes": {}, "services_calls": {} } ``` To form the application configuration: ```json { "some-param": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", "streams_subscribes": { "topic-alpha": { "type": "message_router", "aaf_username": "user-foo", "aaf_password": "password-bar", "dmaap_info": { "client_role": "XXXX", "client_id": "XXXX", "location": "XXXX", "topic_url": "https://some-topic-url.com/events/abc" } }, }, "streams_publishes": {}, "services_calls": {} } ``` This also applies to data router feeds.