% ============LICENSE_START======================================================= % org.onap.dcae % ================================================================================ % Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. % ================================================================================ % Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); % you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. % You may obtain a copy of the License at % % http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, % WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. % See the License for the specific language governing permissions and % limitations under the License. % ============LICENSE_END========================================================= % % ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property. -module(apitest_SUITE). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). -include("../../src/application.hrl"). -export([all/0, groups/0, init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1]). -export([server_health_test/1, app_deploy/1, hydrator_deploy/1, app_teardown/1, app_test/1, app_reconfigure/1, test_failures/1, app_botch_flows/1, app_botch_delete/1, app_botch_consul_delete/1, invalid_reconfigure/1, delete_all/1, hydrator_app_teardown/1, hydrator_test/1, hydrator_wdeps_deploy/1, hydrator_wdeps_test/1, hydrator_wdeps_teardown/1 ]). %lazy shorthands (yay C style macros! miss these in python) -define(SC(L), util:concat(L)). -define(PLG(K, PL), proplists:get_value(K, PL)). -define(XER, "testing-XER"). -define(D(X), erlang:display(X)). all() -> [ {group, progapi}, {group, hydratorapi}, {group, apibotchedflows}, {group, apibotcheddeleted}, {group, apibotchedconsuldeleted}, {group, invalidreconfig}, {group, apideleteall} ]. groups() -> [ {progapi, %prog-flow test [], [ server_health_test, test_failures, app_deploy, app_test, app_reconfigure, app_test, app_teardown ]}, {hydratorapi, %hydrator test [], [ server_health_test, test_failures, hydrator_deploy, hydrator_test, hydrator_app_teardown, hydrator_wdeps_deploy, hydrator_wdeps_test, hydrator_wdeps_teardown ]}, {apibotchedflows, %deploy, manually stop flows, then try to delete [], [ server_health_test, app_deploy, app_botch_flows, app_teardown ]}, {apibotcheddeleted, %deploy, manually stop flows, delete it manually from cdap, then try to delete [], [ server_health_test, app_deploy, app_botch_delete, app_teardown ]}, {apibotchedconsuldeleted, %deploy, manually stop flows, delete it manually from cdap, then try to delete [], [ server_health_test, app_deploy, app_botch_consul_delete, app_teardown ]}, {invalidreconfig, %call reconfigure on an app that DNE [], [ server_health_test, app_deploy, invalid_reconfigure, app_teardown ]}, {apideleteall, [], [ server_health_test, app_deploy, delete_all ]} ]. %HELPER FUNCTIONS setup_rels(Config, D) -> %deploy/delete the testing keys into Consul. This would normally be done by the Cloudify plugin % %#NOTE: This is weird. The sequence of steps is: % 1 Cloudify populates rels key % 2 Cloudify sends broker the unbound config % 3 Broker pushes unbound config to consul % 4 Broker binds config % 5 Broker pushes bound config to CDAP % Between state 1 and 3 consul is in an inconsistent state where it has only the rels key but not the config key. Not so sure about this. They seem to be a pair. Maybe the rels key should be pushed to the source node to be dealt with. % #Here, we are mocking step 1 URL = ?SC([?PLG(consul_url, Config), "/v1/kv/", ?PLG(appname, Config), ":rel"]), case D of setup -> {200,"true"} = httpabs:put(?XER, URL, "application/json", jiffy:encode([<<"666_fake_testing_service">>])); teardown -> {200,"true"} = httpabs:delete(?XER, URL) end, httpabs:get(?XER, URL). setup_fake_testing_service(Config, D) -> %register a fake testing service to test that the CDAP app recieved it's bound configuration properly Name = <<"666_fake_testing_service">>, SrvURL = ?SC([?PLG(consul_url, Config), "/v1/catalog/service/", Name]), case D of setup -> URL = ?SC([?PLG(consul_url, Config), "/v1/agent/service/register"]), Body = {[{<<"name">>, Name}, {<<"Address">>, <<"666.666.666.666">>}, {<<"Port">>, 13} ]}, {200, []} = httpabs:put(?XER, URL, "application/json", jiffy:encode(Body)), httpabs:get(?XER, SrvURL); teardown -> %total failure on Consul's part for this not to be a delete on the same endpoint URL = ?SC([?PLG(consul_url, Config), "/v1/agent/service/deregister/", Name]), {200, []} = httpabs:put(?XER, URL, "application/json", ""), httpabs:get(?XER, SrvURL) end. get_config_consul(C) -> %get config from consul. returns the code too for tests testing for a 404 {RC, RB} = consul_interface:consul_get_configuration(?XER, ?PLG(appname, C), ?PLG(consul_url, C)), case RC of 200 -> {RC, util:ejson_to_map(RB)}; _ -> {RC, RB} end. get_config_cdap(C) -> {RC, RB} = cdap_interface:get_app_config(?XER, ?PLG(appname, C), ?PLG(namespace, C),?PLG(cdap_url, C)), case RC of 200 -> %I think CDAP is DOUBLY encoding JSON!! {RC, jiffy:decode(jiffy:decode(jiffy:encode(RB)), [return_maps])}; _ -> {RC, RB} end. get_preferences_cdap(C) -> {RC, RB} = cdap_interface:get_app_preferences(?XER, ?PLG(appname, C), ?PLG(namespace, C),?PLG(cdap_url, C)), case RC of 200 -> {RC, util:ejson_to_map(RB)}; _ -> {RC, RB} end. get_preferences_consul(C) -> %get preferences from consul. returns the code too for tests testing for a 404 {RC, RB} = consul_interface:consul_get_preferences(?XER, ?PLG(appname, C), ?PLG(consul_url, C)), case RC of 200 -> {RC, util:ejson_to_map(RB)}; _ -> {RC, RB} end. valid_deploy_body(C) -> {[ {<<"cdap_application_type">>, <<"program-flowlet">>}, {<<"namespace">>, ?PLG(namespace, C)}, {<<"streamname">>, ?PLG(streamname, C)}, {<<"jar_url">>, ?PLG(jar_url, C)}, {<<"artifact_name">>, ?PLG(art_name, C)}, {<<"artifact_version">>, ?PLG(art_ver, C)}, {<<"app_config">>, ?PLG(init_config, C)}, {<<"app_preferences">>, ?PLG(init_preferences, C)}, {<<"services">>, [{[{<<"service_name">>, <<"Greeting">>}, {<<"service_endpoint">>, <<"greet">>}, {<<"endpoint_method">>, <<"GET">>}]}]}, {<<"programs">>, [ {[{<<"program_type">>, <<"flows">>}, {<<"program_id">>, <<"WhoFlow">>}]}, {[{<<"program_type">>, <<"services">>}, {<<"program_id">>, <<"Greeting">>}]}]}, {<<"program_preferences">>, [ {[{<<"program_type">>,<<"flows">>}, {<<"program_id">>, <<"WhoFlow">>}, {<<"program_pref">>, ?PLG(whoflowpref, C)}]} ]} ]}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %TEST FUNCTIONS init_per_suite(_C) -> %get platform ENVs [MyName, ConsulURL, _, _] = util:get_platform_envs_and_config(), BrokerUrl = case os:getenv("BROKER_TEST_TYPE") of false -> %no env variable means start the broker on localhost %start a local broker {ok,[syntax_tools,compiler,goldrush,lager,jiffy,mnesia,ranch,cowlib,cowboy,leptus,uuid,iso8601,cdapbroker]} = application:ensure_all_started(cdapbroker), "http://localhost:7777"; "DOCKER" -> "http://localhost:7777"; "REMOTE" -> %Using MyName, fetch from Consul the broker info {MyIP, MyPort} = consul_interface:consul_get_service_ip_port(MyName, ConsulURL), ?SC(["http://", MyIP, ":", integer_to_binary(MyPort)]) end, %get NEXUS_ROOT for testing purposes. Nexus = os:getenv("NEXUS_RAW_ROOT"), true = (Nexus /= false), %blow if this wasn't set, we need it. {200, RB} = httpabs:get(?XER, BrokerUrl), CDAPUrl = maps:get(<<"managed cdap url">>, jiffy:decode(RB, [return_maps])), %set properties that are shared between program-flowlet and hydrator Namespace = <<"testns">>, CDAPUrlNS = ?SC([CDAPUrl, "/v3/namespaces/", Namespace]), %set up config for program-flowlet app Appname = <<"hwtest">>, Streamname = <<"who">>, %setup config for hydrator pipeline HydratorAppname = <<"hydratortest">>, HydratorAppURL = ?SC([CDAPUrlNS, "/apps/", HydratorAppname]), HydratorStreamname = <<"s1">>, %horrible name but not made by me HydratorWDepsAppname = <<"hydratorwdepstest">>, HydratorWDepsAppURL = ?SC([CDAPUrlNS, "/apps/", HydratorWDepsAppname]), HydratorWDepsStreamname = <<"t1">>, %horrible name but not made by me %Set up this test suites configuration [{broker_url, BrokerUrl}, {cdap_url, CDAPUrl}, {cdap_ns_url, CDAPUrlNS}, {jar_url, ?SC([Nexus, "/jar_files/HelloWorld-3.4.3.jar"])}, {consul_url, ConsulURL}, {consul_app_url, ?SC([ConsulURL, "/v1/catalog/service/", Appname])}, {app_url, ?SC([CDAPUrlNS, "/apps/", Appname])}, {namespace, Namespace}, {appname, Appname}, {broker_app_url, ?SC([BrokerUrl, "/application/", Appname])}, {stream_url, ?SC([CDAPUrlNS, "/streams/", Streamname])}, {art_ver, <<"3.4.3">>}, {art_name, <<"HelloWorld">>}, {streamname, Streamname}, {init_config, {[ {<<"streams_produces">>, <<"\{\{fake_testing_service\}\}">>}, {<<"services_calls">>, <<"\{\{fake_testing_service\}\}">>}, {<<"donotresolveme">>, <<"donotabsolveme">>} ]}}, {whoflowpref, {[{<<"progfoo">>, <<"progbar">>}]}}, {init_preferences, {[{<<"preffoo">>, <<"prefbar">>}]}}, {reconfig, {[{<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>}]}}, %hydrator test properties {hydrator_appname, HydratorAppname}, {broker_hydrator_app_url, ?SC([BrokerUrl, "/application/", HydratorAppname])}, {hydrator_app_url, HydratorAppURL}, {hydrator_json_url, ?SC([Nexus, "/json_files/t1-4.1.2.json "])}, {hydrator_pipeline_status_url, ?SC([HydratorAppURL, "/schedules/dataPipelineSchedule/status"])}, {hydrator_stream_url, ?SC([CDAPUrlNS, "/streams/", HydratorStreamname])}, {hydrator_streamname, HydratorStreamname}, {consul_hydrator_app_url, ?SC([ConsulURL, "/v1/catalog/service/", HydratorAppname])}, %hydrator with deps test properties {hydrator_wdeps_appname, HydratorWDepsAppname}, {hydrator_wdeps_artname, <<"demoTCA">>}, {hydrator_wdeps_artver, <<"1.0.0-SNAPSHOT">>}, {hydrator_wdeps_app_url, HydratorWDepsAppURL}, {broker_hydrator_wdeps_app_url, ?SC([BrokerUrl, "/application/", HydratorWDepsAppname])}, {hydrator_wdeps_streamname, HydratorWDepsStreamname}, {hydrator_wdeps_stream_url, ?SC([CDAPUrlNS, "/streams/", HydratorWDepsStreamname])}, {hydrator_wdeps_json_url, ?SC([Nexus, "/json_files/t1-4.1.2.json"])}, {hydrator_wdeps_properties_json_url, ?SC([Nexus, "/json_files/demoTCA-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-properties.json"])}, {hydrator_wdeps_jar_url, ?SC([Nexus, "/json_files/demoTCA-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"])}, {hydrator_wdeps_test_data_url, ?SC([Nexus, "/txt_files/tcaDemoData100k.txt"])}, {consul_hydrator_wdeps_app_url, ?SC([ConsulURL, "/v1/catalog/service/", HydratorWDepsAppname])}, {hydrator_pipeline_wdeps_status_url, ?SC([HydratorWDepsAppURL, "/schedules/dataPipelineSchedule/status"])} ] . end_per_suite(_C) -> _ = application:stop(cdapbroker). server_health_test(C) -> {200, RB} = httpabs:get(?XER, ?PLG(broker_url,C)), M = jiffy:decode(RB, [return_maps]), true = maps:is_key(<<"managed cdap url">>, M), true = maps:is_key(<<"number of applications registered">>, M), true = maps:is_key(<<"uptime (s)">>, M), true = maps:is_key(<<"cdap cluster version">>, M), true = maps:is_key(<<"cdap GUI port">>, M), true = maps:is_key(<<"broker API version">>, M) . app_deploy(C) -> %C == Config %Deploy the test application %Deploy the rel key {200, _} = setup_rels(C, setup), %Register the fake testing service to test config binding. Make sure it's not empty {200, F} = setup_fake_testing_service(C, setup), true = F /= [], ExpectedBoundConfg = maps:from_list([ {<<"services_calls">> , [<<"666.666.666.666:13">>]}, {<<"streams_produces">>, [<<"666.666.666.666:13">>]}, {<<"donotresolveme">> , <<"donotabsolveme">>} ]), %Maps can be used safely with the == operator but appears proplists cannot be Expected = maps:from_list([ {<<"appname">>, ?PLG(appname, C)}, {<<"apptype">>, <<"program-flowlet">>}, {<<"namespace">>, ?PLG(namespace, C)}, {<<"healthcheckurl">>, list_to_binary(?SC([?PLG(broker_app_url, C), "/healthcheck"]))}, {<<"metricsurl">>, list_to_binary(?SC([?PLG(broker_app_url, C), "/metrics"]))}, {<<"url">>, list_to_binary(?PLG(broker_app_url, C))}, {<<"connectionurl">>, list_to_binary(?PLG(stream_url, C))}, {<<"serviceendpoints">>, [#{<<"url">> => list_to_binary(?SC([?PLG(app_url, C), "/services/Greeting/methods/greet"])), <<"method">> => <<"GET">>}]}, {<<"unbound_config">>, #{<<"streams_produces">> => <<"\{\{fake_testing_service\}\}">>, <<"services_calls">> => <<"\{\{fake_testing_service\}\}">>, <<"donotresolveme">> => <<"donotabsolveme">>}}, {<<"bound_config">>, ExpectedBoundConfg} ]), %assert the current appliccation list does not contain our test app {200,RB0} = httpabs:get(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(broker_url, C), "/application"])), true = lists:all(fun(X) -> X /= ?PLG(appname, C) end, jiffy:decode(RB0)), %deploy the app Body = valid_deploy_body(C), {200, RB} = httpabs:put(?XER, ?PLG(broker_app_url, C), "application/json", jiffy:encode(Body)), %The CDAP APIs return the config as a JSON dumped to a string, so we need to get that back into a real JSON to have key-order-independent equality testing Fix = fun(X) -> RBMap = jiffy:decode(X, [return_maps]), maps:update(<<"bound_config">>, jiffy:decode(maps:get(<<"bound_config">>, RBMap), [return_maps]), RBMap) end, %assert that the return and get matches what we put in true = Fix(RB) == Expected, %assert hitting the get application endpoint works {200, RB2} = httpabs:get(?XER, ?PLG(broker_app_url, C)), true = Fix(RB2) == Expected, %assert the current application list now includes our new app {200, RB3} = httpabs:get(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(broker_url, C), "/application"])), true = lists:any(fun(X) -> X == ?PLG(appname, C) end, jiffy:decode(RB3)), %make sure it is in CDAP {200, _} = httpabs:get(?XER, ?PLG(app_url, C)), %check metrics {200, _} = httpabs:get(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(broker_app_url, C), "/metrics"])), %check healthcheck {200, _} = httpabs:get(?XER,?SC([?PLG(broker_app_url, C), "/healthcheck"])), %make sure that the service is registered. TODO! Could get more fancy by manually checking a healthcheck {200, RBHC} = httpabs:get(?XER,?PLG(consul_app_url, C)), true = jiffy:decode(RBHC) /= [], %check that the UNbound config is correct true = {200, util:ejson_to_map(?PLG(init_config, C))} == get_config_consul(C), %check that the preferences in Consul is correct InitPrefMap = util:ejson_to_map(?PLG(init_preferences, C)), true = {200, InitPrefMap} == get_preferences_consul(C), %make sure CDAP has right preferences true = {200, InitPrefMap} == get_preferences_cdap(C), %make sure the config binding service and pulling config out of CDAP all match %> get it strait from CBS CBSUrl = util:resolve_cbs(?XER, ?PLG(consul_url, C)), {200, RB4} = httpabs:get(?XER, ?SC([CBSUrl, "/service_component/", ?PLG(appname, C)])), %get it from cdap {200, CDAPConfig} = get_config_cdap(C), %make sure everythng is as expected true = ExpectedBoundConfg == jiffy:decode(RB4, [return_maps]), true = ExpectedBoundConfg == CDAPConfig, %try to put the same app again and assert you get a 400 {400,"State: Bad Request. Return Body: Put recieved on /application/:appname but appname is already registered. Call /application/:appname/reconfigure if trying to reconfigure or delete first"} = httpabs:put(?XER, ?PLG(broker_app_url, C), "application/json", jiffy:encode(Body)). hydrator_deploy(C) -> Body = {[ {<<"cdap_application_type">>, <<"hydrator-pipeline">>}, {<<"namespace">>, ?PLG(namespace, C)}, {<<"streamname">>, ?PLG(hydrator_streamname, C)}, {<<"pipeline_config_json_url">>, ?PLG(hydrator_json_url, C)} ]}, Expected = maps:from_list([ {<<"appname">>, ?PLG(hydrator_appname, C)}, {<<"apptype">>, <<"hydrator-pipeline">>}, {<<"namespace">>, ?PLG(namespace, C)}, {<<"healthcheckurl">>, list_to_binary(?SC([?PLG(broker_hydrator_app_url, C), "/healthcheck"]))}, {<<"metricsurl">>, list_to_binary(?SC([?PLG(broker_hydrator_app_url, C), "/metrics"]))}, {<<"url">>, list_to_binary(?PLG(broker_hydrator_app_url, C))}, {<<"connectionurl">>, list_to_binary(?PLG(hydrator_stream_url, C))}, {<<"serviceendpoints">>, []} ]), %assert the current appliccation list does not contain our test app {200,RB0} = httpabs:get(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(broker_url, C), "/application"])), true = lists:all(fun(X) -> X /= ?PLG(hydrator_appname, C) end, jiffy:decode(RB0)), %try the deploy {200, RB1} = httpabs:put(?XER, ?PLG(broker_hydrator_app_url, C), "application/json", jiffy:encode(Body)), true = jiffy:decode(RB1, [return_maps]) == Expected, %make sure the Execution resume worked {200, RB2} = httpabs:get(?XER, ?PLG(hydrator_pipeline_status_url, C)), true = jiffy:decode(RB2) == {[{<<"status">>, <<"SCHEDULED">>}]}, %make sure it is in CDAP {200, _} = httpabs:get(?XER, ?PLG(hydrator_app_url, C)), %assert the current application list now includes our new app {200, RB3} = httpabs:get(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(broker_url, C), "/application"])), true = lists:any(fun(X) -> X == ?PLG(hydrator_appname, C) end, jiffy:decode(RB3)), %check healthcheck {200, _} = httpabs:get(?XER,?SC([?PLG(broker_hydrator_app_url, C), "/healthcheck"])), %check metrics {200, _} = httpabs:get(?XER,?SC([?PLG(broker_hydrator_app_url, C), "/metrics"])), %make sure that the service is registered. TODO! Could get more fancy by manually checking a healthcheck {200, RBHC} = httpabs:get(?XER,?PLG(consul_hydrator_app_url, C)), true = jiffy:decode(RBHC) /= [] . hydrator_wdeps_deploy(C) -> Body = {[ {<<"cdap_application_type">>, <<"hydrator-pipeline">>}, {<<"namespace">>, ?PLG(namespace, C)}, {<<"streamname">>, ?PLG(hydrator_wdeps_streamname, C)}, {<<"pipeline_config_json_url">>, ?PLG(hydrator_wdeps_json_url, C)}, {<<"dependencies">>, [ {[ {<<"artifact_extends_header">>, <<"system:cdap-data-pipeline[4.1.0,5.0.0)">>}, {<<"artifact_name">>, ?PLG(hydrator_wdeps_artname, C)}, {<<"artifact_version_header">>, ?PLG(hydrator_wdeps_artver, C)}, {<<"artifact_url">>, ?PLG(hydrator_wdeps_jar_url, C)}, {<<"ui_properties_url">>, ?PLG(hydrator_wdeps_properties_json_url, C)} ]} ]} ]}, Expected = maps:from_list([ {<<"appname">>, ?PLG(hydrator_wdeps_appname, C)}, {<<"apptype">>, <<"hydrator-pipeline">>}, {<<"namespace">>, ?PLG(namespace, C)}, {<<"healthcheckurl">>, list_to_binary(?SC([?PLG(broker_hydrator_wdeps_app_url, C), "/healthcheck"]))}, {<<"metricsurl">>, list_to_binary(?SC([?PLG(broker_hydrator_wdeps_app_url, C), "/metrics"]))}, {<<"url">>, list_to_binary(?PLG(broker_hydrator_wdeps_app_url, C))}, {<<"connectionurl">>, list_to_binary(?PLG(hydrator_wdeps_stream_url, C))}, {<<"serviceendpoints">>, []} ]), %assert the current appliccation list does not contain our test app {200,RB0} = httpabs:get(?XER,?SC([?PLG(broker_url, C), "/application"])), true = lists:all(fun(X) -> X /= ?PLG(hydrator_wdeps_appname, C) end, jiffy:decode(RB0)), %try the deploy {200, RB1} = httpabs:put(?XER, ?PLG(broker_hydrator_wdeps_app_url, C), "application/json", jiffy:encode(Body)), true = jiffy:decode(RB1, [return_maps]) == Expected, %make sure properties are loaded, test artifact {200, _} = httpabs:get(?XER,?SC([?PLG(cdap_ns_url, C), "/artifacts/", ?PLG(hydrator_wdeps_artname, C), "/versions/", ?PLG(hydrator_wdeps_artver, C), "/properties"])), %make sure the Execution resume worked {200, RB2} = httpabs:get(?XER,?PLG(hydrator_pipeline_wdeps_status_url, C)), true = jiffy:decode(RB2) == {[{<<"status">>, <<"SCHEDULED">>}]}, %make sure it is in CDAP {200, _} = httpabs:get(?XER,?PLG(hydrator_wdeps_app_url, C)), %assert the current application list now includes our new app {200, RB3} = httpabs:get(?XER,?SC([?PLG(broker_url, C), "/application"])), true = lists:any(fun(X) -> X == ?PLG(hydrator_wdeps_appname, C) end, jiffy:decode(RB3)), %check healthcheck {200, _} = httpabs:get(?XER,?SC([?PLG(broker_hydrator_wdeps_app_url, C), "/healthcheck"])), %check metrics {200, _} = httpabs:get(?XER,?SC([?PLG(broker_hydrator_wdeps_app_url, C), "/metrics"])), %make sure that the service is registered. TODO! Could get more fancy by manually checking a healthcheck {200, RBHC} = httpabs:get(?XER,?PLG(consul_hydrator_wdeps_app_url, C)), true = jiffy:decode(RBHC) /= [] . hydrator_test(C) -> %test te app by injecting some data into the stream and getting it out %Sleeping since HTTP services may still be booting up: see https://issues.cask.co/browse/CDAP-812 ok = timer:sleep(30000), %30s %curl into stream {200, _} = httpabs:post(?XER, ?PLG(hydrator_stream_url, C), "text/plain", "beer, vodka, gin"), %query data out PB = jiffy:encode({[{<<"query">>, <<"select v1, v2, v3 from dataset_pf1">>}]}), {200, RB} = httpabs:post(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(cdap_ns_url, C), "/data/explore/queries"]), "text/plain", PB), {[{<<"handle">>, Handle}]} = jiffy:decode(RB), %results can take time, sleep again ok = timer:sleep(30000), Expected = {[ {<<"status">>,<<"FINISHED">>}, {<<"hasResults">>,true} ]}, {200, RB2} = httpabs:get(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(cdap_url, C), "/v3/data/explore/queries", "/", Handle, "/status"])), true = Expected == jiffy:decode(RB2), {200, _} = httpabs:post(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(cdap_url, C), "/v3/data/explore/queries", "/", Handle, "/next"]), "text/plain", "") . app_test(C) -> %Sleeping since HTTP services may still be booting up: see https://issues.cask.co/browse/CDAP-812 ok = timer:sleep(30000), %30s {200, _} = httpabs:post(?XER, ?PLG(stream_url, C), "text/plain", "'Prince of Darkness'"), {200, "Hello 'Prince of Darkness'!"} = httpabs:get(?XER,?SC([?PLG(app_url, C), "/services/Greeting/methods/greet"])). app_reconfigure(C) -> %Test app reconfiguration %test new config right in Consul true = {200, util:ejson_to_map(?PLG(init_config, C))} == get_config_consul(C), %do the reconfig ReconfigMap = util:ejson_to_map({[{<<"foo REDUX EDITION">>, <<"bar">>}, {<<"LEAVE ME ALONE">>, <<"CONFIG EDITION">>}]}), %test httpabs bad body (not encoded as JSON) {400,"ERROR: The request Body is malformed"} = httpabs:put(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(broker_app_url, C), "/reconfigure"]), "application/json", {[{<<"reconfiguration_type">>, <<"program-flowlet-app-config">>}, {<<"config">>, ReconfigMap}]}), %do it properly {200, _} = httpabs:put(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(broker_app_url, C), "/reconfigure"]), "application/json", jiffy:encode({[{<<"reconfiguration_type">>, <<"program-flowlet-app-config">>},{<<"config">>, ReconfigMap}]})), %test new config right in consul true = {200, ReconfigMap} == get_config_consul(C), %test new config right in cdap true = {200, ReconfigMap} == get_config_cdap(C), %Test preferences reconfiguration %check that the preferences in Consul is correct InitMap = util:ejson_to_map(?PLG(init_preferences, C)), true = {200, InitMap} == get_preferences_consul(C), %check that the preferences in CDAP are correct true = {200, InitMap} == get_preferences_cdap(C), %reconfigure the preferences PreferencesReconfigMap = util:ejson_to_map({[{<<"preffoo REDUX EDITION">>, <<"prefbar REMIXXX">>}, {<<"LEAVE ME ALONE">>, <<"PREFERENCES EDITION">>}]}), {200, _} = httpabs:put(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(broker_app_url, C), "/reconfigure"]), "application/json", jiffy:encode({[{<<"reconfiguration_type">>, <<"program-flowlet-app-preferences">>},{<<"config">>, PreferencesReconfigMap}]})), %make sure consul has right preferences true = {200, PreferencesReconfigMap} == get_preferences_consul(C), %make sure CDAP has right preferences true = {200, PreferencesReconfigMap} == get_preferences_cdap(C), %test the smart reconfiguration call %try to give it a smart where there are keys in just preferences SmartReconfigPrefMap = util:ejson_to_map({[{<<"preffoo REDUX EDITION">>, <<"BAR'D AGAIN">>}]}), {200, _} = httpabs:put(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(broker_app_url, C), "/reconfigure"]), "application/json", jiffy:encode({[{<<"reconfiguration_type">>, <<"program-flowlet-smart">>},{<<"config">>, SmartReconfigPrefMap}]})), ExpectedNewPreferences = #{<<"LEAVE ME ALONE">>=><<"PREFERENCES EDITION">>,<<"preffoo REDUX EDITION">>=><<"BAR'D AGAIN">>}, true = {200, ExpectedNewPreferences} == get_preferences_consul(C), true = {200, ExpectedNewPreferences} == get_preferences_cdap(C), %try to give it a smart where there are keys in just config SmartReconfigConfig = {[{<<"foo REDUX EDITION">>, <<"FOO'D AGAIN">>}]}, {200, _} = httpabs:put(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(broker_app_url, C), "/reconfigure"]), "application/json", jiffy:encode({[{<<"reconfiguration_type">>, <<"program-flowlet-smart">>},{<<"config">>, SmartReconfigConfig}]})), %make sure CDAP and Consul agree and are equal to what we expected ExpectedNewConfig = #{<<"LEAVE ME ALONE">>=><<"CONFIG EDITION">>,<<"foo REDUX EDITION">>=><<"FOO'D AGAIN">>}, true = {200, ExpectedNewConfig} == get_config_consul(C), true = {200, ExpectedNewConfig} == get_config_cdap(C), %try to give it a smart where there are keys in both preferences and config SmartReconfigBoth = {[{<<"foo REDUX EDITION">>, <<"FOO'D AGAIN AGAIN">>}, {<<"preffoo REDUX EDITION">>, <<"BAR'D AGAIN AGAIN">>}]}, {200, _} = httpabs:put(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(broker_app_url, C), "/reconfigure"]), "application/json", jiffy:encode({[{<<"reconfiguration_type">>, <<"program-flowlet-smart">>},{<<"config">>, SmartReconfigBoth}]})), ExpectedNewPreferencesBoth = #{<<"LEAVE ME ALONE">>=><<"PREFERENCES EDITION">>,<<"preffoo REDUX EDITION">>=><<"BAR'D AGAIN AGAIN">>}, ExpectedNewConfigBoth = #{<<"LEAVE ME ALONE">>=><<"CONFIG EDITION">>,<<"foo REDUX EDITION">>=><<"FOO'D AGAIN AGAIN">>}, true = {200, ExpectedNewPreferencesBoth} == get_preferences_consul(C), true = {200, ExpectedNewPreferencesBoth} == get_preferences_cdap(C), true = {200, ExpectedNewConfigBoth} == get_config_consul(C), true = {200, ExpectedNewConfigBoth} == get_config_cdap(C), %try to give it a smart where there are no overlaps SmartReconfigNone = {[{<<"EMPTY">>, <<"LIKE YOUR SOUL">>}]}, {400, _} = httpabs:put(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(broker_app_url, C), "/reconfigure"]), "application/json", jiffy:encode({[{<<"reconfiguration_type">>, <<"program-flowlet-smart">>},{<<"config">>, SmartReconfigNone}]})), true = {200, ExpectedNewPreferencesBoth} == get_preferences_consul(C), true = {200, ExpectedNewPreferencesBoth} == get_preferences_cdap(C), true = {200, ExpectedNewConfigBoth} == get_config_consul(C), true = {200, ExpectedNewConfigBoth} == get_config_cdap(C) . app_botch_flows(C) -> %check healthcheck {200, _} = httpabs:get(?XER,?SC([?PLG(broker_app_url, C), "/healthcheck"])), %purposely shut down a flow "manually" to test that undeploy works with a "partially deployed" app {200, []} = cdap_interface:exec_programs(?XER, ?PLG(appname, C), ?PLG(namespace, C), ?PLG(cdap_url, C), [#program{type = <<"flows">>, id = <<"WhoFlow">>}, #program{type = <<"services">>, id = <<"Greeting">>}], "stop"), %make sure healthcheck now fails {400, _} = httpabs:get(?XER,?SC([?PLG(broker_app_url, C), "/healthcheck"])) . app_botch_delete(C) -> %purposely shut down flows and then delete the app from the CDAP api to test undeploy works with a [gone] app {200, []} = cdap_interface:exec_programs(?XER, ?PLG(appname, C), ?PLG(namespace, C), ?PLG(cdap_url, C), [#program{type = <<"flows">>, id = <<"WhoFlow">>}, #program{type = <<"services">>, id = <<"Greeting">>}], "stop"), {200, []} = cdap_interface:delete_app(?XER, ?PLG(appname, C), ?PLG(namespace, C), ?PLG(cdap_url, C)), %make sure healthcheck now fails {400, _} = httpabs:get(?XER,?SC([?PLG(broker_app_url, C), "/healthcheck"])) . app_botch_consul_delete(C) -> %purposefully delete the config in consul to make sure delete doesnt blow up {200, "true"} = consul_interface:consul_delete_config(?XER, ?PLG(appname, C),?PLG(consul_url, C)). app_teardown(C) -> %Test app teardown and delete %app is there for now in broker {200,_ } = httpabs:get(?XER,?PLG(broker_app_url, C)), %teardown the test application {200, []} = httpabs:delete(?XER, ?PLG(broker_app_url, C)), %make sure the broker deleted the config from Consul {404, _} = get_config_consul(C), %make sure broker deleted the preferences {404, _} = get_preferences_consul(C), %make sure the broker app url no longer exists {404, _ } = httpabs:get(?XER,?PLG(broker_app_url, C)), %teardown the testing rels {404, _} = setup_rels(C, teardown), %teardown the fake service and make sure it is gone {200, Srv} = setup_fake_testing_service(C, teardown), true = Srv == "[]", %cdap app gone {404,"State: Not Found. Return Body: 'application:testns.hwtest.-SNAPSHOT' was not found."} = httpabs:get(?XER,?PLG(app_url, C)), %make sure that the service is not registered. TODO! Could get more fancy by manually checking a healthcheck {200, RBHC} = httpabs:get(?XER,?PLG(consul_app_url, C)), true = jiffy:decode(RBHC) == []. hydrator_app_teardown(C) -> %Test app teardown and delete %app is there for now in cdap {200, _} = httpabs:get(?XER,?PLG(hydrator_app_url, C)), %app is in broker {200,_ } = httpabs:get(?XER,?PLG(broker_hydrator_app_url, C)), %teardown the test application {200, []} = httpabs:delete(?XER, ?PLG(broker_hydrator_app_url, C)), %make sure the broker deleted the config from Consul ?D(<<"todo! put this back:">>), %{404, _} = get_config_consul(C), %make sure the broker app url no longer exists {404, _ } = httpabs:get(?XER,?PLG(broker_hydrator_app_url, C)), %make sure gone from CDAP {404,"State: Not Found. Return Body: 'application:testns.hydratortest.-SNAPSHOT' was not found."} = httpabs:get(?XER,?PLG(hydrator_app_url, C)), %make sure that the service is not registered. TODO! Could get more fancy by manually checking a healthcheck {200, RBHC} = httpabs:get(?XER,?PLG(consul_hydrator_app_url, C)), true = jiffy:decode(RBHC) == [] . hydrator_wdeps_test(C) -> %test te app by injecting some data into the stream and getting it out %Sleeping since HTTP services may still be booting up: see https://issues.cask.co/browse/CDAP-812 ok = timer:sleep(30000), %30s %curl into stream %grab the test data {200, TestData} = httpabs:get(?XER,?PLG(hydrator_wdeps_test_data_url, C)), %push it in {200, _} = httpabs:post(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(hydrator_wdeps_stream_url, C), "/batch"]), "text/plain", TestData), %query data out PB = jiffy:encode({[{<<"query">>, <<"select ts from dataset_t1file">>}]}), {200, RB} = httpabs:post(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(cdap_ns_url, C), "/data/explore/queries"]), "text/plain", PB), {[{<<"handle">>, Handle}]} = jiffy:decode(RB), %results can take time, sleep again ok = timer:sleep(30000), Expected = {[ {<<"status">>,<<"FINISHED">>}, {<<"hasResults">>,true} ]}, {200, RB2} = httpabs:get(?XER,?SC([?PLG(cdap_url, C), "/v3/data/explore/queries", "/", Handle, "/status"])), true = Expected == jiffy:decode(RB2), {200, _} = httpabs:post(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(cdap_url, C), "/v3/data/explore/queries", "/", Handle, "/next"]), "text/plain", "") . hydrator_wdeps_teardown(C) -> %Test app teardown and delete %app is there for now in cdap {200, _} = httpabs:get(?XER,?PLG(hydrator_wdeps_app_url, C)), %app is in broker {200,_ } = httpabs:get(?XER,?PLG(broker_hydrator_wdeps_app_url, C)), %teardown the test application {200, []} = httpabs:delete(?XER, ?PLG(broker_hydrator_wdeps_app_url, C)), %make sure the broker deleted the config from Consul ?D(<<"todo! put this back:">>), %{404, _} = get_config_consul(C), %make sure the broker app url no longer exists {404, _ } = httpabs:get(?XER,?PLG(broker_hydrator_wdeps_app_url, C)), %make sure gone from CDAP {404,"State: Not Found. Return Body: 'application:testns.hydratortest.-SNAPSHOT' was not found."} = httpabs:get(?XER,?PLG(hydrator_app_url, C)), %make sure that the service is not registered. TODO! Could get more fancy by manually checking a healthcheck {200, RBHC} = httpabs:get(?XER,?PLG(consul_hydrator_wdeps_app_url, C)), true = jiffy:decode(RBHC) == [] . test_failures(C) -> %test things that should fail %delete a non-existent app {404, "State: Not Found. Return Body: Tried to delete an application that was not registered"} = httpabs:delete(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(broker_app_url, C), "MYFRIENDOFMISERY"])), %malformed Broker put URL = ?SC([?PLG(broker_app_url, C), "FAILURETEST"]), Body = {[ {<<"malformed">>, <<"i am">>} ]}, {400, "State: Bad Request. Return Body: Invalid PUT Body or unparseable URL"} = httpabs:put(?XER, URL, "application/json", jiffy:encode(Body)), %deploy a bad CDAP app with a bad program_id Body2 = {[ {<<"cdap_application_type">>, <<"program-flowlet">>}, {<<"namespace">>, ?PLG(namespace, C)}, {<<"streamname">>, ?PLG(streamname, C)}, {<<"jar_url">>, ?PLG(jar_url, C)}, {<<"artifact_name">>, ?PLG(art_name, C)}, {<<"artifact_version">>, ?PLG(art_ver, C)}, {<<"app_config">>, ?PLG(init_config, C)}, {<<"app_preferences">>, ?PLG(init_preferences, C)}, {<<"services">>, [{[{<<"service_name">>, <<"Greeting">>}, {<<"service_endpoint">>, <<"greet">>}, {<<"endpoint_method">>, <<"GET">>}]}]}, {<<"programs">>, [ {[{<<"program_type">>, <<"flows">>}, {<<"program_id">>, <<"DISSAPOINTMENT">>}]} ]}, {<<"program_preferences">>, []} ]}, %WORKS IN CDAP 3: %{404,"State: Not Found. Return Body: State: Not Found. Return Body: 'program:testns.hwtestFAILURETEST.flow.DISSAPOINTMENT' was not found."} = httpabs:put(?XER, URL, "application/json", jiffy:encode(Body2)), %WORKS IN CDAP 4 (looks like they are doing more intrispection on the jar name) {404,_} = httpabs:put(?XER, URL, "application/json", jiffy:encode(Body2)), %make sure the rollback happened {200, "[]"} = httpabs:get(?XER,?SC([?PLG(broker_url, C), "/application"])), %try to deploy with a bad URL where bad means nonexistent (504) Body3 = {[ {<<"cdap_application_type">>, <<"program-flowlet">>}, {<<"namespace">>, ?PLG(namespace, C)}, {<<"streamname">>, ?PLG(streamname, C)}, {<<"jar_url">>, ?SC([?PLG(jar_url, C), "DOESNOTEXISTMOSTLIKELY"])}, {<<"artifact_name">>, ?PLG(art_name, C)}, {<<"artifact_version">>, ?PLG(art_ver, C)}, {<<"app_config">>, ?PLG(init_config, C)}, {<<"app_preferences">>, ?PLG(init_preferences, C)}, {<<"services">>, [{[{<<"service_name">>, <<"Greeting">>}, {<<"service_endpoint">>, <<"greet">>}, {<<"endpoint_method">>, <<"GET">>}]}]}, {<<"programs">>, [{[{<<"program_type">>, <<"flows">>},{<<"program_id">>, <<"WhoFlow">>}]},{[{<<"program_type">>, <<"services">>},{<<"program_id">>, <<"Greeting">>}]}]}, {<<"program_preferences">>, [{[{<<"program_type">>,<<"flows">>}, {<<"program_id">>, <<"WhoFlow">>}, {<<"program_pref">>, ?PLG(whoflowpref, C)}]}]} ]}, {404, _} = httpabs:put(?XER, URL, "application/json", jiffy:encode(Body3)), %try to deploy with a bad URL where bad means malformed Body4 = {[ {<<"cdap_application_type">>, <<"program-flowlet">>}, {<<"namespace">>, ?PLG(namespace, C)}, {<<"streamname">>, ?PLG(streamname, C)}, {<<"jar_url">>, <<"THIS IS NOT EVEN A URL WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME">>}, {<<"artifact_name">>, ?PLG(art_name, C)}, {<<"artifact_version">>, ?PLG(art_ver, C)}, {<<"app_config">>, ?PLG(init_config, C)}, {<<"app_preferences">>, ?PLG(init_preferences, C)}, {<<"services">>, [{[{<<"service_name">>, <<"Greeting">>}, {<<"service_endpoint">>, <<"greet">>}, {<<"endpoint_method">>, <<"GET">>}]}]}, {<<"programs">>, [{[{<<"program_type">>, <<"flows">>},{<<"program_id">>, <<"WhoFlow">>}]},{[{<<"program_type">>, <<"services">>},{<<"program_id">>, <<"Greeting">>}]}]}, {<<"program_preferences">>, [{[{<<"program_type">>,<<"flows">>}, {<<"program_id">>, <<"WhoFlow">>}, {<<"program_pref">>, ?PLG(whoflowpref, C)}]}]} ]}, {400,"State: Bad Request. Return Body: ERROR: The following URL is malformed: THIS IS NOT EVEN A URL WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME"} = httpabs:put(?XER, URL, "application/json", jiffy:encode(Body4)) . invalid_reconfigure(C) -> %test reconfiguring an app that does not exist despite put body being correct {404,"State: Not Found. Return Body: Reconfigure recieved but the app is not registered"} = httpabs:put(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(broker_app_url, C), "THE_VOID", "/reconfigure"]), "application/json", jiffy:encode({[{<<"reconfiguration_type">>, <<"program-flowlet-app-config>">>}, {<<"config">>, {[{<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>}]}}]})), %test reconfiguring with an invalid PUT body (missing "reconfiguration_type") {400,"State: Bad Request. Return Body: Invalid PUT Reconfigure Body: key 'reconfiguration_type' is missing"} = httpabs:put(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(broker_app_url,C), "/reconfigure"]), "application/json", jiffy:encode({[{<<"config">>, <<"bar">>}]})), %test reconfiguring with an invalid PUT body (missing app_config) {400,"State: Bad Request. Return Body: Invalid PUT Reconfigure Body: key 'config' is missing"} = httpabs:put(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(broker_app_url,C), "/reconfigure"]), "application/json", jiffy:encode({[{<<"reconfiguration_type">>, <<"program-flowlet-app-config">>}, {<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>}]})), %test reconfiguring an invalid (unimplemented) type {501, "State: Not Implemented. Return Body: This type (EMPTINESS) of reconfiguration is not implemented"} = httpabs:put(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(broker_app_url,C), "/reconfigure"]), "application/json", jiffy:encode({[{<<"config">>, <<"bar">>}, {<<"reconfiguration_type">>, <<"EMPTINESS">>}]})) . delete_all(C) -> %test invalid key Body1 = jiffy:encode({[{<<"ids">>, [<<"hwtest">>]}]}), {400,"State: Bad Request. Return Body: Invalid PUT Body"} = httpabs:post(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(broker_url, C), "/application/delete"]), "application/json", Body1), %test invalid: not a list Body2 = jiffy:encode({[{<<"appnames">>, <<"hwtest">>}]}), {400,"State: Bad Request. Return Body: Invalid PUT Body"} = httpabs:post(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(broker_url, C), "/application/delete"]), "application/json", Body2), %test undeploy a real app and also an app that is not deployed Body3 = jiffy:encode({[{<<"appnames">>, [<<"hwtest">>, <<"dissapointment">>]}]}), {200, "[200,404]"} = httpabs:post(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(broker_url, C), "/application/delete"]), "application/json", Body3), %teardown the fake service and make sure it is gone {200, Srv} = setup_fake_testing_service(C, teardown), true = Srv == "[]".