all: build start-service .PHONY: build build: @echo "##### Build inventory api jar file #####" mvn clean package @echo "##### DONE #####" start-service: @echo "##### Start inventory api service #####" @echo "########################### IMPORTANT ############################################################################################" @echo "##### Before you start service you must properly configure connection to database in ./tools/congif_local.json!: #####" @echo "##### Check password to inventory api on your lab: kubectl get secret dev-dcae-inventory-api-pg-user-creds -o yaml, decode it #####" @echo "##### from base64. #####" @echo "##### Change Worker_IP adress in url, expose port from svc dcae-inv-pg-primary, and also change it in url #####" @echo "##### Now service should up and running pls check: http://localhost:9080/swagger.json or http://localhost:9080/servicehealth #####" @echo "##################################################################################################################################" java -DdevMode=true --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -jar ./target/inventory-api-3.5.1-SNAPSHOT.jar server ./tools/config_local.json @echo "##### DONE #####"