# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## [14.1.0] * Merge the broker deleter function into here; no need for seperate plugin ## [14.0.2] * Start a tox/pytest unit test suite ## [14.0.1] * Type file change to move reconfiguration defaults into the type file so each blueprint doesn't need them. ## [14.0.0] * Better type speccing in the type file * Simplify the component naming * Remove the unused (after two years) location and service-id properties * Add more demo blueprints and reconfiguration tests ## [13.0.0] * Support for data router publication. Data router subscription is a problem, see README. * Fixes `services_calls` to have the same format as streams. This is an API break but users are aware. ## [12.1.0] * Support for message router integration. Data router publish to come in next release. ## [12.0.1] * Use "localhost" instead of solutioning Consul host. ## [12.0.0] * Add in functions for policy to call (execute_workflows) to reconfigure CDAP applications * Remove "Selected" Nonsense. FAILURE TO UPDATE ## [10.0.0] * Update to support broker API 3.X. This is a breaking change, involving the renaming of Node types * Cut dependencies over to Nexus