/* Copyright(c) 2017-2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* * Dispatcher configuration * Configuration may come from environment variables, a value in a Consul key-value store, or defaults, * in that order of precedence. * * The address of the Consul host is passed in an environment variable called CONSUL_HOST. * If present, the configuration value in the key-value store is a UTF-8 serialization of a JSON object. * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * | JSON property | Environment variable | Required? | Default | * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * | logLevel | LOG_LEVEL | Yes | "INFO" | * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * | listenHost | LISTEN_HOST | Yes | "" | * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * | listenPort | LISTEN_PORT | Yes | 8443 | * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * | cloudify.user | CLOUDIFY_USER | No | none | * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * | cloudify.password | CLOUDIFY_PASSWORD | No | none | * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * | cloudify.protocol | CLOUDIFY_PROTOCOL | No | "https" | * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * | inventory.user | INVENTORY_USER | No | none | * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * | inventory.password | INVENTORY_PASSWORD | No | none | * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * | inventory.protocol | INVENTORY_PROTOCOL | No | "https" | * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * | auth | (no environment var) | No | none | * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * auth, if present, is a JSON object, with property names corresponding to user names and * property values corresponding to passwords. If the auth property has the value: * {"admin" : "admin123", "other" : "other123"}, then any incoming HTTP requests must use * Basic authentication and supply "admin" as a user name with "admin123" as the password or * supply "other" as the user name with "other123" as the password. * * The dispatcher will attempt to run using TLS (i.e., as an HTTPS server) if a certificate * file in pkcs12 format is stored at etc/cert/cert and a file containing the corresponding * passphrase is stored at etc/cert/pass. These files can be made available to the container * running the dispatcher by mounting a volume to the container. */ "use strict"; const fs = require("fs"); const utils = require("./utils"); const consul = require("./consul"); const SSL_CERT_FILE = "etc/cert/cert"; const SSL_PASS_FILE = "etc/cert/pass"; const PACKAGE_JSON_FILE = "./package.json"; const CONFIG_KEY = "deployment_handler"; /* Configuration is stored under the name "deployment_handler" */ const CM_NAME = "cloudify_manager"; const INV_NAME = "inventory"; const CM_API_PATH = "/api/v2.1"; const INV_API_PATH = ""; const DEFAULT_CLOUDIFY_PROTOCOL = "https"; const DEFAULT_INVENTORY_PROTOCOL = "https"; const DEFAULT_LISTEN_PORT = 8443; const DEFAULT_LISTEN_HOST = ""; const DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL = "INFO"; /* Check configuration for completeness */ const findMissingConfig = function(cfg) { const requiredProps = ['logLevel', 'listenHost', 'listenPort', 'cloudify.url', 'inventory.url']; return requiredProps.filter(function(p){return !utils.hasProperty(cfg,p);}); }; /* Fetch configuration */ const getConfig = function() { return consul.getKey(CONFIG_KEY) .then(function(res) { return res || {}; }) .catch(function(err) { throw err; }); }; /* Get a service host:port */ const getService = function (serviceName) { return consul.getService(serviceName) .then(function(res) { if (res.length > 0) { return res[0]; } else { throw new Error("No service address found for " + serviceName); } }) }; /* Get the content of a file */ const getFileContents = function(path) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { fs.readFile(path, function(err, data) { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(data); } }) }) }; /* Check for a TLS cert file and passphrase */ const getTLSCredentials = function() { var ssl = {}; /* Get the passphrase */ return getFileContents(SSL_PASS_FILE) .then(function(phrase) { ssl.passphrase = phrase.toString('utf8').trim(); /* Get the cert */ return getFileContents(SSL_CERT_FILE); }) .then(function(cert) { ssl.pfx = cert; /* Keep cert contents as a Buffer */ return ssl; }) .catch(function(err) { return {}; }); } exports.configure = function() { const config = {}; config.server_instance_uuid = utils.generateId(); /* Get configuration from configuration store */ return getFileContents(PACKAGE_JSON_FILE) .then(function(package_json) { package_json = JSON.parse((package_json || "{}").toString('utf8')); config.name = package_json.name; config.description = package_json.description; config.version = package_json.version || ""; const ver = require('../version'); config.branch = ver.branch || ""; config.commit = ver.commit || ""; config.commit_datetime = ver.commit_datetime || ""; return getConfig(); }) .then (function(cfg) { Object.assign(config, cfg); /* Override values with environment variables and set defaults as needed */ config.listenPort = process.env.LISTEN_PORT || cfg.listenPort || DEFAULT_LISTEN_PORT; config.listenHost = process.env.LISTEN_HOST || cfg.listenHost || DEFAULT_LISTEN_HOST; config.logLevel = process.env.LOG_LEVEL || cfg.logLevel || DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL; config.cloudify = config.cloudify || {}; config.cloudify.protocol = process.env.CLOUDIFY_PROTOCOL || (cfg.cloudify && cfg.cloudify.protocol) || DEFAULT_CLOUDIFY_PROTOCOL; if ((cfg.cloudify && cfg.cloudify.user) || process.env.CLOUDIFY_USER) { config.cloudify.user = process.env.CLOUDIFY_USER || cfg.cloudify.user; config.cloudify.password = process.env.CLOUDIFY_PASSWORD || cfg.cloudify.password || ""; } config.inventory = config.inventory || {}; config.inventory.protocol = process.env.INVENTORY_PROTOCOL || (cfg.inventory && cfg.inventory.protocol) || DEFAULT_INVENTORY_PROTOCOL; if ((cfg.inventory && cfg.inventory.user)|| process.env.INVENTORY_USER) { config.inventory.user = process.env.INVENTORY_USER || cfg.inventory.user; config.inventory.password = process.env.INVENTORY_PASSWORD || cfg.inventory.password || ""; } /* Get service information for Cloudify Manager */ return getService(CM_NAME); }) .then(function(cmService) { config.cloudify.url = config.cloudify.protocol +"://" + cmService.address + ":" + cmService.port + CM_API_PATH; /* Get service information for inventory */ return getService(INV_NAME); }) .then(function(invService) { config.inventory.url = config.inventory.protocol + "://" + invService.address + ":" + invService.port + INV_API_PATH; /* Get TLS credentials, if they exist */ return getTLSCredentials(); }) .then(function(tls) { config.ssl = tls; /* Check for missing required configuration parameters */ const missing = findMissingConfig(config); if (missing.length > 0) { throw new Error ("Required configuration elements missing: " + missing.join(',')); config = null; } console.log( (new Date()) + ": config -> " + JSON.stringify(config, undefined, 2)); return config; }); };