## Instructions for running helm chart generator version: 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT 1. Must have helm installed. 2. Run `mvn clean package` to build and package the code. 3. Discover helmchartgenerator-cli-.jar under helmchartgenerator-cli/target 4. Override the default values for Chart Museum APIs for chart distribution by setting the following ENV variables: CHARTMUSEUM_BASEURL -> Base URL along with a port of Chart Museum (e.g "http://chartmuseum:8080") (Note: the port is only needed if it's not the standard 80 for http or 443 for https.) CHARTMUSEUM_AUTH_BASIC_USERNAME -> Username for basic auth CHARTMUSEUM_AUTH_BASIC_PASSWORD -> Password for basic auth 5. Run the jar with these parameters set in the following order: 1. Spec file location 2. Chart directory location 3. Output directory location 4. Component spec schema (Optional) 5. --distribute flag (Optional) 6. --help (to see usage) Arguments expected as: ` --distribute` Test files currently included in project: - Spec file: `helm-chart-generator\src\test\input\specs\ves.json` - Charts Directory: `helm-chart-generator\src\test\input\blueprint`