# Vagrant for DCAE runtime This project provides component developers the means to stand up their own local DCAE runtime environment to do local onboarding through the dcae-cli. [Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/) is the technology used and is required to the provided Vagrantfile. ## Pre-req 1. Install Docker 2. Install Vagrant 3. Install VirtualBox 4. Add the following to your `/etc/hosts` (or equivalent): ``` vagrant-dcae ``` ## Run Clone the [dcaegen2.platform.cli](https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/admin/projects/dcaegen2/platform/cli) project. ``` cd vagrant vagrant up ``` Open the following [Consul link](http://vagrant-dcae:8500/ui) to verify that Consul is running and review the listed services by clicking on each: * [`config_binding_service`](http://vagrant-dcae:8500/ui/#/vagrant-dcae/services/config_binding_service) * [`onboardingdb`](http://vagrant-dcae:8500/ui/#/vagrant-dcae/services/onboardingdb) NOTE: The vagrant DCAE runtime requires several ports on the host machine. See the [Vagrantfile](Vagrantfile) for all the lines that contain `forwarded_port`. ## Post run Post run involves setting up the dcae-cli to work with the newly instantiated local DCAE runtime environment. ### Install First install [dcae-cli](https://pypi.org/project/onap-dcae-cli/). Even if you have already installed dcae-cli before, please take the time now to upgrade: ``` pip install --upgrade onap-dcae-cli ``` ### Configure Type the following command and you will be taken through a series of prompts to configure dcae-cli. For the most part, use the responses shown below except for the *user id*: ``` $ dcae_cli --reinit Warning! Reinitializing your dcae-cli configuration Please enter the remote server url: https://git.onap.org/dcaegen2/platform/cli/plain Could not download initial configuration from remote server. Attempt manually setting up? [y/N]: y Please enter your user id: Now we need to set up access to the onboarding catalog Please enter the onboarding catalog hostname: vagrant-dcae Please enter the onboarding catalog user: postgres Please enter the onboarding catalog password: onap123 Could not download initial profiles from remote server. Set empty default? [y/N]: y Reinitialize done ``` #### Profile Next you will need to setup your default profile. Running the following, you should see the following: ``` $ dcae_cli profiles show default { "cdap_broker": "cdap_broker", "config_binding_service": "config_binding_service", "consul_host": "", "docker_host": "" } ``` You need to set `consul_host` and `docker_host` by running the following: ``` $ dcae_cli profiles set default consul_host vagrant-dcae $ dcae_cli profiles set default docker_host vagrant-dcae:2376 ``` Repeating `dcae_cli profiles show default` should show those parameters now filled. ### Run You must point your Docker client to the Docker engine running in the VirtualBox instance by doing the following: ``` export DOCKER_HOST="tcp://vagrant-dcae:2376" ``` You must have this environment variable set everytime before you run the dcae-cli. ## TODO * There is a known issue where Consul does not recover after doing a `vagrant reload`. It get