{ "specContent": { "self": { "component_type": "docker", "description": "Hello World mS for subscribing the data from local DMaaP, DR or MR, processing them and publishing them as PM files to local DMaaP DR", "name": "dcae-collectors-vcc-helloworld-pm", "version": "1.0.1" }, "services": { "calls": [], "provides": [] }, "streams": { "publishes": [ { "config_key": "DCAE-HELLO-WORLD-PUB-DR", "format": "dataformat_Hello_World_PM", "type": "data_router", "version": "1.0.0" }, { "config_key": "DCAE-HELLO-WORLD-PUB-MR", "format": "dataformat_Hello_World_PM", "type": "message_router", "version": "1.0.0" } ], "subscribes": [ { "config_key": "DCAE-HELLO-WORLD-SUB-MR", "format": "dataformat_Hello_World_PM", "route": "/DCAE_HELLO_WORLD_SUB_MR", "type": "message_router", "version": "1.0.0" }, { "config_key": "DCAE-HELLO-WORLD-SUB-DR", "format": "dataformat_Hello_World_PM", "route": "/DCAE-HELLO-WORLD-SUB-DR", "type": "data_router", "version": "1.0.0" } ] }, "parameters": [ { "name": "vcc_hello_name", "value": "120", "type": "integer", "description": "the name entered for specific person", "sourced_at_deployment": false, "designer_editable": false, "policy_editable": false }, { "name": "useDtiConfig", "value": false, "type": "boolean", "description": "component depends on configuration from dti.", "sourced_at_deployment": false, "designer_editable": true, "policy_editable": false, "required": true }, { "name": "isSelfServeComponent", "value": false, "type": "boolean", "description": "Is this used as self serve component.", "sourced_at_deployment": false, "designer_editable": true, "policy_editable": false, "required": true } ], "auxilary": { "healthcheck": { "interval": "60s", "initialDelaySeconds": "120s", "timeout": "20s", "script": "/opt/app/vcc/bin/common/HealthCheck_HelloWorld.sh", "type": "docker" }, "livehealthcheck": { "interval": "60s", "initialDelaySeconds": "120s", "timeout": "20s", "script": "/opt/app/vcc/bin/common/HealthCheck_HelloWorld.sh", "type": "docker" }, "reconfigs": { "app_reconfig": "abc" }, "volumes": [ { "container": { "bind": "/opt/app/dcae-certificate" }, "host": { "path": "/opt/app/dcae-certificate" } }, { "container": { "bind": "/opt/logs/DCAE/dmd/AGENT" }, "host": { "path": "/opt/logs/DCAE/helloworldpm/dmd/AGENT" } }, { "container": { "bind": "/opt/logs/DCAE/dmd/WATCHER" }, "host": { "path": "/opt/logs/DCAE/helloworldpm/dmd/WATCHER" } }, { "container": { "bind": "/opt/app/vcc/logs/DCAE" }, "host": { "path": "/opt/logs/DCAE/helloworldpm/vcc-logs" } }, { "container": { "bind": "/opt/app/vcc/archive/data" }, "host": { "path": "/opt/data/DCAE/helloworldpm/vcc-archive" } } ] }, "artifacts": [ { "type": "docker image", "uri": "dockercentral.it.att.com:5100/com.att.sample/dcae-controller-vcc-helloworld-pm:18.02-001" } ] }, "policyJson": { "policies": [ { "configAttributes": "", "configName": "", "onapName": "DCAE", "policyName": "DCAE.Config_", "unique": false }, { "onapName": "DCAE", "policyName": "DCAE.Config_", "unique": true }, { "configAttributes": "", "configName": "", "onapName": "DCAE", "policyName": "DCAE.Config_*", "unique": false } ], "policy": [ { "policy_id": "id_0" } ] }, "type": "K8S", "user": "abc123", "metadata": { "notes": "Sample 812-1", "labels": [ "LATEST" ] } }