# ============LICENSE_START======================================================= # Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # ================================================================================ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============LICENSE_END========================================================= #This is the blueprint to deploy the DCAE Toolbox GUI. #2.0.0 # --- tosca_definitions_version: cloudify_dsl_1_3 imports: - http://www.getcloudify.org/spec/cloudify/4.4/types.yaml - /k8splugin/1.4.22/node-type.yaml - /relationship/1.0.1/types.yaml - /cloudifydmaapplugin/1.4.6/node-type.yaml - /dcaepolicyplugin/2.3.1/node-type.yaml - /pgaas/0.3.2/pgaas_types.yaml inputs: additionalsans: type: string default: '' description: additional sans (string) annotations: default: {} dcae-controller-toolbox-gui_cpu_limit: type: string default: '250m' description: cpu limit for deployment (string) dcae-controller-toolbox-gui_cpu_request: type: string default: '250m' description: cpu requested for deployment (string) dcae-controller-toolbox-gui_memory_limit: type: string default: '128Mi' description: memory limit for deployment (string) dcae-controller-toolbox-gui_memory_request: type: string default: '128Mi' description: memory requested for deployment (string) dcae_service_location: type: string description: Docker host override for docker bps (string) idns_fqdn: type: string default: '' description: The idns you will be using for your deployment (string) image: type: string default: 'dcae-controller-tosca-gui:2.0.3' description: The docker image for you microservice (string) namespace: type: string replicas: type: integer default: 1 description: The number of replicas for your kubernetes deployment (integer) service_component_name_override: type: string default: 'dcae-controller-toolbox-gui' description: Unique identifier for your deployment (string) use_aaf_tls: type: boolean default: false description: To use or not use the aaf section (boolean) node_templates: dcae-controller-toolbox-gui_dcae-controller-toolbox-gui: type: dcae.nodes.ContainerizedServiceComponent properties: application_config: services_calls: [] streams_publishes: {} streams_subscribes: {} docker_config: healthcheck: interval: 360s timeout: 120s type: http endpoint: /actuator/health livehealthcheck: interval: 360s timeout: 120s type: http endpoint: /actuator/health volumes: [] ports: - '8080:30998' image: get_input: image location_id: get_input: dcae_service_location service_component_type: dcae-controller-toolbox-gui replicas: get_input: replicas service_component_name_override: concat: - get_secret: location_id - '-' - get_input: service_component_name_override configuration: file_content: apiVersion: v1 clusters: - name: default-cluster cluster: server: concat: - https:// - get_secret: kc-kubernetes_master_ip - ':' - get_secret: kc-kubernetes_master_port insecure-skip-tls-verify: true contexts: - name: default-context context: cluster: default-cluster namespace: get_input: namespace user: default-user kind: Config preferences: {} users: - name: default-user user: token: get_secret: dcae-mechid-k8s-token current-context: default-context resource_config: limits: cpu: get_input: dcae-controller-toolbox-gui_cpu_limit memory: get_input: dcae-controller-toolbox-gui_memory_limit requests: cpu: get_input: dcae-controller-toolbox-gui_cpu_request memory: get_input: dcae-controller-toolbox-gui_memory_request aaf_tls_info: use_aaf_tls: get_input: use_aaf_tls cert_directory: /opt/app/aafcertman image: aaf-init-container:1.0.1 env: - name: NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: deployer_id valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: concat: - get_input: namespace - -cert-secret key: deployerid - name: deployer_pass valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: concat: - get_input: namespace - -cert-secret key: deployerpass - name: cert_id valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: concat: - get_input: namespace - -cert-secret key: certid - name: cm_url valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: concat: - get_input: namespace - -cert-secret key: cmurl - name: idns_fqdn value: get_input: idns_fqdn - name: app_service_names value: concat: - get_secret: location_id - '-' - get_input: service_component_name_override args: - place - cmtemplate - -idnsfqdn=$(idns_fqdn) - -cmurl=$(cm_url) - -deployerid=$(deployer_id) - -deployerpass=$(deployer_pass) - -certid=$(cert_id) - -namespace=$(NAMESPACE) - -services=$(app_service_names) - concat: - -additionalsans= - get_input: additionalsans use_aaf_tls_renewal: true renewal_args: - renew - -idnsfqdn=$(idns_fqdn) - -cmurl=$(cm_url) resource_config: limits: cpu: 250m memory: 256Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 256Mi annotations: get_input: annotations relationships: []