# ============LICENSE_START======================================================= # org.onap.dcae # ================================================================================ # Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # ================================================================================ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============LICENSE_END========================================================= # # ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Provides utilities for running components """ import time import six from functools import partial import click from dcae_cli.util import docker_util as du from dcae_cli.util import dmaap, inputs from dcae_cli.util.cdap_util import run_component as run_cdap_component from dcae_cli.util.exc import DcaeException from dcae_cli.util import discovery as dis from dcae_cli.util.discovery import get_user_instances, config_context, \ replace_dots import dcae_cli.util.profiles as profiles from dcae_cli.util.logger import get_logger from dcae_cli.catalog.mock.catalog import build_config_keys_map, \ get_data_router_subscriber_route # This seems to be an abstraction leak from dcae_cli.catalog.mock.schema import apply_defaults_docker_config log = get_logger('Run') def _get_instances(user, additional_user=None): instance_map = get_user_instances(user) if additional_user: # Merge current user with another user's instance map to be available to # connect to instance_map_additional = get_user_instances(additional_user) log.info("#Components for {0}: {1}".format(additional_user, len(instance_map_additional))) instance_map.update(instance_map_additional) # REVIEW: Getting instances always returns back component names with dots # even though the component name could originally have dots or dashes. # To put this dot vs dash headache to rest, we have to understand what the # discovery abstraction should be. Should the discovery be aware of this type # of naming magic? If so then the discovery abstraction may need to be # enhanced to be catalog aware to do name verfication queries. If not then # the dot-to-dash transformation might not belong inside of the discovery # abstraction and the higher level should do that. # # Another possible fix is to map the dots to something that's less likely to # be used multiple dashes. This would help disambiguate between a forced # mapping vs component name with dashes. # # In the meantime, here is a fix to address the issue where a downstream component # can't be matched when the downstream component uses dashes. This affects # the subsequent calls: # # - catalog.get_discovery* query # - create_config # # The instance map will contain entries where the names will be with dots and # with dashes. There should be no harm because only one set should match. The # assumption is that people won't have the same name as dots and as dashes. instance_map_dashes = { (replace_dots(k[0]), k[1]): v for k, v in six.iteritems(instance_map) } instance_map.update(instance_map_dashes) return instance_map def _update_delivery_urls(spec, target_host, dmaap_map): """Updates the delivery urls for data router subscribers""" # Try to stick in the more appropriate delivery url which is not realized # until after deployment because you need the ip, port. # Realized that this is not actually needed by the component but kept it because # it might be useful for component developers to **see** this info. get_route_func = partial(get_data_router_subscriber_route, spec) target_base_url = "http://{0}".format(target_host) return dmaap.update_delivery_urls(get_route_func, target_base_url, dmaap_map) def _verify_component(name, max_wait, consul_host): """Verify that the component is healthy Args: ----- max_wait (integer): limit to how may attempts to make which translates to seconds because each sleep is one second. 0 means infinite. Return: ------- True if component is healthy else returns False """ num_attempts = 1 while True: if dis.is_healthy(consul_host, name): return True else: num_attempts += 1 if max_wait > 0 and max_wait < num_attempts: return False time.sleep(1) def run_component(user, cname, cver, catalog, additional_user, attached, force, dmaap_map, inputs_map, external_ip=None): '''Runs a component based on the component type Args ---- force: (boolean) Continue to run even when there are no valid downstream components when this flag is set to True. dmaap_map: (dict) config_key to message router or data router connections. Used as a manual way to make available this information for the component. inputs_map: (dict) config_key to value that is intended to be provided at deployment time as an input ''' cname, cver = catalog.verify_component(cname, cver) ctype = catalog.get_component_type(cname, cver) profile = profiles.get_profile() instance_map = _get_instances(user, additional_user) neighbors = six.iterkeys(instance_map) dmaap_config_keys = catalog.get_discovery_for_dmaap(cname, cver) if not dmaap.validate_dmaap_map_entries(dmaap_map, *dmaap_config_keys): return if ctype == 'docker': params, interface_map = catalog.get_discovery_for_docker(cname, cver, neighbors) should_wait = attached spec = catalog.get_component_spec(cname, cver) config_key_map = build_config_keys_map(spec) inputs_map = inputs.filter_entries(inputs_map, spec) dmaap_map = _update_delivery_urls(spec, profile.docker_host.split(":")[0], dmaap_map) with config_context(user, cname, cver, params, interface_map, instance_map, config_key_map, dmaap_map=dmaap_map, inputs_map=inputs_map, always_cleanup=should_wait, force_config=force) as (instance_name, _): image = catalog.get_docker_image(cname, cver) docker_config = catalog.get_docker_config(cname, cver) if should_wait: du.deploy_component(profile, image, instance_name, docker_config, should_wait=True) else: result = du.deploy_component(profile, image, instance_name, docker_config) log.debug(result) if result: log.info("Deployed {0}. Verifying..".format(instance_name)) max_wait = 15 # 15s if _verify_component(instance_name, max_wait, dis.consul_host): log.info("Container is up and healthy") # This block of code is used to construct the delivery # urls for data router subscribers and to display it for # users to help with manually provisioning feeds. results = dis.lookup_instance(dis.consul_host, instance_name) target_host = dis.parse_instance_lookup(results) dmaap_map = _update_delivery_urls(spec, target_host, dmaap_map) delivery_urls = dmaap.list_delivery_urls(dmaap_map) if delivery_urls: msg = "\n".join(["\t{k}: {url}".format(k=k, url=url) for k, url in delivery_urls]) msg = "\n\n{0}\n".format(msg) log.warn("Your component is a data router subscriber. Here are the delivery urls: {0}".format(msg)) else: log.warn("Container never became healthy") else: raise DcaeException("Failed to deploy docker component") elif ctype =='cdap': (jar, config, spec) = catalog.get_cdap(cname, cver) config_key_map = build_config_keys_map(spec) inputs_map = inputs.filter_entries(inputs_map, spec) params, interface_map = catalog.get_discovery_for_cdap(cname, cver, neighbors) with config_context(user, cname, cver, params, interface_map, instance_map, config_key_map, dmaap_map=dmaap_map, inputs_map=inputs_map, always_cleanup=False, force_config=force) as (instance_name, templated_conf): run_cdap_component(catalog, params, instance_name, profile, jar, config, spec, templated_conf) else: raise DcaeException("Unsupported component type for run") def dev_component(user, catalog, specification, additional_user, force, dmaap_map, inputs_map): '''Sets up the discovery layer for in development component The passed-in component specification is * Validated it * Generates the corresponding application config * Pushes the application config and rels key into Consul This allows developers to play with their spec and the resulting configuration outside of being in the catalog and in a container. Args ---- user: (string) user name catalog: (object) instance of MockCatalog specification: (dict) experimental component specification additional_user: (string) another user name used to source additional component instances force: (boolean) Continue to run even when there are no valid downstream components when this flag is set to True. dmaap_map: (dict) config_key to message router connections. Used as a manual way to make available this information for the component. inputs_map: (dict) config_key to value that is intended to be provided at deployment time as an input ''' instance_map = _get_instances(user, additional_user) neighbors = six.iterkeys(instance_map) params, interface_map, dmaap_config_keys = catalog.get_discovery_from_spec( user, specification, neighbors) if not dmaap.validate_dmaap_map_entries(dmaap_map, *dmaap_config_keys): return cname = specification["self"]["name"] cver = specification["self"]["version"] config_key_map = build_config_keys_map(specification) inputs_map = inputs.filter_entries(inputs_map, specification) dmaap_map = _update_delivery_urls(specification, "localhost", dmaap_map) with config_context(user, cname, cver, params, interface_map, instance_map, config_key_map, dmaap_map, inputs_map=inputs_map, always_cleanup=True, force_config=force) \ as (instance_name, templated_conf): click.echo("Ready for component development") if specification["self"]["component_type"] == "docker": # The env building is only for docker right now docker_config = apply_defaults_docker_config(specification["auxilary"]) envs = du.build_envs(profiles.get_profile(), docker_config, instance_name) envs_message = "\n".join(["export {0}={1}".format(k, v) for k,v in envs.items()]) envs_filename = "env_{0}".format(profiles.get_active_name()) with open(envs_filename, "w") as f: f.write(envs_message) click.echo() click.echo("Setup these environment varibles. Run \"source {0}\":".format(envs_filename)) click.echo() click.echo(envs_message) click.echo() else: click.echo("Set the following as your HOSTNAME:\n {0}".format(instance_name)) input("Press any key to stop and to clean up")