# Genprocessor: Docker `http` - http server that serves up the DCAE Nifi jars as files under the path `/nifi-jars` `job` - background job that continuously polls the onboarding API for components and generates jars from components The usage here will assume the use of a docker volume to persist data. Create a volume: ``` docker volume create genprocessor ``` ## job Build: ``` $ cd ../ $ docker build -t genprocessor-job -f docker/job/Dockerfile . ``` Run: ``` docker run -v genprocessor:/work -e GENPROC_ONBOARDING_API_HOST=http://some-hostname/onboarding -d genprocessor-job ``` NOTE: Above onboarding API is to the one running in iLab. Run as part of the stack: ``` docker run -v genprocessor:/work --link onboarding-api:onboarding-api -d genprocessor-job ``` ## http Build: ``` $ cd http $ docker build -t genprocessor-http . ``` Run: ``` $ docker run -p 8080:80 -d -v genprocessor:/www/data:ro genprocessor-http ```