# ============LICENSE_START======================================================= # org.onap.dcae # ================================================================================ # Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # ================================================================================ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============LICENSE_END========================================================= # # ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Provides Consul helper functions """ import re import json import contextlib from collections import defaultdict from itertools import chain from functools import partial from uuid import uuid4 import six from copy import deepcopy from consul import Consul from dcae_cli.util.logger import get_logger from dcae_cli.util.exc import DcaeException from dcae_cli.util.profiles import get_profile logger = get_logger('Discovery') active_profile = get_profile() consul_host = active_profile.consul_host # NOTE: Removed the suffix completely. The useful piece of the suffix was the # location but it was implemented in a static fashion (hardcoded). Rather than # enhancing the existing approach and making the suffix dynamic (to support # "rework-central" and "solutioning"), the thinking is to revisit this name stuff # and use Consul's query interface so that location is a tag attribute. _inst_re = re.compile(r"^(?P[^.]*).(?P[^.]*).(?P\d+-\d+-\d+).(?P.*)$") class DiscoveryError(DcaeException): pass class DiscoveryNoDownstreamComponentError(DiscoveryError): pass def replace_dots(comp_name, reverse=False): '''Converts dots to dashes to prevent downstream users of Consul from exploding''' if not reverse: return comp_name.replace('.', '-') else: return comp_name.replace('-', '.') # Utility functions for using Consul def _is_healthy_pure(get_health_func, instance): """Checks to see if a component instance is running healthy Pure function edition Args ---- get_health_func: func(string) -> complex object Look at unittests in test_discovery to see examples instance: (string) fully qualified name of component instance Returns ------- True if instance has been found and is healthy else False """ index, resp = get_health_func(instance) if resp: def is_passing(instance): return all([check["Status"] == "passing" for check in instance["Checks"]]) return any([is_passing(instance) for instance in resp]) else: return False def is_healthy(consul_host, instance): """Checks to see if a component instance is running healthy Impure function edition Args ---- consul_host: (string) host string of Consul instance: (string) fully qualified name of component instance Returns ------- True if instance has been found and is healthy else False """ cons = Consul(consul_host) return _is_healthy_pure(cons.health.service, instance) def _get_instances_from_kv(get_from_kv_func, user): """Get component instances from kv store Deployed component instances get entries in a kv store to store configuration information. This is a way to source a list of component instances that were attempted to run. A component could have deployed but failed to register itself. The only trace of that deployment would be checking the kv store. Args ---- get_from_kv_func: func(string, boolean) -> (don't care, list of dicts) Look at unittests in test_discovery to see examples user: (string) user id Returns ------- List of unique component instance names """ # Keys from KV contain rels key entries and non-rels key entries. Keep the # rels key entries but remove the ":rel" suffix because we are paranoid that # this could exist without the other _, instances_kv = get_from_kv_func(user, recurse=True) return [] if instances_kv is None \ else list(set([ dd["Key"].replace(":rel", "") for dd in instances_kv ])) def _get_instances_from_catalog(get_from_catalog_func, user): """Get component instances from catalog Fetching instances from the catalog covers the deployment cases where components registered successfully regardless of their health check status. Args ---- get_from_catalog_func: func() -> (don't care, dict) Look at unittests in test_discovery to see examples user: (string) user id Returns ------- List of unique component instance names """ # Get all services and filter here by user response = get_from_catalog_func() return list(set([ instance for instance in response[1].keys() if user in instance ])) def _merge_instances(user, *get_funcs): """Merge the result of an arbitrary list of get instance function calls Args ---- user: (string) user id get_funcs: func(string) -> list of strings Functions that take in a user parameter to output a list of instance names Returns ------- List of unique component instance names """ return list(set(chain.from_iterable([ get_func(user) for get_func in get_funcs ]))) def _get_instances(consul_host, user): """Get all deployed component instances for a given user Sourced from multiple places to ensure we get a complete list of all component instances no matter what state they are in. Args ---- consul_host: (string) host string of Consul user: (string) user id Returns ------- List of unique component instance names """ cons = Consul(consul_host) get_instances_from_kv = partial(_get_instances_from_kv, cons.kv.get) get_instances_from_catalog = partial(_get_instances_from_catalog, cons.catalog.services) return _merge_instances(user, get_instances_from_kv, get_instances_from_catalog) # Custom (sometimes higher order) "discovery" functionality def _make_instances_map(instances): """Make an instance map Instance map is a dict where the keys are tuples (component type, component version) that map to a set of strings that are instance names. """ mapping = defaultdict(set) for instance in instances: match = _inst_re.match(instance_target) if match is None: continue _, _, ver, comp = match.groups() cname = replace_dots(comp, reverse=True) version = replace_dots(ver, reverse=True) key = (cname, version) mapping[key].add(instance) return mapping def get_user_instances(user, consul_host=consul_host, filter_instances_func=is_healthy): '''Get a user's instance map Args: ----- filter_instances_func: fn(consul_host, instance) -> boolean Function used to filter instances. Default is is_healthy Returns: -------- Dict whose keys are component (name,version) tuples and values are list of component instance names ''' filter_func = partial(filter_instances_func, consul_host) instances = list(filter(filter_func, _get_instances(consul_host, user))) return _make_instances_map(instances) def _get_component_instances(filter_instances_func, user, cname, cver, consul_host): """Get component instances that are filtered Args: ----- filter_instances_func: fn(consul_host, instance) -> boolean Function used to filter instances Returns ------- List of strings where the strings are fully qualified instance names """ instance_map = get_user_instances(user, consul_host=consul_host, filter_instances_func=filter_instances_func) # REVIEW: We don't restrict component names from using dashes. We do # transform names with dots to use dashes for domain segmenting reasons. # Instance map creation always reverses that making dashes to dots even though # the component name may have dashes. Thus always search for instances by # a dotted component name. We are open to a collision but that is low chance # - someone has to use the same name in dotted and dashed form which is weird. cname_dashless = replace_dots(cname, reverse=True) # WATCH: instances_map.get returns set. Force to be list to have consistent # return return list(instance_map.get((cname_dashless, cver), [])) def get_healthy_instances(user, cname, cver, consul_host=consul_host): """Lists healthy instances of a particular component for a given user Returns ------- List of strings where the strings are fully qualified instance names """ return _get_component_instances(is_healthy, user, cname, cver, consul_host) def get_defective_instances(user, cname, cver, consul_host=consul_host): """Lists *not* running instances of a particular component for a given user This means that there are component instances that are sitting out there deployed but not successfully running. Returns ------- List of strings where the strings are fully qualified instance names """ def is_not_healthy(consul_host, component): return not is_healthy(consul_host, component) return _get_component_instances(is_not_healthy, user, cname, cver, consul_host) def lookup_instance(consul_host, name): """Query Consul for service details""" cons = Consul(consul_host) index, results = cons.catalog.service(name) return results def parse_instance_lookup(results): """Parse the resultset from lookup_instance Returns: -------- String in host form
: """ if results: # Just grab first result = results[0] return "{address}:{port}".format(address=result["ServiceAddress"], port=result["ServicePort"]) else: return def _create_rels_key(config_key): """Create rels key from config key Assumes config_key is well-formed""" return "{:}:rel".format(config_key) def _create_dmaap_key(config_key): """Create dmaap key from config key Assumes config_key is well-formed""" return "{:}:dmaap".format(config_key) def clear_user_instances(user, host=consul_host): '''Removes all Consul key:value entries for a given user''' cons = Consul(host) cons.kv.delete(user, recurse=True) _multiple_compat_msg = '''Component '{cname}' config_key '{ckey}' has multiple compatible downstream \ components: {compat}. The current infrastructure can only support interacing with a single component. \ Only downstream component '{chosen}' will be connected.''' _no_compat_msg = "Component '{cname}' config_key '{ckey}' has no compatible downstream components." _no_inst_msg = '''Component '{cname}' config_key '{ckey}' is compatible with downstream component '{chosen}' \ however there are no instances available for connecting.''' def _cfmt(*args): '''Returns a string formatted representation for a component and version''' if len(args) == 1: return ':'.join(args[0]) elif len(args) == 2: return ':'.join(args) else: raise DiscoveryError('Input should be name, version or (name, version)') def _get_downstream(cname, cver, config_key, compat_comps, instance_map, force=False): ''' Returns a component type and its instances to use for a given config key Parameters ---------- cname : string Name of the upstream component cver : string Version of the upstream component config_key : string Mainly used for populating warnings meaningfully compat_comps : dict A list of component (name, version) tuples instance_map : dict A dict whose keys are component (name, version) tuples and values are a list of instance names ''' if not compat_comps: conn_comp = ('', '') logger.warning(_no_compat_msg.format(cname=_cfmt(cname, cver), ckey=config_key)) else: conn_comp = six.next(iter(compat_comps)) if len(compat_comps) > 1: logger.warning(_multiple_compat_msg.format(cname=_cfmt(cname, cver), ckey=config_key, compat=list(map(_cfmt, compat_comps)), chosen=_cfmt(conn_comp))) if all(conn_comp): instances = instance_map.get(conn_comp, tuple()) if not instances: if force: logger.warning(_no_inst_msg.format(cname=_cfmt(cname, cver), \ ckey=config_key, chosen=_cfmt(conn_comp))) else: logger.error(_no_inst_msg.format(cname=_cfmt(cname, cver), \ ckey=config_key, chosen=_cfmt(conn_comp))) raise DiscoveryNoDownstreamComponentError("No compatible downstream component found.") else: instances = tuple() return conn_comp, instances def create_config(user, cname, cver, params, interface_map, instance_map, dmaap_map, instance_prefix=None, force=False): ''' Creates a config and corresponding rels entries in Consul. Returns the Consul the keys and entries. Parameters ---------- user : string The user namespace to create the config and rels under. E.g. user.foo.bar... cname : string Name of the upstream component cver : string Version of the upstream component params : dict Parameters of the component, taken directly from the component specification interface_map : dict A dict mapping the config_key of published streams and/or called services to a list of compatible component types and versions instance_map : dict A dict mapping component types and versions to a list of instances currently running dmaap_map : dict A dict that contains config key to dmaap information. This map is checked first before checking the instance_map which means before checking for direct http components. instance_prefix : string, optional The unique prefix to associate with the component instance whose config is being created force: string, optional Config will continue to be created even if there are no downstream compatible component when this flag is set to True. Default is False. ''' inst_pref = str(uuid4()) if instance_prefix is None else instance_prefix conf_key = "{:}.{:}.{:}.{:}".format(user, inst_pref, replace_dots(cver), replace_dots(cname)) rels_key = _create_rels_key(conf_key) dmaap_key = _create_dmaap_key(conf_key) conf = params.copy() rels = list() # NOTE: The dmaap_map entries are broken up between the templetized config # and the dmaap json in Consul for config_key, dmaap_goodies in six.iteritems(dmaap_map): conf[config_key] = deepcopy(dmaap_map[config_key]) # Here comes the magic. << >> signifies dmaap to downstream config # binding service. conf[config_key]["dmaap_info"] = "<<{:}>>".format(config_key) # NOTE: The interface_map may not contain *all* possible interfaces # that may be connected with because the catalog.get_discovery call filters # based upon neighbors. Essentailly the interface_map is being pre-filtered # which is probably a latent bug. for config_key, compat_types in six.iteritems(interface_map): # Don't clobber config keys that have been set from above if config_key not in conf: conn_comp, instances = _get_downstream(cname, cver, config_key, \ compat_types, instance_map, force=force) conn_name, conn_ver = conn_comp middle = '' if conn_name and conn_ver: middle = "{:}.{:}".format(replace_dots(conn_ver), replace_dots(conn_name)) else: if not force: raise DiscoveryNoDownstreamComponentError("No compatible downstream component found.") config_val = '{{' + middle + '}}' conf[config_key] = config_val rels.extend(instances) dmaap_map_just_info = { config_key: v["dmaap_info"] for config_key, v in six.iteritems(dmaap_map) } return conf_key, conf, rels_key, rels, dmaap_key, dmaap_map_just_info def push_config(conf_key, conf, rels_key, rels, dmaap_key, dmaap_map, host=consul_host): '''Uploads the config and rels to Consul''' cons = Consul(host) for k, v in ((conf_key, conf), (rels_key, rels), (dmaap_key, dmaap_map)): cons.kv.put(k, json.dumps(v)) def remove_config(config_key, host=consul_host): """Deletes a config from Consul Returns ------- True when all artifacts have been successfully deleted else False """ cons = Consul(host) results = [ cons.kv.delete(k) for k in (config_key, _create_rels_key(config_key), \ _create_dmaap_key(config_key)) ] return all(results) def _group_config(config, config_key_map): """Groups config by streams_publishes, streams_subscribes, services_calls""" # Copy non streams and services first grouped_conf = { k: v for k,v in six.iteritems(config) if k not in config_key_map } def group(group_name): grouped_conf[group_name] = { k: v for k,v in six.iteritems(config) if k in config_key_map and config_key_map[k]["group"] == group_name } # Copy and group the streams and services # Map returns iterator so must force running its course list(map(group, ["streams_publishes", "streams_subscribes", "services_calls"])) return grouped_conf def _apply_inputs(config, inputs_map): """Update configuration with inputs This method updates the values of the configuration parameters using values from the inputs map. """ config.update(inputs_map) return config @contextlib.contextmanager def config_context(user, cname, cver, params, interface_map, instance_map, config_key_map, dmaap_map={}, inputs_map={}, instance_prefix=None, host=consul_host, always_cleanup=True, force_config=False): '''Convenience utility for creating configs and cleaning them up Args ---- always_cleanup: (boolean) This context manager will cleanup the produced config context always if this is True. When False, cleanup will only occur upon any exception getting thrown in the context manager block. Default is True. force: (boolean) Config will continue to be created even if there are no downstream compatible component when this flag is set to True. Default is False. ''' try: conf_key, conf, rels_key, rels, dmaap_key, dmaap_map = create_config( user, cname, cver, params, interface_map, instance_map, dmaap_map, instance_prefix, force=force_config) conf = _apply_inputs(conf, inputs_map) conf = _group_config(conf, config_key_map) push_config(conf_key, conf, rels_key, rels, dmaap_key, dmaap_map, host) yield (conf_key, conf) except Exception as e: if not always_cleanup: try: conf_key, rels_key, host except UnboundLocalError: pass else: remove_config(conf_key, host) raise e finally: if always_cleanup: try: conf_key, rels_key, host except UnboundLocalError: pass else: remove_config(conf_key, host)