# ============LICENSE_START======================================================= # org.onap.dcae # ================================================================================ # Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # ================================================================================ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============LICENSE_END========================================================= # # ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Tests the config functionality """ import os, json from functools import partial from mock import patch import pytest import click import dcae_cli from dcae_cli.util import config, write_pref from dcae_cli.util.config import get_app_dir, get_config, get_config_path def test_no_config(monkeypatch, tmpdir): '''Tests the creation and initialization of a config on a clean install''' monkeypatch.setattr(click, "get_app_dir", lambda app: str(tmpdir.realpath())) mock_config = {'user': 'mock-user'} config_file = tmpdir.join("config.json") config_file.write(json.dumps(mock_config)) assert get_config() == mock_config def test_init_config_user(monkeypatch): good_case = "abc123" values = [ good_case, "d-e-f", "g*h*i", "j k l" ] def fake_input(values, message, type="red"): return values.pop() monkeypatch.setattr(click, 'prompt', partial(fake_input, values)) assert config._init_config_user() == good_case def test_init_config(monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(config, '_init_config_user', lambda: "bigmama") monkeypatch.setattr(config, '_init_config_server_url', lambda: "http://some-nexus-in-the-sky.com") monkeypatch.setattr(dcae_cli.util, 'fetch_file_from_web', lambda server_url, path: { "db_url": "conn" }) monkeypatch.setattr("dcae_cli._version.__version__", "2.X.X") expected = {'cli_version': '2.X.X', 'user': 'bigmama', 'db_url': 'conn', 'server_url': 'http://some-nexus-in-the-sky.com'} assert expected == config._init_config() # Test using of db fallback monkeypatch.setattr(dcae_cli.util, 'fetch_file_from_web', lambda server_url, path: { "db_url": "" }) assert "sqlite" in config._init_config()["db_url"] monkeypatch.setattr(dcae_cli.util, 'fetch_file_from_web', lambda server_url, path: {}) assert "sqlite" in config._init_config()["db_url"] # Simulate error trying to fetch def fetch_simulate_error(server_url, path): raise RuntimeError("Simulated error") monkeypatch.setattr(dcae_cli.util, 'fetch_file_from_web', fetch_simulate_error) with pytest.raises(config.ConfigurationInitError): config._init_config() def test_should_force_reinit(): bad_config = {} assert config.should_force_reinit(bad_config) == True old_config = { "cli_version": "1.0.0" } assert config.should_force_reinit(old_config) == True uptodate_config = { "cli_version": "2.0.0" } assert config.should_force_reinit(uptodate_config) == False def test_reinit_config(monkeypatch, tmpdir): monkeypatch.setattr(click, "get_app_dir", lambda app: str(tmpdir.realpath())) new_config = { "user": "ninny", "db_url": "some-db" } def init(): return new_config assert config._reinit_config(init) == new_config old_config = { "user": "super", "db_url": "other-db", "hidden": "yo" } write_pref(old_config, get_config_path()) new_config["hidden"] = "yo" assert config._reinit_config(init) == new_config if __name__ == '__main__': '''Test area''' pytest.main([__file__, ])